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1. Congruent
1. The sides that corre-
spond to the same
2. The corresponding
angles are equal.
1. Comparison of the
corresponding sides
2. The corresponding
angles are equal. CONGRUENT
3. The two correspond-
ing sides have the same 2. Similarity
ratio and the corre-
sponding angle en-
closed is the same

Dila Novita
Rita Fajriati
Winda Dwirafita

9th grade - Even Semester

Congruent Similarity
3.6 explain and determine simi- Congruent shapes are the Similar shapes are like
larity and congruent between the same size with correspond-
congruent shapes in that
ing lengths and angles they must be the same
4.6 solve the problem related with equal. In other words, shape, but they don't have
similarity and congruent between they are exactly the same to be the same size. Their
the plane
size and shape. corresponding angles are
They will fit congruent and their corre-
on top of each sponding sides are in pro-
other perfect-
1. identity similarity or congru-
ly. Therefore if
ent of the triangle Example of congruent
you know the
2. Determine properties of simi- size and shape of one you
larity and congruent the tri- know the size and shape of
the others. For example: Example of similarity

Each of the above shapes

is congruent to each other.
The only difference is in
1. student can knowing about their orientation, or the
properties of similarity and way they are rotated. If
congruent the triangle you traced them onto pa-
2. Student can identify similari- per and cut them out, you
ty and congruent the triangle

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