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The Third Level .

Jack Finney

About The Author

Jack Finney (October 2, 1911 - November 16, 1995) was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
on October 2, 1911 and given the name John Finney. His father died when he was
three _years old and he was renamed Walter Braden Finney in honour of his father. Yet
the ndname Jack remained with him throughout his life. He attended Knox College in
Galesburg, Illinois. His best-known works are science fiction and thrillers. Two of his
novels, "The _Body Snatchers" and "Good Neighbor Sam" became the basis of popular
films. Jack Finney first showed an interest in time travel Jn the short-story collection,
"The Third Level," (1957) which included stories about a: commuter who discovers a
train that runs between New York and the year 1894, and a:man who rebuilds ari old car
and finds himself transported back to the 1920's. Finney's ,greatest success came with
his science fiction novel, 'Time and Again' (1970) in Which:the characters achieve time
travel by steeping themselves .in the history and culture of a particular time and place
and then travelling there throu:gh hypnosis or self hypnosis. Finney died of pneumonia
and emphysema at the age of 84 not long after finishing '.From Time to Time', the

sequel to 'Time and Again'. .

The Third Level was a short story Jack Finney wrote in 1950·, which he incorporated in
the collection of short stories
' of the same name published in 1957.

Charley is convinced there : ~re t~ree,10~ just .two, le~els ,~t Gr~nd ~entral Stati~n.
Charley's psychiatrist and his fnends hmk his delusion IS a waking-dream wish
fulfillment," and like. his stamp collection, a temporary r<;fuge from a world full of
insecurity, fear, war, and worry. · ·
Charley describes how one evening While hurrying h,ome from office he decides to take
the subway from Grand Centr'al Slalion, and gels lost. He eventually finds himself on a
slrange third level with spilioOns, gaslightS, an ancient locomotive and people whose
appearance and clothes appear strange. He realizes he has somehow gone back in
lime to 1894, which is confirmed by the newspaper's lead story on President Cleveland.
Charley tries to buy tickets to Galesburg, Illinois 'a wondertul town .... with big old frame 0

houses, huge lawns and tremendous trees ... ' and where summer evenings were twice
as long and people lived in peace and harmony. Because the clerk won't accept his
1950-style money, Charley leaves the station.
During his lunch break the next day, Charley withdraws nearly all.his savings and buys
old-style currency. But he can never again find the entranc~ to the third level at Grand
Central Station. Charley finds evidence that the third level actually exists when he
discovers a letter dated July 18, 1894 addressed to his grandfather ~t Galesburg, Illinois
from his psychiatrist who it seems wa s not as skeptical of the third level as he had

Points to remember: ... .

Although Charley's friends and psychiatrist treat the third level with skept1c1sm, he is
resolute in his belief. He refuses to accept their interpretation of escapism and states
that everybody wants to escape but they do not find a third level. He cites the examples

of President Roosevelt and his grandfather to disprove that stamp collecting was a
'temporary refuge from reality'.

Jack Finney had studied in Galesburg and his hero's desire to go to Galesburg could be
a manifestation of his own desire.

The elusive third level is a precursor of the magical nine and three quarters platform in
the Harry Potter series.

Time travel is based on the desire to escape the problems or monotony of the present

The story is set after World War II. Hence, Charley's desire to live before the Great
Wars, which lvd to a lot of misery and hardships.

When people in the present time want to escape, they feel that life, fifty or sixty years
ago was tension free, but it is ironical that in the story the protagonist who lives in that
supposedly ideal time wants to go back a further fifty odd years for peace and

There is irony and humour in Charley's psychiatrist using the escape route of the third
level when he himself had.,vociferously denied itsexisten_ce. This is a barbed comment
on how even those who are meant to help the troubled are themselves in need of
solace and assistance.

The impact of the story is ~eightened by the surprise ending.

The writer's style is simple and conversational, He seems to be talking directly to the
readers and drawing them into the story.

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