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English IV: 1984 Research Project 

As a summative assessment, you will be doing a research project surrounding real world events pertaining to 
communism and connecting them back to the novel. You will have time in class and check ins along the way, 
but ultimately, it is your job to finish the assignment in a timely manner with care, dedication, and detail. The 
assignment is out of 75 points.  
You will be researching a topic of your choosing from the list below: 

North Korea  Communist Russia 

Agriculture Communism  Censorship in the USA 

Karl Marx and The Communist Manifesto  Political Propaganda during WW1 

Totalitarianism  Education under Communism 

Socialism Vs. Communism  Utopia v. Dystopia 

Social Democratic Party of Germany  Orwell’s aversion to Government 

If none of these interest you, you may choose your own topic with teacher approval 
You will be creating a Google Site with 6 different pages: 
Page 1: Intro Page (10 points) 

Description:  You will go over the topic, your main points, and create an overview for each topic 
within your project.  
You will also have a reflection on this page. 

Reflection  ● What did you find to be the most difficult aspect of this assignment? Use AE 
Questions:  ● What was the most interesting/fun/engaging part of the assignment? Use AE 
● What would you do differently? Use AE 
● Looking at the standards for the unit, what did you find the project to align 
with the most? 
● How did the project align and why is it important to learn? Use AE 
Page 2: Relevant Article (15 points) 

Description:  You will find a relevant article pertaining to your topic. If applicable, make it a current 
You will analyze the article, and annotate. You will take a picture of your annotations 
and place them on the page. This means you need to print them out! 

Annotations:  ● 🌈next to facts you find shocking/interesting 

❓ next to something you may want to know more about 

● next to something you can relate back to the novel 
● Follow these with a brief explanation as to why or how  

Reflection  ● Summary of article. 

Questions:   ● Explain using ACE how this article is relevant to your essential questions 
○ How does conformity/rebellion cause global consequences? 
○ How does fear contribute to the natural instinct to want to 
○ How does human society thrive with both conformists and rebels? 

Page 3: Impact on Society (15 points) 

Description:  ● You will research the impact on society, using at least one outside source for 
the page.  
● In a 3-5 minute video, you will discuss the impact your topic had on society, 
either long term or short term. You must verbally cite your source at least 
once in your presentation. This must be a casual conversation. Do your best 
to not sound like a robot. I want this to sound like you are just speaking with 

Written Portion:  You need: 

● Planned transcript: meaning you have a planned guide on the main points 
you will be talking about, a quote planned out, and anything major you will 
be discussing.  
● Reflection:  
○ Why did you choose this source? Use AE 
○ In your opinion why do you think your topic had such an impact on 
society? Use AE 
Page 4: History of your topic (15 points) 
Description:  This is where you will be doing the history of your topic. Collect the main events, 
people, and reasoning behind your topic. 
● You must have at least one new source for this page. 
● You must have a collection of at least 4 photographs: 
○ Each photograph must have a brief explanation behind it alongside a 
link of where you got the image.  
● A timeline of events that happened regarding your topic 
○ You must have at least 5 events on your timeline 
● A two Paragraph summary detailing the history of your topic using ACE 

Major Questions  ● Talk about at least one rebel that refused to conform to society regarding 
to hit:  your topic: Who were they? What effect did they have? Why did they rebel? 
Etc…. Use ACE 
● Why did people choose to conform? Use ACE 
Page 5: Connection to 1
​ 984​(15 points) 

Description:  This is where you will be making that connection to ​1984, b ​ y George Orwell.  
There is no outside source needed for this, this is strictly opinion based. In what ways 
can you relate the novel to you topic and in what ways can you contrast. This can be 
submitted in any way you would like. Venn diagram, chart, written, video: How ever 
you please, as long as you put effort into it and add detail. This means you cannot just 
submit a one worded example: give explanation behind your reasoning. 

Guiding Question  ● Looking at how your topic affected society, either long term or short term, 
if You Need Help  what similarities do you see between those effects and the society in ​1984? 
Use ACE 
● Explain using ACE: how does the article from page one compare to ​1984. 
● You spoke about a rebel on page 4. Pick a character from 1984 and compare 
and contrast the two. Use ACE 
Page 6: Work Cited (5 points) 

Description:  ● You must have a work cited page for your outside sources and 1​ 984. ​There 
should be at least THREE Outside Sources 
● Citations must be in MLA format. 

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