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MojoMojo - Just like a tube amp retaining the low end

Soul food - emphasis on high end

The OCD is my main drive. I thought of complementing it with a Mojo Mojo and
borrowed one for the weekend once. However, the Mojo Mojo was nowhere near as
transparent or bright sounding (in a good way) as I expected, so I passed on that
pedal. I ended up buying the Dark Matter instead, which is much more similar to the

The Wampler Plexidrive is quite similar to the OCD if you're looking for something
similar but different.

You can also use the MojoMojo Overdrive as a boost to push a tube amp over the
edge. It doesn�t quite have the same feel as a Tubescreamer when used in this way.
It sounds more like a tube amp that is naturally distorting rather than one that is
being deliberately overdriven with a TS9 style pedal (if that makes sense).


Slapback -> Ambient -> Spacey [300 ms can do till ambient]

Delay needed for cleans or drive sounds?? Analog distorts or gets muddy??
I can order from: Donner/ Stompbox/ Aliexpress

<<<Only the Echobrain, Behringer Vintage Delay, and Mooer Ana Echo are actually

<<<Price indicates quality in the chinese pedal market>>>

<<< How much do I even need from a delay pedal?? >>>

500ms is a comfortable delay time. 300 is too slapback.

--------Maybe 300ms is ENOUGH----------

Is it true bypass??????

My Mosky Blue Delay replaced a Donner Yellow Fall, which was good, but the Mosky is
much better for my needs.
Mosky has better knobs

Donner yellow fall: Y53Q3HRZAF5G | DONNER

- NOISE???
- Digital pedal producing analog delay
- 20 - 620 ms
- A little clearer than Behringer VD400 -> especially at low delay times -> Hybrid
of analog & digital
- Great sounds
- Emulated analog voicing doesn�t sound as natural as a proper analog delay (but
does sound clearer, so this could also be seen as a plus depending on your point of
- Produces spacey cleans and soaring leads.
- Doesn't suck tone!!!
- this pedal is more delay only than delay-reverb. Its more for repeating echoes
rather than big roomy/hall effect. I struggled on lower settings to get anything
resembling a light delay/reverb (IS IT GOOD FOR CREATING REVERB sounds at small
times) ???
- The delay sound is ok for the price, but it adds a LOT of sound when on, just in
terms of background sound, and slightly boosts the volume. if you're just using for
practice or playing around, I would recommend this pedal, but I wouldn't recommend
gigging with it.
- On a negative the hum is quite loud (for a Delay pedal) however nobody will
notice whilst you�re are playing.
- Great for long lead delays especially (short reverb delays??? )

Donner wave:
- Same delay/ chip

Mosky Deep Blue:

- 25-450 ms (actually 610ms)
- Bright but still warm
- Gets noisy at longer delay setting (>350 ms) but turning the delay level down
solves it
- Preferred by many over the yellow fall
- It sounds great, I dont regret buying it. I used it with a daisy chain and a
power brick and the sound is clean. I'm not sure it's a 100% analog, but it sounds
warmer than a digital for sure!
- What a pedal! I've played in front of 1500 people and in front of 3, live.
Played through a $10,000 setup and also through a cheap $500 system. I've have to
admit that this is one of the best delays to use either live or in your home
studio. Love it.

Caline Time space:

Caline Blue Ocean

- I had the Caline Blue Ocean. Great delay. There's even an easy mod (remove or
replace a cap or several caps on a switch) to get the repeats cleaner (or dirtier).

Valeton AD-10:
- 5000/-
- Boss DM-2 clone | 20/300 ms | All analog
- Vintage so maybe muddy

Ana Echo:
- Boss DM-2 clone
- part of the magic of the DM2 and thus the Ana Echo is that it never seems to be
off time. The repeats never seem to get 'stupid' and out of place, is a common

- 4350/-
(Too much in a cheap pedal/ not promoted much on youtube)
the Reverb functions are pretty similar to the Sky and Shim where they have a
weird kind of �echo� on all settings... I have this pedal and just use the delay
option because of the Tap Tempo and for reverbs I bought a Donner Square Verb and
DAMN that is a great mini reverb pedal and really really cheap !?

Analog is
> warmer/ muddier
> I like D over A on the Digitech with my PRS
> Mostly 1 trick pony
> I can do the Delay + MOD throgh mY TREMOLO BAR itself

- TC prophet (nice casing/ better quality) ->

- 5500/-
BETTER than echobrain | Does a lot & remains crystal at longer times too
prefer the Prophet because it's a lot more versatile. Longer delay times
available, more repeats available without feedback, subdivision options, plus I
just don't think analog delays sound particularly interesting without modulation.

- TC echobrain
- (warm & analog but isolates on greater repeats/ can't do much ambbient stuff)
> good for shorter delays/ slapbacks
The Echobrain is very old school. It maxes out at 300ms delay time and gets into
self-oscillation very easily.
really SHORT delay times

analog kinda blends in with your playing, while still adding the space and feel

BLue delay ->

- Mad professor deep blue clone (neither digital nor analog)
- does the job but is limited


Biyang -> (3000/-)

- Tape like/ organic & natural
- Has long delay times upto 1100 ms
- Don't like the looks & blue light

Caline blue ocean

Dr J Shadow: Analog with Mod (7000/-)

DIGITAL is better for

> fairly wet mix
> Cleans are pristine (I use mostly on cleans)
> Provides lots of effects & options with various times


The Carbon Copy is, as stated, warmer sounding. I find it more musical sounding,
and if I was using one for anything other than a slapback, I'd go with the CC. I
prefer the slapback on the Mad Prof Deep Blue Delay (PCD), as it's brighter, but it
does color the dry tone some, and has almost a mechanical, swirling tail to the

You assessment of the problem is probably correct. At least the Mooer (and probably
the other) use the PT2399 chip for delay. It runs on regulated 5v or so, not the
full 9v. Even if the pedal COULD handle 18v for the dry signal, the internal
regulator would knock it down to 5v or so for the delay chip. As the distortion is
from the delay chip, you simply have a lack of headroom to be blasting it with too
large of a signal. These things work nicely with normal signals.

remember you can't use delay when you kick in your booster, or maybe futz with the
pedal order. Maybe keep your dirt before the delay (on a normal signal level), then
have a clean boost at the end, after the delay, to get the signal to where you want

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