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Xuan Wei*, Joe H. Chow*, and Juan J. Sanchez-Gascat

*Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering Department
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590, USA
iPower Systems Energy Consulting
General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY 12345, USA
email addresses: weix@rpi . edu, chowj @pi. edu, juan. sanchez@ps . ge . corn

Abstract- Feedback control of FACTS (flexible AC trans- The selection of suitable feedback variables has been
mission system) devices typically relies on network variables studied in [7] for SVC and in [8] for TCSC. It has been
because generator signals are not usually available locally.
Based on the multi-modal decomposition approach, a cru-
recommended in [7] that for SVC, the line current, and
cial factor in selecting a feedback variable is the impact of in [8] that for TCSC, the bus voltage be used as damping
the variable on the inner-loop gain, which consists of mostly control feedback variables. These variables are selected be-
the sensitivity of the network variable with respect to the
change in the control input variable. Recent investigations
cause their “inner-loop gains” are small. In the case of a
have shown that flow variables are more suitable for shunt swing mode damping controller, the inner-loop gain quanti-
control devices and nodal variables are more suitable for se- fies the effect of a controller output on its input, other than
ries control devices. In this paper, we use a simple system via the swing mode of interest. A signal with a smaller
to demonstrate this concept. In addition, the impact of the
interarea modes on the inner-loop gain is studied with a inner-loop gain would allow higher controller gains to be
system with two interarea modes. applied. This observation leads the authors of [8] to infer
the duality principle for FACTS devices, that is, shunt or
Keywords: FACTS controllers, interarea modes, multi-
nodal variables are preferred for series devices and series or
modal decomposition, network sensitivities, signal selection
flow variables are preferred for shunt devices.
I. INTRODUCTION The studies in [7] and [8] are based on modal analysis.
In this paper, we use the multi-modal decomposition ap-
In many power systems in which new transmission rights- proach in [9] to define the inner-loop gain, which contains
of-way are difficult to obtain, FACTS (flexible AC trans- the influence of the transmission network and the interarea
mission system) devices can potentially offer a viable op- modes. We use network sensitivities on a simple power sys-
tion for improving power transfer and system reliability tem to illustrate the duality principle. Then the impact of
[l]. FACTS systems that have been or are being deployed interarea modes on the inner-loop gain is demonstrated on
include Static Var Compensators (SVC) [a], Thyristor- a power system having two interarea modes.
Switched Series Compensators (TCSC) [3], Static Syn- The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present
chronous Compensators (STATCOM) [4], Unified Power the multi-modal decomposition framework. Section 3 illus-
Flow Controllers (UPFC) [5], and Convertible Static Com- trates the network sensitivity functions for a two-machine
pensators (CSC) [6]. system. In Section 4, a six-machine system is used for
In addition to transient stability augmentation, supple- demonstrating the impact of interarea modes on the inner-
mentary control can be applied to FACTS devices to im- loop gain and the signal selection process with two interarea
prove power swing damping. FACTS devices located in modes.
critical power transfer paths can be very effective in en-
hancing the damping of interarea modes. FACTS devices II. MULTI-MODAL DECOMPOSITION
usually do not have generator signals such as machine
speeds available locally. Thus, barring the use of remote Although many sophisticated control design techniques
signals, feedback control design has to rely on local net- are available, the multi-modal decomposition framework [9]
work variables, such as the bus voltage, line power, and offers insights in both analysis and design, and in particu-
line current. lar, can be used as an assessment tool for selecting appro-
priate feedback signals. Consider the linearized model of a
multi-machine system in the state-space form

k=Acc+Bu, y=Cx+Du (1)

where x is the vector of state variables, and u and y are

the vectors of control and measurement variables, respec-
tively. This linear model can be generated using analytical
formulas [lo], perturbation methods [ll], or signal analysis
of the time response to a probing signal obtained from a
power system simulation program [la].

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We assume that in (l), the states are arranged in x as where Ic,i and d,i are the approximate modal synchroniz-
ing and damping coefficients, respectively, and z,i consists
x = [ad1 ad2 . . . ad, awgl awg2 . . . aWgn Z]' (2) of all the other state variables. The modal frequency is ap-
proximately given by wi = da rad/s.
where the &i’s and awgi’s represent the generator angles System (7) resembles a single-mode system, allowing for
and speeds, respectively, and .z is the vector of all the other the construction of a block diagram to represent it with
states. Thus the system matrices A and B are in the form transfer functions. It is shown in the Appendix that (7)
can be expressed in the frequency domain as

saw,i(s) = -~~mi(s)aw,,i(s) - Kci(s)U(s)(8a)

Y(s) = ~oi(s)aw,i(s) + KILi(S)U(S) (8b)

where I is the identity matrix, wb is the system frequency A block diagram of (8) is shown in Figure 1.
in rad/s, and A 21 represents the synchronizing torque ma-
trix normalized with respect to the machine inertias. This
ith Modal System
matrix relates the generator angles to the derivatives of the
speeds and contains the network synchronizing effect. The
machine interactions and swing modes are largely deter-
mined by AZ1 and A22, representing the synchronizing and
damping effects independent of any other state variables.
The multi-modal decomposition is a transformation
based on the modal decomposition of Azl. Let M be the
right eigenvector matrix of AZ1 such that Mp1A21 M = A,
where A is a diagonal matrix whose non-zero entries are
the normalized modal synchronizing coefficients. Then the
M 0 0

[ 1
Xm =T-lx, T = 0 MO (4 System
0 0 I B=@ ith
Mode )

applied to (3) yields

L-i:, = &A, + Bmu, y=C,x,+Du

(5) u
where System

I cidmoller

0 WbI 0
A, = T-lAT = A Am22 Amz3 (6)
[ A m31 Am32 Am33 Effective Control Action

B, = T-IB, and C, = CT. Fig. 1. Multi-Modal Decomposition

The multi-modal decomposition can be applied to any

We denote Ei,i(s), Ei,i(s), Ei,i(s), and KILO as the
subset of the swing modes to study one mode at a time. For
modal, controllability, observability, and inner-loop transfer
each swing mode Xi with modal frequency wi, the states can
functions, respectively. These quantities when evaluated
be rearranged such that the modal angle a&i and speed
at s = jw, are complex, providing both gain and phase
aw,i corresponding to Xi become the first and second state
information, which can be used to select the most effective
variables, resulting in
signals for damping control.
The effective control action (see Figure 1)
[ ;;I = [---if; --jll --Jtz3] [ ;;I KPSDC (3)
&i(S) = &i(S)

%1u ah (74
&i(s) (9)
1 - Eir~i(s)K~s~c(s)
describes the impact of a given damping controller
K~SDC(S) on the ith swing mode. Thus Kei(s) is directly
proportional to the controllability function Ei,i(s), which

[ 1
for FACTS devices, depends mostly on their locations and
Y = [ cdl cd2 cd3 ] hrni the loads. When evaluated at s = jwi, K,i(jwi) provides
&ni a measure of how controllable the ith mode is by the con-
+ Du (7b) trol input U. Kei(s) is also directly proportional to the


0-7803-7322-7/02/$17.00 (c) 2002 IEEE


Fig. 2. Two-machine System

To study the impact of SVC and TCSC on the network
variables, we insert a shunt capacitor admittance Y, on
observability function Koi(s). When evaluated at s = jwi, Bus 3 (Figure 2c) and a capacitor reactance X, in series
Ei,i(jwi) gives an indication of the modal content of the ith with x,2 (Figure 2d). The sensitivities of a network vari-
swing mode in the measured signal y. For effective control able y are given by ay/aY, and dy/dX, for the SVC and
IK,i(jwi)I should be large. the TCSC, respectively. Instead of performing an analyti-
As indicated in (9), the inner-loop gain KILO places cal derivation of these sensitivities, we pursue a numerical
a stability constraint on the feedback controller. Ideally, evaluation. In the notation of Figure 2, the SVC sensitivity
the gain of Kps~c(s) is limited to maintain a 6 to 10 dB quantities are
gain margin. KILO consists of many components such
as the network and machine electrical variables and the dY - YS - Yo _ AYS
effect of the other interarea modes and all the intra-area ax, - ax, ax,
modes. In the time scale of the interarea modes, for net-
work variables such as the bus voltage and the line current, and the TCSC sensitivity quantities are
the transmission network and the interarea modes are the
most important parts of the inner-loop gain. An analytical (11)
derivation of network sensitivities would be quite involved.
In the next section, we will illustrate the sensitivities for a where AX, and aY, are small perturbations and the sub-
variety of network variables for a simple two-machine sys- script “0” denotes the pre-insertion nominal values. In per-
tem by performing a numerical approximation. forming the calculation of ys and YT, the complex voltages
El and EZ are held constant (both magnitude and phase)
because they are state variables.
Consider the two-machine power system shown in Figure Using the parameters xii = xi2 = 0.18 pu, XT1 = 2~2 =
2a, where each machine may represent an aggregate of the 0.1 pu, x,1 = x,2 = 0.1 pu, IElI = [Ez[ = 1.06 pu, and
machines in a coherent area. Using the internal voltages PO = 0.5 pu, the angular separation of the system in Fig-
of the machines as sources, a system impedance diagram ure 2b is determined to be 19.767” and the other computed
of the system is shown in Figure 2b, where xi is the ma- quantities are shown in Table I, where ISI is the complex
chine transient reactance, XT is the transformer reactance, power magnitude, I, is the active current, and ]I] is the
and x, the transmission system reactance. For simplicity, current magnitude. Based on the values in Table I, the
all resistances and, in this time scale, other machine reac- sensitivities are computed in Table II, where u denotes ei-
tances, such as subtransient reactance, are neglected. The ther X, or Y,. These sensitivities are consistent with the
power and current variables are denoted by S = P+jQ and inner-loop gain results in [7] for SVC and in [8] for TCSC.
I, respectively, where P and Q are the active and reactive The sensitivities in Table II are quite revealing. An SVC
power flow at Bus 3, and the voltage at Bus 3 is denoted is intended to regulate the bus voltage. Thus it is expected
by V. to have a relatively high AV/AY,. The SVC also affects,
to a lesser degree, the line power flow. As AlIl/AY, shows,


0-7803-7322-7/02/$17.00 (c) 2002 IEEE

0 B

1 Nominal 1 Y, = 0.01 1 X, = -0.01

AB 0 A

V 1 1.044268 1 1.046256 1 1.044271 #11 Swing



Sensitivities Y, = 0.01 X, = -0.01

AV/AU 0.1988 0.0002818
AP/AU 0.09518 0.6667
Fig. 3. Three-Area Six-Machine System
WI/au 0.09817 0.6668
aqau 0 0.6383
WI/au 0.002858 0.6384 area mode (Mode 1) wi = 3.24 rad/s (0.52 Hz) consists of
the machines of Area A oscillating against the machines of
Areas B and C, and the second interarea mode (Mode 2)
the change in power is achieved not by increasing the cur- w2 = 3.66 rad/s (0.58 Hz) consists of the machines of Area
rent, but by changing the phase relationship of I with re- C oscillating against the machines of Area B. Within each
spect to V.l On the other hand, a TCSC is intended to coherent area there is a local mode of oscillation between
regulate the line power flow. Thus its insertion is expected the machines. To increase the power transfer between the
to have a relatively high AP/AXc. This increase in power areas, an SVC and a TCSC are applied to the system, as
is achieved by increasing II], which follows from the fact shown in Figure 3.
that the overall line reactance has decreased. However, For this system, we perform the modal decomposition
with the increased current magnitude, the voltage drops (5) and apply it to each of the interarea modes. For the
at a higher rate per unit reactance. Thus the net effect is inner-loop calculation, instead of computing KILO (jw) at
that the voltage magnitude on the transmission line before the interarea mode frequency only, we compute Kiwi
and after the insertion of X, remains virtually the same. for w ranging from 2 to 6 rad/s (0.32-0.95 Hz) and use the
From these results, we conclude that for SVC, I, and ]I] value with the maximum magnitude to assess the potential
are good candidates for feedback control, and for TCSC, effectiveness for damping control of different network vari-
V is a good candidate. ables. The rational is that the electromechanical modes
Note that the SVC sensitivity values in Table II depend will produce peaks in the frequency response that are im-
significantly on where the SVC is located, whereas the portant in the feedback system (9). As an illustration, the
TCSC sensitivity values are independent of its location, inner-loop gain magnitude for the TCSC is shown in Figure
because this TCSC is a series device in a radial system. 4 for wi and in Figure 5 for ~2.
Inspection of the frequency response in Figures 4 and 5
IV. ANALYSIS OF A TWO-INTERAREA-MODE SYSTEM shows that the presence of w2 in the inner-loop gain KILO
of wi is minor, but the presence of wi in K~LZ of w2 is sig-
In addition to the network, the interarea mode dynamics
nificant. The results are more systematically summarized
can also play an important role in the inner-loop gain. To
in Table III for the SVC and in Table IV for the TCSC. We
illustrate the impact of these dynamics on the inner-loop
have included the bus frequency f as an additional candi-
gain, we use a three-area, six-machine power system shown
date feedback signal.
in Figure 3. All generators in the system are modeled with
Several observations are evident from Tables III and IV.
six state variables and all exciters are represented by 2 state
variables with identical parameters. The data for the sys- 1. The SVC has a higher controllability for w2 than wi
tem can be found in [13]. The system has two interarea by almost a factor of 2, whereas the TCSC has a higher
modes of oscillations arising from three coherent groups: controllability for wi than w2 by a factor of 10.
Machines 1 and 2 form the first coherent Area C, Machines 2. The observability of the different variables depends on
3 and 4 form the second coherent Area B, and Machines their locations in the network and the modeshapes of the
5 and 6 form the third coherent Area A. The first inter- interarea modes. The observability of w2 is mostly higher
than wi for the SVC, and that of wi is higher than w2 for
lIn this example, 1, remains unchanged after the SVC insertion be- the TCSC.
cause of the network symmetry condition such as El = E2. Without
this symmetry, the sensitivity will be non-zero, but small. 3. The controllability and observability of the interarea


0-7803-7322-7/02/$17.00 (c) 2002 IEEE

5 , , , , , , ,

-5_--.-- _J/ __--.--- -- --

MODES (11(,11 = 0.0039 AND IKc21 = 0.0063)

Mode l&l IEir~il IKoiIIKilllK~~il

P,Ia, II I
\ 3.3708 0.8454 0.0156
76.407 4.5578 0.0654
1 6.3698 2.3218 0.0107
25.646 6.2267 0.0161
5.6080 2.1570 0.0101
4.7187 2.5572 0.0072
1.1890 0.9023 0.0083
21.511 4.8343 0.0280
2 74.106 0.4888 0.9551
24.114 6.4595 0.0235
71.158 0.3339 1.3426
68.317 0.9587 0.4489

Fig. 4. Frequency Response Magnitude of KILO for TCSC TABLE IV

5, , , , , , , ,
MODES (lKcll = 0.0047 AND IKc21 = 4.07 x 10V4)
0 -.-._- - _,-.- _ - - - - -.-
A ‘\

Mode l&l IEir~il IKoiIIEi,il/lK~~il
19.544 0.0222 4.1377
72.413 1.1580 0.2939
1 39.133 0.2335 0.7877
28.573 0.2208 0.6082
ISI 43.248 0.2256 0.9010
51.387 0.2298 1.0510
1.3090 0.3306 0.0016
-3o- 11.252 1.3699 0.0033
2 5.6360 0.7490 0.0031
4.6948 0.6379 0.0030
40- 6.2069 0.8115 0.0031
5.9423 0.9473 0.0026
2 2.5 3 3.5
Frequ& (rad$ 5 5.5 6

Fig. 5. Frequency Response Magnitude of KILO for TCSC be controlled by the SVC using la, P, or III.
The observations above are consistent with the location
of the FACTS devices. The SVC is located in the middle
modes can contribute to the inner-loop gains. For the SVC, of the North-South transmission corridor and thus has a
w2 has a higher controllability and observability than wi. greater effect on the North-South oscillations associated
This effect will increase the inner-loop gain for wi, which is with the interarea mode 2. Likewise, the TCSC is located
evident from the [KIL~[ column in Table III. Thus for most in the East-West transmission corridor and it mainly affects
of the variables, the [KIL~[ values for wi are higher than the the oscillations associated with the interarea mode 1.
corresponding values for ~2. Similarly, for the TCSC, wi
Although this analysis is presented for a small system
has a significantly higher controllability and observability with only two interarea modes, the technique can be ex-
than w2 in most of the variables, which tends to increase
tended to systems with many interarea modes. The abil-
the inner-loop gain for ~2, as evident from Table IV. Thus
ity of a FACTS device using a particular network variable
for the variables, the IKIL~I values for w2 are higher than
to damp an interarea mode not only depends on the net-
the corresponding values for wi .
work sensitivity, but also on the impact of other interarea
4. The control effectiveness of a feedback signal is approx- modes. Without careful considerations of the other inter-
imately proportional to the expression area modes, a controller adding damping to a target inter-
area mode may destabilize some other interarea modes.
Ei, = lEi,ill~cil/lEilLil (12)
which favors a small [KIL~[. As indicated in Tables III and
IV, wi should be controlled by the TCSC using V, although In this paper we have provided additional insight for ap-
111would also be acceptable. On the other hand, w2 should plying the multi-modal decomposition to select appropri-


0-7803-7322-7/02/$17.00 (c) 2002 IEEE

ate damping signals for FACTS. Considering only network [51 A.-A. Edris, A. S. Ben Mehraban, M. Rahman, L. Gyugyi, S.
sensitivities, we show via a small example that nodal vari- Arabi, and T. R. Reitman, “Controlling the Flow of Real and
Reactive Power,” IEEE Computer Applications in Power, pp.
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are more suitable for shunt devices. For a two-interarea- PI B. Fardanesh, B. Shperling, E. Uzunovic, and S. Zelingher,
mode system, we show the impact of the interarea modes “Multi-Converter FACTS Devices: the Generalized Unified
Power Flow Controller (GUPFC),” Proc. Winter Power Meet-
in the inner-loop calculation. Topics not covered in this ing, vol. 4, pp. 2511-2513, 2000. ’
paper include practical aspects of using network variables [71 E. V. Larsen and J. H. Chow, “SVC Control Design Concepts
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research. Systems for System Dynamic Performance, 1987. -
PI S. Zelingher, B. Shperling, J. D. Mountford, and R. J. Kiessler,
“Analytical Studies for Thyristor-Controlled Series Compensa-
Acknowledgements tion in New York State, Part II - Dynamic Stability Analysis,”
EPRI FACTS 2 Conferenece, Mav 1992, Boston.
The work of X. Wei and J. Chow is supported in part PI E. V. Larsen, J. J. Sanchez&as&, and’J. H. Chow, “Concepts
by the EPRI/DoD Complex Interactive Network Initiative for Design of FACTS Controllers to Damn Power Swings.” IEEE
Transac%ons on Power Systems, vol. 10; pp. 948-956,-1995.
Program through Carnegie-Mellon University.
[W P. Kundur, G. J. Rogers, D. Y. Wong, L. Wang, and M. G.
Lauby, “A Comprehensive Computer Program Package for Small
Appendix Signal Stability Analysis of Power Systems,” vol. 5, pp. 1076-
1083, 1990.
The transfer function from the modal speed to the modal [111J. H: Chow and K. W. Cheung, “A Toolbox for Power System
torque is Dvnamics and Control Engineering Education.” IEEE Transac-
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sdmi S&32 [121J. J. Sanchez-Gasca and J. H. Chow, “Performance Comparison
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( 1 chanical Oscillations,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
wb(13) vol. 14, pp. 995-1002, 1999.
The modal controllability Kci(s) is the transfer function [I31 G. N. Taianto, J. H. Chow, and H. A. Othman, “Robust Re-
design of Power System Damping Controllers,” IEEE Transac-
from u to L&i tions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 3, pp. 290-298, 1995.
[I41 K. Clark. B. Fardanesh. and R. Adana. “Thvristor Controller
Series Cdmpensation Application S&d{ - Control Interaction
&(S) = &z(SI - A&&%3 + Bd2 (14 Considerations,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 10,
pp. 1031-1037, 1995.
The modal observability of a measurement KOi(s) is the
transfer function from the modal speed to y
&i(S) = cd3(sI - Ad33)-l (TAd31 + Ad32)
Xuan Wei was born in China in 1978. She received her B.S. degree
in electrical engineering from the Huazhong University of Science and
+ $dl+Cd2 (15) Technology, Wuhan, China in 1996. She is currently a Ph.D. student
( > of Dept. of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering at Rens-
The inner-loop gain is given by the transfer function from selaer Polytechnic Institute. Her interests include large-scale systems
and power system dynamics and control.
u to y, with no change in aw,i or &,i
Joe H. Chow (F) received his B.S. degrees in electrical engineering
and mathematics from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, and
Km(S) = cd3(SI - Ad33)-lBd3 + D (16) his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Univer-
sity of Illinois, Urbana. jFrom 1978 to 1987, he was with GE Power
REFERENCES Systems working on power system dynamics and control design. He
is currently a Professor of Electrical, Computer, and Systems En-
[II N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS, IEEE
gineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His interests include
Press, 2000.
PI R. J. Piwko, Ed., Applications of Static Var Systems for System multivariable control systems, large-scale systems, and power system
Dynamic Performance, IEEE Publication 87TH01875-5-PWR, dynamics and control.
J. Urbanek, R. J. Piwko, E. V. Larsen, B. L. Damsky, B. C. Fu- Juan J. Sanchez-Gasca (SM) joined GE in 1983 and is a consulting
ramasu, W. Mittlestadt, and J. D. Eden, “Thyristor Controlled engineer with GE Power Systems Energy Consulting in Schenectady,
Series Compensation Prototype Installation ai the Slatt 500 kV NY. He works in the areas of dynamic simulation and control of power
Substation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivers, “, __13~. 1460- systems. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the
1469, 1993: University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1983.
[41 C. Schauder, M. Gernhardt, E. Stacey, T. Lemak, L. Gyugyi,
T. W. Cease, and A. Edris, “TVA STATCOM Project: Design,
Installation, and Commissioning,” CIGRE Meeting, Paris, Au-
gust, 1996, Paper 14-106.


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