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Rubric for Brochure

Task Description: (Teacher may explain specific assignment in this space.)

Criteria weight Professional Adequate Needs Work Unsatisfactory

 Demonstrates in depth  Demonstrates  Demonstrates little  Lacks understanding of

understanding of topic understanding of the understanding of topic topic
 Accurately utilizes topic  Employs research  Reports only the most
Content 45% researched information  Employs research information with a fair basic parts of the
in the brochure information with an degree of accuracy information
adequate degree of
 Well organized content  Content is organized  Content lacks  Unorganized content
 Attractive and well  Format is adequate organization  Hard to follow
designed format  Message is sufficiently  Format is difficult to  Message difficult to
 Clear and easily understood follow and poorly understand; tendency to
20% understood message  Computer generated organized wander or ramble
Presentation  Computer generated with acceptable eye  Message not clearly  Handwritten or
with strong visual appeal understood computer generated
appeal  Computer generated with little organization or
but poorly designed skill
Speaks clearly Speaks clearly most Speaks somewhat Speaks unclearly
Projects voice of the time Projects clearly Projects voice Weak voice projection
Pronounces all words voice most of the time somewhat Incorrect
Verbal Skills 20% correctly No Pronounces words Pronounces some pronunciation 10 or
vocalized pauses (uh, correctly most of the words incorrectly 6-9 more vocalized pauses
um, well time 1-5 vocalized vocalized pauses (uh, um, well
 Imaginative; original  Creativity is acceptable  Little creativity used  No originality
Visual  Use of graphics make  Use of graphics  Poor selection of  Graphics do not tie in
Appeal the message “come adequate to present graphics with the message
alive” message

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2006. All rights reserved.

Assignment Score ______________ + Beyonder/Bonus ______________ = Final Score ________________

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2006. All rights reserved.

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