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#4011: Question Paper 1 (Mathematics)

(c) 2014

Prepared for: Date: ________________ Grade: 7

1. Simplify : \((\frac{-2}{3})^{8} \times (\frac{-2}{3})^{5}\)


2. Which 3D figure does this net correspond to ?


3. Understand the given figure and find x and y.

x = ____________________________ \(^{\circ}\)
y = ____________________________ \(^{\circ}\).

4. \( (a^4 - b^4) \div (a -b)\) = ___________

\((a + b) (a^2 - b^2)\)

\((a + b) (a^2 + b^2)\)
\((a - b) (a^2 - b^2)\)
\((a - b) (a^2 + b^2)\)

5. What is the degree of rotational symmetry for the given figure?

____________________________ \(^{\circ}\)
6. Joey has Rs 1,100 that he wants to deposit in a bank. Bank A provides rate of interest of 9%. Bank B says he will get the
returns of Rs 1,190 at the end of one year. In which bank should Joey put his money?

Both are the same

Bank B
Bank A
7. If \((3z + 10)\) is one of the factor of \((9z^3 - 27z^2 - 100z + 300)\) then the other two factors are

(Note: write your answer in the form (a + 1),(b + 1) , i.e. write the factors enclosed with brackets separated by commas.)

8. The expression \(\frac{x^3 - 14x^2 + 37x - 60}{x - 2}\) gives quotient = _______ and the remainder = __________

Quotient = \(x^2 - x + 13\) and Remainder = -34

Quotient = \(x^2 - 12x + 13\) and Remainder = 0
Quotient = \(x^2 - 12x + 13\) and Remainder = -34
Quotient = \(x^2 -x + 13\) and Remainder = 0

9. Simplify:
(-17/8) / (-11/16)


10. In a maths tests Robin scored 36 out of 50. What percentage did Robin scored?
____________________________ %

11. If p = 3 and q = 4, then find the value of \(3 p^2 q^2 =\) ____________________________
12. Janet works as a waiter and earns Rs. 125 per hour. If she works 6 hours, how much money will she earn?

Rs. 6
Rs. 131
Rs. 750
Rs. 125

13. A baker baked 21 cookies with 1 scoop of flour. With 3 scoops of flour, how many cookies can the baker bake? Assume
the relationship is directly proportional.


14. Divide Rs. 60 in the ratio 2:4 between Mary and Martin.

Rs. 10 and Rs. 40

Rs. 60 and Rs. 40
Rs. 20 and Rs. 60
Rs. 20 and Rs. 40

15. Mrs Robinson earns Rs 15000/-. She spent spends 55% of her total income for her monthly expenses and saves the rest.
How much does Mrs Robinson save?
Rs ____________________________
16. Express the ratio in the simplest form.
(Enter the answer in the form a:b:c)

17. If a 25 cm long candle burns for 45 minutes, how long will another candle of the same material and same thickness but 5
cm longer than the previous one burn?

____________________________ minutes

18. A painting is sold at a profit of 16%. Had it been sold for Rs. 15 more, then the profit would have been 20%.What is the
cost price?
Cost price = Rs. ____________________________ .

19. \(\text{What should be subtracted from } \\30x^2+30x+27 \text{ to get }18x^2+9x+24?\)


20. Find the value of the expression if , a = 2 and b = -2.

\(2a^2 - 3b^2 + 5(a^2 + b^2)\)


21. Given the following information, construction of a triangle is possible.

3 sides of the \( \Delta \) ABC are in the ratio 1 : 3 : 5 and its perimeter is 13.5 cm.


22. What is the height of the trapezoid whose base1 is 9.5 cm, base2 is 5.5 cm and area is 45 sq. cm?


23. Find the value of x from the adjoining figure.

x = ____________________________ \(^{\circ}\).
24. If one angle of a parallelogram is 70\(^{\circ}\), find the other angles.
\(\angle\) B = ____________________________ \(^{\circ}\)

\(\angle\) C = ____________________________ \(^{\circ}\)

\(\angle\) D = ____________________________ \(^{\circ}\).
25. Tom earns Rs 30,000 per month. He saves 25% of his income and donates 10%. How much does Tom spend, save and

Spends = Rs ____________________________
Saves = Rs ____________________________
Donate = Rs ____________________________

26. The sides of a parallelogram are 8 cm and 5 cm. If the altitude corresponding to the base 8 cm is 1.5 cm, what will be the
length of the altitude corresponding to the base 5 cm?

1.2 cm
2.4 m
24 cm
2.4 cm

27. What would be the total amount received at the end of 4 months, if the principal is Rs. 620 and the rate of interest is 8
piase per rupee per month?

Rs. 912.50
Rs. 712.40
Rs. 1012.25
Rs. 818.40

28. Calculate the time for which the money has been invested if the principal is Rs. 1.10 lakh, rate of simple interest is 6.5%
p.a. and the interest received is Rs. 25,025.

\(3\frac{1}{2}\) years
\(5\frac{1}{2}\) years
\(4\frac{1}{2}\) years
\(6\frac{1}{2}\) years
29. Draw the triangle with the given measures and determine the length of AC.
AB = 8 cm, \(\angle\)A = 40\(^\circ\) and \(\angle\)B = 50\(^\circ\)

5.1 cm
Can't determine
6.1 cm
8 cm

30. Find the area of the parallelogram with the following data. ____________________________ cm2
31. The cross-section of a trough of depth 36 cm is a trapezium ABCD where AB = 50 cm as shown. If the area of ABCD is

2250 cm2, find the length of CD. ____________________________ cm

32. A rectangular grass plot 80 m x 60 m has two roads, each 10 m wide, running in the middle of it, one parallel to length

and the other parallel to breadth. Find the cost of gravelling the roads at Rs. 2 per m2. Rs.
33. 60 students of the same height stand with hands stretched along a square lawn, each student covering a length of 2 feet.
Then what is the perimeter of the square lawn?

16 feet
80 cm
120 feet
120 m

34. ABCD is a rectangle having length 30 cm and breadth 25 cm. P, Q, R, S are midpoints of AB,BC,CD and AD
respectively. Find the area of the shaded region of the figure.

450 cm2
475 cm2
370 cm2
375 cm2

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