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NAME Sample Report

AGE 23
Location 0
Tel No. 1234567890

Type Behavior Diagnostic

Reference Number
5000 KSI EVA

This Report is Complemetary: Evaluation Purpose Only

Behavioral Diagnostic
Neuro Dynamics Learning Preference
The Mind Framing Effect Function Style
Speed Of Thinking / Grasping The Habitude
Speed Of Expression Communication
Mental Fatigue People Orientation
Personality Personal Efficacy
Thinking and Perceiving Task Performance
Faculties of Mind Problem Solving

Success Systems
Mail to:, Tel: +91 70453 62323
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What is the Purpose of doing RGBA
The Rockence Genetic Behavior Analysis as you are now aware, does not employ any Paper - Pencil
test of interview in order to generate this report. It is based on Dactylography and uses highly
complex algorithm to understand the pathology of the Neuro-dynamics of the Brain under a natural
and untrained mind. Therefore the acquired (through education, life experience etc.) and
manipulated thought is not captured in the process.
The overt display of behavior, depends on how a person perceive, understand & comprehend the
information received. The intensity to this process varies from individual to individual. This
variation in the comprehension of information and its applicable intensity determines the individual
behavior difference in person to person.
Individuals, Corporate, Psychiatrists, Psychologists and HR Training professionals employ different
modalities such as Psychometric, Paper - Pencil, MMPI, MCMI tests etc. to analyze behavioral
understanding. These assessments are directed to get a fair understanding about the interpersonal
/ emotional, Normal / abnormal behavior for the purpose of training and development or for
treatments etc. All these methods talks about the Neuro Psychology or Brain Behavior in terms of
Extravert or Introvert, Logical or Intuitive, display of flexibility or rigidity, Emotional state, aptitude,
Attitude etc. etc. The outcome of these methods are from a cognitive process it has an element of
acquired attitude or thought disposition, due to the past experiences and learning & training.
Therefore the desired objective to find the reason for the maladaptivenss is difficult to achieve.
How about Genetic Behavior Analyse? The science discovered we all are born with certain behavior
patterns. This indicate we all display a typical behavior, that pertained to that individual. This
typical behavior is due to the developmental noise originated from the a) Mental status of the
Mother during Pregnancy, b) the environmental condition which she was in, and c) Hereditary
factor. RGB Analysis helps an Individual to understand the Genetic or In-Born behavior traits of a
person and it explains why a person is different from another individual in thinking, perceiving and
performing. In another words it analyses the Individual Difference. Every day life tackle three basic
A) Approach to People, in social and professional environment.
B) Approach to task, to achieve the his personal and professional Goal
C) Approach to Problem, managing a conflict situation.
RGB Analyzes aims to identify the genetic behavior pattern or the blind spot. This Aanalysis can be
effectively employed by the Clinical, Business Psychologists and HR Behavioral Practitioners in the
behavior modification training program and clinical practices such as CBT.
RGBAnalyzes for Training Needs
Entrepreneurship Development Critical Thinking
Leadership Skills Training Time Management
Team Management Topics Communication Skills
Stress Management Anger Management
The Independent Affiliate / Counselor, shall indemnify MIPL its Directors, Employees from any consequences
arising from the misuse of collected or scanned finger prints of the prospective client by its representative or
retainer, over commitment & promises, any consequences arising from the misinterpretation of the report,
promises given to the prospective client of extra ordinary cure, offering medication and treatment of any nature
with the promise of a cure unless and otherwise he / she is a Qualified Clinical Psychologist or registered
Psychiatrist with MBBS, MD, DPM Psychiatry qualification.
Rockence Genetic Behavior Analysis does not consider an individual's Educational Qualification, Life
Experience or Family Background in the assessment. The Explanations provided are tentative and it is
advised to consult a RGBA trained Clinical Psychologist / Psychiatrist for proper Guidance

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Image for Representation

Brain Orientation: Right Brain Oriented

Right Brain Orientation :- The Right Brain is best at Expressive and Creative tasks. Some of the abilities that
are associated with Right Brain, Creativity ( such as Innovative Thinking, Generating Ideas & Concepts eg :-
Copy Writer in Ad field; Visual Outcomes eg:- Architecture, Fashion Design etc; Creation of Original
solutions eg- Crisis Management, customer relationship etc); Goal setting Abilities; Leadership Abilities; Art
& Music Appreciation; Auditory & sound analysis; Intuitive & Philosophical Thinking.

The RGB Analysis is about the formation of the behavior and how these array of independent facets or the
characteristic descriptions, which are physical action and observable emotion, associated with individuals
that fall within the range, constituting some behavior being common and acceptable, some unusual, some
unacceptable, and some beyond acceptable limits.
Human Behavior is experienced throughout an individual’s entire lifetime. It includes the way they
act based on different factors such as genetics, social norms core faith, habit, attitude and aptitude.
Rockence Genetic Behavior Analyszes captures all these naturally formed trait factors to understand
“Why we Behave the Way we Behave”.

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Sample Report
The framing effect is how information is processed by the mind when it is presented to and that can influence
the person in their decision making by manipulating and judging. According to Psychologist Elizabeth Loftus
the mind framing can distort the reasoning also it can distort the memory. The mind framing effect is an
example of cognitive bias, in which people react to a particular choice in different ways depending on how it is
presented and it is received. RGB Analyzes measures these framing effects into three categories Creative,
Academic and Active.
The Mind Framing Creative
It is resulting from imaginative thoughts that develop into an artistic thinking. It is un-training the mind to see
things in own way, Creating things with own style, Bringing out something which was invisible to everyone.
Therefore it is something which invisible to others with their highly trained mind.

Negative Trait Positive Trait

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Low Weak Average Threshold Strong Very Strong Hyper
Speed of Thinking & Grasping
The mind has the ability to think at different speeds. The thoughts are always an invisible process. It is about
speed in structuring information which is received by the brain in audio, video & tactile format to understand,
evaluate, built to conduct it for action. Speed of thinking is also about generating a comprehensive structure to
the ideas, solutions which may involve an abstraction in quick successions. Speed of thinking is opposed to the
trait of impulsive actions. The speed at which a thought travels
Speed of Expression
The speed in verbal or nonverbal communication entails communicating by sending and receiving verbal or
nonverbal messages. These messages usually reinforce a verbal communication, but they can also convey
thoughts and feelings on their own. A thought is thus formed to complicated question or situation and its
reaction time taken to respond is called speed of expression.

Towards Away From

11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Hyper
Mental Fatigue
Demonstrating dynamism and ability to do multitasking and can perform under pressure for long hours, with
out having mental or physical tiredness. It is a physiological state of reduced mental or physical performance.
This is can be the resultant from sleep loss or extended wakefulness, circadian rhythm loss or workload (mental
and/or physical activity). This situation can impair a person's alertness and the multitasking ability to safely
operate or perform safety related or work related duties.

Example: If the person is with low or average or medium speed of expression and high speed of thinking
and the situation requires a dynamic solution to which they are prone to get stuck with an unproductive
thought. This deprival of free flowing thought into articulation make the person to communicate
effectively or unable to contribute at the time of need. Conversely the speed of thinking medium or
average or low and speed of Expression is strong or high then the person will be participating in the
discussion but a value addition may be missing.
Sample Report

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The theories of Personality by Eminent Researchers: Personality is that pattern of characteristic
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguishes one person from another and that persists over time
and situation (Phares, 1991: 4). It is the sum of biologically based and learnt behavior which forms the
person's unique responses to environmental stimuli (Ryckman, 1982: 4-5). The personality structure is
fairly stable and predictable throughout different situations and time
There are personality traits of different depth and significance. The innermost layer is the basis, while
the outermost layer is situation-bound and influenced by, for example, tiredness. A tired person might
accordingly behave in a way that is not like his/her true self (Cattell, 1950). Dependent on the situation,
personality traits may be more or less visible and personality may also develop over time (Phares, 1991:
4-7). The changes which reflect events and feelings during the lifespan only affect the surface and not
the core character. Profound changes in personality are usually consequences of major life changes or
deliberate effort (Costa & McCrae, 1992: 9).
It is important that the individuals adapt to their circumstances in life at the same time as they retain
the feeling of a solid inner core. Some adaptations seem to be general and follow a certain pattern.
Sensation seeking is one example of characteristics which diminish over time from adolescence to middle
age in all cultures (Costa & McCrae, 1980: 80).
The core personality will remain the same although the way it is expressed and how much it influences
behavior varies according to context. If the situation is motivating enough contextual variables influence
search behavior more, but in less motivating situations as in neutral tasks, such as routines or daily
activities, personal characteristics are likely to be more influential (Allen & Kim, 2001).
Primary 80% DECISIVE Internal Process

The general characteristics of Decisive are generally described as being dominant, independent, candid,
decisive, pragmatic, and efficient. This personality type emphasizes overcoming opposition to accomplish
results. They tend to focus on tasks, seek power and control, and need challenges. Positive descriptors or
strengths include determined, strong-willed competitive, decisive, demanding, visionary, and optimistic.
Negative descriptors or weaknesses include domineering, controlling, insensitive, inconsiderate,
unsympathetic, hostile, overbearing, opinionated, and unforgiving.
But these tendencies may vary if the speed of thinking and expression is slow or medium or high or hyper. You
also may consider the intelligence configuration whether the position is in the dynamic or static or
underutilized state with its intensity to capture the described attributes. These may states of other factors will
impact the overall observable behavior.
Example: If the speed of expression is low or medium and the speed of thinking is high or hyper then the
person may tend to be without thoroughly thinking or understanding the results or consequences of their

SECONDARY 20% METHODICAL Observable Display

It is the manifestation of the internal thoughts that are performed into an actionable form. The methodical form
draws the characteristics such as sequential thinking, trying to understanding and doing things in a step by step
pattern, cautious approach etc. The other characteristics involve consciousness, taking an analytical approach to
tasks, seeking details on facts and figures, mental formation of structure. The positive descriptions include
perfectionism, questioning, idealism, sensitiveness, self-discipline, and precision and negative descriptors or
weaknesses include moody, suspicion, formation of trust issue, legalistic, self-centered, unsociable, doubtful,
procrastination and being impractical. The observable action can be traced to the primary thoughts with a
combined effect of secondary process as thoughts are formed first then the observable behavior.

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Thinking and Perceiving

Perception, in simple terms, can be defined as the way an individual thinks. The thinking patterns differ from
one individual to another thus individual difference. The way of thinking is decided by several factors. Cultural
values, beliefs, myths, attitudes, education, rules, laws, etc. in a particular community may have a major impact
on the way of a person thinks. These factors are how we respond to information may be learned theories or
statements, copying or by imitating, criticizing, or receive with an affective attunement. . Perception allows us to
take the sensory information in and make it into something meaningful.
There are four major thinking domains that involve in the process of thinking and the collective result becomes a
perception. If any one or more domain becomes the dominant in nature then state of perception attracts the
attributes of that main domain or domains collectively as primary thinking.




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The general attributes of Cognitive domain is about it uses to think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay
attention. It is the cerebral activities that lead to knowledge acquisition through, mental activities and skills to
perform tasks such as learning, reasoning, understanding, remembering, paying attention, memory and working
memory, judgment and evaluation including all means of intelligence and mechanisms of acquiring
information. It is defined as "the ability of an individual to perform the various mental activities. In short the
Cognitive functions encompass retrieval past theoretical learning or information and, thus, knowledge.


The general attributes of affective domain describes a feeling tone, an emotion, or a degree of acceptance or
rejection. The other attributes are agreeableness, cooperativeness, attention seeking, expectations of praises &
approvals, reward seeking, display of affection, also prompts voluntary participation in the activities with much
enthusiasm. Affective thinking influences on social memory with a sense of attachment, quick to judgements
on others. The disagreement drives them into emotional stress and develops an indifferent attitude


The general attributes of reflective domain is that, they will spend their life observing others. As a
consequence, they will feel inspired with the traits that they witness – like a sponge absorbing the moisture
around it. They gather and understand information through observation. They have the ability to carry out
instructions as told. They do not feel tired in performing a repetitive task for long hours. They draw inspiration
from watching others perform. If they have artistic talent they can imitate or duplicate an action or an art with


The general attributes of critical thinking domain is that it describes thinking - about any subject, content, or
problem — in which the thinker develops the quality of the thinking by skillfully analyzing, assessing, and
reconstructing it. This is about the understanding the cause and effect of own action and others action. It is a
self-directed, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking. By analyzing the thinking it identifies its purpose,
and questions at the issue, as well as its information, inferences(s), assumptions, implications, main concept(s),
and point of view. Critical thinking is related to an open and outspoken to an extent with low agreeableness

Example: The desired and ideal combination is Cognitive 30%, Reflective 30%, Affective 20% and Critical
20%. This combination brings in a balanced perception level, though it may be affected by other
characteristics or traits in combination. Cognition of 30% indicates the theoretical learning ability by
reading, understanding, memorizing and its retrieval in verbatim. Reflective 30% indicates learning by
observation, imitation, copying or for obeying instructions completely. Affective 20% indicates the display
of affection towards others and also an expectation of the same for self and seeking of attention,
significance, self-importance etc. in a controlled manner. Critical 20% indicates the understanding of
cause and effect of own action and others action and creating a balanced approach.

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cause of

Chart for Representation only

According to Raymond Cattel (1976), the General Intelligence ‘g’ also has two variations

Fluid intelligence involves being able to think and reason abstractly and solve problems. This ability is
considered independent of learning, experience, and education. Examples of the use of fluid intelligence
include solving puzzles and coming up with problem-solving strategies
Fluid intelligence tends to decline during late adulthood. It often drives the people to hit their mental peak
fairly in early life, and then follow a long, and a slow decline into mid-life Career Conflict.

Crystallized Intelligence involves knowledge that comes from prior learning and past experiences. This type of
intelligence is based upon facts and rooted in experiences. As we age and accumulate new knowledge and
understanding, crystallized intelligence becomes stronger
While many people claim that their intelligence seems to decline as they age, research suggests that while fluid
intelligence begins to decrease after adolescence, crystallized intelligence continues to increase throughout
Some things to remember about fluid and crystallized intelligence:
• Both types of intelligence increase throughout childhood and adolescence.
• Fluid intelligence peaks in adolescence and begins to decline progressively beginning around age 30 or 40.
• Crystallized intelligence continues to grow throughout adulthood.
The middle age career crisis is the resultant of this fluid & crystalized intelligence effect. But recent research
also suggests that brain training might play a role in improving certain aspects of fluid intelligence &
crystalized intelligence.
Both types of intelligence are equally important in everyday life. For example, when taking a Physics exam,
you might need to rely of fluid intelligence to come up with a strategy to solve a problem in mechanics, while
you must also employ crystallized intelligence to recall the exact formulas you need to use.
Intensity Measurement Explanation
A+++ High in the performance of that intelligence in a natural way. It also indicates at any given
situation acts with its full potential. Hyper on the contrary act uncontrollable intensity.
A++ Shows a Strong performance of the intelligence. In the case of A+++ level is absent, the highest
naturally performing intelligence.
A+ The application of the qualities of this intelligence is Medium. This indicates this particular
intelligence takes slightly long duration to capture and manifest the information.
A An Average performing intelligence, this does not create and manifest the nuances of the
intelligence. It is limited to understanding but not amounted to subject expertise.

These Intensity measurements are considered to be in fluid state of the Intelligence. Children with this
intensity may score higher grades in the exam but may not have the base in the theoretical learning.
to C,
Area of Concern. All intelligences marked from C+++, C++, C+ & C, requires extra attention and
care. Practically these intelligences do not perform naturally but only by conscious stimulation.
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Faculties of Mind
Sample Report
14.00% 13.20% 12.63%
12.08% 11.53% 11.53%
12.00% 10.98% 10.50%

Multiple Intelligence Position Intensity

Intrapersonal 0.132 1 Hyper The strength is too high Needs Controled approach
Interpersonal 0.126 2 A++ Crystalized Intelligence with Medium Intensity
Linguistic 0.121 3 A+ Crystalized Intelligence with Average Intensity
Musical / Auditory 0.115 4 A Crystalized Intelligence with Low Intensity
Naturalistic 0.115 4 A Crystalized Intelligence with Low Intensity
Existential 0.110 6 B+++ Fluid Intelligence with Strong Intensity
Kinesthetic / Motor 0.105 7 B+++ Fluid Intelligence with Strong Intensity
Visual / Spatial 0.099 8 B+ Fluid Intelligence with Average Intensity
Logical / Scientific 0.077 9 C++ Learning Intensity is Low


Static position of an A dynamic or

Under this category of intelligence is the
Intelligence it foundation and uses its
intelligence allows a
requires conscious optimum level at any
person to acquire and
stimulation to get given situation. Further
development requires develop to its full
extra effort potential

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Intrapersonal Hyper 1 Sample Report

Personal knowledge turned inward to the self. This provides the ability to gain access to understand one's inner
feelings. • Accurate perception, understanding and response to inner states and emotions. The intrapersonal
intelligent know what they are feeling and do not confuse their emotions.
• A large repertoire of alternative responses to frustrations and challenges. People who have only one or two
alternatives, such as eating or fighting when frustrated, are often said to be acting ‘unintelligently’.
• Constructive responses to inner needs, drives and motivations. The antithesis of constructive responses would
be alternatives like drug use, alcohol abuse and aggression.
• Acknowledgement of strengths and accommodation to weaknesses. Over- or underestimates of abilities is a
weakness in this intelligence.
• Reflection on patterns of behavior and responses over time. the interpersonally intelligent person reflects on
why they are always running late and can detect patterns of causation.
• Evaluation and reinvention of oneself over time. Interpersonally intelligent people are not the same people
they were ten years ago: they have steered themselves towards today and are fixing the course for tomorrow.
• Enjoyment and acceptance of one’s own company.

Interpersonal A++ 2

They are good at understanding & interacting with others. These individuals are skilled at assessing emotions,
motivations, desires and intentions of those around them. Excellent at Verbal & non-verbal communications,
looks at situations from different perspective, create positive relationship with others and good at conflict
management. • Accurate perception and understanding of the emotions and motivations of others.
• Responding empathically, in a manner which shows that you not only appreciate the emotions of others but
have also been moved by their experience.
• Acknowledgement accommodation to the emotional needs of others as part of the problem-solving process.
Teams are an arena where this is an essential intelligence.
• Recognition by others as nurturing, supportive and caring. This skill is the epitome of a culturally determined
assessment, as only those in the culture making the judgement can say whether the person is or is not nurturing,
supportive or caring.
• Showing and sharing a range of appropriate emotional responses. Appropriateness is also culturally
determined; for example, hugging in one cultural setting is OK, in others it is overly familiar.
• Deriving pleasure from the company of others.

Linguistic A+ 3
People who are strong in Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence are able to articulate words well both in spoken &
written language. The will be good at remembering written & spoken information, enjoys reading & writing
often uses humors in telling stories. • Understanding information in verbal or written form. This applies not
simply to the words, but the meaning that is being conveyed.
• Organizing and expressing ideas through oral or written language. This means that ideas are logically
sequenced, concise and expressed in language easily understood by the intended reader or listener.
• Remembering and recalling verbal or written information. Although a photographic or audio graphic memory
is not required, the linguistically intelligent can accurately recall both the detail and theme of what was heard or
• Adaptability in application of language. The intelligent user can adapt the rate of speaking, content and
language to meet the needs of the situation.
• Using language to explore, create or share solutions to problems. Just as mathematical intelligence requires
problem-solving, so too the linguistically intelligent can go beyond the predictable into the realm of problem-
• Deriving pleasure and satisfaction from playing with language: word games, humor, reading for leisure and so

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Musical / Auditory A 4 Sample Report

Involves and appreciates the tonality of Sound. Likes learning through songs & sounds. • Sensitivity to pitch,
rhythm, tone, volume, pulse and so on. This allows the detection of minute changes to these variables long
before others become aware of problems associated with the change, for example motors which are skipping.
• Recognition, memory and application of sound patterns. This is where the auditory person can recognize or
replicate a particular note or a worker can discriminate between two machine noises, one normal and one not.
• Alteration or maintenance of moods or physical states based on sound patterns or tonality. People who
understand their own responses to music can select and apply patterns which maximize their desired mood or
• Reflection of one’s own state or the state of another through sound. This is perhaps the ultimate form of
communication by the true musician.
• Incorporation of the patterns of sounds into movements. Not only dancers but also anyone who needs to pace
themselves to a sound pattern requires this intelligence.
• Reflection of appropriate sensitivity to distracters or signals. While sensitivity to sound may be seen as a
boon, it can also be a source of high distraction for those without the skills to tune in or tune out to sounds.
• Deriving pleasure from listening to or creating music.

Naturalistic A 4
• Sensitivity to the patterns and features of nature. The driver who sees the fog first, the delivery man who
notices the clouds and covers the load, the dispatcher who factors in weather conditions – all are using their
naturalistic intelligence.
• Attending, absorbing, remembering details of nature. Those buying stock, animal or plant, often apply a
special ‘sixth sense’ in their selection.
• Classifying observations and experiences. Naturalistically intelligent workers can pick the best produce or
animals by classifying the characteristics that will lead to success. Asked to describe their selections, they can
often list the factors that reflect this process.
• Understanding and appreciation of the complex relationships of nature. Naturalistically intelligent people
understand ecosystems rather than just the elements and can make decisions which encompass a multitude of
variables often overlooked by others.
• Deriving energy and satisfaction from engagement from nature.
• Responding sympathetically and empathically with the natural environment. These are people with a green
thump, the horse whisperers, those who talk to nature and get an answer.
• Use nature as a referent for problem-solving. These people use the designs or processes of nature to create
solutions for everything from artwork to genetic engineering.
Existential B+++ 6

Existential Intelligence is the ability to use multisensory approach to problem solving while learning to listen
one's own inner voice. Enjoys reflective and deep thinking and design of abstract theories. • Awareness of
moral and ethical issues. In meetings these people often see problems as moral or ethical questions such as
social justice rather than just the bottom line.
• Application of philosophy as part of assessing problems, planning solutions and evaluating outcomes. These
people are concerned with questions of ‘why’ rather than just of ‘how’ or ‘what’ or ‘when’.
• Willingness to discuss and debate based on examination of fundamental premises. These people are likely to
ask that pragmatics be set aside while the issues of values or what is ‘good’ are decided.
• Appreciation of the differences in moral and philosophical views. These people try to understand the
underlying principles which lead to the conclusions or opinions of others.
• Engagement in a regular self-review of moral standards. While these people are no more or less moral than
others, they spend more time thinking about their choices and their alternatives.
• Deriving energy and satisfaction from moral or spiritual activity. This may be in the form of formal
meditation but could equally be in less formalized periods of introspection and thought about meaning the

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Kinesthetic / Motor B+++ 7 Sample Report
• Recognition of feedback coming from muscles, skin and so on. This intelligence reads information from what
is felt or touched; for example, using a keyboard requires feeling just how much pressure is required to make a
clean keystroke without damaging the keyboard.
• Balance and spatial skill, while heavily determined by physiology, are a part of the expression of the
intelligences from tightrope walking to race-car driving. In the workplace these traits often distinguish the
person with a high accident profile.
• Development of both fine motor and gross motor coordination. Often seen as a steady hand and a good eye,
these allow the user to translate into practice complicated or delicate operations – a skill required to surgeons
and solderers.
• Flexibility. The worker who cannot load eggs without applying maximum force to their transfer may have
strength which results in the need to market omelettes.
• Endurance of muscular output. The ability to pace activity so that there is a sustained physical application
may be reflected not only in those concerned with moving heavy goods but even those who must sit or stand
for extended periods.
• Agility and smoothness of mobility. Those required to transfer materials subject to breakage or spillage
exercise the intelligences of agility and smoothness.

Visual / Spatial B+ 8
Ability to perceive and mentally manipulate a form or object, create, balance and create a composition and
often excellent at map reading and directions.• Sensitivity to color, line, form, light, tone, space and so on. The
picture that is not hung correctly or the printing job which is blurred are both likely to draw attention.
• Understanding, recreating and inventing visual representations. Graphs, charts, photos, cartoons and any other
visual materials are the reading matter of the visually intelligent.
• Translating between visual representations and the real world. This intelligence allows people to move
backwards and forwards from visual representations and the real world with ease and speed.
• Manipulating space and objects in space to represent, inform, create and so on. This intelligence could well
be called the 3-D intelligence.
• Concern with aesthetics. Visually intelligent people are troubled by things that are unbalanced, ugly or hard
on eyes.
• Deriving pleasure from making and using visual representations. Doodles are not a sign of inattention but
simply how the visually intelligent allow information to affect them.

Logical / Scientific C++ 9

Ability to explore patterns, categories and relationships by manipulating objects or symbols. They are able to
reason either deductively or inductively to reorganize and logically analyse problems.• Understanding
numerical descriptions and operations, going beyond learning of tables by rote and knowing how and when to
apply formulae.
• Organizing and expressing ideas numerically. People possessing this intelligence will tell you how far in
kilometers and how much in units. They thrive on exactness and may resent what they see as slipshod
descriptions which are not exact.
• Orderliness and organizational skill. This does not mean that those who have this intelligence always have
immaculately tidy desks. Rather, there is an inherent order in how they approach everything and this order is
understo0od by them.
• Using numeracy and logic to explore, create, solve and evaluate problems.
• Scientific reasoning, expressed not only in scientific problem-solving, but also as impartiality and objectivity
in collecting, examining and weighing evidence in a variety of settings and situations.
• Technical insight arising from the ability to understand the principles and logic which underpin the machine
or program.
• Enjoyment of the manipulation of numerical problems or problems of logic.

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Multiple Intelligence Rank Intensity
Intrapersonal 0.138 1 Hyper The strength is too high Needs Controled approach
Interpersonal 0.132 2 A++ Crystalized Intelligence with Medium Intensity
Naturalistic 0.121 3 A Crystalized Intelligence with Low Intensity
Musical / Auditory 0.121 3 A Crystalized Intelligence with Low Intensity
Existential 0.115 5 B+++ Fluid Intelligence with Strong Intensity
Linguistic 0.103 6 B+ Fluid Intelligence with Average Intensity
Spatial 0.098 7 B Fluid intelligence with Low Intensity
Bodily Kinesthetic / Motor 0.092 8 C+++ Learning Intensity is towards Fluid
Logical / Maths / Scientific 0.080 9 C++ Learning Intensity is Low
Static position of an intelligence is
Under this category of A dynamic or progressive
the foundation and uses its
Intelligence it requires intelligence allows a person to
optimum level at any given
conscious stimulation to get acquire and develop to its full
situation. Further development
activated. requires extra effort potential
Intelligence or faculties of mind does not perform independently. E.g.. A bike rider uses his different
intelligences to ride. Spatial Intelligence to see & measure distance, width & breadth of the road, Musical
Intelligence to understand a foreign sound other than his bike's sound, Intrapersonal Intelligence makes
him aware of his speed and environment in which he rides, Kinesthetic or (Motor) Intelligence to control
his bike, Naturalistic Intelligence to understand fuel combustion and level of smoke output, Existential
Intelligence prevents him form hitting a living organism, Interpersonal Intelligence to keep a cordial
relationship (cleanliness, working condition of the bike etc.)
The recent scientific research on human brain and its functional capabilities, found out that every child is born
with certain level of intelligence and with time and training, that we may call Life Experience or Educational
Program, further shapes our behavior mechanism.
There are many tools employed to study and understand the personality, behavior and intelligence. But every
tool provides you just one or two piece of information such as an Aptitude will provide you your Skill in that
particular subject, a Personality Assessment gives Extravert or Introvert etc.
During childhood the person was very active and dynamic, academically brilliant professionally well qualified
and success was at hand. But as the commencement of middle age, there a stagnancy started feeling in
intellectual and performance acuity and the tempo of the childhood pace is lost. The gradual loss of dynamism
leads the people blame it on the fate...or evil attack or more modern person presume it to the lack of
professional updation & go for training and self-development, but still the feeling persist and take refuge in
spiritualism & get hoards of advice, listen to brilliant subjective discourses on positive thinking, get
overwhelmed by the flow of impressive words that are appealing, but still remains at the same point of anxiety,
stress, and loss of confidence.
The scientific reason may be different, and we are unaware the neuropsychological changes that are taking
place over the period of time. RGBA identifies & describes these changes objectively which results into the
behavior disposition that are taking place within the person. RGBA helps the person identify the blind spot and
with the help of issue based training & modification thanks to the neuroplasticity of the brain can achieve the
desired results.

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Learning Preference
Auditory Position 1
They are also known as verbal learners and learn though listening lectures, stories, audio books oral
presentations etc. They like information by hearing rather than reading.
Visual Position 2
Individuals who fall in this category learn through what they see with their eyes. They learn through reading,
see graphs, pictures, diagrams etc. They are good at visual memory, tends to be detail oriented, tidy and
Kinesthetic Position 3
It is the ability to absorb information best by experiencing, touching, doing, moving etc. They learn things by
experimenting and physical activity.

Other RGB Analyzes Report

The Professional Bracketing or a professional depth of field
is about profiling a person according to the innate behavior
he carries within his / her job profile. A Sales Manager is at
an implementation stage irrespective of the product or its
strategies and destined to achieve the desired result for the
organization, being in implementation profile, if his /her
Genetic Behavior drives him / her to Product Manager’s
profile, and takes the responsibilities like pricing, market
survey, product specification etc. which is amounted to a
change initiator profile & becomes a non-fit for the position.

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Function Style
Functional styles are the subsystem of decision making. The functionality is determined by displaying inner
coherence combination of ways creating an internal communication in the domain of perception. This
chooses to find several alternative possibilities listing advantages and disadvantages or options. The style
forming factors of a functional style is using emotiveness evaluation, rationality, imagery, logic; exactness
etc. and their difference in accordance with the intention of forming a decision. It is therefore an
unconscious mental process adopted by each individual.

Internal Process Interactive

It is the process of allowing a two-way flow of information between two or more people for the purpose of
influencing each other. During the process of interaction the important cues for understanding others are
captured by their facial expressions, bodily posture and movements, gestures, actions, and in process of
imitation, proto-conversations, gaze following an affective attunement
• It is also called inter-subjectivity to refer to early development in the sensory-motor neural pathways for
interactive nature. During the process of interaction the important cues for understanding others are captured
by their facial expressions, bodily posture and movements, gestures, actions, and in process of imitation, proto-
conversations, gaze following an affective attunement. In most intersubjective situations, i.e. in situations of
social interaction, person will have a direct perceptual understanding of another person’s intentions because
their intentions are explicitly expressed in their body language - actions and their expressive behaviors. This
understanding does not require postulating or inferring a belief or a desire hidden away in the other person’s
mind. What it might reflectively or abstractly call their belief or desire is expressed directly in their actions and
• Choosing a more interactive decision style is likely to increase the effectiveness in making a high value
decision. Increasing interaction starts with consultation, increased participation, and in certain decisions, may
lead to full consensus decision making. More interaction comes at a loss of decision maker control and
independence, but expects to see benefits from higher quality decisions that stick.
Observable Process Introspective
Introspection is the path to an agile life: the ability to frequently refine and improve the interpretation of reality
(and own behavior) until you are in a place where happiness is no longer dependent on external sources.
Introspection also allows you to confront and address the things a person fear where one may wonder why
you’d ever feared those things in the first place.
• Someone who is introspective in nature spends considerable time to exam thoughts and feelings. It is a
wandering mind or thinking too much about thinking or brooding over to the process of looking inward and
examining one’s own self and personal actions in order to gain insight or an information processing attitude. In
an emotional state of mind there will be a possibility to make quick decisions without knowing why, and then
create rational reasons to justify a poor emotional decision.
• Intensity of emotions such as love, hatred, anger and happiness etc. can override rational decision making in
cases where it is clearly needed. Immediate and unrelated emotions can create mistakes by distorting and
creating bias in judgments. In some cases this can lead to unexpected and reckless action. Projected emotions
can lead to errors because people are subject to systemic inaccuracy about how they will feel in the future.
• The psychological research tells us that introspection is often a highly inaccurate source of self-knowledge.
An over-reliance on introspective decision making habit may trips one up — decreasing performance, reducing
decision quality and even undermining self-insight. Due to this reason there may be a down side to looking
inward too much, and potentially a link to depression and you can't move forward.

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The Habitude
The habitude analysis is the combination three Genetic dispositions Habit, Aptitude and Attitude. It is a
tendency or way of Behaving. The Habit is present at the time of Birth; An Aptitude is the ability to do
something. It is an in-born potential to do certain kind of work whether developed or undeveloped.
Capability is developed knowledge, understanding, learned or acquired abilities (skills) that form the
Attitude. An attitude is a settled way of thinking or feeling about something.
These combinations create a person’s attention directs to the outside world viz. towards work, towards
People, towards problem solving. This is a genetically formed habit and when it acts in association with
Perception (and always unless consciously separate) the behavior delves into favorable or unfavorable
Many reactions to the world are already present at birth. These reactions have a direct linkage to the
thought process of mother during the pregnancy tenure. The mother’s emotional state during gestation
impacts the baby’s brain. Excessive fear, anger, or anxiety may produce irritable and hyperactive infants.
(Healy, Jane M., PhD. Your Child’s Growing Mind. P 13-15. NY: Doubleday, 1987, 1989.) Therefore it serves
as a mental connection between a trigger thought to feelings and the reactive response to that trigger (the
response). These thoughts are the unfinished reactions or the feelings on which the attitude is formed. The
attitude is the lasting beliefs formed on experience or due to perception in general endowed with
emotional charges in favor or against. The externally experienced stimulus such as feeling or affective
attunement towards or against a social object, which can be a person, a social fact, or any product of
human activity is experienced and learned to respond in a consistent manner becomes a Habitude.

Language /Arts
They like to express or articulate their ideas to people around, look for new possibilities, creative in approach,
sensitive to other persons’ issues, aesthetic in their people & task approach. They prefer to articulate express
their feelings aloud, artistically creative, especially attuned to perception for color, form, sound and feeling.
Prefer to work alone and independently rather than with others. Need fairly unstructured environment to
provide opportunities for creative expression, prefer to find solution for complex issues by applying the
creative mind or an unconventional thought process.

Life Science
The life science approach talks about the attitudinal creation towards living organisms. It Focus on people,
other living things and their concern, rather than on things or deep intellectual activity or work with machine
tools. Enjoy closeness with others, sharing feelings, being in groups, unstructured settings that allow for
flexibility and caring. Their mind settles in teaching, helping others, solving social problems and in
biotechnological studies.

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Competencies and Skills
The heart of any successful activity lays a competence or a skill. A competence means a skill and the standard
of performance reached. On the other hand the competencies refers to the behavior that competence is
Every individual possess certain skill or skill set naturally. Even a differently abled children or people too
possess these. In practical context the intensity for this skill set varies in its actions and application. These
skills are abilities that can be programed into capabilities by constant practice. In an untrained environment this
skill set unconsciously perform to form an individual’s competencies or behavior. Because natural skills
through constant unconscious practice becomes a habit and continues stimulation of habits manifests into an
observable Behavior.

For Example the listening skill intensity may be hyper or extremely high in certain individuals. Such
individuals listen to unspoken words which mean they tend to create their own meaning or opinion or
become judgmental on spoken sentence, because they try find meaning in between the lines. Conversely if
the same listening skill is in hypo or medium or average then they love to listen what they want to listen
and the rest goes off the head thus the communication becomes incomplete and results into deprival of
comprehension of information. In both scenario where the logical analytical skill is low or medium and in
the in later it is high or hyper the communication may get misinterpreted or manipulated.

Negative Trait Optimum Positive Trait
Low Weak Average Threshold Strong Very Strong Hyper
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Listening Skill
"Hearing is not Listening" Listening skill is the act of hearing attentively. It is also a process similar to
reading which should possess knowledge of phonology, syntax, semantics and text understanding. It is more
than just hearing and to understand and interpret the meaning of a conversation. There are different types of
listening skill. (1) Whole-person listening-understanding the speaker, his words, thought, motive etc. (2)
Appreciative Listening - Listening for appreciation and pleasure. (3) Attentive Listening – attentively
listening to each and every word. (4) Casual Listening - Listening not very attentive, listening casually
without any interest. (5) Evaluative Listening - Listening to evaluate or judge something.
Artistic Rhythm and Sound Tonality
A rhythm is a regular repeated pattern of beats or sound. In an expression the rhythmic tone is of the voice
qualities that are intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power. There are different types of
voices such as the harsh voice, sweet voice, tense voice, modal voice, breathy voice, whispery voice, creaky
voice and lax- creaky voice etc. In Artistic rhythm, it is a part of an observable, pleasant body language &
facial expression. The Rhythmic tone and artistic rhythm together is a skill that effectuates the attention of the

Verbal Articulation
Articulation skill & proficiency is the ability of an individual to speak or perform in an acquired language.
Speaking and writing are known as 'productive' skills. The part of linguistics that is concerned with the
structure of language is divided into a number of subfields: Phonetics - the study of speech sounds in their
physical aspects. Phonology - the study of speech sounds in their cognitive aspects. Morphology - the study of
the formation of words. As theories among pedagogues as to what constitutes proficiency go, there is little
consistency as to how different organizations classify it.

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Logical / Sequential / Analytical
Logic is a call for structure, relationships between facts, and for chains of abstract and linear reasoning which
is employed in Mathematics. Analytical thinking is more about the thinking that involve large complex
information breaking down into their component parts. Logical and analytical thinking as a process is used to
involve deductive and inductive reasoning of statements or incidents or evident by drawing conclusions from a
step by step approach to break down the complex problems into single and manageable components. This
process involves applying judgments using co-lateral thinking where the conclusions from a combination of
evidences and assumptions.
Internal Calmness
Internal calmness is a state of being free from agitation, excitement, or disturbance. Internal calmness is the key
to inner satisfaction that playing an inner creative role when everything is at control. Moving away from this
state has two faces, an internal and an external conflict situation. An internal conflict is where the forces are
within the character’s mind. This is acting against the interest or the wishes of the character such as a struggle
to overcome a feeling. An external conflict is where the forces are outside of the character’s mind. This could
be a dislike from information received or a conversation, another person or persons, or a character vs.
Tact & Tactfulness

Tact is the ability to deal with embarrassing situations carefully and without doing or saying anything that will
annoy or upset other people. Tactfulness is the methods generally used to aid effective communication
especially during negotiation and when attempting to be persuasive or assertive. It is a sense of what is fitting
and considerate in dealing with others so as to avoid giving offence or to win good will. It is the ability to deal
with an embarrassing situation without annoy or upset others by not being curt but a mealy-mouthed way.

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Negative Trait Optimum Positive Trait
Low Weak Average Threshold Strong Very Strong Hyper
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Takes Others point of View
Every individual is filled with own ideas, opinions, preoccupations etc. This facet of behavior shows during a
discussion or decision making process how often the person conceive that there is more than one valid way of
seeing things by lending ears to ideas and opinions of others and becoming reasonable and amenable to the way
of thinking and finding a better alternative or eager to interrupt & speak out the individual’s thoughts.

People Orientation
People Cooperativeness
The cooperativeness is about developing or willingness to enhance friendliness helpfulness and less
obstructiveness in all areas of task achievement. It is the display of the sense of basic similarity in beliefs and
values, as well as confidence in one’s ideas. According to Deutsch, there are five major conflict management
styles based on continuum from assertiveness to cooperativeness. A competing Style: High on assertiveness &
low on cooperativeness, An accommodating style: low on assertiveness & high on cooperativeness, An
avoiding style: low on both assertiveness and cooperativeness, A collaborating style: high on both
assertiveness and cooperativeness and A compromising style: moderate on both assertiveness and
Clear Thoughts
The process in which an individual tries to determine the difference between what is right and what is wrong in
a personal situation by using logic. It is the ability to express ideas in a simple and straightforward manner. It
also involves the ability to analyse statements and follow logical arguments using the power of reasoning. The
clear thinking is about precision, clarity and truthfulness of spoken and written language, using only valid
forms of argument, avoiding over-simplifying and generalizing.
A delegation is not a command or a request. Delegation is the assignment of responsibility or authority to
another person. In delegation there is a willingness to delegate, need to create the climate of trust and
confidence, develop faith about the skill and competency, ability to clearly define and debriefing the objectives,
goals, targets and the standard of performance about the expected results. An effective delegation performs
under the principle of absoluteness of responsibility.
Deliberation is an approach for gathering points of view from the team members and considering relevant facts
from multiple angles, or seeking options, enlarging the perspectives, opinions and understandings. It is a form
of dialogue not for judging, weighing or making decisions; but about understanding and learning, to use
carefully constructed ground rules, agreements to ensure that all participants are heard and treated as equals. A
deliberation often include for gathering information, exploring options, identifying criteria, evaluating
alternatives and making choices. A deliberation is to provide different viewpoints for making choices or
helping a decision process.

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Away From Towards
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Deep Bitterness
It is an emotion regulation, such as faking happiness while with a person to cover true feelings toward or
speaking in a sarcastic or demeaning way to or about the person. It can also be the appearance of agitation- or
dejection-related emotions, such as feeling inexplicably depressed or despondent, becoming angry for no
apparent reason, or having nightmares or disturbing daydreams about a person.
Always Complaining
Complaining involves voicing fair and legitimate dissatisfactions with the goal of attaining a resolution or
remedy. When the voice of legitimate dissatisfactions but do so without the goal of attaining a resolution it is
merely venting. And when the dissatisfactions is voiced are trivial or inconsequential and not worthy of
special attention, it is whining.
Falling into Depression
Depression is a mood or emotional state that is marked by feelings of low self-worth or guilt and a reduced
ability to enjoy life. A depressive state usually experiences several of the following symptoms: feelings of
sadness, hopelessness, or pessimism; lowered self-esteem and heightened self-depreciation; a decrease or loss
of ability to take pleasure in ordinary activities; reduced energy and vitality; slowness of thought or action; loss
of appetite; and disturbed sleep or insomnia.
Worry refers to negative self-talk that often detracts the mind from focusing on the problem at hand. It is set of
responses to an unknown, imprecise or ill defined threat; often anticipatory in nature and created by the

Away From Towards

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Anger; Short Temper
Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. While anger has a physiological preparation
phase during which the body resources are mobilized for a fight, it also has a wind-down phase as well. The
adrenaline-caused arousal that occurs during anger lasts a very long time. In the case of short temperedness the
sudden spurt of emotion does not last for long.
Fit of Rage
Fit of rage is an active emotion. In case of "active" emotion the angry person lashes out verbally or physically
at an intended target. It normally occurs as a fleeting annoyance or as full-blown rage when You could be angry
at a specific person or event (a traffic jam, a canceled event), or your anger could be caused by worrying or
brooding about your personal problems. Memories of traumatic or enraging events can also trigger angry

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Personal Efficacy
Negative Trait Optimum Positive Trait
Low Weak Average Threshold Strong Very Strong Hyper
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Self - Management
The Self-management skill is the continuous self-monitoring and managing situations without the constant
monitoring of an external stimulation or reminders. The traits of this skills are persistence, resilience, patience,
perceptiveness, and emotional regulation. This include setting goals, evaluating progress and make a decision
on what is important to do and then making sure of its completeness. It is also about recognition of
accountability for self, control in outrunning the abilities and display intolerance to procrastination. This
provides the greatest insight into the progress of their day-to-day functions and further, in the best position to
take immediate action when circumstances demand a response or a change in course.
Goal Orientation
Goal Orientation is a desire to accept, draw mental & physical stamina to perform a difficult but attainable
goals perform better than those given easy, nonspecific, or no goals at all. It is an individual disposition toward
developing one’s ability in achievement settings. This is focused on two types of goals viz. 1) Task Oriented: It
is to achieve mastery over the performance thorough personal ability, for public recognition, learning
proficiency in the skills and abilities because the need to avoid looking incompetent. 2) Competition Oriented:
It is the motivation for action to do things better than others. The motivation is aimed at being the best rather
than doing one’s best. The driving force is to demonstrate a superior and higher ability compared to others
rather than demonstrating one’s ability irrespective of how it compares to others .( Steinberg, Grieve, & Glass,
Physical Agility
The Physical agility skill is the ability for Smoothness and accuracy in muscle movements, flexibility,
endurance, consistency and fluidity in performance. While physical performance is expected and related to
endurance and strength, there are still subtle differences in agility and mobility which can make a difference
when a person engage in a particular task. The impact of these differences can be seen not only in how quickly
a person can learn or perform a task but also in how well they relate to the task and whether they will persist
with it over time. Clumsiness and inability to get the body to do the desired task not only places stress on the
person but may interrupt the flow of work.
Visual / Space Management
The visual skill is the ability for the Recognition, memory and application of color, line, form, tone and space.
It is Responsiveness to materials and textures; ability to form and recognize patterns, and to move between
reality and graphic representations with ease and accuracy. It is also the ability to make translations between
the real world and abstract representations, when a need to make a poster, graph or chart than read the rotation
of lines and dots on a page. It also relates to geometrical view, space arrangement, sense of distance and
relative position; detect movement or changes, understanding size and relationship.
Spatial Perception
Spatial skill is the ability to mentally manipulate two or three or a four dimensional figures. It is also refers as
the visuospatial ability that include spatial perception & spatial visualization, mental folding and mental
rotation which identify the relationships among objects. Other than in creating mental images on daily objects
and situations this skill needs its intensity in a workplace environment, to detect and respond to changes, see
plans for the future, understanding and visualizing the sensitivity of the environment in which any performance
is occurring, forming mental image on the consequences, advantages of decisions, creative application such as
design engineering, modeling, architecture, art directors, character casting directors, and art & crafts.

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Negative Trait Optimum Positive Trait
Low Weak Average Threshold Strong Very Strong Hyper
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
11 11
A self – direction is a behavior trait that is the ability to regulate and adapt behavior to the demands of a
situation in order to achieve personally chosen goals and values. Self-direction involves the internal frame,
framing and reframing. It is an unconscious activity because it is built upon structure of beliefs, values and
experiences. Disputants often construct frames that differ in significant ways. Framing involves identification,
characterization, conflict management / process / risk / information, and loss versus gain. Reframing is the
process of reconciliation, negotiation and refresh perception.
Comprehension of Information
Comprehension of information includes the correct association of meanings with word symbols, the selection
of the correct meaning suggested by the context, the organization and retention of meanings, the ability to
reason one’s way through smaller ideas segments, and the ability to grasp, the meaning of a larger unitary area.
To comprehend requires complex skills. There are two types of comprehension, Literal comprehension:
involves processing of factual explicitly stated information, recall main ideas, detail of sequence, cause and
effect of relationship. Inferential comprehension: infers meaning that goes beyond explicitly stated
information. It is inferring of main ideas, sequences, details, character traits etc. which not explicitly stated but
reads between the lines.
Responsibility Taking
Having responsibility is the duty or obligation to act. Taking responsibility is acknowledging and accepting the
choices that one has made, actions have taken, and the results that lead into. True responsibility and autonomy
leads to both - having responsibility and taking responsibility. The responsibility leads to acknowledging and
accepting the choices have made, actions have taken, and it’s resultant. It is an essential element of integrity,
congruence of what one thinks, say, and does.
Self-improvement is an internal urge to change based on self-realization on a continuous awareness about
personal, professional, and social limitation and commitment for a deliberate change from within. A self-
improvement is a conscious activity, i.e.; improving physical, mental, emotional and social status. In other
words it is a personal improvement in competence. A competence in a psychological point of view has four
stages: unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, and unconscious
competence. Personal development is a form of coaching that focuses entirely on the self.
Acceptance of Change
To change from a habituated environment or routine process requires conscious effort. Gets adapted to what is
not tested and tried. It is about the mental preparedness of the person to like experimentation & challenges.
Acceptance in human psychology is a person's assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or
condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change it, or protest. A strong
sense of responsibility part takes the preparedness for “accepting what is” not by passively but with a clear
seeing, and with a wisdom to know the difference, leaving the arguments, pushing out from the comfort zone,
eliminating fear or anxiety build up, by controlling emotional mayhem and becoming part of it.
Decisive Approach
Decision-making is regarded as the cognitive process resulting in the selection of a belief or a course of action
among several alternative possibilities. It process & produces a final choice, which may or may not prompt
action but identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values, preferences and beliefs of the decision-
maker. A decision making approach can be rational or emotional. A rational model eliminates emotional bias
and emotional decision influence judgement and choice selection.
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Negative Trait Optimum Positive Trait
Low Weak Average Threshold Strong Very Strong Hyper
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
An authoritarian style is exemplified when a person dictates policies and procedures, decides what goals are to
be achieved, and directs and controls all activities without any meaningful participation by the subordinates.
This approach is about favoring or enforcing strict obedience and inconsiderate about the feelings & emotions
of others. It is about taking a practical approach towards tasks and tends to take a black-and-white view to the
world. This trait differentiate the person from the view point and style favoring servant leadership or
authoritarian leadership.
The general attributes of enterprising person, who is energetic, enthusiastic, confident, assertive, and quick to
decision making. He/she shows initiative, see opportunities and take advantage of those attributes and also
show adaptability to the situations, drive with determination, persistence and passion. he/she always seen future
in the present undertaking, influencing in combination with creativity, creating things and design. He/she often
initiate projects but mostly others to carry out them. An enterprising person is not an entrepreneurial one but
displays some of the features or characteristics. This is because they always require substantiation from a
higher authority to perform with its full potential as they find difficulty in decision making.

An entrepreneurial mindset is that involves thinking out-of-the-box to improve the chances of obtaining what
they need to succeed. An entrepreneur is often plays with uncertainty, embrace opportunities irrespective of the
resources they have access to. They see opportunities and take advantage of them and show adaptability and
resilience to the situations, drive with determination, persistence and passion. They display locus of control a
concept defining whether a person believes he/she is in control of his/her future or someone else is in control
of it. They develop the mind set to control of their future. An entrepreneurial thinking is not limited to solo-
preneurship or small business ventures or a replicative business.

Acceptance of Authority
Conformity, Compliance and Obedience can be called as a modification of the behavior which tends to align
itself on one or several people’s one. These kinds of modifications are often an unconscious activity. The
orginisational / social structure are hierarchical in nature. Everybody depends on the system in some way.
When the person processing an instruction from an authority, to be legitimate or illegitimate, how does they
challenge and resist or agree that authority, sometimes aggressively and sometimes passive-aggressively,
sometimes wisely and sometimes not.
Episodic Memory Threshold Semantic Memory
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Hyper
Episodic memory represents the memory of specific events, episodes and experiences that occurred with an
emotional charge and can recall or reconstruct the actual events that took place at any given point of time,
place, associated emotions and other contextual knowledge which can be explicitly stated in a serial form. Such
individuals tend to see themselves as actors in these events. Semantic memory is a more structured record of
facts, meanings, concepts and knowledge about the external world that have acquired. It refers to general
factual knowledge, shared with others and independent of personal experience and emotional events. This may
once have had a personal context, but now stand alone as simple knowledge. Therefore it is abstract and

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Negative Trait Optimum Positive Trait
Low Weak Average Threshold Strong Very Strong Hyper
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Task Performance
Initiative taking

Proposing and undertaking actions to achieve results before being asked to do so. Identifying present and
future problems, obstacles and opportunities and acting in a proactive manner to resolve problems and issues,
and making the most of opportunities. Taking initiative to achieve results in well-known contexts or situations,
managing changes and taking necessary action to overcome them. Focusing on effort and energy for attaining
goals and objectives without looking for input or advice. Identifying potential problems and anticipating the
efforts. Proactively taking actions, decisions, and be accountable for results. Following issues through
completion and minimizing potential problems by anticipating and facing these in advance, even in uncertainty.

Focus of Attention
Focused attention is the state of concentrating on one stimulus to the exclusion of all others. The purpose of
focused attention is to actively involve on one thing without being distracted by other stimuli. It is the thinking
skill that allows person to begin a task without procrastination and then maintain their attention and effort until
the task is completed. Other attributes are to pay attention in the midst of distractions and ignoring setbacks and
to sustain in the effort and grab the energy needed to reach a goal. It is mind’s ability to direct its inner
awareness upon a particular target. This state can be physically and mentally tiring.
Work Assignment Acceptance
The work assignment acceptance is the readiness displayed to perform a specific task/s outside their normal
routine profile on a sudden call of urgency or at any such given situation. The acceptance level involving the
ability to control one’s thinking, ability to handle different situations in different ways, and performing each
function, moving back and forth among the functions as circumstances warrant, and must often be able to
juggle multiple functions and activities simultaneously. This is by dispensing a combination of physical,
intellectual activities within the tolerance of their specific circumstances.
Effort Taking Abilities
Effort taking abilities or Effort justification is when a person makes sacrifices to pursue a goal; the effort is
often rationalized by elevating the attractiveness of the goal. It is about the person who sometimes comes in
love with what he/she suffer to achieve. The effort justification hypothesis is derived from Cognitive
Dissonance. The theory emphasizes how inconsistencies among important cognitions can be motivating, often
by bringing one’s attitudes in line with one’s behavior. By broadly applying with effort justification, the
potentially dissonance-arousing question is whether the sacrifices one is making to achieve goals are worth it.
Because the effort is not always enhance the goal attractiveness.
Task Completion

A task is a smallest identifiable and essential piece of a job that serves as a unit of work. It is as a means of
differentiating between the various components of a project. The task completion ability to perform the goals
that are measurable and controllable attainable with the task. This takes the understanding of the Constraints
that are compliance with the planned time, expense, scope and quality etc. The need to have a mental picture
formation of especially in advance the realization about the requirements such as specific regulation viz. safety
and certification etc.; and achieving the result what is positive or negative effects were gained with the task.

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Negative Trait Optimum Positive Trait
Low Weak Average Threshold Strong Very Strong Hyper
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Time Management
Punctuality is being on time or completing something on time without exerting mental or physical pressure but
at a relaxed state of mind. It is the ability to form a mental frame for the tasks to be accomplished, create an
outline of actions based on priorities, sticking to the prioritized items to perform, and bring in the focused
attention to control how one spend the time during the course of action to effectively accomplish the goals.
Distractions and jumping the priority leads to postponement, & Procrastination leads to anxiety, stress and
sometimes indecision.
Cognitive & Mental Flexibility
Cognitive / Mental flexibility is described as ability to switch between thinking about two different concepts,
and to think about multiple concepts simultaneously. This is about the task switching and cognitive shifting
depending on whether the change happens unconsciously or consciously. A physical flexibility is about the
readiness to perform a task or activities irrespective of time, situation and adapts to fluctuating situational
demands, ability to reconfigure mental and physical resources in emergencies by balancing competing desires,
needs and life domains.
Work Orientation

The work orientation generally refers to the broader areas (1) motivation to work and (2) responses to work. It
moves towards the inclination or the attitudinal generation to flawlessly perform a task with focus of attention,
mental and physical activity directed toward the production of goods or services that are valued by that
individual or others. The motivation to work is for who looks for need hierarchies, self-actualisation and
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The response to work is directed to job satisfaction and commitment.

Perseverance is a behavioral trait that allows going through the storm rather than avoiding it. When there is a
difficult situation that may require using all emotional, physical, and diplomatic strength to endure or to
overcome it. It has three distinctive concepts the objective of desire to get somewhere, enduring the duration of
the situation, and the effect of the process “by any means necessary”. It is the quality of dogged determination
to stay in a difficult situation even when there is an external pressure to give up.
Adventure / Risk Taking
Adventure / Risk Taking are about taking visions of the future and tend to be hopeful and enthusiastic rather
than defeatist. The adventurous nature is generating a vision, self-validation, preparedness for challenges, and
desire for innovation. The risk taking phenomena frames up the mind about conflict perception, situation
assessment and determination of course of action by position formation, Physical and mental tiredness. It
generates the internal confidence by continuous evaluation from eventualities, fear of failure, feeling of
inadequacy, dependency, pressure from significant others, feeling of anxiety on financial pressure and
Concentration is the ability to control thought processes, creating mental control by effectively blocking
external or internal stimuli bringing a selective attention. Any given point of time the individual’s focus of
concentration ( attention), will fall into one of four categories, These categories of concertation are determined
from a broad or general awareness to focused narrow area and from an external awareness to internal strategic
& systematic approach. The concentration skills, like physical skills vary from person to person. The cause of
distraction vary from child to child due to the brain growth and the emotional tolerance level.
Sample Report

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Problem Solving
Negative Trait Optimum Positive Trait
Low Weak Average Threshold Strong Very Strong Hyper
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Creative Problem Solving
A creative problem solving process differs from routine problem solving. In routine situation a pre-established
method is used and with creative problem solving the method is unknown. This involves a hunt for new and
innovative approach. The mind is programed to solve any problem by using conceptual blocks such as
simplistic assumptions, solutions or those are more appropriate than others. When no solution immediately
seen, creative mind search for innovative method. In Creative Problem solving the mind produce large number
of ideas, create mental imaging and by using analogies to break patterned thinking.
Attention to Detail
Attention to detail is the ability to achieve thoroughness and accuracy when accomplishing a task. The
behavioral indicators provide accurate, consistent information in a timely basis and in a usable form to others
who need to act on it. This trait accomplishes to maintain check list, carefully monitors the details and quality
of own and others’ work. Express concern that things be done right, thoroughly, or precisely. It is also takes
necessary action to produce work that requires little or no checking. There are three levels of attention to detail.
Leve 1: Double check the accuracy of Information Level 2: Sets up procedures to ensure high quality of work
Level 3: Complete with regard to every detail not superficial or partial.
Systematic Approach
A systematic approach is the way to perform a task in a step by step manner. A systematic approach eliminates
the overload of information and too many priorities. It is an approach to task related activities that focuses on
management process rather than on the final outcome. This approach is to drive and proactively address
emerging dilemma related to managing self and managing a task putting commitment into sustainability. It is a
careful and well thought out repeatable and experiential application most efficient means of procedures,
adopted to generate consistent, optimum results.
It is the ability of mental framing to perform an activity in spite of ceasing the originating stimulant. The
objective is to get the things done. If the expected result takes a little longer the person continue steadfastly or
by remaining firmly by maintaining the state of mind, preserving a route of action, and continue at the action
for completing it, even if the opposing forces or discouragement is involved. When there is a goal to reach, a
problem to be solved, or a project to be completed, a single minded determination that allows sticking with it in
even when the internal and external stimulant is abandoned. It is also called industriousness.
Hard work isn’t physical but emotional. It is about the mental toughness to achieve a desired goal in spite of all
odds or difficulties. It is beyond the routine chores what is being done daily at office or home or social
situations. The elements of hard work 1) The Drive which is the motivation that carries mustering up the time,
focus and the courage to do a steadfastly honest inventory of what is driving you. 2) The Plan, practical and
actual steps that will take to achieve the desired result. 3) Dedication, becoming tedious, stressful, even
discouraging also emotional strain in personal relationships and comfort level.

Sample Report

Copy Right Protected 2017 of Mark Intelligential™ – Under Copy Rights Act 1957.
Negative Trait Optimum Positive Trait
Low Weak Average Threshold Strong Very Strong Hyper
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Mental & Physical Dynamism
The mental and physical dynamism is about the fitness of both in terms of facing home life challenges. It is the
union of mental and physical dynamism naturally formed when the mind and body are going in the same
direction at the same time. This leads to professional and personal goals by turning the job into a fitness source.
The mental fitness which focus on to emotional and purpose source of energy to build resiliency and that to
drive peak performance. The physical fitness and the dynamism refer to the keeping of the body fit and
operating at peak. The emotional disturbance, anxiety and stress, procrastination leads to undue physical
Resourcefulness & Creativity

The creativity is defined here as the thinking activities and mental processes that are needed for generating
qualitatively appealing solutions regardless of the activity type. It is to identify a concept's characteristics and
how to use them in different ways, and how to assemble solutions by engaging a level of alertness. The
creativity is not just creating ideas but drawing connections between questions, problems, or ideas from
unrelated fields. It identifies new ways of doing things, constructing interactive experiences and provoking
unconventional responses to see what insights emerge. It is of the whole brain activity envisaging and solving
complex problems, developing new strategies, facilitating innovation, and driving a change into action.

Rockence Genetic Behavior Facet Analyzes

The Rockence Genetic Behavior Facet Analysis is the Macro level understanding of a person's
Approach to People, to Problems and to Tasks in his / her natural way. These individual terms
when it perform as a stand alone trait it creates an effect of those attributes and in combination
these may produce a different result. Example: The person's Goal Orientation and Self Direction
is High, The Time Management is Good or Average. This person knows what he / she wants
achieve and vision is clear, but unable to achieve this because, the time is not permitting or gets
into procrastination. In effect his / her vision and mission is at the same level as envisaged. This
in turn leads to anxiety, stress, anger and mental fatigue. Attending a Self - Development
program on Time Management will help him / her in overcoming this issue. RGBA does not
consider the person's acquired ability in that particular trait which he/she might have developed
from continued life experience.
Other RGB Analyzes Report
Why the RGBA separates Science stream as Science with Mathematics and
Science without Mathematics? Mathematics is a linear subject. It requires learning
the basics first then goes into higher level unlike History or Language. Moreover
it is a subject of mental abstraction and application of arguments. Some children
display the ability to score higher score in mathematics at lower Grade but as goes
to higher level to topics such as calculus the mental abstraction and argumentative
nature slowly diminish and find difficulty in mental manipulation of arguments.
Those who are science without Mathematics can only create an application for
applied Mathematics as the formulas are present and need only limited mental
manipulation of arguments.
The brain of the children and its connection between the emotional part of the brain and the decision – making
center are still developing-and not necessarily at the same rate. That’s why when Children experience
overwhelming emotional input; they can’t explain later what they were thinking. They weren’t thinking as
much as they were feeling.
Sample Report

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LEGAL 84.2%

0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0%

Ideal career choice based Genetic disposition

First Choice Second Choice
Admin / HR 91.2% 89.2% Music / Performing Arts
Teaching / Training 90.8% 88.0% Consultancy (Subject Matter)
MBA Marketing 89.8% 87.3% Humanistic Science
Consultancy (Business) 89.7% 87.0% Medicine Alternative
R&D Non Scientific 89.2% 86.9% General Accounts

This Report is Complemetary: Evaluation Purpose Only

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with the promise of a cure unless and otherwise he / she is a Qualified Clinical Psychologist or registered
Psychiatrist with MBBS, MD, DPM Psychiatry qualification.

Sample Report

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