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Job No. Sheet No. Rev.

Calculation Sheet of Gross Pollutant Trap (GPT)

MAA/12.27 1 0

Member/Location :
Drg. Ref.:
Made by: MAHIRAM Date: 20.10.2015
Ref. Calculation Output
MSMA 2012 GPT for Sub Station

Table 10.1 Proposed type of GPT = Type 3 - Oil and Grease Interceptor
Area = 0.5 ha

Table 10.2 With the temperature = 30 °C

The water density = 0.996 g/cm3
Viscosity Poises = 0.0007891 poises


= 980 x (90x10-4)2(0.898-0.996))/18(0.0007891) = -0.548 cm/s

the negative symbol of Vr only represent the direction of the particle.
Thus the value of Vr = = 5.48 x 10-3m/s

Allowable horizontal velocity is equal to 15 times the design oil rise rate,Vr

Eq.10.10 V = 15 x 5.48 x 10-3m/s = 0.08385 m/s

Eq. 10.10 D = (Q/2V)0.5 = ((0.50 x 0.0702)/2(0.08385))0.5 = 0.46 m

L = VD/Vr = 0.08385 x0.46/5.59x10-3 = 7.00 m

W = Q/(VD) = 0.50 x 0.0702 / (0.08385 x 0.46) = 0.91 m

W = 0.91 , sice W is equal to 2 x D, so W

Thus, a converntional OGI sized to capture runoff from the parking lot

D = 0.5 m
W = 0.9 m
L = 7.0 m
Job No. Sheet No. Rev.
Calculation Sheet of Gross Pollutant Trap (GPT)
MAA/12.27 1 0

Member/Location :
Drg. Ref.:
Made by: MAHIRAM Date: 20.10.2015
Ref. Calculation Output
MSMA 2012 GPT for Car Park

Table 10.1 Proposed type of GPT = Type 3 - Oil and Grease Interceptor
Area = 1.1 ha

Table 10.2 With the temperature = 30 °C

The water density = 0.996 g/cm3
Viscosity Poises = 0.0007891 poises


= 980 x (90x10-4)2(0.898-0.996))/18(0.0007891) = -0.548

the negative symbol of Vr only represent the direction of the particle.
Thus the value of Vr = = 5.48 x 10-3m/s

Allowable horizontal velocity is equal to 15 times the design oil rise rate,Vr

Eq.10.10 V = 15 x 5.48 x 10-3 = 0.08385 m/s

Eq. 10.10 D = (Q/2V)0.5 = ((1.10 x 0.0702)/2(0.08385))0.5 = 0.68 m

L = VD/Vr = 0.08385 x0.68/5.59x10-3 = 10.2 m

W = Q/(VD) = 1.10 x 0.0702 / (0.08385 x 0.68) = 1.35 m

W = 1.35 , sice W is equal to 2 x D, so W

Thus, a converntional OGI sized to capture runoff from the parking lot

D = 0.7 m
W = 1.4 m
L = 10.2 m

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