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This chapter describes about the multiple personality disorder as

background of the study, then the research questions based on scope of the study,

and the objectives of the research. In addition, the researcher also puts the

significances of research, theoretical and practical.

1.1 Background of study

The literature is literary works that comes into being of human’s

imagination as reflection of reality, and be translated into different literature from

to year and from age to age. “Literature adds in reality, it does not simply describe

it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides, and

in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become”.


Literary work is an expression of human being in the form of experiences,

thoughts, feelings, ideas, passions, beliefs in a form of life imagery, which can

arouse the charm with the tools of language and depicted in the form of writing.

“Literary work is a string of social feelings and social reality (all aspects of

human life) is arranged well and beautiful in the form of concrete objects”. Qutb

in (Sangidu, 2004, 38). Literary work is very useful in life, because literature can

give awareness to the reader about the truths of life, although depicted in fictional

form. The literary work gives joy and inner satisfaction. This entertainment is

kind of intellectual and spiritual entertainment. Literary works can also be used as

an experience to work, because anyone can pour the contents of hearts and minds

in an article of artistic value..

Literary works is the result of the portrait of life and nature arranged in such

a way. Literary works consists of three forms, namely poetry, drama, and prose.

The prose in which there are short stories and novels. In this study, researcher

discusses literary works is the novel The Icarus Girl by Helen Oyeyemi .This

novel describes Jessamy who experiences dissociative identity disorder or

multiple personality.

Personality or identity disorder is the personality of a person who seeks to

amuse himself by creating another personality that can acommodate it feeelings.

“multiple personality disorder is the presence of or more different identities of

one’s core personality. Patients have two different consciousnesses, thought

patterns, speech and changing of character. Koeswara (as cited in Handayani Yani

2009). Personality is usually an expression of the main personality that arises

because the main person cannot realize the things he wants to do. Personality type

refers to the psychological classification of different types of individuals. ,

“Personality types are sometimes distinguished from personality traits,

with the latter embodying a smaller grouping of behavioral tendencies.
Types are sometimes said to involve qualitative differences between
people, whereas traits might be construed as quantitative differences”
(Totton and Jacobs, 2001)

Sometimes the sufferer does not realize that he or she is a double

personality, two or more person in one body also unknown to each other and

worse yet some of these personalities are in contradiction.


Personality disorder start from a childhood, but it is rarely diagnosed diagnosed

until adulthood. This diseases, and sometimes cannot be cured completely. This

disease is more common in women that men. Quite often this disease is

accompained by other diseases, such as depression, borderline personality disoder,

and somatization disorder. patients also commonly experience headaches,

substance abuse, phobias, hallucinations, suicide attempts, as well as other

dissociative symptoms such as amnesia and depersonalization..

Literary work with the complexity of the problem of life, then the literary

work with human relationship are inseparable. Literature is a reflection os aspects

of human life which includes explicit attitudes, behaviors, thoughts, knowledge,

comments, feelings, imagination, as well as speculation the man himself.

Therefore, psychology is one aspect that is directly related to the literature and all

elements contained in the literary work is the result of reflection on the author’s

life experinces literature is not able to escape from the psychic aspect.”the soul

also raged in literature, psychology will be associated with that work. This was

the beginning of literary psychology in the study of literature. (Endraswara , 2008,


Human’s life with a variety of behavioral activities in interacting with

nature and the environment. Activities and human behavior lead to various

problems of life. Problem issues of human life can be seen in literary work. From

the problems of human life can be an inspiration for writer to be an interesting

literary work. One of the literary works that tells about events and problems in

human life is novel. Literary works such as novels or short stories revealed the

problems these problems. the problem appears inequalities experiences by the

characters and the environment, conflicts of interest between the two that led to


In the novel tells events and issues in human life, especially problems

personalities in the novel. One of the literary works explores the problems of

personality is the novel The Icarus Girl by Helen Oyeyemi (2006). The novel The

Icarus Girl presents the problems that is essentially a rare problem in human life.

This novel deals with the mystery world because in the novel there is about a little

girl who lives in two worlds.

Psychology of literature is a science discussing the behavior of humans as

individuals and groups and their relationship with the environment openly or

closed. The study of literary psychology does not examine the separate

psychological theory of the entity of his artwork but merged with the study of

elements of the intrinsic elements of other literary works, mainly figures and


A character in literary work is a figure who really takes a role in the story.

We make a comparison, if the script will be played or filmed; the figure requires

an actor (player). Characters in the story have a variety of functions or roles

ranging from a leading role, important, somewhat important, until just

cheerleaders alone. According to Abrams (as cited in Nurgiyantoro, 1995, p.165),

Character is the person represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who

are interpreted by the readers as being endowed with particular moral
intellectual and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons
say and their distinctive ways of saying it the dialogue and from what they
do the action”

The main character in the novel The Icarus Girl is Jessamy Harrison.

Jessamy is eight years old, Sensitive, whimsical, possessed of a powerful

imagination, she spends hours writing, reading or simply hiding in the dark

warmth of the airing cupboard. Jessamy has a mysterious friend her own age, she

is Tily-tily. She was slight and her bushy hair was tied into two big, round,

springy puffs, one behind each ear, with what looked like trilling, dirty white

string. She was barefoot, and her toes and feet were whitened with gravel

scratches and sand. Tily-tily cannot be seen by anyone, except Jessamy, their

meeting begins in Nigeria, in an empty house near her grandfather's house. Since

then they are friends and often spend time together. The presence of Tily-tily

makes Jessamy experience various feelings of pleasure, anger, fear, and often

hallucinations. Their friendship is makes jessamy experience multiple personality

disorder. Tily-tily come whenever and wherever and do whatever she wants, thus

making Jessamy experiencing psychological conflict, because tily-tily doing

unwanted by Jessamy. Mc.Kenzie is a doctor of psychology who handles

Jessamy, who diagnosed the case as multiple personality disorder. Multiple

personality of Jessamy figures has great influence in the personal conflicts and

conflicts with other figures.

Novel The Icarus Girl is very interesting to be read, because this novel is

one of the most complicated conflict novels. This novel tells the story of multiple

personalities of Jessamy characters with a clear and easily understood reader. In

the novel The Icarus Girl, Tily tily and jessamy are twin sisters, but one of them

died while still in the womb. During this time, Jessamy's life is very empty

without her twin. No one wants to accompany her. Tily’s presence in Jessamy's

life and make Jessamy become alter ego of Tily’s nature.

This novel discusses based on the theory psychoanalysis of Gustav Jung

regarding dissociative identity disorder or multiple personality disorder.

Psychology is one branch of literature that studies literature with the help of

psychology. Simply, literary psychology can be defined as a combination of

psychological and literary disciplines. Literary psychology is the study of

literature from the side of psychology.

Jung divides psyche into three. The first part is the ego that it identifies as

the conscious world. The second, closely related to the former, is the personal

subconscious that includes everything that is not directly realized, but can be

realized to realize. The personal unconscious is the unconscious as it is commonly

understood, which includes memories that can be brought to the conscious realm

easily and memories are suppressed for some reason. The third is collective


Novel The Icarus Girl released by Helen Oyeyemi in 2006. This novel is a

psychological theme followed by a mystical story. This theme tells of the

psychology of a child with multiple personality influenced by a mysterious friend.

In this study, researchers are interested to examine the multiple personality found

in the novel The Icarus Girl by Helen Oyeyemi by choosing the title of

Personality Disorder on the main character in the novel The Icarus Girl by Helen


1.2 Scope of The Study


The need of restriction on the problem in this research is a requirement to

narrow the examining main problem in order to the explanation does not extend to

other topic. The researcher uses the novel The Icarus Girl by Helen Oyeyemi as

primary data and some references which has relation with the topic of the

problem. The topic of this research is about personality disorders who have two

personality. In literature review, the researcher focuses on the analyzing theory

and topic of the research. For the theory, the researcher takes psychoanalysis of

Jung, which uses the archetype.

Scope of the problem in a study is needed so that this research can lead and

hit the research objectives. A study needs to be limited in scope so that the study

area is not too broad. In this study, researcher limits the problem only to one type

of personality disorder, the form and effects of the main character (Jessamy) in the

novel The Icarus Girl.

1.3 Research Question

The most important thing in the research is research question. This part is

the key to analyzing the part is the key to analyzing the topic in this research,

furthermore chapter finding and discussion explores this part. Based and to

support scope of the study, the researcher make the research question, namely:

1. What are the forms identity disorders experienced by the main character in

the novel The Icarus Girl?

2. How are the effects of identity disorders experienced by the main character

in the novel The Icarus Girl?

1.4 Objective of The Study


This part has relation to research question. Put in another way, the research

objective have function as the result from research question.

1. To describe the forms of personality disorders by the main character in the

novel The Icarus Girl.

2. To explain the effect of the personality disorders by the main character in

the novel The Icarus Girl.

1.5 Significance of Study

The result of the study is expected to be useful theoretically and practically:

Preparation of paper on the multiple personality of the main character in the novel

The Icarus Girl is expected to provide insight into the study of literature. The

benefits of this research are as follows.

a. Theoretical benefits

The result of this study can be used as a basis for further research, especially

the study of literary psychology. And this study is expected to provide benefits to

the development of literature review.

b. Practical benefits

For readers this research is expected to contribute thoughts to problem

solving related to dissociative identity disorder or multiple personality disorder.

For researchers the results of this study became the answer of the problems

formulated. This research can also provide motivation as a contribution of

thinking for all interested parties to conduct research.

1.4 Definition of key terms


1. Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of the

psychological system, in this research refers to the personality of the main

character of the novel The Icarus Girl.

2. A personality disorder is a mental disorder in which who have a rigid and

unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving which experienced by

the main character of the novel The Icarus Girl.

3. Main character is the Jessamy, character of the novel The Icarus Girl by Helen

Oyeyemi. The main character is the character that prefers the story in the

novel. Main character is the most widely told figure, either as perpetrators of

events or incidents. The main character is made synopsis, which is in the

making of synopsis activities, while additional characters usually ignored.

4. Novel is The Icarus Girl, a novel written by Helen Oyeyemi; publish in 2005,

by Anchor Books, a division of Random House, New York.



This chapter explains briefly about the theory to analyze the topic and

theoretical framework. In addition, in this chapter include the theoretical review,

theoretical framework, previous study which uses the same novel also this chapter

includes synopsis and biography the writer of the novel The Icarus Girl.

2.1 Theoretical Review

Psychoanalysis is a set of theories and therapeutic techniques related to the

study of the unconscious mind, which together form a method of treatment for

mental-health disorders. Psychoanalysis a method of explaining and treating

mental and emotional problems by having the patient talk about dreams, feelings,

memories, etc. As psychoanalysis deals with language and with interpretation, it

introduces a significant approach to the hermeneutics of suspicion, the idea that

there are motives and meanings which are disguised by and work through other

meanings. The hermeneutics of suspicion is not limited to psychoanalytic thought

but is found in structural thought generally - the idea that look, to understand

action, to sub-texts, not pre-texts.

Psychoanalysis is the name of a procedure for the investigation of mental

processes which are almost inaccessible in any other way, of a method
(based upon the investigation) for the treatment of neurotic disorders and
of a collection of psychological information obtained a collection of
psychological information obtained along those lines, which is gradually
being accumulated into a new scientific discipline. Freud (1950. P 155)

Psychoanalysis was invented by Sigmund Freud in the late nineteenth

century. According to Freud, the three system of the human psyche that help

regulate the libido are the id, ego and superego. Special funcion and one of them

is defense mechanism to defend and protect the personality from the anxiety.

2.1.1 Psychoanalysis of Jung

Jung regarded the psychoanalysis is a made up of a number of separate but

interacting system. The three main ones were the ego, the personal unconscious

and collective unconscious. According to Jung, the ego represents the conscious

mind as it comprises the thoughts, memories, and emotions a person is aware. The

ego is largely responsible for feelings of identity and continity.

Jung approach to personality theory was necessarily different from Freud's.

in Jung view, the chief problem was to explain the individuals construction of

fantasies and dream that embody symbols and themes unlikely to be part of the

individuals strictly personal experience , the hypothesized, therefore, that the mind

or total personality was divided into three major zones. the conscious ego, the

personal unconscious , and the collective unconscious.

Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and founder of the school of

analytical psychology. He proposed and developed the concepts of the extroverted

and introverted personality, archetypes, and the collective unconscious. The issues

that he dealt with arose from his personal experiences. For many years Jung felt as

if he had two separate personalities. One introverted and other extroverted. This

interplay resulted in his study of integration and wholeness. His work has been

influential not only in psychology, but in religion and literature as well. Jung

developed a distinctive approach to the study of the human mind. Through his

early years working in a Swiss hospital with psychotic patients and collaborating

with Sigmund Freud and the burgeoning psychoanalytic community, he gained a


closer look at the mysterious depths of the human unconscious. Fascinated by

what he saw (and spurred on with even more passion by the experiences and

questions of his personal life) he devoted his life to the exploration of the

unconscious. However, Jung did not feel that experimental natural science was the

best means to understand the human soul. For him, a balance between hard

science and the worlds of dream, myth, and spirit represented the most fascinating

and promising road to deeper understanding.

The overarching goal of Jung's work was the reconciliation of the life of

the individual with the world of the supra-personal archetypes. He came to see the

individual's encounter with the unconscious central to this process. The human

experiences the unconscious through symbols encountered in all aspects of life: in

dreams, art, religion, and the symbolic dramas we enact in our relationships and

life pursuits. Essential to the encounter with the unconscious, and the

reconciliation of the individual's consciousness with this broader world, is

learning this symbolic language. Only through attention and openness to this

world (which is quite foreign to the modern Western mind) is the individual able

to harmonize his life with these supra personal archetypal forces.

Neurosis results from a disharmony between the individual's consciousness

and the greater archetypal world. The aim of psychotherapy is to assist the

individual in reestablishing a healthy relationship to the unconscious (neither

being swamped by it, a state characteristic of psychosis nor completely shut off

from - a state that results in malaise, empty consumerism, narcissism, and a life

cut off from deeper meaning). The encounter between consciousness and the

symbols arising from the unconscious enriches life and promotes psychological

development. Jung considered this process of psychological growth and

maturation (which he called the process of individuation) to be of critical

importance to the human being, and ultimately to modern society.

In order to undergo the individuation process, the individual must be open

to the parts of oneself beyond one's own ego. In order to do this, the modern

individual must pay attention to dreams, explore the world of religion and

spirituality, and question the assumptions of the operant societal worldview

(rather than just blindly living life in accordance with dominant norms and

assumptions). Below is Jung's Personality Structure:

a. Conscious (Ego)

Consciousness arises early in life, perhaps even before it is born.

Generally, gradually consciousness of the infant becomes more specific when the

baby starts to recognize the human and the surrounding object. According to the

Jung, the first result of the conscious differentiation process is the ego. As an

organization of consciousness, the ego plays an important role in determining the

perceptions of thoughts, feelings and memories that can enter consciousness.

Without ego selection, the human soul can become chaotic because it is flooded

by experiences that are all free to enter into consciousness. By filtering

experience, the ego seeks to maintain wholeness in personality and gives people a

sense of continuity and identity.

Conscious images are sensed by the ego. Unconscious elements

meanwhile, have no contact with the ego. to embrace the whole personality, ego

must be completed with the more comprehensive self as the center of personality,

which is largely unconscious thereby plays a minor role in analytical psychology.

a healthy individual is the one who able to maintain contact with thee conscious

world, but also allow themselves to reach the unconscious self. This condition

make it possible to reach individuation

b. Personal Unconscious

The personal unconscious includes anything which is not presently

conscious, but can be. The personal unconscious is made up essentially of

contents which have at one time been conscious but have disappeared from

consciousness through having been forgotten or repressed. The personal

unconscious is like most people's understanding of the unconscious in that it

includes both memories that are easily brought to mind and those that have been

suppressed for some reason. Jung's theory of a personal unconscious is quite

similar to Freud’s creation of a region containing a person's repressed, forgotten

or ignored experiences. However, Jung considered the personal unconscious to be

a "more or less superficial layer of the unconscious." Within the personal

unconscious is what he called "feeling-toned complexes." He said that "they

constitute the personal and private side of psychic life.

The unconscious refers to those psychic images not sensed by the ego.

Some unconscious processes flow from our personal experiences, but others stem

from our ancestors' experiences with universal themes. Jung divided the

unconscious into the personal unconscious, which contains the complexes

(emotionally toned groups of related ideas) and the collective unconscious, or


ideas that are beyond our personal experiences and that originate from the

repeated experiences of our ancestors.

c. Collective Unconscious

Collective unconscious images are not inherited ideas, but rather they

refer to our innate tendency to react in a particular way whenever our personal

experiences stimulate an inherited predisposition toward action.“ collective

unconscious according to Jung, result from the entire species collective

experiences. Inherited and passed from one generation to the next, it roots in the

ancestor’s experience with universal concepts such as God, mother, fire, earth and

wind. This universal experiences make the collective unconsciousness relatively

same for people across culture”. Jung (1934/1954). Contents of the collective

unconscious are called archetypes. Unconsciousness is unconscious, knowledge of

the unconscious is acquired indirectly, that is through manifestation rather than

the contents of the unconscious. Manifestation of the unconscious can be

symptom and complex, dream, archetypes.

Jung believed that archetypes originate through the repeated experiences of

our ancestors and that they are expressed in certain types of dreams, fantasies,

delusions, and hallucinations. It is explained,

Archetypes are images of the past and even archaic archetypes from the
collective unconscious. Complex archetypes that they are an emotionally
charged group of interconnected images. But if the complex is an
individual component of the subconscious component that is
individualized, the archetype is more general and derives from the
collective unconscious. (Jung 1975 p.152)
Archetypes must be distinguished from instinct. Jung defines the instinct

as a consciously conscious physical impulse for action, while he sees the


archetype as an instinctive counterpart because it is psychic. Several archetypes

acquire their own personality, and Jung identified these by name. One is the

persona-the side of our personality that we show to others. Another is the shadow-

the dark side of personality. To reach full psychological maturity, Jung believed,

we must first realize or accept our shadow. A second hurdle in achieving maturity

is for men to accept their anima, or feminine side, and for women to embrace their

animus, or masculine disposition. Other archetypes include the great mother (the

archetype of nourishment and destruction); the wise old man (the archetype of

wisdom and meaning); and the hero, (the image we have of a conqueror who

vanquishes evil, but who has a single fatal flaw). The most comprehensive

archetype is the self; that is, the image we have of fulfillment, completion, or

perfection. In Jungian psychology, archetypes are highly developed elements of

the collective unconscious. Being unconscious, the existence of archetypes can

only be deduced indirectly by examining behavior, images, art, myths, religions,

or dreams. Carl Jung understood archetypes as universal, archaic patterns and

images that derive from the collective unconscious and are the psychic counterpart

of instinct. Parts of archetypes as follows;

a. Persona

Persona is the way individuals consciously manifest themselves out (to the

world around it). Jung sets the boundaries of the persona as "complexes of

functions formed on the basis of adjustment considerations or seeking solutions,

but not the same as individuality. “Persona is a compromise between individuals


and society, between the inner structures itself with the demands around how

people should do”. Jung (1950/1959 p. 95)

b. Shadow

Shadow is an unconscious complex that is defined as the diametrical

opposite of the conscious self, the ego. The shadow represents everything that the

conscious person does not wish to acknowledge within themselves. For instance,

someone who identifies as being kind has a shadow that is harsh or unkind.

Conversely, an individual who is brutal has a kind shadow. The shadow of

persons who are convinced that they are ugly appears to be beautiful. The shadow

is not necessarily good or bad. It simply counterbalances some of the one-sided

dimensions of our personality. Jung emphasized the importance of being aware of

shadow material and incorporating it into conscious awareness, lest one project

these attributes onto others.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

A theoretical frame work usually consists of concept and together with

their definition and references to relevant scholarly literature, existing theory that

is used for the research study. The theoretical framework must demonstrate an

understanding of theories and concept that are relevant to the topic to the topic of

research study and that relate to broader areas of knowledge being considered.

The theories and definitions used in this research study and also the process of

using those theories to obtain the results can be seen from the following

theoretical framework figures.


Literary work/ Novel


Jung Unconscious




Based on the image above is using the theory of psychoanalysis Jung that

discusses the structure of personality and researchers chose to use archetypes as

an approach related to the form of identity disorder that existed in the main

character. Jessamy main characters in who experience multiple personality or

identity disorder make some sequence of action through text.

2.3 Previous Study

Based on observations made by writer, the novel The Icarus Girl has never

been analyzed by university of Balikpapan students, and throughout the university


in Indonesia. However, an analysis with dissociative identity dissociative theory

has been used in analyzing literary works, including the following:

The first previous is "An Analysis Of The Multiple Personality Of The

Main Character In Sidney Sheldon's Novel Tell Me Your Dreams" (2010) was

studied by Sinta Fajaria Noni Hendarti by using the theory of literary psychology.

This research analyzes the multiple of the main character and analyzes the cause

of the main character Ashley Patterson. The result of his research is Ashley has

three different identities: in addition to being Ashley, as well as Allete and

Toni.Ahley's condition comes from the trauma of his childhood. The purpose of

Sinta's writing is to better understand the multiple personality experienced by

Ashley's character and his other identity.

The second previous is Kepribadian Ganda Tokoh Nawai in Rumah

Lebah by Ruwi Meita. Review of Literary Psychology ".was studied by Asep

Sundana by using the theory of personality psychology Freud, depersonalization

theory, and DSM-IV theory of dissociative identity disorder (DID) or also called

multiple personality disorder. This study analyzes multiple personality disorders

of the Nawai figure and analyzes the causes. The results of this study are Nawai

leaders have five identities in her, that is, herself as Nawai, Ana Manaya, Abuela,

The twins, and Wilis. Cause Nawai has multiple personality disorder due to

traumatic childhood that is so deep.

The third previous is “An Analysis of Personality Disorder of the Main

Character in Frankie & alice film”, (2010) was studied by Tubagus Satriyadi.

Analysis of the psychological problems of Frankie as the main character in


Frankie & Alice film. The writer uses qualitative descriptive analysis method and

psychoanalysis theory of Sigmund Freud. The analysis shows that Frankie as the

main character is a loving family person but she is weak because of her

personality disorder. Her problem is because of her traumatic experiences that

makes her feel high anxiety. To protect herself from the traumatic experience, she

uses personality disorder, part of dissociation, as her defense mechanism that

creates two other personalities (multiple personalities), namely Alice and Genius

who have different functions. The first functions to protect her from guilty feeling

to make her a better person. On the other hand, the second functions as a helper.

On this occasion, the author will examine the novel The Icarus Girl by

Helen Oyeyemi based on the theory of personality psychology Jung. With the

help of abnormal psychology science about dissociative identity disorder or

multiple personality disorder.

2.4 Synopsis

The Icarus Girl, a debut novel completed when its

author was still at school, begins innocently, with a

childish debate about identity. An eight-(8) year-old

girl is hiding in a cupboard "saying quietly to

herself, I am in the cupboard. she is constantly

screaming. She felt that she needed to be saying this

so that it would be real. It was similar to her waking up and saying to herself, My

name is Jessamy. I am eight years old." Jessamy likes to amend her favorite

children's classics by writing new versions over their pages with her pen: "Beth's

so nice you'd think Louisa May Alcott would have treated her better." It turns out

that she herself is the heroine of an unalterable hurt narrative, Jess's adjustment to

Nigeria is only beginning when she encounters Titiola, or TillyTilly, a ragged

little girl her own age. She desperately wants to return to her own Year Four class,

but her proud Nigerian mother, Sarah, objects. Sarah, a successful novelist, seems

for the most part of herself and her imaginary friend, which twists into a new

version of the doppelganger myth, the myth of the fetch, the fateful twin. It's a

story with an eye for the baroque state that childhood can be and on the It

becomes clear - and to Helen Oyeyemi's credit the knowledge is subtly smuggled

in among the trappings of so-called normalcy - that sweet, clever Jessamy is a

troubled child, "a half-and-half child", prone to screaming fits and fevers, hot and

cold at once. Her Nigerian mother and English father are eager for her to be

"normal", but at home in London her father's relatives confuse her by being so

"like a picture book family; blonde man, blonde woman, cute little blonde child".

She doesn't feel right in Nigeria either. "Here she was, half a world away, still

feeling alien." Her mother's father gives her special Nigerian name, Wuraola, but

Wuraola sounded like another person, not her at all". Then otherness - or is it

sameness - enters the story in the form of TillyTilly, a jolly-seeming chum with a

name of two halves. A girl was standing silently above her, looking down at her

with narrow, dark eyes so dark that, to Jess, lying on the ground, they seemed

pupil-less. There was something about her that was out of proportion. Was she too

tall and yet too, small at the same time Tilly takes Jess on fun adventures in

forbidden and impossible places, and when Jess gets home to England and can't

settle at school, the strange Nigerian girl turns up at the front door looking slightly

more suitably English. "Me and my parents have just moved in around the area”.

It's this off-the-cuff, innocent-seeming realism that powers this novel, in

the shape of the savage and invisible Tilly, a character whose reality has

consequences that turn more and more violent. Jess's father becomes ill; Tilly's

verdant, earthy smell clung to him in clumps. A friendship Jess makes with her

psychologist's daughter goes very wrong indeed. A story surface of a lost self, a

dead twin: both the Nigerian and English ways of dealing with this loss are

useless in the face of the force unleashed by a grieving and unsatisfied

imagination. Oyeyemi's childish, almost embarrassingly open prose style, plus her

narrative assurance, produces a peculiarly matter-of-fact kind of hysteria, and this

strange, grief-charged narrative remains believable because of the directness of its


Though Jessamy's near-autistic precociousness - she's an eight-year-old in

love with Ham let and haiku - is a little hard to swallow, the book is most

convincingly alive with the too-real ghosts of split selves and fractured cultures

whose demands become un ignorable. But The Icarus Girl's real tragic

inevitability lies in the fracture of childhood into the shock of maturity itself;

bleakness in the light, bright state of childhood is the real subject of this curiously

wild, curiously blithely-voiced novel. "She held her hands up in front of her and

tried to imagine them as pudgy little fists; tried to create continuity between a time

when she didn't know herself and now". It’s simple-seeming rewrite of the

simplest of imaginative impulses goes further than an analysis of cultural and


personal displacement to suggest that no childhood is ever normal, that the strains

between parents and children will inevitably break you whichever you happen to


2.5 Biography

Helen Ola jumoke Oyeyemi was born in Nigeria in

December 10, 1984 but was raised in a council state

in London, UK, after moving there with her parents

when she was four years old. She was a very lonely

child and as a teenager she was diagnosed with

depression and had to visit several psychologists.

Oyeyemi is a very precocious writer: she wrote her first novel, The Icarus Girl

(London, Bloomsbury) Helen Oyeyemi's sophisticated debut novel, The Icarus

Girl, tells the story of eight-year-old Jessamy Jess Harrison, a girl caught between

many different realms. She is on one hand unnaturally precocious and on the

other, childish in her displays of fits and tantrums. She is also trapped between the

two cultures exemplified by her Nigerian mother.

Her parents move to Nigeria, hopeful that this will allay the anxieties that

are causing Jess' violent outbursts. in seven months, while she was studying for

her A-level exams at a south London comprehensive school. She sent the first

pages of her manuscript to literary agent Robin Wade, who soon contacted her

and offered her a deal with Bloomsbury for a high amount of money. The Icarus

Girl was finally published in 2005 to wide critical acclaim while she was studying

Social and Political Sciences at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. It deals with

the experiences of eight-year-old Jessamy, the daughter of an English father and a

Nigerian mother living in present-day London, who goes into difficulties because

of her identity conflicts and her friendship with a mysterious girl she meets while

on holiday in Nigeria. Combining elements from primitive Yoruba folklore,

contemporary Western culture and the Gothic genre, it is a partly

autobiographical, hard-to-classify novel which has even been perceives some

critics as a teenage narrative due to the presence of supernatural motifs and

childhood anguish.



Research methodology is a systematic way to solve a problem. That

systematic is mentioned in this section into several explanations about the process

in doing this research. There are includes type of research, source of data, data

collection procedures, data analysis and interpretation, and

3.1 Type of Research

In this research, researcher use stage as used by all researchers in general

according to studying the object of the research or the novel itself. Research

method has consanguinity that is representing procedures in conducting activity of

research in effort to overcome or lesson internal issue process research. in this

study the researcher uses the guidance and procedure to arrange the research

called methodology. The research method used in this research is Qualitative

method. “Qualitative research is a form of content analysis covering a spectrum of

approaches ranging from empirical phenomenological psychology to

hermeneutical-phenomenological psychology, depending on the data source”.

(Vander Wall 1999:55).

Qualitative data collection methods are flexible and unstructured,

capturing verbatim reports or observable characteristics and yielding data
that usually do not take numerical form. Words, films, postcards, art and
all sensory data are considered qualitative data unless they are transformed
into some numerical system. (Brink & Wood 1998:5).

3.2 Source of Data

Topic applying in this research is psychology someone character that has

aggression behavior in her life. By using data sources from direct observation

technique will gain all data needed to research this case. data sources applied by

the writer to explore this case is taking from novel work by Helen Oyeyemi “The

Icarus Girl”, And also supported from many literatures and several references

which have correlation or relevance with that object research. the instrument

supporting information or material applying as well getting through internet media

that many serve literary works from psychology expert which is completed by

case invention, theory assumption by the discover, where all with attach as data

sources complete in exploring and discovering this case by the writer.

3.3 Data Collection Procedures

The data analysis is a process of arranging the order of the data. Organize

them into a pattern, category, and description of the basic unit. This is done when

analyzing the meaning of the data is sorted, grouped according to patterns,

categories, and its unit. With the analysis of the activity, is expected to find the

norms or rules. Qualitative data analysis needs to be conducted with rig our and

care. In the study, the analysis begins immediately after the first data

collected. They may consist of nothing more than a single interview. When the

Researcher prepares to pay attention to the data, the first task is the conceptual

clarification of the prejudices about the phenomenon being studied. This is

"bracketing" and means "to suspend as much as possible the meaning and

interpretation of the researcher and into the world of the individual interviewed

.Actual data analysis occurs when the researchers read the entire data set. For

phenomenology is more than paying attention to its content. The researcher

immerse themselves in the data, read and reread, and stay with the data, to attain

closeness to the data and the overall sense. When are satisfied that the text is

accessible to them they can describe all the "units of meaning" throughout the

entire transcription of the interview, deciding which ones are relevant to research

questions asked, then bind the meaning units that contain

Data analysis in Qualitative research is held continuously, since the data

collection in the field until the time of writing research reports first step in

analysis of the novel The Icarus Girl by Helen Oyeyemi, at this stage the

researcher can find the conflicts caused by personality disorder. Furthermore,

namely researcher work continuously through intense readings of literary texts

from the beginning to the end to find the factors that indicates forms and effects to

the relationship of the main character in the novel The Icarus Girl by Helen

Oyeyemi . Also the researcher uses archetype by Carl Jung as the theory to

analyze the conflict that becomes the subject matter.

3.4 Data Analysis and Interpretation.

In data analysis at this research, researcher does random process by

collecting interconnected data at the problem that is accurate then chooses and

select again tightly interconnected data and real with problem which will be lifted

by researcher. Peculiarly the data yields a resolving at problem which is planned

researcher as component of this research.


After getting all data which still in common, along with the theories, novel

,books, articles which are not yet conveyed, hence researcher will dissociate just

for data which is needed, then from mentioned data aggregate will be minimized

to become more specific things, which is on finally will be drawn some


To analyze the data in the novel The Icarus Girl, According to Miles and

Huber man (p.173) there are three components. Steps must be taken in analyzing

the data with content analysis include:

1. Data reduction is a selection process, with a focus on simplification,

abstraction, and transformation of "commonality" data arising from notes in

the research object. After all the data is collected, the researcher will focus on

reducing the data into categories and classification. Data reduction process in

this study concerns the personality associated with identity disorder. The

report, based on the data obtained is reduced, summarized, and the subject

matter, centered on what matters. The data taken are data about the personality

disorder depicted in the novel The Icarus Girl. Researchers analyze based on

dialogue and narration.

2. Data view is a collection of structured information that gives the possibility to

draw conclusions and take action. The most common presentation used in

qualitative data in the past is the form of narrative text. The data display is

performed after the data has been reduced or summarized. Data obtained from

observation and documentation analysis are then presented in the form of field

notes and documentation notes. Then the data will be encoded to organize the

data. Thus the researchers will analyze the data easily and quickly. The data

will be displayed by category and classification, using the junior

psychoanalysis theory in archetypes. Each data that has been coded will be

analyzed in the form of reflection in personality disorder based on novel and

presented in text form.

3. The final step in the analysis of qualitative data is an interactive model

conclusion of the verification. Based on the data that has been reduced and

presented, researcher made a conclusion that is supported by strong evidence

at the stage of data collection. The conclusion is the answer to the problem

formulation and questions that have been revealed by investigators from the

beginning. This research uses an interactive model, which is between the three

aforementioned components applicable it binds with each other in parallel.

Since the beginning of the research, researchers have been trying to find the

meaning of the data collected. The researcher needs to find the patterns, themes,

relationships, similarities, things that often arise, hypotheses and others. The

conclusion initially tentative but with the data increases both from observations

and by obtaining the overall research data. Conclusions should be clarified and

verified during the research.

3.5 Trustworthiness Of Data Analysis

The trustworthiness of the result of the data analysis is necessary to be

checked in order to reduce the researcher’s biases and prejudices. Then the

researcher does the data validity. Incorrect data will result incorrect conclusion,

valid data will result correct conclusion of research results. describe


trustworthiness as “establishing the validity and reliability of qualitative

research. Qualitative research is trustworthy when it accurately represents the

experiences of the study participants. Trustworthiness establishes the validity and

reliability of qualitative research. The research demonstrates trustworthiness

when the experiences of the participants were accurately represented.

Trustworthiness of data in method triangulation is demonstrated through the

researcher’s attention to and confirmation of information discovery. This is

referred to as rigout. Four criteria are used to measure trustworthiness of

data: credibility, dependability, transferability and conformability.

The researcher conducted a study of personality on the main character in the

novel The Icarus Girl by Helen Oyeyemi. When researcher look for journals or

other studies on the same topic to be evaluators then each researcher reaches

different conclusions on this issue. The researcher reads and records research

results for observation, and after analysis, validity will be established for the

practices and skills identified by each observer




This chapter is the most important of scientific papers and includes several

sub-chapters contained in the findings and discussion of the research findings. The

discussion aims to explain the findings of the observations of the text in the novel.

This finding is actually the answer to the problem question in chapter 1, in the

discussion. Theory examines the forms identity disorders through the puzzle that

comes from the novel and allows the reader to guess what happened next. Also

creates the meaning of consecutive text actions to the mind of the reader. So, this

theory supports the discussion which indicates finding of personality disorders the

action of Jessamy

4.1 Forms of Personality Disorders

Personality disorder is mental disorder in which they have a rigid and

unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving .People with personality

will dissociate from one identity only to associate with another one, possibly with

its own name, gender, age, identity, accent and history. One personality state may

not be aware of any others. Other personality states are known as "alters. In the

novel The Icarus Girl, Jessamy experiencing identity disorders, she experienced

some form of identity disorder that is: derealization, hallucinations and depression

Archetypes have a biological basis but archetypes are rooted in the

experience of ancestors who are repeated throughout their harmony. The potential

of countless numbers, archetype archetypes exist in each individual. and when


personal experience is associated with a hidden primordial image, the archetype

becomes active. Archetypes cannot be presented directly, but the crystals are

activated, the archetype expresses itself through several modes, mainly through

dreams, fantasies, and delusions.

4.1.1 Fantasy

A fantasy is a situation imagined by an individual that expresses certain

desires or aims on the part of its creator. Fantasies sometimes involve situations

that are highly unlikely; or they may be quite realistic. Fantasies can also be

sexual in nature. Another, more basic meaning of fantasy is something which is

not 'real,' as in perceived explicitly by any of the senses, but exists as an imagined

situation of object to subject. Jung starts a fantasy by imagining that he is being

descended into a deep cosmic ravine. Jung had little understanding of the vision

and the dream then, after that, when he began to understand that the image and the

fantasy figure is essentially an archetype, the experience produces a new meaning.

(Jung, 1961: 94)

Jessamy experiences feelings as unreal, her body separate from herself

both of physically and mentally. Jessamy is like observing herself, as if she's

watching herself in a movie. She does not inhabit her body because tily tily

controls and enters the body of jessamy. She cannot do anything; she can only feel

the tremendous pain when Tilly Tilly controls her body. She tried to want to lose

and swap back into her body but could not, because only Tilly was able to return


Excerpt 1
Jess-who-wasn’t-jess realized that something had changed Tilly-who-was-
jess had gone quiet. She wobbled across the basement, walking so
exaggeratedly that she touched her heel to the floor before putting her foot
down, and with excruciating concentration on her face, began to snatch at
the wisps of jess-who-wasn’t-jess.(p.213)

Jung has many dreams and archetypal fantasies, he often begins a fantasy of

fantasies by imagining that he is being descended into a deep cosmic ravine,

capable of only a little understanding of his visions and dreams, but when he

begins to understand that the image of the imagination, the dream and the figure

of the fantasy figure is essentially archetypes, then the experience's experience

creates a new meaning. In the excerpt tells of jessamy having perceptions of

identity, body, and personality that are distorted and dominated by her fantasy

world. She was in a place that should not be her place, and she could only feel the

pain in her body. Body and mind brought by Tilly into the fantasy.

Depersonalization is the feeling that our body does not belong to or part of the

human self. People who are depersonalized may feel strange, as if drifting away,

without body apart from self, regardless of everything. In the above excerpt is

evident that jessamy is derealized because her body can only be seen and

controlled by another person.

Excerpt 2
“Stunned, she recalled enough of herself to remember that she wanted,
needed, to be jess again. She had to get Tilly to swap back; she had to
force herself to concentrate. It was difficult, like squeezing herself into box
after brightly colored box, each one a little smaller, until she was property
here and now, with tilly who was now jess. Jess’s mum was in room now,
talking to tilly who was jess, saying, What’s the matter, why did you
she had concentrate, she was being poured out, like a thin, sweet liquid
that stuck to every surface it encountered…” (p.209)

Individuals with dissociative identity disorder can show a sudden feeling of being

personalized from their speech and action, which they feel is powerless to stop

them (sense of self). Some individuals also exhibit voice perceptions e.g.,

children's voices, weeping, and spiritual voices. In the above excerpt tell about

Tilly makes jessamy uncomfortable. Because personality tily very contrary to

jessamy. Jessamy begged Tilly to return her body.

Jessamy can only pray that she can get out of a blunt body. And when

Jessamy came out of Tilly's body, she screamed and felt a tremendous pain. When

jessamy woke up, she did not feel anything and she did not cry, jessamy felt fine.

She was confused and did not know why. She feels in a dream and goes by so fast

and cannot remember what happened to her. Jessamy strange behavior has always

been a problem between her and her parents, although Jessamy did not control her

body, she tried to look calm in front of her mother. She just said that he's all right.

Jessamy spends more of her time with her fantasy world.

4.1.2 Hallucinations

Hallucination refers to when a person sees, smells, hears, feels or tastes

something that does not exist. Hallucinations are a common clinical feature of

schizophrenia, particularly auditory hallucinations where patients hear voices. In

the novel The Icarus Girl, In addition to befriending a mysterious girl, jessamy

also often hear and smell something unreal, and she also often shouted for no

reason. While in a place, she experiences hallucinations of vision, hearing and

smell. And her strange actions often make jessamy get into trouble with people

around her.

Excerpt 3
Inside her head, she could hear her skin blistering, could almost feel it,
and she tried to out scream the sound, she could hear herself. She felt
other people looking, heard people stirring, muttering, and felt good to be
making this sharp, screeching, hurting noise. (p.10)

Jung believes that the hallucination of psychotic patients also offers

evidence for universal archetypes. While working as a psychiatrist assistant at

Burgholtzli, Jung observes paranoid schizophrenic patients who want to find

windows in the sun. In the excerpt above shows jessamy has auditory

hallucinations, and jessamy also thinks frightening images. Screaming for no

reason to make her parents angry and slap jessamy, but she did not feel pain, even

she felt like a blowing windblown in her. Hallucinations experienced by jessamy

and shouting for no reason often occur in school and this is what makes jessamy

not liked by her friends. In addition to auditory hallucinations, jessamy also often

hallucinates by smell. She often imagines that is not true happened. Basically,

hallucinations are not always psychiatric. For example, short hallucinations are

quite common after the event of death, a person undergoing hallucinations as if

seeing or hearing a deceased person.

Excerpt 4
It was dark in the display room, and there was a smell of wet leaves and
something tangier, more animal, she couldn’t take her eyes off the snake.
She found her lips moving, she was praying, but not in English, or even
Yoruba, but in some loose…(p.32)

Hallucinating smell is characterized by the smell of rotten, fishy and disgusting

smells such as: blood, urine or feces. Sometimes smell of smell. In the above

excerpt shows the jessamy hallucinating, through smell and sight, When he sees a

snake, and imagines the snake emits a pungent odor, She imagined the snake jump

and pierce the glass. The hallucinations experienced by jessamy are not only

there, and she also experiences hallucinations through dreams. Dream is the major

sources of archetype materials, and a particular dream offering what is considered

Jung, as the evidence of archetype existence. dreams of this dream make a motive

motives who cannot be known the leadership of the personal experience, this

motive motif is time to come with the motive motif known by the original


Psychic symptoms that are close to or similar to hallucinations are dream.

In dreams, we see people and events that do not exist only in the dreams.

Hallucinations are observations that do not actually exist, but are experienced as a

reality. In this case has a real feature that really experienced or lived by the


Excerpt 5
The woman with the long arms had been smiling, flying through her
dreams again, and jess thought the woman might have been hugging her,
the arms looping around and around jess’s body, holding her, the skin
smooth like a velveteen rope. Jess didn’t know how she could have thought
that she was scary before. (p.138)

Archetypes cannot be represented directly, but when activated, the

archetypes express themselves through several modes, primarily through dreams,

fantasies and delusions .A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and

sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of

sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, though they

have been a topic of scientific speculation, as well as a subject of philosophical

and religious interest, throughout recorded history. Dream interpretation is the

attempt at drawing Meaning from dreams and searching for an underlying


message. In the excerpt In the above, jessamy tried to remember her dream of a

long-sleeved woman, a scary woman. Jessamy never met the woman but she often

present in jessamy's dream, she does not understand why the woman is present in

her dream.

Jessamy also often hear a very frightening voice and tone. The voice is just

coming and passing quickly, he does not know where the voice came from.

Hearing hallucinations are marked by hearing a voice, the strongest of people's

voices, usually the client hears the voice of the person who is talking about what

he is thinking and commands to do something.

Excerpt 6
Jess was seized by the fear that it wasn’t Aunty funke she was talking to, but
some thin, winding spirit that had intercepted the call, taking on her auntie’s
accent and tone voice, turning every sentence into a shrill cleaving of the
nerves. (p.168)

Hearing a sharp voice as she telephoned her aunt in Nigeria, jessamy felt the tone

of voice turn sharp like a slashing knife. And jessamy let the voice come piercing

into her ear.

4.1.3 Depression

Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a

person's thoughts, behavior, feelings, and sense of well-being. A depressed mood

is a normal temporary reaction to life events such as loss of a loved one. It is also

a symptom of some physical diseases and a side effect of some drugs and medical

treatments. Depressed mood is also a symptom of some mood disorders such as

major depressive disorder. In the novel The Icarus Girl, jessamy also often

experience depression because of the many conflicts. And tillytilly is the cause of

every problem faced by jessamy.

Excerpt 7
No, no, no, no! She lashed out without turning around, kicking and
swinging one arm out behind her. She heard a pained gasp as she made
contact with cloth and flesh (an arm, a leg?), and her other arm curled
itself tightly around one of the bars. Trouble. Oh, she was really in trouble
now! It wasn’t her fault, it was Fern’s. Fern had taken her thoughts,
because is wasn’t her.( p. 188)

In the above excerpt, jessamy felt depressed because of her twin sister, she

was always haunted by tillytilly and surrounded of many problems. Jessamy feels

her mind is being robbed by tillytilly, she does not know what to do, and she feels

there's someone running behind her who always calls her name, jessamy is

incapable of doing anything, so she unknowingly hurts herself, and she can only

scream. Jessamy also often feel annoyed, because she is always accused as the

cause of the problem, and her parents often quarrel just because it discusses

personality disorder experienced by jessamy. And she feels that the problem is not

only because of her actions, but also because of the influence of tilly that controls

her body and mind, and the presence of tilly also makes jessamy unable to control

herself and does not often feel tremendous pain.

Excerpt 8
Jess was in pain, worse than she’d ever been before; it was over flowing
into miniscule gasping sounds, and it was making her vision, her stomach,
her very mind, turn cartwheels amidst splashes of neon colour. She
wished desparetly that she would swoon, like people did in books; she
wished that she could. ( p. 194)

Jessamy The presence of Tilly Tilly in the life of jessamy not only brings

conflicts but also jessamy often feels pain all over her body, and jessamy does not

realize whether it is just a dream or not, she can only feel as if all her senses

explode, She felt a fire burning her body. Jessamy could not escape and could

only scream in pain, even she did not know where she was. As if there were

darkness and there was only light from the coals of fire. Jess cannot tell her

mother about the pain.

4.2 The Effects of Identity disorder of The Main Character

Personality disorder is a debilitating disease that bothers the patient and

others. These identities are often complex, have their own histories and unique

physical and behavioral traits. In the novel The Icarus Girl, jessamy suffers from

an personality disorder that makes her a lot of trouble. And the problem of

jessamy makes her a mockery for her friends at school, and her parents often

quarrel just because of jessamy's behavior. TillyTilly is present in the life of

Jessamy and is the cause of every problem faced by Jessamy. Tilly that affects

mind and body jessamy, so tilly's actions are borne by jessamy.

Excerpt 9
“But she is looks just like jessamy,” colleen said loudly, learning closer to
jess. Jess thought that she could smell the saliva on her hair. Oh, the
disgusting, disgusting saliva and this group not liking her; it took all the
nerve she had not to let herself fall backwards of the bench and carry on
screaming long after she’d hit the ground…(p.111)

In the above excerpt shows the results of a strange and frightening

personality Jessamy, her friend no one wants to approach her and always mock

jessamy. Because jessamy often shouted for no reason in the class, so his friend

was afraid to make friends with her. Jessamy does not like being teased by her

friends so she's against anyone who's bothering her, Tilly also helps jessamy to

avenge the person who's bothering her. Jessamy does not want to go to school and

does not want to meet her friends at school, and jessamy also does not like to see

her teacher because her teacher often blame and punish jessamy.

Excerpt 10
She could see Colleen McLain Andrea and Sonia Carney coming towards
her. They were all smiling, nudging each other, arms linked. They were a
group. Jess began to feel dread dripping slowly like water in her stomach,
she shifted and cleared her throat, telling herself not to worry, not to be
surprised. What can they do to you anyway? They’ll only say

In the excerpt, her friend approached jessamy, jess feared that her friend

would mock her. But she tried to calm herself in front of her friends. They

interrupt jessamy every day, so jessamy does not like school and she wants to stay

home, and does not want to see her friend. In addition, the conflict with her friend,

jessamy also against her friend who bothered her. He tried to fight when someone

tried to disturb her.

Excerpt 11
Jess lashed out and hit colleen square in the face so that she staggered
back, holding her cheek and shouting, she couldn’t stop there; she ran at
the other two, needing to scatter them so that they wouldn’t be a group
anymore. Andrea Carney pushed her and she grabbed Andrea’s struggling
arm and stuffed four fingers into her mouth and BIT her, and bit and bit”.
( p.111)

In the excerpt shows that jessamy rages and hurt her friends, she impatiently

always disturbed by her friends. jessamy more conflict, because with this problem

she will be dealing with her teacher and will get punished. Because jessamy often

quarrel with her friends, then she is often punished by her teacher. This is makes

Jessamy not want to go to school, because she will only get into trouble at school.

Jessamy also dislikes her teacher, because every problem jessamy does at the

school, will be reported to her mother , and she's afraid her mother will punish her


Excerpt 12
“Jessamy, stop this at once,” Miss Petel snapped, from somewhere in the
drift, “ i really don’t know how much of your behavior is precocity and
how much of it is plain attention seeking” (p.150)

Jessamy has always been a problem for the people around her, and all this

because of the influence of her fantasy world and tilly tilly. She was affected by

Tilly's selfishness, making Tilly unaware of the problems that occurred. And

conflict also occurred between her and both parents. Her mother often punished

her because she was often called to attend school to solve the problems that

jessamy did. Her mother always tried to persuade and direct the jessamy but very

difficult. So her mother often punishes jessamy to make her understand. But her

mother and father are different, her father always tries to understand and love

jessamy, and her mother always yells and punishes jessamy.

Excerpt 13
“see, I know for a fact that talking to you won’t help, but I just don’t what
to do with you anymore . so whenever you feel like hitting or, for God’s
sake, BITING someone- like some kind of animal!- whether this is it
school, or anywhere, you just remember these tins and how heavy they
were to hold up for a whole half and hour.” (p.120)

Excerpt 14
“Don’t show Jess, if you feel that strongly about it-“
Her mum seemed to materialize from nowhere with an almighty cuff to
the back of her head. Jess yelped, tears forming in her eyes. (p.206)

Jessamy could not bear to deal with every problem that happened to her, she

began to realize her relationship with Tilly, just bringing her into a deep conflict.

Jessamy tries to let go of tilly, and tries to tell her fantasy friend to leave her. But

another conflict arises, when jessamy wants to get away from tilly, but tilly does

not want to leave jessamy, she wants jessamy to be hers. And she does not let

jessamy be friends with other children. If jessamy leaves tilly, then she will make

jessamy more problematic. She will disturb people who are loved by jessamy.

Jessamy tried to get away from tilly and she did not care what tilly said.

Jessamy also makes tilly angry because jessamy avoid it, tilly creates new

problems again to the family of jessamy.

Excerpt 15
“Daddy’s ill. He’s in hospital, jess. We’re going to get a taxi to go and
see him”
That was when remembered, too late, that tillytilly had said she was going
to get Daniel Harrison. She didn’t want this to be her fault, but she knew
that it was (tillytilly, don’t make my dad die for being scared of me)

Tilly always shows her ego on jessamy, her attitude that makes jessamy

cannot bear to be friends with her anymore. tilly destroys Jessamy's relationship

with the people around her to her parents. In the quote, Tilly makes Jessamy's

father sick because jessamy tries to end her friendship with Tilly, and this is what

made Jessamy unable to leave Tilly, fearing Tilly would add more trouble.

Jessamy is angry with Tilly because she's the cause of all that happened to

her family, and she's even more hateful when jessamy says she's going to

reciprocate those who took jessamy from her. Jessamy tried to get out of tilly but

could not, until she got sick, tilly still controlled her. And both her parents were

unable to do anything other than bring her to a psychologist's doctor. But only her

grandfather was the one who could split jessamy with tilly tilly.

Excerpt 16
“jess grand father took fern heavy Ibeji statue out of the drawstring bag he
had brought with him and, confident that Dr.Adenuga’s instructions for it
not to be moved would be obeyed, put it in the far corner where it could

watch. And when he’d gone, the ibeji statue.(dull, unbelieved-in wood)

In the excerpt, when jessamy was sick, her grandfather puts a statue of ibeji

near jessamy, and lets it down, and that's when tilly comes out of jessamy's life,

tilly screams in pain as she is separated from jessamy. Tilly begged with a buzzing

scream, and begged her not to be separated from her twin sister, but thanks to the

statue of ibeji, jessamy was free of tilly. Life jessamy and tilly are not the same,

their place is different and they have to be separated.

Excerpt 17
Into Tilly’s unyielding flesh as she dawned at jess’s presence (it hurt them
both burningly) back into herself.
Jessamy Harrison woke up and up and up and up. ( p.334)

A fantasy is a situation imagined by an individual that expresses certain

desires or aims on the part of its creator. Fantasies sometimes involve situations

that are highly unlikely; or they may be quite realistic. Fantasies can also be

sexual in nature. Another, more basic meaning of fantasy is something which is

not 'real,' as in perceived explicitly by any of the senses, but exists as an imagined

situation of object to subject. all that happened to jessamy as if it was just a

dream, her fantasy brought jessamy into conflict, thanks to her grandfather and

Ibeji statue, jessamy has got up and back to herself.




This chapter provides general conclusions about the analysis of findings in

discovery and discussion chapters. This is a review of the research question in the

first chapter. This chapter also suggests suggestions in identity disorder research

and offers suggestions for further research.

5.1 Conclusion

To conclude from the analysis conducted by researcher, researcher can

conclude that. In the novel of The Icarus Girl by Helen Oyeyemi, the main

character who is told the author is having personality disorder. In jessamy, there

are two personalities that control her and control her body, namely tilly tilly

personality, and her personality as jessamy. Forms personality disorders have

diagnostic criteria that indicate an individual is having personality disorder, type

of personality disorder causing fantasy, hallucinations, delusions, and jessamy

character proved to experience the criteria of personality disorder.

The effect of the personality disorder experienced by jessamy is to create

conflicts between her and her friends, with her teacher and her parents. The

influence of personality disorder that causes jessamy to have no friends, often

scolded by his teacher for his strange attitude, and makes his people worried

because he has a mystery friend. Further conclusions for Jessamy based on the

above quote, Jessamy never had friends, no one wants to be her friend because of

her strange and often troubled personality, and everyone is frightened of her, even

though he's a clever man. but the family background of jeesamy that makes him

have to experience personality disorder, resulting from the loss of her twin sister

who makes her feel empty, This makes her a closed person, and a loner. He even

hates her mother, and the presence of Tilly as her twin sister, initially made

Jessamy happy to find a friend, but her presence even adds to jessamy's problems

and makes jessamy even more bizarre in the presence of both her parents and her

friends at school, and this is the influence of tilly's presence, the conflict between

parents, teachers, and her friends.

5.2 Suggestion

The researcher makes the following suggestion for future research based

on the result from analyzing the topic in this research:

the next researcher should be able to do more perfect research, whether

related to this research, or related to other problems in research which is the novel

The Icarus Girl by Helen Oyeyemi because there are aspects that can be

researched in addition to personality. Personality a person cannot do well literary

research without adequate literary knowledge and knowledge, but is also

supported by other sciences outside the literature.

Researcher hopes to appreciate the work of literature. Because of the

research that used to be useful to other readers. In addition, the researchers hope,

this research could be the beginning of inspiration for further research in the novel

The Icarus Girl by Helen Oyeyemi, and this research could be a reference

material for readers who want to examine the literature with the same approach.

Novel The Icarus Girl also very good to be reading material specially those who

deepen the world of psychology. This book can be used as addition to be science

of cases studied in psychology. In addition, the knowledge given in this novel is

also good, so people, who are not in the world of psychology, understand about

personality disorder.

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