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The *Ultimate Success* Factor

John Di Lemme
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

“Find Your Why” is an internationally protected publication of Di Lemme Development Group,

Inc., and written by John Di Lemme.


No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without expressed
written, date and signed permission from the author.


The information within this publication represents the experience, views and personal knowledge
of the author and is for informational purposes only. The author does not accept responsibility for
any liabilities resulting from use of this information.

Learn more about John’s commitment to creating 1,000 millionaires by visiting:
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

John Di Lemme
Despite being a stutterer for 24 years of his life, John has achieved success as an international
motivational speaker, accomplished author and multi-million dollar entrepreneur. This Million
Dollar producer now teaches and coaches others about the inside secrets on how to truly build a
Million Dollar business.

John’s personal vision is to empower individuals to build belief in themselves and take
the actions necessary to achieve their personal goals, dreams and desires. He truly feels that each
person has an outstanding person trapped inside of them that is full of achievements.

Creating 1,000 Millionaires Wordwide!

Learn more about John’s commitment to creating 1,000 millionaires by visiting:

Are you a member of the Club? What club? Simply visit:
Live *Monday Night Motivational* Tele Class 8:30 p.m. EST. Dial: 212-990-8000 Access Code: 7458#
FREE Tele Classes - FREE E-zine - FREE eBook at - ($297 Value)
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

What is the Ultimate Success Factor that Determines All

of Your Successes and Failures for the Rest of Your Life?
This Time Tested Principle will Release the Emergency Brake and Shift
your Ability to Achieve Your Dreams into Overdrive!

Hello Champion!

Thanks for investing your time in reading in this Work E-Book. What? A Work E-Book?

YES! This is something different and better than just a regular E-Book. My experience is that so few
E-Books are used to their fullest potential.

Do you ever feel that you don’t always get the maximum results from your readings?

This E-Book is practically designed for you to create Massive Results in your life! With this “Work”
E-Book information and exercises, you will position yourself for Massive Success in life.

Even better, the Ultimate Success Factor in this Work E-Book will help you to:
• Release the shackles that are holding you back in life
• Become your biggest “problem solver”
• Skyrocket yourself to achieving all your dreams

Read this E-Book with open eyes and an open mind, because I’m going to take you up, and I’m
going to take you down. I’m going to take you through a series of real life examples of heart shredding
stories that will empower you to finally release the MEGA FORCE that is trapped inside of you. You
will move to the next level in life!

Here is where it all started for me...

At the age of 18, I was clinically diagnosed as a stutterer and was labeled by society as having a
handicap. Little did I know that my stuttering handicap would turn out to be a precious gift in my
life! This so-called handicap was the driving force behind me creating the ultimate success factor in

I became a “looker”. I was looking to make a change and release the success maniac inside of me.
Usually the soon-to-be champions are lookers and say to themselves, “I want something! I know I’m
a champion! I know I can change people’s lives!”

Are you as MAD as John is?

© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

Are you a looker? I was and I truly knew what I wanted. That’s right, I knew what I wanted, but I
didn’t have the vehicle to accomplish it. Over the last several years, I have seen so many people set
goals and work very hard but never achieve them. Are you one of those people? The reason that you
don’t achieve your goals is because you are missing the force that will ultimately drive you to your
desired results.

I am blessed to deliver my messages to audiences around the globe, and I’ve noticed something very
upsetting to me. Many of the attendees that I meet at these events go from event to event investing
in personal development materials and NEVER achieve the desired results in their lives.

Now, I ask you to be totally honest with yourself. Have you ever been in a situation, where you
seemed to have a life-changing breakthrough, but you eventually just fell back in the same,
unchanged, unproductive habits?

Didn’t it frustrate you to invest your precious time and your hard-earned money without getting the
results that you desired? I’ve got Good News for you! It is so easy to achieve what you desire deep in
your heart without wasting your time and your money.

This ‘Success Factor’ that I’m about to share is not known by the general public, because we live in
a fast pace society and tend to rush over ourselves. Most people have a challenge with getting in
touch with themselves on a regular basis.

This magic force that you are about to unlock will only work for you when you give it some time
to unlock all of its explosive power! Make the commitment and print this “Work” E-Book. Read it
carefully and take the time to complete the exercises to the best of your ability.

This is the way for you to advance from where you are now to a life full of abundance! Do you truly
want to live your dreams and achieve your goals? This is a question that only you can answer!

Here are some testimonials from Champions (like you) that got the message and fully tapped into
the power of this Mesmerizing Success Factor:

“John, I wished our paths had crossed way earlier in my life. About 60 days ago I listened to your
message, ever since my life has changed beyond belief. Success disciplines seem effortless for me
now. My job has changed for the better. As a single mom, I finally feel I got a grip over my life. Most
rewarding is the fact that after many relationships that are not working, I finally seem to attract the
‘right’ people in my life. You have triggered magic in me. My life has gone from just above miserable
to GREAT! John, what can I do to help you? This message needs to be heard worldwide! You are
my hero.”
- Angel W., New York

Learn more about John’s commitment to creating 1,000 millionaires by visiting:
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

“This is so good. I was born wealthy, but I never felt happy. John, you have released something in my
life that I haven’t felt for over 27 years. U the man!”
- Stephen B., Florida

“Even though we are in our sixties, my husband and I have seen new horizons in our lives. John you
are a, happiness releaser, a motivator, an inspiration to us and hopefully to many more. We shared
your materials with our family. Even my grand daughter raves about you. Thank you so much for
the nice sparks.”
- Grandma B., Minnesota

“I have listened to the FIND YOUR WHY CD for 8 days in succession and have almost completed
my WHY.”
- Sharon L., Arizona

Now comes the moment of Decision for you!

Hopefully, you are curious to learn about the Ultimate Success Factor, because I am excited to share
it with you today!

Let’s get it started. Let’s reveal the Ultimate Success Factor right now!


Yes Champion, you read it right! Why it is all about the “WHY”?

A strong enough WHY pulls you through every situation and will make you a
true conqueror and victor in every occasion! It will lift you far above the average.
It makes you go where others stop. It pulls you though the swamps of life when all
others get stuck, lost or drown.

You might be thinking...

“Is this it?”

“How can these words bring all the lofty promises you just made?”

“How can it be that simple?”

Are you a member of the Club? What club? Simply visit:
Live *Monday Night Motivational* Tele Class 8:30 p.m. EST. Dial: 212-990-8000 Access Code: 7458#
FREE Tele Classes - FREE E-zine - FREE eBook at - ($297 Value)
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

“This sounds too simple to be true”


You’re WHY in life is your biggest, most significant, result- creating force in life!

Goals are great, but a “Why” separates a goal-setter from a goal-achiever and a person who truly
changes people’s lives!

Another word that can be used instead of your WHY is your REASON or your PURPOSE.

Your WHY makes all the difference in your life! It separates you from the crowd. A strong WHY
will make you happy, passionate and long to live your life to the fullest!

My goal for you with this E-Book is for you to take your “Why” inside of you and feed it with
the right words, the right motivation and the right inspiration until it emerges and drives you
to success.

You have a miracle inside you! We just have to extract it and enable you to fly. As
I say, you’ve got to “Find Your WHY and Fly”!

Let me tell you my story. At the age of 24, I was working seven days a week at my family business, an
art gallery. My grandfather, who I truly loved and adored, gave me two of the most powerful values
that I still possess today - honesty and hard work. At 24 years of age, I was working seven days a
week and over 12 hours a day. I graduated as an elite business student from an accredited college,
but it got me absolutely no where!

I respect education, but let me explain the word “educate”. They educate you on a subject.
They don’t train you on success to achieve success. My goal is to train people and
motivate them to become successful no matter their level of education, where they came from or
any other factor that society uses to determine success. EVERYONE can do it!

I was a stutterer. I was labeled a stutterer. People would tell me, “John, just stay with your
family. That’s all you’re gonna do. You’re gonna work for your family. Don’t worry about becoming
successful, forget your college degree. You can’t even say your name! Who do you think you are?
How can you get a regular job? How can you take your college degree and go out and change the
world?” I was labeled!

Learn more about John’s commitment to creating 1,000 millionaires by visiting:
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

Have you been labeled, I want you to tear that label off yourself right now ! No one deserves to
be labeled no matter the challenges that they face in life.

At the age of 24, my life changed when I was introduced to a person that told me,
“You can do whatever you want to do in life”! I was so excited yet scared to death,
because I couldn’t even say my name fluently. Could I really do it?

How did I meet this person that finally gave me the belief in myself that I had desperately been

Well, I answered an ad that said “Make $10,000 a month, wear tailor-made clothes, and drive a
Mercedes Benz”. I still have the actual phone that I dialed to respond to that ad, because that ad
changed my life forever. So, I answered the ad and went out to an event. The event was March 15th,
1990 at 7:30pm. That night, I was introduced to a business.

You see, most people will be introduced to something that could help them achieve
their “Why”, but they won’t do it! They won’t step out in faith! They won’t take
a risk. In order to succeed in life you must fail forward. That’s right “fail
forward”, which means to face your obstacles head on and keep going towards
your goal no matter if you succeed or fail. Every time you take a risk or you fail
forward, you will be a little bit closer to achieving your Why in life!

I was introduced to a vehicle that enabled my “Why” to come to fruition. In over a 7-year period, I
was able to achieve my Why. I semi-retired to south Florida, and I say “semi-retired”, because I was
able to do what I wanted to do, when I want to do it and with who I want to do it with.

Now, let me back up to the night of that event that changed my life. I listened to a woman speak
about a business and a vehicle – Network Marketing. She said, “If you work hard, if you work smart,
if you follow a system, you’re gonna achieve success.” She also said that I could achieve these three
magical words - Time, Freedom and Wealth. Basically, you can do what you want to do, when you
want to do it, with who you want to do it with.

I said to myself, “I want to help people. I want to help people realize that they can do whatever they
want to do in life.” I no longer held onto that “security” of working behind the scenes at the art
gallery, which allowed my stuttering to ultimately control me.

Are you as MAD as John is?

© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

Security will demolish you!

If you’re secure right now in your job, you are in the process of demolishing your success. Let me ask
you a question, if you didn’t have to go out and earn money to pay your bills, what would you do?
That’s right, if every bill was paid and you have enough money in the bank for the rest of your life,
what would you be doing? Take a second and write down your answer. Now, that’s your “Why”!

I will come back to that in a second, but let me tell you what happened when I went home that
night from the meeting. I went home to my parents’ house. It was about 11:30pm, and I started
crying. Why? Because I found a way out...a vehicle to achieve my dreams. I could build a business,
set myself free and be able to go out and speak to people. I could tell others that it is possible to
achieve success, and it is okay to have dreams.

I got introduced to personal development through a book called “Think and Grow Rich”. If you
don’t have that book, then invest in yourself and go buy it. I woke up the next morning and was on
my way to the gym at 5:3o am. As I was driving to the health club I thought to myself, “I truly don’t
understand how I’m going to do this. I don’t know this business. I don’t know the system. I don’t
know anything”, but what I did know was that someone told me I could do it and I was willing to
listen to that person.

I was willing to become success driven and listen to people that would help me
become successful and achieve my “Why”.

Let me tell you about some of the breakthroughs that I had. About a week into the business, I had
to go to a seminar, and I had to stand up and say my name. I was sitting at that seminar, and I
listened as people introduced themselves one by one. It was almost my turn, and I walked out of the
room. Why? Because I knew I was a stutterer, and I couldn’t say my name. I went in the bathroom
and sat on the floor crying. I had convinced myself that there was no way that I could say my name.
What did I do?

I remembered my Why, and I faced my fear!

If you have a fear in your life, you have to face attack demolish
pulverize it! I had to face my fear in order to achieve my “Why”.

I still remember standing up, my knees shaking, heart pounding and sweat coming off me like a
waterfall. My eyebrows were even twitching! You know when you’re so nervous you can’t catch your
breath? That’s where I was that night. I said, “My name is Ja-Ja-Ja-Ja-Ja-Ja-Ja”. I couldn’t say my name
so I just sat back down in my seat in shame.

Learn more about John’s commitment to creating 1,000 millionaires by visiting:
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

That was a breakthrough! I vowed that would never happen to me again. As I drove home that day,
I said to myself, “No matter what I do, I will never quit!” Guess What? I NEVER DID!

Champion, where are you in life?

It doesn’t matter how far you are from where you want to be in your life. I totally believe you can
produce a miracle. You too can do the impossible!

You have created a bond with me by reading this E-Book. From now on, I am your
coach, your mastermind team member and your accountability partner.

Exercise 1:

Now it is time for you to make one of the most important decisions in life.

Stand up and say outloud:

“Today, I started my journey to Find My Why in life! Life will test me at

certain times, NO MATTER WHAT, I will complete my journey! At this very
moment, I decide I will NEVER quit this journey!”

Champion, how does that feel?

It might have felt a little awkward, but most likely you also felt some type of relief. Remember, what
you just shouted outloud is a promise to yourself!

Now Seal this Promise by writing the exact same words that you just said on these lines.








Are you a member of the Club? What club? Simply visit:
Live *Monday Night Motivational* Tele Class 8:30 p.m. EST. Dial: 212-990-8000 Access Code: 7458#
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© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

What does your “Why” mean?

Before we start discovering your “Why” and unleashing your untapped powers and genius, let’s
take a second to focus on the “Why”.

What is a “Why”?

The Oxford Dictionary defines “Why” as a reason or purpose.

The Oxford Dictionary defines “Reason” as a cause, explanation, or justification; and the power of
the mind to think, understand and form judgments logically.

The Oxford Dictionary defines “Purpose” as the reason for which something is done or
something exists.

Another word that is frequently used when describing a Why is “Mission”.

The Oxford Dictionary defines “Mission” as an assignment.

Whatever term you personally like is up to you. This bit of research will give you some strong
references about your “Why” and how to unleash the Champion inside of you!

What other words would you use to define your “Why”?





How to Find Your “Why”

As I told you, my goal with this E-Book is to help you “Find Your Why” no matter how deep it
is hidden inside you. To help you to finally “Find Your Why”, I will tell you about some more of
my life story as well as some other electrifying testimonials. This will not only inspire you and
help you discover your “Why” in life, it will also ignite a burning desire within your gut to start
digging down deep and polishing your “Why”.


Learn more about John’s commitment to creating 1,000 millionaires by visiting:
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

You’ll see, understand, discover and feel that your “Why” is the Ultimate Success
Factor that determines all your Successes and Failures in Life!

Let me tell you that I am committed to give you all I have in order to motivate and inspire you to
achieve this!

Your part is to stop rushing around in life for a few moments and make room in
your heart for that spark to ignite. You need to write down your thoughts and
expand on them. You have got to be open to receive!

In life, you choose your career, your hobbies and the way you spend your leisure
time, but your heart chooses your “Why”!

Even as a stutterer, I knew my “Why” was to change people’s lives. When I went out to that seminar,
I saw a vehicle that allowed me to attain my “Why”. That’s very important. That’s right, I viewed a
vehicle that empowered me to set goals to achieve financial freedom so I could achieve
my “Why”.

Let me ask you, “What vehicle will assist you in achieving your Why?”

Exercise 2:

Champion now ask yourself: “What is my Why?”

Write it down below.

If you run out of space, grab another piece of paper and keep on writing. Do not correct it YET, just
keep on writing. Let it flow from your heart!







Are you as MAD as John is?

© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.












Your “Why” must be bigger than who you are right now! Remember, your “Why”
is your ultimate dream, goal and desire in life.

If you are having some difficulty writing your “Why”, then let me give you an example from one of
my clients, whose business has grown by 4,000%, because she found her “Why”.

“The reason why I am dealing with all the challenges of building my business today is because my
‘Why’ is to be financially secure by June 1st, 2010 so that I may spend quality time with my
husband and children. I actually see us traveling together as a family to many cities and
countries around the world.

I also see my children duplicating the success that I have in my business. They are empowering
others to pursue their dreams and succeed. They are making a difference in the world today as

By having this financial freedom, I also touch the lives of those in need, especially those
children who have no parents...those who were stripped of all their hopes, dreams and left to the
streets or orphanages. 50% of my income and time will be directed to specific ministries that
will provide education, give food, shelter and love to these children. I am donating 30%
of my earnings to my church.


Learn more about John’s commitment to creating 1,000 millionaires by visiting:
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

I also see a stadium filled with thousands of people. I can hear the roar of the crowd...I can see the
tears in some of their eyes. My family and friends are in the front rows as the dream team
speaks...we speak of restoration, health and wealth. I can and will make a difference today.”

That’s a very powerful “Why”. Trust me, the first day I sat with this individual,
she didn’t say all that. I had her write down the three magical words – My Why Is.
She took those three words home and let her heart do the rest, which ultimately
accomplished the phenomenal “Why” that you just read.

Exercise 3:

Now we have expanded a little more on developing a “Why”, let’s dig a little deeper in your
own “Why” in life. Let’s crystallize your initial thoughts a little more by rewriting your “Why”.
That’s it again and write from your heart!

My Why is:













Are you a member of the Club? What club? Simply visit:
Live *Monday Night Motivational* Tele Class 8:30 p.m. EST. Dial: 212-990-8000 Access Code: 7458#
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© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

Your “Why” must be bigger than who you are right now. Your “Why” MUST scare you a little while
at the same time excite you. It must drive you! It must ignite you and fuel you. Your “Why” will
change your daily actions! Your “Why” will bring you to places that you have never been to before.
Your “Why” will pull you through the dirt of life.

Your “Why” will set you apart from the crowd. It will give you that little bit of extra that makes
you happy, passionate, proud and prosperous in all areas in your life.

Champion, I KNOW there is a WHY in you.

It might be hidden down deep and covered by a layer of unproductive programming but IT IS
THERE! You might not feel worthy of achieving anything greater than what you are right now. But
a spark has been ignited! All you need to do is give it some time.

This moment, later today or even tomorrow, find an easy place where you feel comfortable and
open up this E-Book again.

Start reading it from the first page again.

Take your time to ponder, think and write. Take your time to feel the spark. Finally, write down the
magic words: “My Why is” and write it again!

That’s right, do it all over. No, it’s not redundant. It’s an action step on your road to success
recommended by your coach, mastermind team member and accountability partner...ME!

I guarantee that when you follow these exact steps, your spark will ignite and you
will be on fire!!!

For years if not decades, you’ve been pulverized by negative words in every part of your life. What
words? Try these out for size - “You can’t do it! Who do you think you are? You’re not someone
special! Why you? You were born on the other side of the tracks.”

Erase those words from your memory and vocabulary. I am telling you, YOU CAN DO IT!

Whatever lingers deep inside you, YOU CAN DO IT!

Remember, I couldn’t speak fluently for 24 years of my life. I was advised to stop trying, because I
“couldn’t do it anyway”.

Does this sound familiar to you?


Learn more about John’s commitment to creating 1,000 millionaires by visiting:
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

I couldn’t speak fluently, but my “Why” was big enough and strong enough to pull me through the

Everyday I stood there by the Hudson River, screaming letter for letter the entire alphabet. My
miracle happened one letter at a time. I did it and so can you!

You have a birth certificate, right? Of course, you do. What does that have to do with “Finding Your
Why”? Your birth certificate gives you the right to go out and achieve all your goals, dreams and
desires in life.

We all start on equal ground with our birth certificate, but it is up to you to make
your life different from your average, normal person that just settles for what
they are handed in life or for whatever security they have found that protects
them from facing their fears.

How do you release your “Why” and start producing miracles in your own life?

By now, I’m sure you’ve found a spark inside your heart and ignited that fire deep inside of you.
You’ve found something that you might feel is your ultimate “Why” in life. Remember writing your
“Why” is a process and you can rewrite it as many times as you need to in the beginning phase.

Every great accomplishment starts with one step towards its achievement!

There is one more secret that I have to tell you before we move on talking about the “Why”. You
might want to know why I haven’t talked about (How) you can achieve your “Why” yet?

The beauty in all achievements is that 95% lies in the “Why” and only 5% comes down to actually
achieving the “Why”. In other words, don’t worry so much about the “How” just keep focusing on
the “Why” at this point.

My own experience is that if your “Why” is strong enough, then you will never
have to worry about the “How”. Strangely enough, the “How” will present itself!
Trust me...I’ve seen it happen many times.

Now, let’s talk about the real power behind the “Why”.


Are you as MAD as John is?

© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

The way for you to unleash the true power behind your “Why” is simple. Grab yourself a 3x5 index
card. I’m gonna say that once again...Grab yourself a 3x5 index card. This is a Million Dollar tool,
but most people won’t do it! You could have a significant net worth, you could have DSL that would
allow you to create a fancy Why card, you could have a $44 million computer system, you could
have everything under the sun, but this little 3x5 index card will change your life!

You must have the discipline to go get this card! Now, at the top write “My Why Card” in
big letters.

Exercise 4:

Write down your “Why” on this Why Card.

After you’ve written down your “Why” on this card, you must commit to reading it over and over
and over again!

The power of the “Why Card” lies in it’s mobility. You can take it everywhere
you go.

With every challenge or obstacle in life that you face, simply face it head on and READ YOUR WHY
CARD. Start internalizing your “Why” in your mind, your heart and your spirit. It will change your
life forever, and you will never go back to that point you were at before you found your “Why”.

IMPORTANT DAILY ACTION STEP: It is of the highest importance that you read your “Why
Card” the first seven minutes upon arising every day. That’s right, you MUST read your “Why
Card” every morning when you get up.

It’s called the “Why Rollover”. Rollover, grab your “Why” card and read it!
Imagine reading your “Why Card” the first seven minutes of your day instead of
picking your cell phone up, checking your email, clicking on TV and watching
everything bad that is happening in the world. Isn’t your “Why” more important
to you than those things?

Start internalizing your “Why”. Start meditating on it for seven minutes early in the morning when
you get up. This meditation period will set your day on fire!

It will add a snap to your step and a smile to your face, because you know
your “Why”.


Learn more about John’s commitment to creating 1,000 millionaires by visiting:
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

Exercise 5:

Write this down and say it outloud:

“I have decided that I will read my Why Card every morning for the first seven minutes upon
arising. I will internalize my Why and feel my heart grow full of joy, excitement, determination
and creativity every day because I know my Why!”









What’s the next step?

Let me give you another Million Dollar Tip that will catapult your belief in
your “Why”.

Here it is. Read your “Why Card” before going to bed and meditate on it for a few moments. Go
over the day and ask yourself, “What did I do today that will assist me in achieving my Why?”

Then ask yourself, “What can I do tomorrow to improve my daily action steps that will ultimately
lead to the achievement of my Why?”

Write these things down in your personal “Why” journal. Just a simple notebook will do. A “Why”
journal is a tool that you can keep in your night stand or near your bed and jot down your answers
to the those two questions.


Are you a member of the Club? What club? Simply visit:
Live *Monday Night Motivational* Tele Class 8:30 p.m. EST. Dial: 212-990-8000 Access Code: 7458#
FREE Tele Classes - FREE E-zine - FREE eBook at - ($297 Value)
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

These Champion habits will pulverize old and unproductive behaviors. These
habits will increase your success pace drastically!

Let’s extract some key principles behind the “Why”. As you progressively build your “Why”, you
must know these principles. One of the most important principles that you need to realize and
understand is that there are challenges, obstacles and hurdles.

My coaching client that wrote the sample “Why” that we just read begins by saying, “The reason
why I am dealing with all the challenges”. You will have challenges, you will have obstacles, you will
have hurdles—no question about it! She also uses the words, “I actually see”. This is key! You must
see yourself successful, and you must see yourself achieving your “Why”. If you can’t see yourself
achieving your “Why”, then your belief in your “Why” is not strong enough.

This E-Book is a milestone in your life. You will change, you will improve
yourself. Your interests will change. You will expand! You will enjoy life even more
than you already do. In order for this to happen, you must INVEST in yourself
and believe that you can achieve your “Why”.

In order to assist you on your success journey and the ultimate achievement of your “Why”, I have
carefully chosen a special selection of personal development materials for you to review.

How does your “Why” expand when you expand?

Your “Why” is a burning desire, and it’s your strong reason “Why” you want to achieve your
ultimate goals in life. As your life progresses your horizons expand, it is very natural for your
“Why” to progress as you progress.

Now with your “Why” growing and expanding, it is very likely you will notice more changes in your
life. All of a sudden, you change your habits and you are more interested in investing more time in
personal development. Personal development is the key to advancing yourself mentally, physically,
socially and achieving your “Why”.

Behind this (link), you will find a very special library that I have developed just for you. This library
is the result of all the success principles that I have extracted out of my life. Check it out, you will
find value in the resources and tremendously benefit from them!


Learn more about John’s commitment to creating 1,000 millionaires by visiting:
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

Creating change in your life MUST also be done by changing the people you surround yourself
with. It is very likely that you decide not to associate with certain people in your life anymore,
because they will disconnect you from achieving your “Why”. Many people have lost their dreams,
because they have surrendered to all of the challenges that life throws at them by people that don’t
believe in them.

Many Champions that disconnect themselves from the negative naysayers that hinder their success
enter into a lonely, isolation zone. This is normal. You must be determined to surround yourself
with other Champions that believe in you and want you to succeed.

Where do you find true Champions for your Mastermind Team?

I’ve seen so many people give up on their dreams and the achievement of their “Why”, because
they simply didn’t have a Mastermind Team to support them. So, I along with my team decided
to take action and create the Motivational Club. This Club is the hottest Club of Champions you
can imagine.

Every month you’ll receive a hot-off-the-press, profit producing motivational CD and

ultimate access to all of the archived Monday Night Motivational Tele-Classes. There
is an interactive Champions forum, where you can actively network and associate with
Champions all over the world! You can build your own Mastermind Team of Champions!!!

By changing your actions in life, you will change your results. By changing your results, you will
notice that the quality of your life improves. This all happens, because you took the time and effort
to find and ultimately achieve your “Why” in life.

Learn more about the Worldwide Championship Motivational Club!

Exercise 6:

Write down five action steps that you are going to take in pursuit of achieving your “Why”.






Are you as MAD as John is?

© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.



The Golden Key to Rise to Unparalleled Highs in your Life

These unparalleled heights can be achieved by sharing, influencing and improving the lives of
others! To change your life radically, make sure you commit yourself to developing others and
leading by example.

When I first went out to the bookstore to get my hands on “Think and Grow Rich”, I showed it
proudly to everybody around me. This gave me the feeling and the urge that now I had to do what
I promised them. I told them that if Napoleon Hill’s son could be cured of deafness, I could speak
fluently. Although this seemed impossible, it excited me to share this with my friends and family.
Sharing makes you bigger and makes you accountable to yourself.

How can you get started? Simply, forward this link to five, ten or even twenty
people that you know and care about. Tell them to invest in this E-Book, because it inspired you
and has empowered you to take your life to a higher level.

Don’t be afraid to share your feelings and don’t be afraid of one or two negative reactions. Most
people will feel that you care about them. They would love for you to give them the opportunity
to own this E-Book. Tell them that you know that they can achieve miracles in life like I did as a
stutterer when they start finding their “Why” and actively pursue it.

From there, follow up with them about their progress and share your progress with them. This will
show them how much you care about them, but it will also assist you in the ultimate achievement
of your “Why”.

Remember, you must lead by example as a Champion.

After you forward this link to invest in this E-Book to people, they will watch you a little closer. They
will notice that you enjoy life more and that you are achieving massive results. This will inspire
them to ask you, “What has happened with you?” This is all positive reinforcement that will help
you over all the hurdles that life throws at you ever now and then.


Learn more about John’s commitment to creating 1,000 millionaires by visiting:
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

Exercise 7:

Repetition is the mother of all skills.

Remember you need to start totally internalizing your “Why”.

Here are three final questions for you to answer:

What is your Why?




Why do you have a “Why”?













Are you a member of the Club? What club? Simply visit:
Live *Monday Night Motivational* Tele Class 8:30 p.m. EST. Dial: 212-990-8000 Access Code: 7458#
FREE Tele Classes - FREE E-zine - FREE eBook at - ($297 Value)
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

What steps will you take to ultimately achieve your “Why” today and everyday going forward?










More Eye-Opening Magic Behind the Power of Finding Your Why...

Here is one more example of one of my students that has catapulted his life to new
levels, because he discovered and applied the true power behind the “Why”. Let’s
break down his “Why” so you can feel and find the power behind it.


★ Those are powerful words that boldly proclaim that this is his “Why”!

“I am a home-based entrepreneur because I am an optimistic maverick at heart.

While I am a team player, I feel passionate about being responsible for my own
growth and happiness rather than dealing with a coarse-cutting, senior manager
controlling my destiny. I do not care to be dependent on some company’s time
schedule, budget, or benefit plan.”

★ He’s speaking forth who he is, what he’s passionate about, and what he wants to go through.
He doesn’t want to deal with a coarse-cutting, manager anymore. You can tell that he hates it!


Learn more about John’s commitment to creating 1,000 millionaires by visiting:
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

“Every day, I will listen to 50 minutes of coaching tapes and read personal
development and leadership books...50 minutes a day to become more efficient
and more effective.”

★ His business goal (ultimate outcome) is very simple and empowering:

“My vision for 2010, is to be healthy, free and committed to helping create 1,000
millionaires. My vision is to help 1,000 freedom orientated people to become
life-style freedom coaches and millionaires. Yes! I will help create 1,000
millionaires in my lifetime.”

Very powerful. Once again, he’s speaking his “Why” forward. He’s speaking activity. He’s
speaking “Why” words. His “Why” is bigger than who he is! Your “Why” must be bigger than
who you are. It must change the person that you are. If your “Why” is not so big that it changes
who you are, it’s not big enough. I’m gonna repeat that again: If your “why” is not so big that it
changes who you are, it’s not big enough!

How do you overcome the 3 biggest obstacles that rob you from greatness and
ultimate achievement of your “Why”?

As we progress through these obstacles, I’m going to bring you back to some times that life threw
these same three major obstacles at me to distract me from achieving my greatness... my “WHY”.

The 1st obstacle that prevents many people from achieving their “Why” is other

These other people will tell you things like:

“Who do you think you are? You’re not gonna build that business! You’re not gonna earn that money!
You’re not gonna become financially free!”

These other people are also known as “toxic people”. They will poison your success journey. Do not
let negativity just ooze onto your doorstep!

Love your friends that do not support you moving to the next level in life, but make
a decision—today—to move on from them! Love them and leave them.


Are you as MAD as John is?

© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

The 2nd obstacle that prevents many people from achieving their “Why” is the
chains shackled to their ankles.

I know that sounds kind of crazy? Let’s talk about those chains, which are composed of your
P-A-S-T. That’s right, your past will haunt you for the rest of your life if you let it. It will drag you
back to the place you were before you found your “Why”. It will also prevent you from moving
forward towards the achievement of your “Why”.

You have to ask yourself an honest question and more importantly answer it. Are you letting the
chains of your past hold you down? If so, I suggest you look down, take the chains, throw them
away and never look down again! If you focus on your past, you will crash and burn.

The 3rd obstacle that prevents people from achieving their “Why is giving up!

They give up and say to themselves, “This is not gonna work! This is not gonna work! I can’t do it!
I quit!”

Many years ago, I remember getting out of my car and opening up the door to the Rye Town Hilton.
I looked under the marquis and it said “Meeting—2nd Floor”. I walked up the four stairs and saw a
sign-in table. Right away, the little inner voice said, “Ha Ha! You gotta say your name! Go back to
the art gallery. No way, loser...stutterer...fool! What are you doing out here? Just go home. Go home,
eat, watch T.V., go to bed, wake up...just like you did for 24 years. Go work at the art gallery.”

But I stepped out in faith!

I didn’t know back then what faith was or how to take a risk. I simply had no clue, but I refused to
give up on my dreams.

As I progressed towards that table, I saw a sign-in sheet. The person at the table said, “What is your
name?” I grabbed a blue tag and I wrote my name down. I flipped it around, and the person at the
table read it. He said, “Oh, Hi John!” I said “Hi!” I couldn’t even say my name!

I am now an international motivational speaker, inspirational writer, a mentor

to millionaires and a strategic business coach. How is this possible for a stuttering
fool? I knew my “Why” and I did not quit! I say that with full conviction and
confidence, because you can do the same.


Learn more about John’s commitment to creating 1,000 millionaires by visiting:
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

Right now, you must write down these words:

“Failure and Quitting are NOT Options!”

In order to achieve your “Why”, you must have those words instilled in your spirit.


It has been an exciting journey. Hasn’t it?

Congratulations Champion on finishing this Work EBook! I am so proud

of you!

The fact that you read all the way to the end proves to me that you are destined for greatness.

I won’t say that your journey to the full development and enjoyment of living your “Why” is going
to be easy, but I would like to tell you that I have given you a iron-clad blueprint that will guide you
through the basics.

You are a Champion!

Now, take time to “Find Your Why”.

Write it down on your “Why Card”

Internalize your “Why” by reading your “Why Card” outloud as often as you can, at least the first
seven minutes after you wake up and just before going to bed at night.

Share your “Why” with people around you.

Make sure you overcome the 3 obstacles that try to rob you from your greatness.

Remember, you can do whatever you want to do. Once again, if your “Why” is not so big that it
changes who you are, it’s not big enough!

When your “Why” is strong enough, the “How” will present itself. ALWAYS!

If your “Why” does not make you go to bed at a different time, wake you up at a different time,
make you read different books and listen to different tapes and CDs, and hangout with different
people, then your “Why” is not big enough!


Are you a member of the Club? What club? Simply visit:
Live *Monday Night Motivational* Tele Class 8:30 p.m. EST. Dial: 212-990-8000 Access Code: 7458#
FREE Tele Classes - FREE E-zine - FREE eBook at - ($297 Value)
© Di Lemme Development Group, Inc.

Your “Why” will empower you to conduct yourself in a different manner and lead by example for
others. Your “Why” must change YOU in order to change your life!

How would you like to earn money with our team empowering the world and changing lives?
Guess what? You can! Join our affiliate program today.

Go For It!
John Di Lemme


Learn more about John’s commitment to creating 1,000 millionaires by visiting:
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