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The entire system with all the participants is called as the business network.The major
participants are

• Grower

• Importer

• Shipper

• customer

The commodity that is being delivered is mentioned in the source code.The grower has all
commodity in the warehouse , an IoT sensor is fxed over that area to maintain the temperature of
the perishable commodity.If the temperature falls below the specified threshold , the grower
should pay a minimum penalty as mentioned in the contract. The account balance is maintained
in the businness network.The network is identified by a unique business ID. Once the Business
name and ID is given all the participants can be added in the network via the connect menu in the
business network.


The Grower has a minimum account balance and according to the contract specified by the
consumer the payout is calculated and rewards are also given in accordance with the
maintanence of the system and the overall rating the particular grower has attained.The
parameters required to add a grower in the network are,

o String email

o Address address

o Double accountBalance

o String city optional

o String country

o String street optional

o String zip optional

The importer has a direct communication with the grower and the shipper , once the rower has
deployed the commodity that is specified in the contract , the importer imports the commodity .
The importer also has the same parameters similar to that of the grower and all other

The shipment can be tracked by the contractor, and the status can be easily known once the
commodity is shipped. The status are identified as,

shipment status:

• created

• In_transit

• Arrived

shipment identified by shipmentId:

• String shipmentId

• ProductType type

• ShipmentStatus status

• Long unitCount

• Double rating

• TemperatureReading[]


The contract is defined by the retailer and the threshold for the mininum and maximum
temperature is defined with respect to the perishable commodity and the sensor data from the
warehouse is obtained through the temperature sensor.The parameters to define the contract are:

• String contractId

• --> Grower grower

• --> Shipper shipper

• --> Importer importer

• DateTime arrivalDateTime

• Double unitPrice

• Double minTemperature

• Double maxTemperature

• Double minPenaltyFactor

• Double maxPenaltyFactor


The transaction happens between the participants with the asset that is
created and the transaction ID is present in each block , the transaction can be initiated by any
of the participants in the network and the account balance after the completion of transaction is
auto-updated.The parametres in transaction process are;

• TransactionID

• Accoun balance

• Payout

• Transaction_Initiater

The rating and review system is employed in the block chain
network and the rating for each individual participant is posted by any one of the participant in
the block chain network. The system is highly secured with the false detection mechanism , in
which the over-all rating is manipulated by the average of last 5 posted rating of each individual
user . The last updated 5 ratings are taken into consideration and that too from indivudal ID, if
the same participant is trying to give rating for a single user continuously , so as to reduce his
over-all rating , that can be easily identified and automatically that rating can be neglected
removed .The parameters defined are,

• Rating
• Review

• Overall Rating

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