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Assignment 3

HS358 Science Writing

Name :Kadaru Sahith

Roll No: B16058

​Mandeleev’s Garden :
​ ​ Vocabulary Enhancer -

1. Anomalies - ​ (​noun​) ​something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or

Origin - ​ ​Greek

2. Overarching - (adjective) ​comprehensive or all-embracing

Origin- Latin

3. Jagged- (adjective) with rough, sharp points protruding

Origin- English

4. Decipher - (verb) convert into normal language

Origin - English

5. Glint - (verb) give out or reflect small flashes of light

Origin - English

6. Dizzyling - (verb) feel unsteady , confused or amazed

Origin - English

7. Realm -(noun) kingdom

Origin - English

8. Enthralled - (verb) capture the fascinated attention of

Origin - English
9. Excursions - (noun) a short journey or trip, especially one taken as a leisure
Origin- Latin

10. Promulgation - (verb) promote or make widely known (an idea or cause).
Origin- English

11. Ecstasy -(noun) an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement.

Origin - Late middle english

12. Harbored - (verb) Keep a thought or feeling in one’s mind , especially secretly
Origin - Late Old English

13. Interposed - (verb) place or insert between one thing and another .
Origin - French

14. Audacity - (noun) Meaning willingness to take bold risks

Origin - Latin

15. Insatiable - (adjective) impossible to satisfy

Origin - French

16. Juxtapose - (verb) place or deal with close together for contrasting effect.
Origin - Latin

Concepts -

1. Naphtha - It is a flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixture.

2. Translucent - Permitting light to pass through but diffusing it so that persons ,

objects , etc on the opposite side are not clearly visible .

3. Crystallization - It is the process by which a solid forms, where the atoms or

molecules are highly organized into a structure known as a ​crystal​. Some of the
ways by which crystals form are ​precipitating​ from a ​solution​, ​freezing​, or more
rarely ​deposition​ directly from a ​gas
4. Spectroscopy - The branch of science concerned with the investigation and
measurement of spectra produced when matter interacts with or emits
electromagnetic radiation

5. Coherence - ​In physics, two wave sources are perfectly coherent if they have a
constant phase difference and the same frequency, and the same waveform.

6. Neurologist - ​A neurologist is a medical doctor who specializes in treating

diseases of the nervous system

A Piece of the Sky is Missing :

​Vocabulary Enhancer -

1. Dawle - (verb) wasting time

Origin- English

2. Zooplankton- (noun) plankton consisting of small animals and the immature

stages of larger animals
Origin - Greek

3. Catastrophic -(adjective) involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering

Origin - Greek &Latin

4. Worrisome- (adjective) causing anxiety or concern , adjective

Origin - English

5. Sputtering - (verb)make a series of soft explosive or spitting sounds

Origin - Dutch

6. Vitreous - (adjective) like glass in appearance or physical properties

Origin- Latin

7. Emanating (verb) - originate from

Origin - Latin
8. Searing - (adjective) extremely hot or intense
Origin - English and German

9. Propellants - (noun) a substance that propels something

Origin - Latin

10. Amendement - (noun) A minor change or addition designed to improve a text ,

piece of legislation
Origin - French

11. Sterile - (adjective) not able to produce children or young

Origin: Late Middle English

12. Canopy - (noun) An ornamental cloth covering hung or held up over something
Origin - Late Middle English

13. Fretted - (verb) Be constantly or visibly anxious

Origin - Old English

14. Pestilent - (adjective) Deadly

Origin - Latin

15. Congregation - (noun) A gathering or collection of people , animals ,or things

Origin - Latin

16. Caboose - (noun) A railway wagon with accommodation for the train crew ,
typically attached to the end of the train
Origin - Dutch

17. Suffused - (verb) Gradually spread through or over

Origin- latin


1. Meteorology - The branch of science concerned with the processes and

phenomena of the atmosphere ,especially as a means of forecasting the
2. CFCs - Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are non toxic , nonflammable chemicals
containing atoms of carbon, chlorine , fluorine .

3. Aerosol - A substance enclosed under pressure and released as a fine spray by

means of a propellent gas.

4. Greenhouse effect - It is the process by which radiation from a planet's

atmosphere warms the planet's surface to a temperature above what it would be
without this atmosphere

5. Mutation - It ​is a change that occurs in our DNA sequence, either due to mistakes
when the DNA is copied or as the result of environmental factors such as UV
light and cigarette smoke.

6. Corrosion - ​It is a ​natural process​ that converts a refined metal into a more
chemically-stable form such as ​oxide​, ​hydroxide​, or ​sulfide​. It is the gradual
destruction of materials (usually ​metals​) by chemical and/or electrochemical
reaction with their environment.

7. Catalyst - It ​ is a ​substance​ that speeds up a chemical reaction, but is not

consumed by the reaction; hence a catalyst can be recovered chemically
unchanged at the end of the reaction it has been used to speed up, or catalyze.

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