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North Fluminense State University,
Lenep, Brazil;

Theoretical Definition of
P. Bedrikovetsky
B. Newbery
Formation Damage Zone With
Australian School of Petroleum,
University of Adelaide
Applications to Well Stimulation
Flow of particulate suspension in porous media with particle retention and consequent
permeability reduction is discussed. Using analytical model for suspension injection via
R. Paiva single well, the permeability damage zone size was defined and expressed by transcen-
North Fluminense State University, dental equation. Analysis of field data shows that usually the size of damaged zone does
Lenep, Brazil not extend more than 1 m beyond the injector. The definition of damage zone size is used
for design of well stimulation via deposition removal. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.4001800兴

C. Furtado Keywords: formation damage, injectivity, well stimulation, analytical model, acidizing

A. L. de Souza

1 Introduction nomenological parameters—filtration and formation damage coef-

ficients. The parameters can be found from either laboratory
Deposition of solid phase and retention of particles from the
coreflood tests or well injectivity history by solving the inverse
moving fluids during flow in porous media result in permeability
problems 关11–15兴.
decline 关1兴. In the petroleum industry, it happens in almost all
Several micromodels for injectivity decline have been derived
processes of oil production: injection of sea or produced water
for pore scale: population balance equations 关16,17兴, random walk
with solid or liquid particles causes decline of injectivity, invasion
models 关18–20兴, and numerical network models 关2,4兴. The tradi-
of drilling fluid into formation rock yields decreased return per- tional model for deep bed filtration can be derived from micro-
meability, and precipitation of salts in the near well region causes scale only for the case of monodispersed suspensions 关17兴.
well index decline 关2,3兴. The above mentioned phenomena, called In the current work, we define size of formation damage zone
formation damage, can seriously impact on the economics of field using an analytical model for axisymmetric suspension flow in
development. porous media. This size can be found from transcendental equa-
The retention and deposition phenomenon occurs also in dis- tion. It was shown that the formation damage size has an order of
posal of industrial wastes, geothermal power production, and in magnitude of the mean distance of deposition from the well. Cal-
several environmental and chemical engineering processes 关4,5兴. culations show that, with the exception of very low filtration co-
Different well stimulation technologies are used for damage efficient cases, the damaged size almost always does not exceed 1
removal and mitigation: acidizing, perforation, solvent, or inhibi- m.
tor injection. Optimal planning of well stimulation requires The defined damaged zone size is proposed for application in
knowledge of the deposit proximity relative to the wellbore 关1,2兴. the design of well acidizing and perforation. Some field cases
Area of solid phase retention and deposition can be found from presented show that in successful applications, the amount of in-
mathematical modeling, field data, or laboratory tests. Yet, a the- jected acid has the same order of magnitude as that calculated by
oretical definition of the size of the formation damage zone, to the the proposed method.
best of our knowledge, is not available in the literature. The structure of this paper is as follows. The formulation of the
In the current work, we concentrate on well index decline dur- problem for defining the formation damage zone size for the pur-
ing injection of seawater or produced water, which is a wide- poses of well stimulation design is presented in Sec. 2. Section 3
spread phenomenon in waterflooding field projects. Solid and oily contains basic equations for suspension flow in porous media fol-
particles are captured by rock from the injected fluid resulting in lowed by Sec. 4 with the analytical solution for axisymmetric
permeability decline. flow. The derivation of formation damage zone radius and the
The traditional model for particulate suspension in porous me- calculation results are presented in Sec. 5. Section 6 discusses
dia consists of mass balance for suspended and retained particles, applications of the damage size definition in well stimulation de-
equation of particle capture kinetics, and modified Darcy’s law sign.
accounting for permeability decline due to particle retention
关5–10兴. The problem of axisymmetric injection into clean bed al-
lows for analytical solution 关11,12兴. The model contains two phe- 2 Formulation of the Problem
Well efficiency is expressed by well index, which is defined as
the ratio between the rate and pressure drop between the well and
Contributed by the Advanced Energy Systems Division of ASME for publication
in the JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received November 6,
surrounding contour. For the case of axisymmetric flow around
2008; final manuscript received March 2, 2010; published online June 23, 2010. injection well, the well injectivity index can be determined from
Assoc. Editor: Faruk Civan. the steady state solution of flow equation 关1,2兴.

Journal of Energy Resources Technology Copyright © 2010 by ASME SEPTEMBER 2010, Vol. 132 / 033101-1

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Fig. 1 Retention of particles in rock during suspension

q 2␲k
II = = 共2.1兲
pw − pc Rc
␮ ln
rw Fig. 3 Propagation of suspended and retained concentration
The normalized reciprocal to injectivity index is called imped- profiles from injection to producing well. „a… Location of injec-
ance, tor and producer; well, damaged, and contour radii. „b… Profiles
of suspended and retained concentrations.
II共t = o兲 q共t = o兲⌬p 共t兲
J共t兲 = = , ⌬p = pw − pc 共2.2兲
II共t兲 ⌬p共t = 0兲 q共t兲
Similarly, damaged open-hole injector can be stimulated
and is also used for formation damage description 关11,15兴. De-
through perforation. The problem is to determine a hole length
crease of injectivity index 共2.1兲 corresponds to an increase in im-
such that perforation bypasses the damaged zone and restores the
initial well injectivity.
Consider the injection of sea, produced, or any poor quality
water into oil reservoir. The injected water contains suspended
solid and liquid particles. The particles are captured in rock during 3 Mathematical Model for Axisymmetric Flow of Sus-
the injected water flow. Figure 1 shows the particle retention in pensions in Porous Media
porous space. The retention is caused by different physics mecha-
The system of governing equations for radial transport of sus-
nisms: size exclusion, molecular and electric attraction, gravity
pensions in porous media consists of equations of mass balance
segregation, and diffusion 共Fig. 2兲.
for suspended and deposited particles, kinetics of particle captured
The cross sectional area perpendicular to the fluid flow is pro-
by matrix, and modified Darcy’s law 共momentum balance equa-
portional to 2␲r 共Fig. 3共a兲兲; therefore, remote deposition results in
tion兲 关6,7兴.
less well damage than that near to the wellbore 关11兴. The retained
Assuming incompressibility of carrier water and additive volu-
particle concentration gradually decreases from injection sand
metric law of particle mixing with water yields to the following
face deep into the reservoir 共Fig. 1兲 because the probability for
form of continuity equation for axisymmetric flow
particle to be captured is proportional to its trajectory length.
Therefore, the effect of particle retention on well index decreases ⳵c q ⳵c ⳵␴
with radius. So, beyond some radius, the influence of any retained ␾ + =− 共3.1兲
⳵ t 2␲r ⳵ r ⳵t
particles on well index is negligibly small. This radius is defined
as the size of formation damage zone. where c and ␴ are the concentrations of suspended and retained
Consider the injection of acid or solvent in order to remove particles, respectively, ␾ is the porosity, and q is the volumetric
deposition. Assume that the applied chemical reacts with the par- water flow rate.
ticle matter and results in a complete removal of a particle. Particle capture rate is proportional to advective particle flux
Generally speaking, full restoration of the initial injectivity is cU with coefficient of proportionality ␭⬘,
achieved under the removal of all retained particles. Yet, deposi- ⳵␴
tion takes place throughout the overall swept zone. Thus, the = ␭⬘Uc 共3.2兲
problem is to determine penetration radius such that particle re- ⳵t
moval from this zone will lead to restoration of the bulk of injec- where U = q / 2␲r is the linear velocity of carrier water and ␭⬘ is
tivity. the filtration coefficient. The filtration coefficient is equal to the
probability of a particle being captured by the matrix per unit of
the particle trajectory 关7,17兴. Since the only characteristic of the
capture mechanism, used in the analysis, is the capture probabil-
ity, formula 共3.2兲 is valid for any combination of capture mecha-
Modified Darcy’s law accounts for permeability decrease due to
retained particles and residual oil near the injection well,
k0krwor ⳵ p
U=− 共3.3兲
共1 + ␤␴兲␮ ⳵ r
where ␮ is the viscosity of injected aqueous suspension, p is the
pressure, and k0 is the initial permeability of retained-particle-free
Fig. 2 Different particle retention mechanisms in porous porous media. Permeability decrease due to retained particles de-
media pends on the captured particle concentration and on the formation

033101-2 / Vol. 132, SEPTEMBER 2010 Transactions of the ASME

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damage coefficient ␤. Decrease of absolute permeability for water
under the presence of residual oil yields the multiplier krwor.
Let us introduce dimensionless radial coordinate, time, sus-
pended and captured concentrations, pressure, and filtration coef-

r 1 c
␳= , X = ␳ 2, T= q共␶兲d␶, C= ,
Rc ␾␲Rc 0

S= , ␭ = ␭ ⬘R c
where c0 is the concentration of particles in the injected suspen-
sion, and Rc is the contour radius, which is equal to the half-
distance between injection and production wells 共Fig. 3兲. Fig. 4 Propagation of concentration front in plane of dimen-
Through substitution of dimensionless variables 共3.4兲 into the sionless distance and time „X , T…
system, the governing equations 共3.1兲–共3.3兲 for dimensionless co-
ordinates and parameters take the forms
⳵C ⳵C ⳵S Let us calculate the pressure drop between the injection well
+ =−
⳵T ⳵X ⳵T and the contour. Expressing pressure gradient from Eq. 共3.5兲 re-
sults in

冕冉 冊 冕
⳵ S ␭C 1 1
= 共3.5兲 ⳵P 1 + ␤␾c0S共X,T兲 1
⳵ T 2冑X ⌬P = − dX = dX = − ln Xw
⳵X Xw
2X 2

1 2 ⳵P 1
=− ␤␾c 0
X 共1 + ␤␾c S兲 ⳵ X
0 + dX 共4.3兲
2 Xw
The assumption that the capture rate is independent of pressure
yields to the separation of the first and second equations from the Substitution of formula for retained particle concentration into the
third equation, i.e., the system of two equations with unknown previous expression yields

suspended and retained concentrations can be solved separately Xw+T 冑X−冑Xw兲
from the equation for pressure P共X , T兲. 1 ␤␾c0 ␭e−␭共
⌬P = − ln Xw + 共T − X + Xw兲dX
Injection of water with constant particle concentration c0 into a 2 2 Xw 2X冑X
“clean” bed results in the following initial and boundary condi-
tions: 共4.4兲

T = 0:C = S = 0, X = Xw:C = 1 共3.6兲 Let us substitute a new variable y = ␭冑X into the integral in

Here the constant concentration boundary condition is set on the

sand face of the injection well, where Xw corresponds to well 冕 Xw

dX = T␭2 eywei共y w兲 − eywei共␭冑T兲 − eyw
e−␭ T

radius rw.
e−yw 冑
+ eyw + eywe−␭ T − 1 共4.5兲
4 Analytical Solution for Injection Into a Single Well Expression 共4.5兲 contains six terms. Let us evaluate them.
The system of first and second equations of Eq. 共3.5兲 subject to We consider volumes of injected water that highly exceed the
initial and boundary conditions 共3.6兲 can be solved using method well volume, so
y w Ⰶ ␭冑T, ei共y w兲 Ⰷ ei共␭冑T兲
of characteristics, allowing for explicit expressions for suspended
and retained concentrations 关11,12,15兴, 共4.6兲

C共X,T兲 = 再 e−␭共

, X ⬍ Xw + T
X ⬎ Xw + T
冎 共4.1兲
allowing the second term in brackets of the right hand side of Eq.
共4.5兲 to be neglected when compared with the first term. For the
same reason, the following inequality holds:

冦 冧
冑X−冑Xw兲 e−␭ e−yw
␭e−␭共 Ⰶ 共4.7兲
共T − X + Xw兲, X ⬍ Xw + T ␭冑T
S共X,T兲 =
0, X ⬎ Xw + T So, the third term in brackets of Eq. 共4.5兲 can be neglected if
compared with the fourth term.
共4.2兲 The fourth term is equal to T␭2 / y w. For the typical values rw
Figure 3共b兲 shows the profiles of both concentrations for a fixed = 0.1 m, Rc = 100 m, T = 1, and ␭⬘ = 1 1 / m it is equal to 107,
time. The suspended and retained concentrations equal zero ahead allowing the sixth term in Eq. 共4.5兲 共unity兲 to be neglected when
of the injected water front X = Xw + T. The suspended concentration compared with the fourth term.
decreases from c0 at the injection well down to some positive Using the same values, y w − ␭冑T = −100 leading to the following
value on the water front. The retained concentration decreases inequality:
from some positive value at the injector down to zero at the in- 冑
jected water front. eywe−␭ T Ⰶ 1 共4.8兲
Figure 4 shows the trajectory of the front X = Xw + T. Coordi- The fifth term in Eq. 共4.5兲 can be neglected if compared with
nates X = Xw and X = 1 corresponds to injection well and contour, unity.
respectively. Finally, integral in Eq. 共4.5兲 takes the form

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Fig. 5 Comparison between formation damage zone size and mean distance to particle deposit

冕 冕 冕
Xw+T Xw+T Xd
S共X,T兲 T␭2 S共X,T兲 S共X,T兲
dX = T␭2eywei共y w兲 + 共4.9兲 dX − dX
X yw Xw
X Xw

T ⱕ␧ 共5.1兲
resulting in the final expression for pressure drop between the dX
injector and the contour Xw

⌬P = − ln Xw +
T␭2␤␾c0 ␭⬘r

e wei共␭⬘rw兲 +
␭ ⬘r w
冊 共4.10兲
where ␧ is a small number representing the proportion of skin to
remain. The number ␧ is a small parameter showing the accuracy
of the assumption, that particle retention outside the damaged
The first term in Eq. 共4.10兲 corresponds to the case where depo- zone does not cause the injectivity impairment.
sition is yet to take place 共T = 0兲. The second term is entirely From Eq. 共5.1兲 it follows that the skin factor, caused by par-
responsible for permeability damage and is called the skin factor ticles retained outside the neighborhood of rd, is negligibly small.
关1,2兴, Formula 共5.1兲 can be simplified

⌬P = − 2 ln共Xw兲 + Sk 共4.11兲 Xw+T
From Eq. 共4.3兲 accounting for Eqs. 共4.4兲 and 共4.10兲 follows a Xd

formula for the skin factor, T ⱕ␧ 共5.2兲

冕 冉 冊
Xw+T X
␤␾c0 S共X,T兲 T␭2␤␾c0 ␭⬘r 1 Xw
Sk共T兲 = dX = e wei共␭⬘rw兲 +
2 Xw
X 2 ␭ ⬘r w
Calculation of the integral in numerator of Eq. 共5.2兲 repeats deri-
共4.12兲 vations 共4.3兲–共4.5兲,

5 The Damaged Zone Radius

In this section, we define size of formation damage zone with

dX = T␭2e␭⬘rw ei共␭⬘rd兲 − ei共␭⬘Rc冑T兲 −
e−␭⬘Rc T

injection of suspended particles and compare it with the mean
e−␭⬘rd 冑
distance to the deposited particles. + + e␭⬘rwe−␭⬘Rc T − e␭⬘rwe−␭⬘rd 共5.3兲
␭ ⬘r d
5.1 Definition of the Damaged Zone Radius. Let us define
the formation damage zone with a radius rd such that if all par-
ticles from the rd—neighborhood of the well—are removed, the Estimates 共4.6兲–共4.8兲 remain the same, i.e., first and fourth terms
skin factor will almost vanish. From Eq. 共4.12兲 follows the defi- in Eq. 共4.5兲 remain significantly larger than the other four terms.
nition of damaged zone size, Finally, inequality 共5.2兲 takes the form

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open-hole wells and applied for design of perforated wells in the
same reservoir.
Bedrikovetsky et al. 关15兴 presented the filtration coefficient
value as calculated from the injectivity decline history ␭⬘
= 10 1 / m. The corresponding perforation length is equal to
1 / ␭⬘ = 0.1 m. For another value ␭⬘ = 1.6 1 / m reported in Ref.
关13兴, the perforation length is 1 / ␭⬘ = 0.6 m.
6.2 Estimate of Acid Volume for Well Stimulation. The
costs associated with the acidification treatment are very high for
long horizontal wells due to both the volume of acid required and
long shut-in time during acid injection 关2兴. Thus, it is important to
accurately determine the necessary volume of injected acid in or-
der to remove the damage.
Fig. 6 Schema of perforation of damaged open-hole well and The optimal amount of injected acid depends on reactivity be-
estimation of the hole length tween the acid and retained particles and between the acid and the
reservoir rock, by the cost of well shut-down period, by economic
evaluation of acid treatment efficiency, etc. So, different criteria
for acid treatment design do exist. To the best of our knowledge,
ei共␭⬘rd兲 + the mathematical model accounting for the above mentioned fac-
␭ ⬘r d tors and allowing optimization of the process by economic crite-
ⱕ␧ 共5.4兲
e−␭⬘rw rion is not available from the literature.
ei共␭⬘rw兲 + Yet the proposed criterion of damaged zone radius for estima-
␭ ⬘r w tion of the necessary acid volume may give a correct order of
For a given ␧, the formation damage zone size rd can be deter- magnitude for an optimal acidification. In the case where the acid
mined from equality 共5.4兲 by numerically solving the transcenden- composition was already selected, it may be used for acid volume
tal equation. determination. Therefore, in order to validate the proposed crite-
rion, below we compare the damaged zone size with acid sweep
5.2 Estimates of Damaged Zone Radius. The results of cal- radius for the case of successful acid treatments.
culation of damaged zone size have been performed for ␧ = 0.1 Consider the injection of acid volume V,
and ␧ = 0.01. Figure 5 presents plots of rd versus dimensionless
filtration coefficient ␭ for both cases. Here it was assumed that the V = ␾␲r2d 共6.1兲
well radius rw = 0.1 m. Abscissa axis has a logarithmic scale.
The plots show that values of the damaged zone size for ␧ per unit of well length, where rd is determined by skin removal
= 0.1 and ␧ = 0.01 almost coincide for large values of filtration criterion 共5.4兲. Using ␧ = 0.1 in Eq. 共5.4兲 results in the removal of
coefficient, ␭⬘ ⬎ 10 1 / m. The values of rd vary significantly for 90% of the skin factor, and using ␧ = 0.01 causes the removal of
low values of filtration coefficient, ␭⬘ ⬍ 1 1 / m. 99% of the damage. So, the proposed criterion for acid volume
The reference value of mean particle penetration during deep 共6.1兲 assumes the damaged zone sweep by acid.
bed filtration is 1 / ␭⬘ 关7,11兴. The curve r = rw + 1 / ␭⬘ is labeled in Let us validate the proposed criterion by comparison with the
Fig. 5 by r␴d . The curve almost coincides with rd-curve for ␧ field cases. Figure 7 presents the impedance growth during water
= 0.1 for large values of filtration coefficient, ␭⬘ ⬎ 1.6 1 / m. injection into giant Brazilian high permeability deep-water sand-
The case of ␭⬘ ⬎ 10 1 / m covers almost all cases of laboratory stone reservoir 共Campos basin兲 and the impedance fall after the
coreflood tests 关21兴. For these cases, formula rd = 1 / ␭⬘ can be used acidizing. Impedance growth corresponds to injectivity index de-
to estimate the damaged zone radius. cline 共see Eq. 共2.2兲兲. In this field, well injectivity decreased 10–15
The case of ␭⬘ ⬎ 1.6 1 / m covers almost all field cases of well times during 15 years of waterflooding 关22兴. As is presented in
injectivity 关11,15兴. For these cases, formula rd = 1 / ␭⬘ can be used Fig. 7, acidizing in the late 1998 completely restored the initial
to estimate the damaged zone radius for ␧ = 0.1. If for some rea- injectivity index.
sons 99% of initial injectivity must be restored by well stimula- The amount of injected acid was 150 gal/ft, which corresponds
tion, equality 共5.4兲 must be applied for ␧ = 0.01. to a penetration radius of 2.5 m for porosity ␾ = 0.32. The filtration
Yet, a few cases of low filtration coefficient, ␭⬘ ⬍ 1 1 / m, have coefficient as calculated from impedance growth curve is 0.6 1/m.
been reported for high-rate injection wells 关11,13兴. In these cases, The low value of filtration coefficient is explained by high rock
equality 共5.4兲 must be applied for ␧ = 0.1 and ␧ = 0.01. permeability and high injection rates in this field. The value ␭
= 0.6 1 / m corresponds to rd = 0.7 m and rd = 2.6 m for ␧ = 0.1 and
0.01, respectively.
6 Applications of Damaged Zone Size Definition So, the successful acidizing took place under sweeping of dam-
aged zone by injected acid, which validates the proposed criterion.
The proposed definition of formation damage zone radius can
Figure 8 shows the injectivity index decline at the well from the
be used for estimates of perforation length and in design of well
waterflooded shallow sandstone field 共Brazil, Campos basin兲; it
shows that the injectivity index increases after the acidizing. The
6.1 Sizing of Perforation Holes. Consider an open-hole in- applied acidizing was considered to be successful—injectivity af-
jector damaged by sea or produced water injection. One of the ter the second well treatment was even higher than that after the
well stimulation options is perforation of the well 共Fig. 6兲. first treatment.
The perforation hole must bypass the damaged zone in order to The filtration coefficient was calculated from the injectivity de-
restore the initial value of well injectivity index or even to in- cline curve after first acidizing: the filtration coefficient ␭
crease it. Therefore, the perforation hole depth must exceed the = 16.5 1 / m. The damage radii are rd = 0.3 m and rd = 0.4 m for
damaged zone radius rd. ␧ = 0.1 and 0.01, respectively. The amount of injected acid was
This estimate can be also useful in situation where the injectors 170 gal/ft, which corresponds to a penetration radius of 2.4 m; i.e.,
with open-hole completion were used at the beginning of water- the acid penetration depth exceeds the radius rd of the damaged
flooding, and subsequent injectors were perforated. The filtration zone. Again, the sweep area radius exceeded the damaged zone
coefficient can be determined from injectivity history of other size, which validates the criterion 共6.1兲.

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Fig. 7 Impedance increase during waterflooding and full restoration of ini-
tial injectivity after acidizing

7 Summary and Discussion Using the proposed criteria to estimate the acid volume is in
Analytical model for suspension transport in porous media for agreement with several field cases where the successful treatment
axisymmetric flow allows defining the radius of formation damage used higher acid volumes than that calculated from damaged zone
zone. An implicit formula for damaged zone size has been de- radius.
rived. The damaged zone radius is a function of filtration coeffi- The proposed method for determining the formation damage
cient. Since the filtration coefficient can be calculated from the zone size with criterion for well stimulation design can be applied
well injectivity history, the damaged radius can be also estimated. for other formation damage areas where either analytical or nu-
The definition of the radius of formation damage zone can be merical models for permeability reduction process have been de-
used for estimation of perforation length for damaged open-hole veloped: sulfate scaling in production wells, carbonate scaling in
injection wells. injection wells, fine migration during either production of heavy

Fig. 8 The case of successful damaged well acidizing

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