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The honorable ones the principle of SMA Negeri 01 Tanjung, all teachers and administration staff of SMA

Negeri 01 Tanjung and all my friends from grade X till Xii.

Before I begin to give a speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty, Who has given
us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing place. And also I don't forget to deliver
sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, Who has brought us from the darkness to the
brightness, so we are always in the right way.

Ladies and gentlemen

HIV AIDS, all people here definitely know about that term. HIV AIDS, all people here know how terrible
that disease. HIV AIDS, all people here agree that we have to stay away from it. But to day, here and
after, I will remind you, I will re-inform you about what HIV AIDS is, what a dangerous disease HIV AIDS
is, and how to avoid HIV AIDS. In this gold opportunity, I will give a speech about HIV AIDS.

Ladies and gentlemen

HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a kind of virus that weaken the immune system in people's
body. People who get HIV will be susceptible of illness because their immune system is week. And AIDS
or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is all symptom and infection which are caused by the broken
of immune system of human as result of HIV. So to make it clear between HIV and AIDS is different. HIV
refers to the name of a virus while AIDS refers to the name of a symptom cause by HIV.

HIV AIDS have been already existed long time before it was recognized by WHO in July 5 1981. HIV AIDS
also was claimed as the most deadly disease in history of human life. It was proven in 2005, between 2.4
- 3.3 million people were died caused by HIV AIDS, and 570.000 of them were children. HIV AIDS, like I
said before, is terrible disease that attack human immune system. It opens other diseases easily attack
people because their immune system is week and it will make some serious complication such as lung
disease, cancer, nerve and psychological disease, and other infection.

Since the HIV AIDS declared as one of the most deadly disease, the cure to heal HIV AIDS is never be
found yet. The only thing that we can do is just to avoid that virus get inside to our body. There are three
major gate that HIV can get inside to our body; injected drugs, free sex, and mother to child
transmission. If we can say no to injected drugs or doing free sex, we can reduce the chance to get HIV
AIDS. keep healthy and keep doing right things will help us to step away form HIV AIDS.

Ladies and gentlemen

Not much that I can say to day, just a few of words above that I can deliver to you at this moment, thank
a lot for your attention and I also ask forgiveness for my mistakes. May from this speech will re-open our
perspective to HIV AIDS. And may form this worthless information will re-aware you to step away from
HIV AIDS. Thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Terjemahan Pidato Bahasa Inggris : HIV AIDS

Assalamualaikum, wr. wb.

Yang terhormat kepala sekolah SMA Negeri 01 Tanjung, semua guru dan staf administrasi SMA Negeri 01
Tanjung dan semua teman-teman ku dari kelas X sampai XII.

Sebelum saya menyampaikan sebuah pidato, saya ingin mengjaka kalian untuk bersyukur kehadiarat
Allah yang maha kuasa, yang telah memberi kita rahmat dan hidayah, sehingga kita bisa bertemu
bersama di tempat yang di berkati ini. Dan juga saya tidak lupa untuk menyampaikan sholawat dan salam
kepada nabi kita Muhammad SAW, yang telah membawa kita dari kegelapan ke ke jaman terang
benerang, sehingga kita selalu berada di jalan yang benar.

Hadirin yang terhormat

HIV-AIDS, semua orang disini pastinya sudah tau tentang hal itu. HIV-AIDS, semua orang di sini tahu
bagaimana merikannya penyakit tersebut. HIV-AIDS, semua orang pasti setuju bahwa kita harus menjauh
darinya. Tetapi hari ini, lagi dan lagi, saya akan mengingatkan anda kembali, saya akan kembali
menginformasi anda tentang apa itu HIV AIDS, apa bahanya HIV AIDS, dan bagaimana cara mencegah
HIV AIDS. Di kesempatan emas ini, saya akan menyampaikan pidato tentang HIV AIDS.

Hadirin yang terhormat

HIV atau Humman Immunodeficiency Virus adalah salah satu jenis virus yang melemahkan system
kekebalah tubuh manusia. Orang yang terkena HIV akan rentan terkena penyakit karena sistem
kekebalan mereka lemah. Dan AIDS atau Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome adalah gejala dan
infeksi yang disebabkan rusakny sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia hasil dari HIV. Jadi untuk membuatnya
jelas antara HIV dan AIDS sebenarnya berbeda. HIV merujuk pada nama sebuah virus sedangkan AIDS
merujuk nama gejala yang disebabkan oleh HIV.

HIV AIDS sudah sejak lama ada sebelum dikemukakan oleh WHO pada tanggal 5 Juli 1981. HIV AIDS juga
diklaim sebagai penyakit paling mematikan dalam sejarah kehidupan manusia. Dibuktikan pada tahun
2005, antara 2,4-3,3 juta orang meninggal karena HIV AIDS, dan 570,000 diantaranya adalah anak-anak.
HIV AIDS, seperti yang saya bilang sebelumnya, merupakan penyakit yang mengerikan yang menyerang
sistem kekebalan manusia. Hal itu membuka penyakit lain mudah menyerang orang kerena sistem
kekebalan merak lemah dan itu akan membuat beberapa komplikasi serius seperti penyakit paru-paru,
kanker, penyakit syaraf dan psycologis, serta infeksi yang lain.

Sejak HIV AIDS dideklarasikan sebagai salah satu penyakit paling mematikan, obat untuk menyembuhkan
HIV AIDS belum pernah ditemukan. Hal yang hanya kita bisa lakukan hanyalah mencegah virus tersebut
masuk ke dalam tubuh kita. Ada tiga gerbang utama HIV dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh kita; narkoba
jarum suntik, sex bebas dan penularan HIV ibu ke anak. Jika kita bisa berkata tidak pada narkoba jarum
suntik atau melakukan sex bebas, kita bisa mengurangi peluang terkena HIV-AIDS. Tetap mejaga
kesehatan dan melakuakn hal yang benar akan menolong kita menjauh dari HIV AIDS.

Hadirin sekalian

Tidak banyak yang saya bisa katakan hari ini, hanya beberapa kata saya yang bisa saya sampaikan pada
kesempatan kali ini, terima kasih banyak atas perhatiannya dan saya juga mohon maaf jika terdapat
kesalahan. Semoga dari pidato saya ini akan membuka kemabali pandangan kita mengenai HIV AIDS. Dan
semoga dari informasi yang tidak berharga ini akan menyadarkan kembali untuk menjauhi HIV AIDS.
Terima kasih.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
Human immunodeficiency virus infection / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a disease
of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). During the initial
infection a person may experience a brief period of influenza-like illness. This is typically followed by a
prolonged period without symptoms. As the illness progresses it interferes more and more with the
immune system, making people much more likely to get infections, including opportunistic infections,
and tumors that do not usually affect people with working immune systems.

HIV is transmitted primarily via unprotected sexual intercourse (including anal and even oral sex),
contaminated blood transfusions and hypodermic needles, and from mother to child during pregnancy,
delivery, or breastfeeding. Some bodily fluids, such as saliva and tears, do not transmit HIV. Prevention of
HIV infection, primarily through safe sex and needle-exchange programs, is a key strategy to control the
spread of the disease. There is no cure or vaccine; however, antiretroviral treatment can slow the course
of the disease and may lead to a near-normal life expectancy. While antiretroviral treatment reduces the
risk of death and complications from the disease, these medications are expensive and may be
associated with side effects.

HIV/AIDS has had a great impact on society, both as an illness and as a source of discrimination.There are
many misconceptions about HIV/AIDS such as the belief that it can be transmitted by casual non-sexual
contact. The disease has also become subject to many controversies involving religion

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang HIV AIDS

pidato bahasa inggris tentang hiv aidsHIV / AIDS

I am honoured to be invited to address you today on a matter that so deeply affects South Africa, Africa
and indeed the whole world.
HIV/AIDS has been with us for about two decades, but it remains a problem whose solution continues to
elude us all. We are making some progress in understanding this challenge, but we still have a long way
to go in containing its spread.

Although people from all walks of life are affected, AIDS is hitting hard at the most vulnerable sections of
our society. It is the poor, the illiterate, the marginalised, the women and the children who bear most of
the burden of the HIV epidemic.

The face of HIV/AIDS in South Africa has become more complex over the past 10 years. We are no longer
only dealing with information and awareness, but with people that are faced with the reality of living
with the disease. The vast majority of them are undiagnosed. Sebagian besar dari mereka adalah
undiagnosed. They do not know their HIV status. Some of them are already falling ill but they do not
know that their illnesses are related to HIV/AIDS. And even if they do know or suspect, they are reluctant
to come out and talk about their condition.

I stand before you today to further consolidate our partnership in responding to this major challenge
particularly the stigma that continue to be associated with it. We seek your partnership because we
know that every South African citizen, every leader, bishop or priest has a special and unique role to play
in combating HIV infection and caring for those living with HIV/AIDS.

The church has always played a role of caring for those who are weak and in need of support. But you
have been able to initiate programmes that really make a difference in the lives of those in need of care
particularly the children. The care that you have given has ot been limited only to the message of hope
and spiritual well-being. I am convinced that the church can play a major role in fighting the stigma that
is associated with HIV/AIDS and encourage openness and positive living amongst those who are infected
and affected.

To ensure a common direction in the call for partnerships, we initiated the development of the Five Year
Strategic Plan for South Africa, in 2000 in collaboration with all the key stakeholders, including the faith-
based sector. It is a broad national strategic plan designed to guide the country’s response to HIV/AIDS.
The plan outline four priority areas, which are: (1) Prevention, (2) Treatment, Care and Support, (3)
Research, Monitoring and Surveillance and (4) Human Rights.
There can be no doubt that the faith based community has a central role to play in the implementation
of this plan.

There are numerous examples of how the faith sector is responding or can respond to this challenge. I
will like to raise for discussion at least four key roles that Faith-based organisations and individual
members of those organisations can play in responding to HIV/AIDS.

With regard to Education, we can:

Identify resources and models for prevention education

Strengthen HIV/AIDS prevention through family enrichment

Enhance HIV/AIDS prevention through youth programmes – building a solid foundation concerning
sexuality, responsible adulthood and marriage, appreciating the youth and breaking the silence about

On Advocacy, we can:

Campaign against discrimination

Work together with government in achieving appropriate levels of cost-effective health care, especially
home based care

Seek means to protect interests of particularly women and children

On Worship, we can

Establish an annual National Day of Prayer and Healing for all persons affected by the epidemic

Establish an interfaith Day of Prayer and Healing Service, we can

Provide care which involves encouraging and supporting those who are infected and affected

Promote ‘Family fostering’ for those who have lost their parents or guardians

Take part in providing home care which may include:

Home visits for prayer and scripture reading

Meeting physical needs for food, clothing, medical attention

Assistance in planning for the future of the family particularly children

Support for orphaned children

Assisting with basic household activities such as shopping, cleaning the house or washing clothes

At the All Africa Church and AIDS Consultation which was held in Kampala in April 1994 a “Call to Action”
was developed and signed. Similarly, “A commitment on HIV/AIDS by people of faith”, was signed in
Washington that same year. I will like to quote at least one section of this statement of commitment, and
I quote:

“We are called by God to affirm a life of hope and healing in the midst of HIV/AIDS. Our traditions call us
to embody and proclaim hope, and to celebrate life and healing in the midst of suffering.”

We therefore need to send a positive message about HIV/AIDS. We need to tell people that just because
you are HIV positive today, it does not mean you will get AIDS tomorrow and die. Co-factors such as
poverty, high levels of mainly childhood malnutrition, vitamin A and iodine deficiency as well as lack of
other micronutrients have a major impact on how one progress to full-blown AIDS.

We have to advise those infected and affected by HIV that by eating nutritious food, managing their
stress, treating any infection promptly including sexually transmitted infections and using condoms, they
can live longer and lead a healthy and productive life for many years.

We need to use this opportunity to declare our response to AIDS:

We are called to love

We are called to be compassionate and care

We should commit ourselves to speaking publicly and promote HIV/AIDS prevention and ABC messages

We should promote and provide care for those who are infected and affected

We should fight the sins of discrimination and stigma

We should work together with other sectors of society to seek ways of eliminating poverty
I strongly believe that if we can leave this conference with a strong re-affirmation as the faith based
leaders of this country, we will be able to provide hope for the faith community and for society as a
whole: That in the spirit of love, compassion and care, through collective efforts to confront and to
challenge discrimination and to empower our respective believers, we can overcome many of the
challenges posed to us by HIV/AIDS.

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