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Over the years technological discoveries and inventions had exponentially advances into things
that the humanity only dreamed before where vision that seems so impossible becomes possible with the
use of technology. It is redesigning the way the world works for the humanity to achieve a life that is
easier and convenient. However, on the article "Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us" by Bill Joy chief
scientists for Sun Microsystem, modern technologies are viewed as disadvantageous and a major threat to
the existence of humanity.


Arguments of Bill Joy:

 Due to the development of Artificial Intelligence/ Thinking machine human beings face the
realistic possibility of extinction due to overdependence, As society and the problems that face it
become more and more complex and machines become more and more intelligent, people will let
machines make more of their decisions for them, simply because machine-made decisions will
bring better results than man-made ones. Eventually a stage may be reached at which the
decisions necessary to keep the system running will be so complex that human beings will be
incapable of making them intelligently. At that stage the machines will be in effective control.
People won't be able to just turn the machines off, because they will be so dependent on them that
turning them off would amount to suicide.
 The possibility that human will themselves evolve into robots in order to achieve immortality,
created by downloading a person's subconscious into a computer which make's Joy question
whether such existence can even be considered living? With the development of such technology
death could be resolve by promising to transfer people's consciousness into a new, artificial body.
Which will makes human immortal and free from death. Though people might exist for eternal as
an exchange they lose a part of them which make them human.
 Genetic engineering threaten the concept of equality in society, because technology already offers
the power to modify DNA many people would want to ensure that they possess the best of
advantages through genetic improvement.
Improvements would certainly include physical characteristics because they can affect success.
For example In a paper called "Why Beauty Matters," University of Michigan information
scientists Markus Mobius and Tanya Rosenblat have shown that physical beauty translates into
higher earnings than people who are less attractive and based competence and ability on physical
attractiveness. Therefore people who can afford to and with means could obtain these traits easily
and those who don't can't have it making the wealthy people to become even wealthier as they
already do.

 But the development of full human-like Artificial Intelligence is still decades away, the big
reason to behind this is makeup of the human versus mechanical brain. The human brain is
designed to predict, while the mechanical brain is designed to memorize.
A computer need to exposed to a long list of different pictures, information or data before it
would be able to identify the new information because it functions more on memory than
prediction. Experts from various positions in the field determine that we’re nowhere near close in
creating robots that would be able to perform any task better than a human.
 The biggest obstacle to the development of AI is there’s absolutely no idea how the brain
produces consciousness. Experts are not closer to understanding how human consciousness works
50 years ago.
Other Arguments:
 For Marx, what follows machines making human beings redundant is a scenario in which we can
be freed from being mere appendages of machines; we then have the leisure to realize
possibilities formerly impossible, finally being able to focus on attaining self-realization and not
needing to work more than what is necessary. Machines will take care of repetitive and toilsome
labor on our behalf. The division of labor and narrow specialization gives way to the free choice
of whatever interests the individual, not just for the few, but also for the many.
 In an interview with the BBC, Stephen Hawking, through his computer-generated voice, warned
that “the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race... It
would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate.” Hawking, a big thinker,
noted that “humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would
be superseded.”
 George Dyson warns, “In the game of life and evolution there are three players at the table:
human beings, nature, and machines. I am firmly on the side of nature. But nature, I suspect, is on
the side of the machines.”

There are many more things to learn, whether the mortal race are to succeed or fail. To survive or
fall victim to the technologies, is not yet decided. There is good reason to believe that at many points in
world history, good sense and the human spirit have prevailed. But even if extreme possibilities are
unlikely to come to pass, we should still proceed with caution and a sense of moderation. At any rate, it is
not too early to start pondering strategies, policies and legislation, because the future is almost here.
People dependence on Artificial Intelligence (AI) will bring cut in the human existence. As the
AI’s become more intelligent and advance, it can take over the world and there is a possibility that the
human beings can be superseded. The desire to be immortal by downloading a person’s subconscious into
AI’s doesn’t mean that it can be a human being after the process of programming. There is also a large
probability that AI’s will create a massive inequality, because only the wealthy people can benefit those
But still the full development of Artificial Intelligence will not happen overnight. It is rather
gradually shaping and changing the role of humans, slowly but significantly changing how humans
interacts with the world. Let’s not risk the survival of the humans for such happiness and immortality.


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