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Name : Husna Amalia Fadilah

Topic : Give your opinion about sentence

Assignment : Second Assignment

1. Definition of Sentence
Sentence is one of the most important things in language. A set of group has usually
grammatically complete statement is called a seentence. Basically, a sentence has principle to
convey an idea, event or description when a group of words which are tied together and. A
group of words that builds up sentence is clauses and phrases. A clause contains at least one
subjet (person, place, or thing) and one predicate (what subject is doing) with an object. All
sentences must have at least one independent clause as main clause can make a sentence
stand alone in order to make sense . If needs, a dependent clause as subordinat clause can
cupport the statement of independent clause. In short, sentence is simply defined as a group
of words which make a complete thought. So it can be concluded that sentence has
a. Each new sentence must begin with capital letter.
b. A sentence must end with a period, a question mark, or an exclamation point.
c. A sentence must contain a subject that is only stated once.
d. A sentence must contain a complete verb phrase, containing any auxiliary verbs;
is, were, has, will, etc.
e. A sentence must contain standard word order.
f. A sentence must have one independent core idea that can stand alone.

The words in an English sentence have a certain order and rules regarding ways to
either expand or shorten it. The boundaries of a sentence are easily recognized, as it begins
with a capital letter and ends with a terminal punctuation mark (period, question mark or
exclamation po int).

2. Kind of Sentences
Sentence is divided into four major types; simple sentence, compound sentence, complex
sentence, and compound-complex sentence. Below arethe explanation of each type of the
a. Simple sentence contains at least one subject and one verb andcan stand alone as
an independent clause. Thus, simple sentence is already meaningful without the
help of any dependent clause.
This type does not need any other clauses to make it into independent. Example:
- The sun rises.

This is a sentence because it tells us what something (subject – sun) does

(verb – rises).

Simple Sentence

Subject Predicate

Verb or vebrb phrase Completer

b. A compound sentence has same rules as simple sentence but it basically links
two simple sentences with conjunction in the middle following by comma. It
consists of multiple independent clauses with no dependent clauses. These clauses
are joined together using conjunctions; for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, and
punctuation. For instance:
- I tried to speak Spanish, and my friend tried to speak English.
Compound Sentence

Independent clause conjunction Independent Clause

I tried to speak Spanish and my friend tried to speak English.

c. A complex sentence consists of one or more independent clauses with at least one
dependent clause. A dependent clause starts with a subordinating conjunction.
Examples: that, because, although, where, which, since. For example:
- I don't like dogs when I go past. (One independent clause and One
dependent clauses)
d. Compound-complex sentence is the fourth type of a sentence. This sentence has
at least two or more independent clauses and at least one or more dependent
clauses. The sentence can be in the forms of statement, question, request, and
exclamation. The examples are as below
- I miss when the day I met you, so I decide to text you but I realize your
heart no longer for me at all. (Two independent clause and two dependent
There are four types of sentences based on their purpose: declarative, exclamatory,
interrogative, and imperative:
a. Declarative : a declarative sentenceor declaration, the most common type,
commonly makes a statemen end by a full stopt: I am going home.
b. Interrogative : an interrogative sentence or question is commonly used to
request information. It ends by a question mark — When are you going to work?

c. An exclamatory sentence or exclamation is generally a more emphatic form of

statement with an exclamation mark: What a wonderful day this is!
d. An imperative sentence or commandtells someone to do something: Go to work
at 7:30 tomorrow morning.

3. Sentence Elements
a. Subject : a word that names a person, place, or thing. The something or
someone that the sentence is about is called the subject of the sentence.
b. Predicate : is syntactical name marking/identifying the verb used to express the
action or the state of the subject. The predicate contains information about
someone or something that is the subject. The verb (or predicate) usually follows
the subject and identifies an action or a state of being
c. Object : receives the action and usually follows the verb. The object is
syntactical element which suffers, directly or indirectly, the action/state expressed
by the predicate.

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