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Hamsiani Hansi



a. Lexical Morphology

Morphology is linguistic subject which learn about the internal element of

words formation. And in the morphology there is called lexical morphology. Lexical
morphology itself is the part of morphology which focus on lexicon, lexicon means
collection f lexemes in language. This part is related with words formation in
derivation and compounding. As we know that lexical is the part of morphology, so it
talk most about words formation.

Lexical morphology have some kinds, they are : a) Application in English

dericational and inflectional morphology, b) word is regarded as the key unit of
morphological analysis, c) symbiotic relationship between morphological and
phonological rules, d) Common organization in hierarchically ordered
strata/layers/levels. Beside that lexical morphology has a model, and the most
important feature of the lexical morphology’s models is ords, it is regarded as the key
unit of morphological analysis.

Beside that Lexical Morphology has a structure and process. The structure of
its are lexeme and the morpheme. The lexeme is represented the lexicon and the
morpheme os represented effixes, reduplication, and by some accounts modification
of phonlogical, it is the representative of lexeme changing. In Lexical morphology
process and structure, there is called word storage which is representation the lemma.
Lemma is the core meaning which includes semantic and syntactic.
b. Structural Morphology

Structure morphology is a thing which explain the internal configuration of outer

appearance of morpholgy. Morphology as we know that study which form meaning of words.
the study of morphology is traiditionally divided into two major areas, they are inflectional
Morphology and word formation. Derivational morpholgy and compounding and non-
morphoic word-formation including in inflectional morphology and also including word

Inflectional itself related to grammatical categories and it is also work together with
lexical and create words, but it does not make new words. Inflectional just addition to certain
words to marking it is singular or plural words, it can also marked the past tense or the part of
participle. Beside that inflectional can marked the comparative and superlative. In the ing-
form also used for encoding the progreesive aspect. Beside inflectional, there is called word
formation in structural morphology. Word formation includes derivational . It has certain
rules to make new words. It is usually change the class of words by adding suffix or prefix.

In other case, Morphology also has classification. The classification is very related
with words formation which includes compound, prefix and suffix. Compound means process
of merge two words and it becomes united and has same meaning. Prefixation means the
word formation which add some letter in the word’s base. Then suffixation means a bound
lexical morpheme is attached at the end of a base which consists of at least one free
lexical morpheme.
c. Generative Morhology

Generative morphology theory is very significant in the particular formation. The approach
used in the study of the morphology Halle is "morpheme" as the basis for the formation of
words. Generative morphology is about limitations morphology, theoritical background
morphology, teoritical approaches and aapproach generative. Thsose are associated which
happening in the theory of morphology.

Limitations generative morphology is integral part of syntactic component. Syntactic

component cosisyt of subcomponents base and subcomponents transformation, semantic
component, the phonological component. This generative morphological analysis is done in
two levels, the inner structure and leel of structure born. Beside that there is also approach by
theoritical model halle. Halle said that generative consist of four subcomponents, namely 1)
list of morpheme, 2) rules of formation words , 3) sieve as known as filter, 4) dictionary of

Approach in Analysis Theory Generative Morphological Morphophonemic. This is

use the principle and technique of identification morpheme consist of three subcomponents
main mutually exclusive. 1) List of Morpheme, 2) Rule of word formation, 3) Filter, 4)
Dictinary is an integral part of the morphology. Approach to the analysis of the theory of
morphology generative in prosemorfofonemik BG indicates that there is formulation of the
structure of origin (SA) and the structure of birth (SL) of drawing this process
Morphophonemic and rules morfofonologis namely: (a) the rules of deletion of phonemes
nasal velar / n / to the characteristics [+ nasal, -anterior, -koronal, + voiced]. (B) the rules of
assimilation phoneme velar nasal / ŋ / and a resistor consonant deletion velar / k / with
characteristics [+ nasal, -anterior, and -koronal].
d. Sinkronik and Diakronik

Synchronic means with time. The certain mean is synchronic is learning about
language at certain time. Like learning Indonesian in the reformation era. Synchronic
also mean all things related to events that occur in limited period. We can take the
conclusion is the notion of sychronous linguistics is a subdiscipline of linguistic that
stuides or examine the structure of a language rather than its development.

Synhronous linguistics has characteristic which consist study the language in

certain time, focus on assessing language in its structure, and it is horizontal, because
there is no comparison of language from time to time, the scope of the study is
narrower, having a high systematic, be more serious and difficult, is descriptive, the
existence of language, and take care of logical and psychological relationship that
connect the lemtns.

While diacronic means through time. Linguistic is subdiscipline that

investigates the development of a language from time to time. Diachronical studies
are vertical in nature, like investigate the development of the indonesian language.

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