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Year Level: Pre Primary Time: 10:15 Date: 10/6/2019 Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Learning Area: ENGLISH/ GUIDED READING. - Phonics and word knowledge.

- Sounding out words.
- Using sound buttons to help deconstruct
individual sounds in a word.
- Phoneme knowledge.
- Segment sentences into individual words.
- Knowledge of the concepts of print i.e. capital
letters, full stops,
- Identification of CVC words.

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum

Read decodable and predictable texts, practising phrasing
and fluency, and monitor meaning using concepts about
print and emerging contextual, semantic, grammatical and
phonic knowledge (ACELY1649).

Use comprehension strategies to understand and discuss

texts listened to, viewed or read independently
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative thinking behaviour Social understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Make predictions of what the story may be about, before the commencement of reading.
 Demonstrate concepts of print whilst reading ‘Sally and the Leaves’.
 Sound talk unknown words using sound buttons.
 Answer the ‘WH’ questions about the story.


Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

- Grouping students in terms of their learning

- 8 Copies of the book ‘Little Teddy and Monkey’
abilities (Strongest- weakest). Groupings
(Level 2/3).
include: Butterflies, Bears, Caterpillars and
- 8 copies of ‘Dad’s Ship’.
- 8 copies of ‘ Sally and the Elephant’.
- Modelling the task for the students with
- Posters for students to retell the story (Activating
academic difficulties (Making the first
prior knowledge, Predicting, Self- Monitoring,
prediction of the story and then asking
Making connections).
students to have their own say of a personal
prediction. And reading the first page of the
story to model to the students the concepts of
print and how good readers read).
- Providing one on one support for a more
guided lesson for those in need (I Do, We Do,
You do).

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the
1. The teacher will grasp the students’ attention to commence the lesson segment where they will
rotations. be introduced.
2. The teacher will allocate all students to their allocated learning
groups. The teacher will choose the line leaders for the rotation, by
moving the laminated star in a clockwise direction to the next person
on the group charts.
e.g. Lily you are the line leader for the Butterflies, Igor you are the line
leader for Bears. Rhett you are the line leader for Caterpillars, and
Demi you are the line leader for Pandas.
“You can all go and collect your signs”
3. The teacher will then ask each group individually to go and stand
behind their line leaders. Once the students are standing behind their
line leaders quietly. The teacher will allocate each group to their
rotation tables.
e.g. Caterpillars to the grey table, Butterflies to be seated on the mat,
Caterpillars to the caterpillar table and Pandas to the orange table.
4. The teacher will then ask students to find a seat in a circle on the mat
and sit quietly so that the teacher knows that all students are ready to


begin the lesson.

5. Once students are seated on the mat silently, the teacher will tell the
students what they will be doing in today’s lesson
Today we will be reading a story called ‘Sally and the Leaves’.
6. Teacher hands out a copy of the story to each student in the group, by
placing the book on the floor. Students are not to lift the book from the
“My friends keep your books on the floor”.

Lesson Steps

1. The teacher will read the title of the story to the students whilst
pointing to each word.
Butterflies- ‘Little Teddy and Monkey’.
Bears- ‘Dad’s Ship’.
Pandas- ‘Sally and the Elephant’.

2. The teacher will ask all students to make a prediction by looking at

the front cover.
“We know that all good readers make a prediction before starting to
read a story, by looking at the front cover of the book. I am going to
make the first prediction of what I think the story will be about”.

“I think that this story is going to be about a girl named Sally (teacher points to
the character on the front cover). Sally goes for a walk through a big park
collecting all the leaves that have fallen from the trees in the wind.” Who else
has a prediction of what they think the story will be about by looking at the
front cover.

3. Teacher will then go around asking the students that want to share
their predictions of the story.

4. The teacher will then ask all the students in the group to look at all the
pictures in the book before commencing to read the story.
“We know all good readers always look at the pictures before reading
a story. Everyone is to now go through the story looking at all the
pictures in the book.”
“Remember to keep your books on the floor.”

5. Once students have looked at all the pictures in the story. The teacher
will then ask the students to turn to the first page of their book. “Turn
to the first page of your story. We know the first page of our story is
the page right after the front cover.”

6. The teacher will read the title first pointing to each word in the title. I
am going to point to each word when I am reading so that I do not
miss out any words when reading. I know I start from this end and I
read this way (teacher reinforces the concepts of print).
“Now everyone altogether, reading pointing to each word of the title”

For Pandas the teacher will break down each word into the sounds.

7. The teacher tells all the students to turn the page.

“Good readers use the pictures to help us when we don’t know a word


in a sentence.” The teacher will model page 3 to the students. I know

I start here and I read this way (Teacher will point and show the
direction that we read sentences. “I know that a sentence starts with a
capital letter, so I start here, I then read this way.” Can anyone
remember what these marks are called (Teacher will point at the
speech marks). After students have a turn at talking and the answer is
incorrect then the teacher will discuss the meaning to the students.
They are called speech marks my friends. When we see speech
marks, it means that someone is talking. So we change the tone of
our voice. The teacher will read the sentence to show the students
how we use speech marks.

8. When reading the sentence, the teacher will break down the words, to
model to the students how we can sound talk words, look at the
picture to help make meaning of a word, and re reading the sentence
to make sense of what we are reading.

9. The teacher will then go around the circle asking students to read a
page each.

Teaching strategies for the Pandas.

1. The teacher will sound out the title to the group. The teacher will then
ask the students to join in as a group and all say the title altogether.
The teacher will then make note of the author and illustrator,
explaining what their role is and why they are important to

2. The teacher will then ask the students as a whole group to point to
the title, author, back and front cover. To show the teacher their
understanding of the concepts of print.

3. The teacher will then approach the students saying that all good
readers make a prediction before reading a book by looking at the
front cover. The teacher will model this step to the students first by
making a personal prediction and then the students will be asked of
choice to make their own personal predictions on what they think the
story will be about.

4. The teacher will then ask all the students to look at the pictures of the
book to make meaning before reading.

5. The teacher will then ask all students in Pandas, to turn to the first
page. Once all students have turned their page to the first page, the
teacher will ask all the students to read the title all together using their
George finger to point to each word.

6. The teacher will then tell the students to turn the page again and
model how to read/ sound talk each word and then re-read the
sentence once more to grasp an understanding of what has been
read. The teacher will also tell the students to use the pictures to help
them when reading tricky words.


7. The teacher may change the way to ask students to join in, E.g. boys
are to sound talk the sentence, then girls etc.

These steps will repeat for every page.

8. The teacher will then ask the students to relate to the comprehension
strategies of Activating prior knowledge, prediction, making

If time still remains the teacher will ask the students to re-tell the story using
the 4 ‘WH’ questions.

Lesson Closure:
There will not be enough time to do a plenary, so students will just complete
the following in order to move to the next rotation station. If there is time at the
end of the rotations. Line leaders will do a whole class plenary of what they
did at each rotation station.

1. The teacher will ask the students to hand in their stories back to the
teacher to put away in the reading packs.

2. Once students have handed in their stories, the students will be

asked to stand up and line behind the line leader ready to move onto
the next rotation station.


1. The teacher will then give instructions to where the students are
traveling to next.

2. Students will move independently then to their next rotation stations.


Checklist on the lesson objectives.

Objective 1: Make predictions of what the story may be about, before the
commencement of reading.
Objective 2: Demonstrate concepts of print whilst reading (title of book).
Objective 3: Sound talk unknown words using sound buttons.
Objective 4: Answer the ‘WH’ questions about the story.

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