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How Energy is Harnessed

You can maximize your learning by taking notes that

summarize the key concepts; you should save these
notes and review them. Use this document as an
outline for your note-taking. You can fill in the fields
on this interactive PDF digitally or print it out and
write on paper.

Key Terms
These are the key terms and concepts covered in this lesson. After you have
learned a term, take a moment to write out your own explanation of the term.




ATP synthase


Cellular respiration



How Energy is Harnessed


Oxidative phosphorylation

TCA cycle

Key Molecules

• Acetyl-CoA


• Coenzyme A


• Fatty acid

• Glucose

• Lactate


How Energy is Harnessed
Key Reactions

• Carboxylation

• Phosphorylation

• Redox

• Reduction

• Oxidation

How Energy is Harnessed
Concept Video Notes
Use the space below to jot down key points for each concept video. Attempt
to make connections between the concepts explained in these videos and
others already covered in the course. Are you unsure about any of the content?

Coupling, Part 1

Reduction / Oxidation

Coupling, Part 2

The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle

Oxidative Phosphorylation, Part 1

Oxidative Phosphorylation, Part 2

How Energy is Harnessed
Learning Objectives
After you have completed the lesson, go through the learning objectives again.
Are you able to fill in a complete response to each learning objective?

1) Recall the key molecules and chemical reactions involved in the transfer of energy in cellular catabolism.

2) Recall that the sources of high energy electrons in catabolic pathways are usually reduced carbon backbones and
provide examples.

3) Summarize the processes that lead to the generation of ATP from reduced carbon backbones.

4) Describe the different mechanisms by which cells “couple” thermodynamically favorable processes to thermodynamically
unfavorable processes.

5) Explain why coupling is necessary for cellular function.

6) Predict the metabolic and organismal consequences of a specified perturbation to cellular catabolic pathways.

How Energy is Harnessed
Summary Figures
1) This figure traces the conversion of carbon backbones from many different molecules
through the TCA cycle. What happens to the carbon atoms in acetyl-CoA when it enters the
TCA cycle? Where does all of the energy go?

How Energy is Harnessed
2) This figure depicts the movement of energy through the electron transport chain as the
redox reactions catalyzed by each of these complexes occurs. What is the “original” source of
the energy stored in NADH? Which processes are exergonic? Which reactions are coupled
to an endergonic process?

Share Your Notes

Your notes will help the HMX team improve future courses.
To share your completed Notepad, please email your PDF to

Copyright © The President and Fellows of Harvard College

How Energy is Harnessed

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