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If you’ve been online recently, you’ve probably come across various infographics – eye-catching
graphics intended to provide information on a variety of subjects. From news feeds and blogs to
corporate sites, it appears as though if there’s a point to be made, there’s an infographic for it.
From a branding viewpoint, you’ve probably questioned if one would be appropriate for your site.
Nevertheless, before making any decisions, it’s important to look at the past of infographics and
where they’re heading now.
Visual examples and pieces of art have been around since the inception of humankind, as
evidenced by ancient cave paintings, maps, and many other historical findings. Over time, these
basic illustrations evolved into more, into graphs and charts that 16th and 17th-century
philosophers used to help people learn and interpret otherwise-complex pieces of information.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, politicians and generals used graphs and land charts to plan courses
during times of war, to plot routes of travel and to foretell outcomes of elections. Starting in the
early 20th century, architects recognized the importance of visual aids for assisting frustrated
travelers navigate complicated train and subway routes. From the origin of time, it’s been clear:
humans are visual learners and infographics are a simple way of appealing to that basic need.
While infographics may be around for the long haul, they are not resistant to changes. Just like
other forms of technology, the way online users collect information is changing constantly.
Infographics began as static pieces of information and they are now interactive ways for brands to
communicate with their target audiences.
Interactive infographics are precisely what they sound like. They’re graphics that enable users to
interact with data through links, motion, and other design tools. These graphics can be inserted
into a site for easy sharing with direct access back to the original host, which leads to a boost in
traffic and overall search rankings.
But, they’re more than an SEO tool; they’re also interactive sources of information that enable
audiences to leave a website with more information than they would with standard text alone or a
static infographic. They highlight crucial pieces of information, taking some of the guesswork and
processing involved in static infographics away, and leading to a more fulfilling viewing
Interactive infographics are also more mere to create than ever before. In the past, designing an
online graphic that was interactive required professional skills. However, with today’s responsive
web design options and programs designed to allow those with no design expertise to create online
masterpieces, interactivity is at the disposal of anyone or any brand looking to make a significant
impact by increasing viewer understanding of complicated or newsworthy pieces of information.
If there is one complaint that people have about static infographics, it’s that they’re extremely
passive. A reader can scroll past the data, only plucking out the highlights, and bounce when they
reach the bottom. This passiveness has given lift to the interactive infographic, where the reader is
in control of what data is seen and when. They’re data-driven stories where the reader gets to
choose his ending, which appeals to the modern Internet audience that wants everything done its
One of the main difficulties faced by creators of interactive infographics is the supplementary
skillset. Many of these creations need back-end coding that graphic designers might not have a
sound grasp of. What is simple to do on a static image might be impossible when creating a viewer
journey. Designers and programmers must collaborate, using tools like HTML5 and CSS3 to create
compelling interactive infographics.
In the next 10 years, interactive infographics will grow in popularity, accompanying with their
sister static infographics. Content demand will continue to expand, and interactivity will be a vital
part of it.

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