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Name: ______________________________ Period: ___________ Date: _______________

1.4 Tides, Stars and Seasons  

DO NOW Activity #1: Watch It! 
Directions:​Watch the ​Tides Video ​and answer the questions below:

1. Tides are... 2. Tides are primarily caused due to...

_____________________________________ ________________________________________
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
_____________________________________ ________________________________________

3. Draw and label the image you see at 5. Why do birds need gravity to swallow food?
minute 1:!6: ________________________________________

6.Why do animals’ eyes glow in the dark?

4. Why di dogs wag their tail? ________________________________________
● _______________________________ ________________________________________
● _______________________________ 7. Why don’t we feel pain when we cut our
______________________________ hair?
● _______________________________ ________________________________________
_______________________________ ________________________________________
● _______________________________ ________________________________________

Name: ______________________________ Period: ___________ Date: _______________
Activity #2: Read It! Tides  
​ ​Tides​ are the daily rise and fall of sea level at any CATCH Annotate CFS
given place. The pull of the Moon’s gravity on Earth is the
❏ Highlight evidence to support
primary cause of tides and the pull of the ​Sun​’s gravity on
answer to question
Earth is the secondary cause (​Figure​ ​below​).
❏ Circle 2 unknown words
The Moon has a greater effect on tides​ because, ❏ Ask 1 question OR make 1
although it is much smaller than the ​Sun​, it is much closer. The connection
Moon’s pull is about twice that of the Sun’s. The gravity of the ​Sun​ also pulls Earth’s ❏ Answer ​Thinking Questions
water​ towards it and causes its own tides. Because the Sun is so far away, its pull is
smaller than the Moon’s. 1.​In my own words, tides are… 
To understand the tides it is easiest _________________________________
to start with the effect of the Moon on
Earth. As the Moon revolves around our
planet, its gravity pulls Earth toward it.
The lithosphere is unable to move much,
but the ​water​ is pulled by the gravity and
The ​moon​ has ​ a greater effect on 
2. ​

a bulge is created. This bulge is the high tides​ because … 

tide beneath the Moon. On the other side ______________________________
of the Earth, a ​high tide​ is produced
where the Moon’s pull is weakest. These
two water bulges on opposite sides of the Earth aligned with the Moon are the ​high _______________________________
tides​. ​The places directly in between the high tides are low tides. As the Earth
rotates beneath the Moon, a single place will experience two high tides and two
low tides approximately every day. How many ​high tides and low tides 
The Moon reaches above the same spot over the Earth every 24 hours and 50
minutes so high tides occur twice a day, with one arriving each 12 hours and 25
happen everyday​? 
minutes. One is caused by the ​water​ bulge beneath the Moon and the other is caused _______________________________
by the water bulge at the opposite side of Earth. Low tides are also separated by 12 _______________________________
hours and 25 minutes.
When the moon is full or new, the gravitational pull of the moon and sun are
combined. At these times, the high tides are very
high and the low tides are very low. This is known 4. ​ A ​spring tide​ is… and it occurs ...
as a spring high tide. ​Spring tides​ are especially _______________________________
strong tides (they do not have anything to do with
the season Spring). They occur when the Earth, _______________________________
the Sun, and the Moon are in a line. The _______________________________
gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun both
contribute to the tides. ​Spring tides occur during the full moon and the new moon.

During the moon's quarter phases the sun and moon work at right angles,
5. ​ ​A neap tide​ is ...and it occurs ...
causing the bulges to cancel each other. The result is a smaller difference between _______________________________
high and low tides and is known as a neap tide. ​Neap tides​ are especially weak tides. _______________________________
They occur when the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun are perpendicular
to one another (with respect to the Earth). ​Neap tides occur during quarter moons. _______________________________

Name: ______________________________ Period: ___________ Date: _______________
Activity #3: Tides Simulation 
1. Watch​ directions video here
2. Go to the following link and set up your simulation as follows: ​Tides Lab

3. Click ​and pause it for each of the following time intervals

4. Draw and record the data in your handout or each of the indicated date interval 
Tides Seaside Wharf ​ ​Highlight the highest tide and lowest tide for each moon phase
Date Phase of the First Low Tide First High Second Low Second High
Moon and Draw it Tide Tide Tide

example: New Moon Time: _______ Time: _______ Time: _______ Time: _______
April 7
meters: _____ meters: _____ meters: _____ meters: _____

April 14 First Quarter Time: _______ Time: _______ Time: _______ Time: _______

meters: _____ meters: _____ meters: _____ meters: _____

April 22 Full Moon Time: _______ Time: _______ Time: _______ Time: _______

meters: _____ meters: _____ meters: _____ meters: _____

April 29 Last Quarter Time: _______ Time: _______ Time: _______ Time: _______

meters: _____ meters: _____ meters: _____ meters: _____

1​. What causes tides?

a. The pull of the Sun’s gravity
b. The pull of the moon’s gravity
c. The sun’s electromagnetic force
d. the moon’s electromagnetic force
Name: ______________________________ Period: ___________ Date: _______________

Data Table   
1. Once you highlight the highest tide and the lowest tide for each moon phase, enter the values in the data
table here.
2. Enter these values in the ​Table ​of the simulation

Lowest Tide Highest Tide

New Moon
First Quarter
Full Moon
Last Quarter

​ nd draw the line graphs in the space below:
1. ​Click on ​Graph on your simulation ​ a

New Moon ​First Quarter Full Moon ​Last Quarter

Graph Analysis
1. Based on my graph, what happens to the tides as the moon phase changes from New Moon to Last
2. Based on your data, ​how are the phases of the moon connected to the height of the tides:
Name: ______________________________ Period: ___________ Date: _______________
Graphing High Tides  
Directions:​ ​The chart below shows the height of high tide at Sun Valley, California over the course of a
month. It also shows the phase of the Moon on each date.
1. Fill out your graph with the​ dates on the x-axis​ and ​feet on the y-axis
2. Make a ​line graph​ of the high tides.
3. Fill in the circles at the top of your graph with the ​phase of the Moon​ for each date.
Date Height of High Tide (feet) Phase of the Moon

2/11 3.9 feet New Moon

2/14 3.6 feet Waxing crescent

2/17 2.4 feet First Quarter

2/20 2.9 feet Waxing Gibbous

2/24 3.5 feet Full Moon

2/26 3.2 feet Waning Gibbous

Name: ______________________________ Period: ___________ Date: _______________
Activity #4: Star Plotting 
1. Watch the ​video directions here​ ​and use the diagrams below to plot the stars on the
next page.
Analysis Questions P
​ lot the stars on the next page first and then answer the questions below:

1) Which star is the​ COLDEST​ star? 10)Name the ​2 DWARF stars​:

_________________________________ ○ _______________________
2) What is its temperature of the ​COLDEST ​star? ○ _______________________
_______________________ 11)Name the ​10 MAIN SEQUENCE
3) What is its color of the ​COLDEST​ star? STARS
____________________________ ○ ______________________
4) Which star is the ​HOTTEST​ star? ○ _______________________
_________________________________ ○ _______________________
5) What is its temperature of the ​HOTTEST​ star? ○ _______________________
_______________________ ○ _______________________
6) What is its color of the ​HOTTEST​ star? ○ _______________________
_____________________________ ○ _______________________
7) Which star has a ​HIGHER TEMPERATURE​, an ○ _______________________
orange star or a green star? __________________ ○ _______________________
8) Which star has the ​GREATEST LUMINOSITY? ○ _______________________
______________ 12)Name the ​2 GIANTS STARS
9) According to the HR diagram, a massive star with a ○ _______________________
surface temperature of 20,000 K that has a ○ _______________________
luminosity value of 1,000,000 times brighter than the 13)Name the ​2 SUPERGIANTS
sun would mostly likely be what color? STARS
___________________  ○ _______________________
Name: ______________________________ Period: ___________ Date: _______________

○ ______________________ 
Name: ______________________________ Period: ___________ Date: _______________
Name: ______________________________ Period: ___________ Date: _______________
Activity #5: Seasons Video 
Directions:​Watch the ​Seasons Video ​and answer the questions below:

1. Earth’s axis is tilted at an angle of ... 2. What happens as the Earth revolves around
_____________________________________ the Sun?

3.What happens when the northern 4.What happens when the northern
hemisphere points toward the sun? hemisphere points away from the sun?
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
_____________________________________ _______________________________

4.What happens when the northern

hemisphere is neither tilted towards nor away
from the sun?

Activity #6: Seasons Simulation 
1. ​Watch​ video directions here.
2. Go to ​Seasons Simulation
Define the following words:
Equator: Latitude:
Name: ______________________________ Period: ___________ Date: _______________

2. Draw and label the Earth Image and

answer the questions below:

● North pole : __________

● South pole : __________
● Chicago, Illinois : __________
● Anchorage, Alaska : __________
● Quito, Ecuador: __________
● Melbourne, Australia : __________

Tropic of Cancer: Tropic of Capricorn:

​Click on C
3. What is the tilt degree of the Earth on its axis? _____________
4. What is the distance (in km) of the Earth from the sun in each of the months?
January: _____________________ February: ____________________
March: ______________________ April: _______________________
May: ________________________ June: ________________________
July: _________________________ August: ______________________
September: ____________________ October: ______________________
November: ____________________ December: ____________________
Name: ______________________________ Period: ___________ Date: _______________

5. Circle IN ​RED ​the month(s) when the Earth is the​ farthest from the sun​. During which month/s is the
Earth farthest away from the sun? _________________________________________________________

6. HIGHLIGHT​ the month(s) when the​ Earth is closest to the sun. ​During which month/s is the Earth
closest to the sun? ___________________________________________________________________


7. In January, which receives the most direct sunlight (​Tropic of Cancer,​ ​Equator​, and/or ​Tropic of Capricorn)?

8. In July, which receives the most direct sunlight? (​Tropic of Cancer,​ ​Equator​, and/or ​Tropic of Capricorn)?

9. In March (and September), which receives the most direct sunlight? (​Tropic of Cancer,​ ​Equator​, and/or ​Tropic of

10. Fill in the number of daylight hours in Chicago for each of the months
December: _________________
March: ____________________
June: ______________________
September: _________________

11. The ​Summer Solstice​ has the longest day (most daylight hours) so based on this data, this solstice
happens in the month of _____________________ in Chicago.

12. The ​Winter Solstice​ has the shortest day (lowest daylight hours) so based on this data, this solstice
happens in the month of __________________________ in Chicago.

13.What do you notice about the daylight hours for Quito, Ecuador as you change the months? Why do
you think this is happening?

14. ​Change the tilt to 0.​ What does this do to the number of hours of daylight and temperature as you
change the months?

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