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Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Rashmi Tiwari 2Nitesh Gupta
Assistant professor, Dept of Agadtantra Government Ayurveda College Vadodara, Gujarat,

Age of medicine is as old as the age of human on the earth. The doctor today is a sci-
entist, technologist and healer at the same time. At this level the ethical issues became more
important to maintain good medical practises. Certain basic traditional thoughts given by an-
cient Indian teachers like Hippocrates, Charaka, Sushrutha and Vagbhata are still become
relevant. Medical ethics in the medical curriculum, must be included not as a normative dis-
cipline but as a practical course with its own problems and considerations. As per Indian out-
look, the role of ethics is certainly vast and varied, from treating a common cold, to the con-
troversy on euthanasia, from the simple obligations of a family doctor, to the specialist ser-
vices in the high cost, high technology five star nursing homes.
Keywords: Charaka, Sushrutha and Vagbhata=

To every learned profession ques- technologist and healer at the same time
tion of ethics is of prime importance. Suc- and it‟s difficult to cope up with all at a
cessful medical practice requires relation- time. Drug industry, hospitals and nursing
ship of trust between doctor and patients. homes with high technology tend to be-
In the golden era, doctor was not only a come business houses nowadays. In such
healer, but family counsellor and the tribal an era, the code of medical ethics provides
priest, all at the same time. Sir William a suitable framework defining a doctor‟s
Osler told that “the physician must be relationship in professional, social and le-
friend, philosopher, well-wisher and guide gal aspects. Patients expect a high standard
of the patient and the family under his of care including being informed about
care” [1]. In the current scenario, hunger of illness, we are mainly concern about the
earning more money is deteriorating doc- teachings and ethical codes laid down by
tor from his ethical and moral values but our Acharyas in samhita and their consid-
still golden words told by our great ancient erations in today‟s aspect.
Acharyas like Charaka, Sushrutha, The Ancient Teachings
Vagbhata etc. are very much effective to Ayurveda is the ancient science of life. It
impart in our daily life. Ancient teachers of lays down the principles of management in
India had shown us a lightened path to im- health and disease and code of conduct for
prove ourselves not only as doctor but also the physicians. The early Vedic healers
as human. were members of the priestly community.
Rapidly expanding science and technology The medicine they practised and taught
has involved in much bigger way. The was heavily influenced by the philosophy
doctor is playing three roles as scientist, of the times. Medical works also empha-
Rashmi Tiwari & Nitesh Gupta: Ancient Medical Ethics And Present Scenario
sised the concept of the cycle of life-death- healing. In Samhitas there is an exhaustive
rebirth. The student was taught that the list of qualification is given which is re-
goal of the savant was to break this cycle quired for a student of medicine and it is
and attain union with Brahma- the Univer- clear form its perusal that much im-
sal Spirit or God. During the Samhita peri- portance was attached to the moral fitness
od the formal teaching of Ayurveda was as to physical and intellectual fitness. In
started and initial steps were taken to sys- fact the insistence on moral fitness was
temize the knowledge of Ayurveda. much more as can be seen from the fact
Charak samhita which is considered as that the majority of the required qualifica-
one of the earliest formal literature of tions concern the ethical side of student‟s
Ayurveda contain several information re- personality. There are clear indications to
garding code and conduct to be followed whom the admission in the medical educa-
by the physician during their education, tion should be given and not to be given.
during entering in the profession and in At the onset of training, a solemn injunc-
their whole professional life. tion (that preceded the Hippocratic Oath
In the words of Acharya Charaka, sickness by several centuries) was delivered to the
prevents a person from pursuing his values student, who had to: „… renounce lust, an-
of life which include satisfying the normal ger, greed, ignorance, vanity, selfishness,
desires and having usual pleasures of life, envy, rudeness, miserliness, falsehood,
acquiring wealth and securing financial sloth and all other acts that bring a man to
comfort, leading a life of virtue and social disrepute. At the proper time, you must
usefulness. This triad characterizes normal clip your nails and trim your hair, and put
human life. The person who is sick is una- on the saffron robe of the student. You
ble to lead a normal life, pursuing this tri- must live the truthful, disciplined life of a
ad, and to this extent he threatens the soci- student and obey and respect your teacher.
ety which he lives and of which he is a At rest, asleep or awake, at meals, at study
part. Values of life are fulfilled only by a and in all your acts, at all times you must
healthy person. The physician who restores be guided by my instructions. All actions
the health of the person will indeed gift should be pleasant and beneficial to me,
him with the values of life [2]. The high otherwise your knowledge and study will
ideals of medical practice and the respon- be ineffective and you will never achieve
sibility of the physician are emphasised in fame. ‟Significantly, the conduct of the
Caraka’s poignant statement: „No other teacher was also subject to scrutiny, thus:
gift is better than the gift of life‟[2].. For „If I [the teacher] act unjustly towards you
this the purpose the training of physician even when you obey me totally and faith-
should be started right from the admission fully carry out my instructions, may I incur
in the field of medical science. sin, and may my knowledge, rendered fu-
The training of doctors and their code of tile, never be displayed or come to frui-
ethics and practice, in ancient India holds a tion‟. [2].
salutary position in the history of medi- Acharya charka also emphasise on contin-
cine. Prospective medical students were uation of learning even after the finishing
carefully selected according to the criteria of education. A physician should regularly
of the noble ethos of the profession. Stu- attend seminars and symposia to review
dents were expected to study for 6 years his knowledge, and to learn new things.
before being allowed to practise the art of Professional etiquettes IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 02; February - 2016
Rashmi Tiwari & Nitesh Gupta: Ancient Medical Ethics And Present Scenario
Acharya Charaka said that a physician is and cleanness were made essential. Fur-
superior to a Brahmin, because if the thermore, he should be kind to all, should
Brahmin is twice born, once from the have wide range of practical experience
mother and second time when threading and polite. He should be dedicated to truth,
ceremony is done, the physician is thrice compassion, donation, and modesty. He
born, when he completes his medical edu- should worship and follow divine power,
cation. After completing the education, brahmin, teacher and other experienced
one should get permission from the guru persons, serve teachers and other old per-
and offer guru dakshina. Before starting sons. He should be devoted to justice, free
practice permission was to be taken from from fear, greed, infatuation, anger and
local authorities. The Caraka samhita em- falsehood. He should have fine appearance
phasises the values central to the nobility and be free from addictions. The moral
of the profession, thus: „Those who trade attitude of a physician should be very high
their medical skills for personal livelihood and Acharya says that if he finds some no-
can be considered as collecting a pile of ble qualities in enemies he should acquire
dust, leaving aside the heap of real gold‟. them, he can learn from nature also and
Furthermore, „He who regards kindness to thus he would earn power intuitions which
humanity as his supreme religion and will bring fame, life, nourishment and ac-
treats his patients accordingly, succeeds ceptance among people [2], [3]
best in achieving his aims of life and ob- DISCUSSION
tains the greatest pleasures‟[2].. Although the social organisation of health
In the Susruta samhita, the doctor‟s duty care in ancient and medieval times has not
and obligations to the patient are stressed: been studied in much detail, there is
„The patient may doubt his relatives, his enough evidence to make some definite
sons and even his parents but he has full observations on the way medicine was
faith in the physician. He [the patient] practised and the kind of regulations exer-
gives himself up in the doctor‟s hand and cised by the society. The agrarian econo-
has no misgivings about him. Therefore, it mies and the kingdoms of that time did not
is the physician‟s duty to look after him as have a formally constituted and separated
his own son‟. [3] Charaka, however classi- heath care service system. The latter was
fied physicians into two categories: the in fact a part of the economic organisation
right ones and the wrong ones. The former at the village and town level. Though few
remove the diseases and assure life, while doctors were patronised by the rulers, the
the later produces illness and remove the rest were integrated in the village econo-
life itself [2]. There were quacks and fakes my, providing services like any other arti-
even in the ancient times. They have been san and craftsman, and in return, they were
term „prathi-rupakas’ or ku-vaidyas. Even supported by the society.
the law of the land laid a heavy hand on While practising medicine required
them. Manu, the earliest Indian law-giver, knowledge and training gained from the
enjoins that the fake physician must be se- family tradition or from other practitioners,
verely punished. [5] Yajnyavalkya. Yajnya- the doctor was in many ways a self-
valkya-smiriti lay down that a quack is to contained artisan, collecting herbs and
be fined heavily [6]. chemicals and compounding drugs to treat
For a good physician, qualities like effi- patients. Since the organised intervention
cient, perfect knowledge, skilled in action of the state in ordering the medical prac- IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 02; February - 2016
Rashmi Tiwari & Nitesh Gupta: Ancient Medical Ethics And Present Scenario
tice was either non-existent or was only use of cadaver or dying patients for their
related to certain limited aspects, the organ, and even transfusion. These are is-
trained physicians derived their authority sues which are ethical in character and
as healer from the membership of their significant in present context.
primitive associations and the reputation of Again, monetary considerations play im-
their skills. In any case, the patient ap- portant and enormous role in modern soci-
proaching a doctor did need a reassurance ety. A large number of young and brilliant
that the doctor had certain social standing, aspirants take medical practice only for the
and this standing was gained from the au- rich rewards that it entails. The social fab-
thority and self-regulation of their associa- ric has become so complicated and tangled
tions. The code was useful to the physician that one does not distinguish the compe-
to build his reputation in the society. Simi- tent and the honest doctor from the com-
larly, the ancient Indian medical system of mercial doctor who merely puts on airs.
Ayurveda had well defined code of medi- Ethics in this context gets terribly out of
cal ethics, expounded in our ancient texts. gear. The old and honoured concepts of
These codes were purely voluntary codes, service, propriety, efficiency, integrity,
adopted within the specific social envi- honesty, commitment and sincerity do not
ronment by the physicians to bring about seem to be applicable to modern times.
self-regulation. And the same time, to as- In such an era where the economics and
sure the society that a physician governed not ethics seems to rule the roost the path
by such a code would conduct himself in a enlightened by our ancestors became more
manner which would be in the best interest and more important to guide the present
of the patient and the society. Further, im- and the upcoming generations. Today,
portantly, these codes were not part of any need of the hour is to re-establish the an-
legal system of the state, and therefore the cient ethical values of medical profession
state had no responsibility to enforce it which were created by Acharyas.
amongst the doctors. These elaborate CONCLUSION
codes for self-regulations were thus, mor- Mahabharata, the great Indian epic, told us
ally binding on doctors and the morality of that we must cultivate the physician who is
doctors was considered extremely im- wise, virtuous, pleasant, friendly, honest,
portant. This morality gave a social image and compassionate [7]. Adequate medical
and authority to doctors. The ethical code education is no doubt „a light‟ that will
was a regulator of the patient care as well extend the horizon of one‟s vision and re-
as the professionalism in medical care. fine ones native talent. Education accord-
Unfortunately for the medical technology, ing to Charaka should enable the student
there are now several hurdles which the of medicine to hold this light and enter in
conscience of the medical practitioner to the inner life of the patient, so that he
should cross or circumvent, to maintain the can treat him effectively; otherwise the
so called professional dignity; what his education is wasted [2].
judgment be in cases like euthanasia, iat- Medical ethics be included not as a norma-
rogenic diseases, medico-legal responsibil- tive discipline but as a practical course
ities, pregnancy tests, legal responsibili- with its own problems and considerations.
ties, artificial insemination, organ trans- The role of ethics is certainly vast and var-
plantation, vitro fertilization, embryo ied, from treating a common cold, to the
transfer technology, genetic engineering, controversy on euthanasia, from the simple IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 02; February - 2016
Rashmi Tiwari & Nitesh Gupta: Ancient Medical Ethics And Present Scenario
obligations of a family doctor, to the spe- 2. Caraka (2003), Caraka Samhita Vol I,
cialist services in the high cost, high spe- By R.K Sharma, Bhagavan Dash-2nd
cialist services in the high cost, high tech- Edition, Choukhambha Sanskrit Series
nology five star nursing homes. Office, Varanasi.
Vagbhata‟s Ashtanga samagraha indicated 3. Sushruta (2005) Susrutha samhita with
that an efficient doctor is friendly towards English translation of text & dalhana‟s
all, compassionate to the patients, happy commentary-Vol I, 3rd Edition, Chau-
when he sees healthy people, and com- khambha Visvabharati, Oriental Pub-
posed when he finds that his patient is un- lishers and Distributors.
likely to be saved; his good conduct is 4. Vaagbhata (2000), Vagbhata‟s Ash-
what distinguishes him[4]. tanga Hrdaya- English Translation by
Finally the advice given by Charaka, may Prof. K.R. Srikantha Murthy-Vol I, 3rd
be pertinent for the doctors even today: Edition, Krishnadas Academy, Varana-
„He who practices not for money nor for si.
caprice, but out of compassion for the liv- 5. Joshi K.L. (edi.). Yajnavalkya Smriti.
ing beings is best among all physicians. Ist edition. Parimal Publications, 2006.
The physicians who set out to sell their 6. Sharma R.N. (edi.). Manusmriti- San-
skill like merchandise only to lose sight of skrit text with English translation of
the gold and acquire heaps of dirt. Hard is M.N. Dutt, Index of slokas and critical
to find a conferrer of spiritual blessings notes. Star Publishers‟ Distributors,
comparable to the physicians who snaps 1998.
the snares of death for his patients and 7. Dutta M.N. Mahabharata. Sharama and
proffers renewed lease of for his patients Bimali (edi). Chitrashala Press, Pune,
and proffers renewed lease of life for 2010.
them‟[2]. At the end, we all should accept
the quoting of Charaka that may all be CORRESPONDING AUTHOR
happy, may all beings be free ailments, Dr. Rashmi Tiwari,
may all good occur to all people, and may Assistant professor Department of
no one be troubled with misery. [2] Agadtantra,
REFERENCES Government Ayurveda College, Vadodara,
1. Shankar P.S. Values in health care. Email:
Journal of Postgraduate Medical Jour-
nal of Postgraduate Medical Education, Source of support: Nil
Training and Research, 2007; 2(3):1-2. Conflict of interest: None Declared IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 02; February - 2016


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