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Here's your Friday Fix.

If you enjoy it, please share with your family and friends.
If not, please tell us, and we will fix it. R&P

"You can have everything you want in life, if you will just help other people get
what they want."
~ Zig Ziglar

"I tell you, if one wants to be active, one must not be afraid of going wrong; one
must not be afraid of making mistakes now and then. Many people think that they
will become good just by doing no harm - but that's a lie, and you yourself used to
call it that. That way lies stagnation, mediocrity."
~ Vincent van Gogh

The Biggest Mistake

How many times have you hit yourself over the head because you made a mistake? How
much time have you spent replaying that very same mistake over and over again like
a broken record?

Truth is, people waste too much time and energy on past mistakes. And the biggest
mistake of all is to believe that mistakes are avoidable.

Alexander Pope wrote more than 250 years ago, "To err is human, to forgive divine."
Pope was only paraphrasing a saying that was common 2,000 years ago, during the
time of the Romans.

So how can you handle the proclivity for mistake making? Ask for help. You were
not the only person born into this world on your birthday. Unless you are some
very rare specimen, you were not raised in a vacuum. Look around. There are
people - just like you, just like me - and they all make mistakes too. Some have
learned from their mistakes and know how to handle similar situations to yours. In
business as in life, networking is essential. The more people you know, the more
people you can turn to for help - whether it's jump starting your career or simply
jump starting your car.

The next time you're at a conference or a party, mingle. Introduce yourself to

people you don't know. Ask them questions about their ambitions, their needs, their
desires. When you get home, think of some small act of kindness you can do for half
a dozen of them. Do that, on you're on your way to building a killer network.
Remember Zig's saying about getting all you want in life by helping other people
get what they want? Take that one step further - you can find the solution to your
mistakes, if you help other people handle their mistakes.

And sometimes you just need to recentre

When you�re feeling pressured, when you feel like you can't make any mistakes, or
when you've made a huge mistake that you think is the end of your world, it�s
important to re-center the mind and body. Here are three simple ways to start:
1. Breathe.

Take one deep inhale - counting to 5. Hold - count 5. Take one deep exhale -
counting to 5. Now repeat five times, and notice how much more at ease you feel.

2. Meditate.
Spend five minutes in silent meditation, eyes closed, focused on a positive symbol
or image. Breathe naturally, and keep your back straight.

3. Relax.

Stretch back and unwind, or, take a five minute break to do an activity that you
truly enjoy. Give your mind a break from cares and responsibilities, and enjoy a
few minutes of serenity.

So don't buy into the notion that mistakes can somehow be avoided. They can't.
Remember, you will err because you're human. But never let that keep you from
pursuing your dreams.

'||' '||'

Hugs, Health, Happiness and Harmony :-)

Rod & Pauline Hyatt

~ with some help from John C. Maxwell

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