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“Cloning” a GM-SYS Model in Oasis montaj

The gmsclone GX in Oasis montaj provides the capability to easily “clone” an existing
GM-SYS model to create a new model with new observed gravity and magnetic profiles
at a new location. The new model starts with the same block and surface structure as the
old model.

Before running Oasis, make sure that the new GX’s (gmsclone.gx and gmsanom.gx) exist
in your <OASISmontaj\gx> directory and the file “nga_ungrid.dll” exists in your
<OASISmontaj\bin> directory. Also, you will need grids of topography, gravity, and/or
magnetic data covering the new profile you want to model.

Open an Oasis workspace and open a map that covers the locations of the old and new
models (could be any map but maps of the gravity and/or magnetic map will be
particularly useful). This step is not necessary but helps give an overview of the process.
Load the GM-SYS menu, "gmsys.omn" (select GX | Load menu).

It is helpful (but not necessary) to plot the location of the existing model you are cloning
on your map(s) for reference. Select GM-SYS | Existing Model | Plot model location… to
plot the location of your existing model profile on the active map. To plot, the model
must have a valid .ECS file.

To clone your existing model, select GM-SYS | New Model | Clone existing model…. In
the GMSCLONE dialog shown below, note that you need to specify both the horizontal
and vertical distance units. The Horizontal Distance units apply to the sample
specification parameters you supply
(Minimum X and Sample interval). If
the grid cell spacings are defined in the
grid headers, they will be converted
correctly even if they are different than
the Horizontal Distance units specified
in the dialog. Otherwise it is assumed
that the grid spacings are in the
Horizontal Distance units specified in
the dialog.

The Vertical Distance units apply to the

elevation grids and the constant
elevations specified in the dialog.

Note that there are 3 options for specifying the new profile location.
1. Digitize from current map requires an open map. The 1st point digitized defines
the origin point (X= 0 in model coordinates). The 2nd point digitized defines the
profile azimuth but does not affect the overall length of the model.
2. Input (x,y)’s prompts you to enter x,y coordinates for the origin point and a 2nd
point to define the profile azimuth.
3. Input origin, azimuth allows you to specify the profile azimuth directly rather than
having the program calculate it from the location of the 2nd point.

Note that this version of GMSCLONE does not load new topography into the geologic
model. There is likely to be a mismatch between the elevations of any new gravity
stations and the topographic surface of the old model. Turn on the station display in the
new GM-SYS model (Display | Stations) to check the mismatch. If there is a significant
mismatch, you have several options.
1. You can use the Action | Move Point and/or Action | Move Group commands to
move the points in the topographic surface to match the locations.
2. You can move the appropriate blocks (using Move Group) down far enough to
make room for the correct topographic surface, split the “Air block” to create a
dummy flat topographic surface, and then use the Action | Examine (Surface) tool
to import the new topographic surface to replace the dummy surface.
3. You can force the new gravity station to the old topography by using the
Profile | Grav. Elevation Adjust command.

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