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The Germans are stubborn, the Japanese are hard-workers, the

Italians stand out for their elegance and the Spanish, lazy, prefer to
go out than work. If stereotypes were always correct, knowing
people would be easier than it really is. And, of course, quite more
boring. Because, what kind of science can determine how a large
group of people, even an entire country, only attending to its origin?
It doesn't seem serious, don't you think?

It is clear that weather conditions, education, history and so one can

affect people. It is beyond the argument that, for example, the way
in which Mexicans live can not be the same as the Swedish. In
summer, high temperatures in Central America advise not to work
during certain hours, while in northern Europe, on the contrary, they
find the problem in winter.

Religion, a key pillar of any civilization, has also a capital

importance in how the inhabitants of a certain zone or region
behaviour. Costumes are completely different depending if they are
catholic, muslim or practice Hinduism, for instance. The type of
work women can do, the relationship between parents and children,
men and women, between children themselves, differs greatly
according to the point of the planet. This has been well studied by
anthropologists, sociologists and historians, among others, and
must not surprise any of us. Even if you have not studied know it.
But this is one thing and another very different is believe that the
place where you are born gives you a mark for ever. It doesn’t seem
to make much sense.

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