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中国中铁拥有 120 多年的历史渊源,以 1894 年山海关机器厂的成立为标志,中国

中铁成为中国民族工业的先行者和铁路建设的开拓者。1909 年参与建成了京张铁路,
1912 年建成了京奉铁路,开启了中国铁路建设事业的先河。

CREC has 120 years of history, and has become a pioneer and forerunner railway
construction of China's national industry after the symbolized establishment of
Shanhaiguan Machine Factory in 1894. With the milestones of construction of
Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway in 1909 and Peking-Mukden Railway in 1912, CREC
created a precedent in the construction of China's railway.

120 多年来,中国中铁始终以担当中国基础设施建设脊梁为己任,艰难探索、砥砺

Over 120 years, CREC has always been committed to serving as the backbone
of China's infrastructure construction, and fighting its way upward to promote and
witness the development of China's railway construction from small to large and from
weak to strong, which makes its due contributions to improve China and even global
transport infrastructure environment, and promote human and social progress.

1894年建成的滦河铁路大桥 京张铁路怀来桥 开路先锋

毛主席为成渝铁路通车题词 山海关造桥厂

Corporate Spirit:
公司价值观 企业精神:
勇于跨越 追求卓越 Company Brave to Overcome Difficulties
and Pursuit for Excellence
核心价值观: Values Core Value:
诚信敬业 共建共享 Honesty and Professionalism,
Co-building and Sharing
创新创效 优质发展 Enterprise Tenet:
Innovation and Efficiency for
企业使命: High Quality Development
奉献精品 改善民生
Corporate Mission:
企业愿景: Dedication to Excellent Products
for People’s Better Life
国内领先 世界一流
Enterprise Vision:
Leading in China and First-class
in the World

目前,中国中铁已经发展成为国际领先的综合型建筑企业集团。2007 年在上海和香港两地上市。
目前,拥有 43 个特大型二级企业、30 万名员工,业务覆盖基础设施建设全产业链。2016 年,企
业总资产 7545 亿元、净资产 1491 亿元、新签合同额 12350 亿元、营业收入 6433 亿元、归属母
公司净利润 125 亿元,在世界企业 500 强排名第 57 位,在中国企业 500 强排名第 13 位。

At present, CREC has become the world's leading integrated construction engineering
incorporation. After successful listing in Shanghai and Hong Kong in 2007, it now has 43 extra large
second-grade enterprises, and 300,000 employees, with the business covering the whole industry
chain of infrastructure. By 2016, it had the total assets of 754.5 billion Yuan, net assets of 149.1
billion Yuan, new contract value of 1235 billion Yuan, sales income of 643.3 billion Yuan, and net
profits attributable to parent company of 12.5 billion Yuan, which ranked the 57st place in the world
top 500 enterprises, and ranked the 13 st place in top 500 Chinese enterprises.


宝成铁路通车 成渝铁路通车

京九铁路 秦沈客专 石太铁路


秦沈客专、世界第一条高原天路青藏铁路、中国第一条时速 200 公里的电气化铁路
广深铁路、世界第一条现代重载铁路山西中南部铁路等总计 9 万多公里的铁路干线,
占中国铁路总里程的 2/3,占中国电气化铁路总里程的 90%。

CREC is the main force of China's railway construction. Its successfully-built projects
of trunk railways include Chengdu-Chongqing railway as China's first railway after
liberation, Baoji-Chengdu Railway as China's first electrified railway, Baotou-
Lanzhou Railway as China's first desert railway, Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Railway as
China's first double electrified railway, Beijing-Kowloon Railway as China's longest
railway in double tracks after one-time construction, Qinhuangdao-Shenyang High-
Speed Railway as China's first high-speed passenger dedicated line, Qinghai-
Tibet Railway as the world's first plateau railway, Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway
as China's first electrified railway in speed of 200km per hour, Central and Southern
Shanxi Railway as the world's first modern heavy haul railway, etc. With a total of
more than 90,000 kilometers, these trunk railways account for 2/3 of China's total
railway mileages, and account for 90% of China's total electrified railway mileages.


兰新高铁 哈大高铁 武广高铁

55%,带领中国铁路产业铸就“中国高铁”的金色品牌。2008 年 8 月 1 日,中国
京沪高铁 第一条高速铁路京津城际正式开通;2009 年 12 月 26 日,世界第一条时速 350 公
里的客运专线武广高铁建成通车;2011 年 6 月 30 日,中国一次性建设里程最长的
高速铁路京沪高铁通车运营;2012 年 12 月 1 日,世界第一条穿越高寒地区的长大
高速铁路哈大客专投入运营;2012 年 12 月 26 日,世界运营里程最长的高速铁路
京广高铁全线通车;2014 年 12 月 26 日,世界第一条高原高速铁路兰新高铁开通

CREC is the leader of China's high-speed rail construction. It has the built high-
speed rail accounting for 55% of China's total high-speed rail mileages, leading the
Chinese railway industry to create the golden brand of "China High-Speed Rail". On
August 1, 2008, Beijing-Tianjin Intercity High-Speed Railway was officially opened
as China's first high-speed rail; on December 26, 2009, Wuhan-Guangzhou High-
Speed Railway was opened to traffic as the world's first passenger dedicated line
with the speed of 350km per hour; on June 30, 2011, Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed
Rail was put into operation as China's high-speed railway in the longest mileages after
one-time construction; on December 1, 2012, Harbin-Dalian High-Speed Railway
was in service as the world's first long high-speed passenger dedicated line passing
through the alpine regions; on December 26, 2012, Beijing-Guangzhou High-Speed
Rail was opened to traffic as the world's high-speed railway in the longest operating
mileages; on December 26, 2014, Lanzhou-Xinjiang High-Speed Rail was opened
to traffic as the world's first high-speed plateau railway.CREC continues to create
the brilliant miracles of Chinese high-speed rail construction.

地铁一号线、西部第一条城市地铁成都地铁 1 号线、第一条城市高架轨道交通线上
轨 2000 多公里,占中国城市轨道工程总里程的 3/5。

CREC is the vanguard of urban rail construction projects. Its successfully-built

projects of subways and light rails include Beijing Subway Project I as China's first
subway, Tianjin Metro as China's second subway, Shanghai Metro Line 1 as the first
subway in East China, Guangzhou Metro Line 1 as the first subway in South China,
Chengdu Metro Line 1 as the first urban subway in the west, Shanghai Pearl Line
as the first urban elevated rail transit, Shanghai Maglev demonstration line as the
world's first high-speed maglev system in commercial operation, etc. With a total
of more than 2,000 kilometers, these rails account for 3/5 of China's total urban rail
project mileages.


北京地铁一号线 广州地铁一号线 上海磁悬浮

上海城市轨道明珠线 上海地铁一号线

164.851 公里的京沪高速铁路丹昆特大桥、世界跨度最大公铁两用斜
州湾跨海大桥、世界第三长跨海大桥杭州湾跨海大桥等 1 万多座跨江
跨海大桥,总长度 1.9 万多公里,相当于地球赤道长度的 2/5。

CREC is the main force of bridge construction. It has designed and

built more than 10,000 river-spanning and sea-crossing bridges,
including Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge as China's first bridge over
Yangtze River, Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge as China's first combined
rail-cum-road bridge, Wuhan Tianxingzhou Yangtze River Bridge as
the combined rail-cum-road bridge creating four world firsts, Nanjing
Dashengguan Yangzi River Bridge as China's first six-lane railway
bridge, Zhengzhou Yellow River Road-Railway Bridge as the world's
longest combined rail-cum-road bridge, Beijing-Shanghai High-
Speed Rail Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge as the world's longest
bridge in 164.851 kilometers, Shanghai-Nantong Road-Railway
Yangtze River Bridge as the world's combined rail-cum-road cable-
stayed bridge with the largest span, Yingwuzhou Yangtze River Bridge
as the world's three-tower and four-span suspension bridge with the
largest span, Donghai Bridge as China's first sea-crossing bridge,
Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Sea-Crossing Bridge as the world's longest
sea-crossing bridge, Hangzhou Bay Sea-Crossing Bridge as the
world's third longest sea-crossing bridge, etc. With a total of more than
19,000 kilometers, these bridges are equivalent to 2/5 of the length of
terrestrial equator.



武汉长江大桥 武汉天兴洲长江大桥

道 18.4 公里的西康铁路秦岭隧道、中国最长铁路隧道 32.645 公里的新关
道 18.02 公里的秦岭终南山公路隧道、中亚最长隧道 19.2 公里的乌兹别
克斯坦安琶铁路隧道、亚洲最长输水隧道 85.3 公里的辽宁大伙房水库输
鞘岭特长隧道、太行山隧道、中天山隧道等穿山越洋长大隧道共计 1.7 万
多公里,相当于地球直径的 1.3 倍。

CREC is the leader of long tunnel construction. It has designed and

built plenty of long tunnels over mountains and cross seas, including
Xikang Railway Qinling Tunnel as China's first long railway tunnel in 18.4
kilometers, New Guanjiao Tunnel as China's longest railway tunnel in
32.645 kilometers, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Railway Kunlun Mountain Tunnel
as the world's longest plateau permafrost tunnel, Qinling Zhongnanshan
Highway Tunnel as Asia's longest highway in 18.02 kilometers, Uzbekistan
Angren-Pop Railway Tunnel as the longest tunnel in Central Asia in 19.2
kilometers, Liaoning Dahuofang Reservoir Water Conveyance Tunnel as
Asia's longest water conveyance tunnel in 85.3 kilometers, Wuhan Yangtze
River Tunnel as the first tunnel over Yangtze River, Xiamen Xiang'an
Subsea Tunnel as China's first undersea tunnel, Shiziyang Subsea
Tunnel as China's first underwater railway tunnel, as well as Dayaoshan
Tunnel, Wushaoling Long Tunnel, Taihangshan Tunnel, Zhongtianshan
Tunnel, etc. With a total of more than 17,000 kilometers, these bridges are
equivalent to 1.3 times of the terrestrial diameter.


乌兹别克斯坦安琶铁路隧道 秦岭终南山公路隧道

青藏铁路昆仑山隧道 厦门翔安海底隧道 大瑶山隧道




理,总长度超过 4 万公里,其中高速公路 1.6 万多公里,占中国高速公路总里程的
田港、二滩水电站、王滩发电厂、南水北调、上海 F1 赛车场、上海白龙港污水处理厂、

CREC is also a member involved in the surveying, design, construction and

supervision of more than 100 high-grade highways such as Beijing-Zhuhai
Expressway, Chongqing-Zhanjiang Highway, Lianyungang- Khorgos Highway, with
a total length of over 40,000 kilometers, including more than 16,000 kilometers for
highways, accounting for 1/8 of China's total highway miles. It has a large number of
successfully-built landmark projects including Wuhan Hub, Nanjing Hub, Shenzhen
North Railway Station Hub, Beijing Railway Station, Beijing South Railway Station,
Lhasa Railway Station, Beijing Olympic venues, National Library, Capital International
Airport, Zhuhai International Airport, Lhasa International Airport, Shenzhen Yantian
Port, Ertan Hydropower Station, Wangtan Power Plant, South-to-North Water
Diversion Project, Shanghai F1 Circuit, Shanghai Bailonggang Sewage Treatment
Plant, Dalian Futures Square, and Chang Fu Jin Mao Tower.





奖 91 项、国家级优秀工程咨询成果奖 78 项。工业制造领域领军行业发展,铁路
道岔、大型钢结构、盾构设备和大型铁路施工机械等产品远销美国、德国等 30
多个国家。房地产开发领域蓬勃发展,累计开发面积 6500 万平米。资源开发领
域快速成长,868 万吨世界级特大铜钴矿建成投产,金银煤钼铁等矿产项目深
入推进。金融投资领域创新发展,管理金融资产 3000 多亿元,以 EPC、BT、
BOT、PPP 等模式实施了一大批基础设施投资项目,投资运营了临策铁路、太
中银铁路多条铁路和全兴高速、德商高速、平正高速 11 条高速公路。

CREC is an industry leader in the field of survey design, with a total of 91 awards
of national outstanding engineering survey design and 78 awards of national
excellent engineering consulting achievement. China Railway is playing a leading
role in the industrial manufacturing development, and its products of railway
switches, large steel structures, shield equipments and large railway construction
machinery are exported to more than 30 countries such as the United States and
Germany. China Railway enjoys the booming development of real estate, with the
total development area of 6,500 square meters. With the fast-growing resource
development, China Railway has the world-class grand copper and cobalt ore
in 8.68 million tons which has been put into operation, and also further promotes
the mineral projects of gold, silver, coal, molybdenum, iron and others. China
Railway has the innovation and development of financial investment, to manage
the financial assets of more than 300 billion Yuan, implement a large number of
infrastructure investment projects of EPC, BT, BOT, PPP and other models, and
invest in the operation of Linhe-Ceke Railway, Taiyuan-Zhongwei-Yinchuan
Railway and more railways, as well as 11 highways such as Quanxing Highway,
中铁青岛中心 Dezhou-Shangqiu Highway, and Pingzheng Highway.

中国中铁为全球 90 多个国家和地区提供服务,建设了全长 1860.5
工程;先后 14 次远征南极,承担了中山站、长城站、昆仑站的建设

CREC is committed to serving more than 90 countries and regions in

the world. It has built a large number of overseas projects including
Tazara Railway with a total length of 1860.5 kilometers, Angola
Railway, United Arab Emirates Palm Island, Singapore Light Rail
Transit, Ethiopia Light Rail Transit, United States Tanana Bridge,
Algeria Airport, etc.; it has participated in Antarctic expedition for
14 times, and assumed the construction and maintenance tasks
of Zhongshan Station, Great Wall Station and Kunlun Station; and
steadily promote the development of Russia High-Speed Rail,
China-Laos Railway, China-Thailand Railway, Indonesia High-
Speed Rail and other major projects of "One Belt And One Road".


阿联酋棕榈岛 坦赞铁路

南极建设 印尼雅万高铁开工仪式

中国中铁是国家首批“创新型企业”。拥有 3 个国家重
点实验室、7 个博士后科研工作站、11 个国家认定的技
术中心、5964 项有效专利,在多个领域处于世界领先
水平;累计荣获国家科技进步和发明奖 107 项,其中,
沪高铁 5 个项目获国家科技进步特等奖,获鲁班奖 151
项、詹天佑大奖 105 项。

CREC is one of the first batch of national "Innovative

enterprises". It has three national key laboratories,
seven post-doctoral research stations, eleven state-
certified technical centers, and 5964 valid patents, being
the world leading level in many areas; and also has a
total of 107 Awards of National Science and Technology
Progress and Invention Awards, of which, five projects
of Chengdu-Kunming Railway, Nanjing Yangtze River
Bridge, Dayaoshan Tunnel, Qinghai-Tibet Railway and
Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Rail have won Grand
Prize of National Science and Technology Progress
Award, 151 Prizes of Luban, and 105 Awards of Zhan


国家级科技奖项 国家专利

全国首批创新型企业 国家重点实验室

一丝不苟的巨晓林 南极风雪中施工

青藏铁路铺架施工 窦铁成与工友们在工地

中国中铁拥有 2 名中国工程院院士、6 名国家级突出贡献专家、5 名国家勘测设计

大师、1.6 万名高级专业技术职务人才,涌现出全国知识型产业工人、共和国双百

CREC has a team consisting of two academicians of Chinese Academy of

Engineering, six national outstanding experts, five national survey and design
masters, and 16,000 senior professional and technical personnel. There are a large
number of major national advanced models such as Dou Tiecheng who is China's
knowledge-based industrial worker and honored as Double Top 100 Figures of
China, and Ju Xiaolin who serves as Vice President of National Federation of Trade
Unions and is the model for national migrant workers. It succeeds in cultivating
the pioneer spirit of "marching forward courageously", the spirit of Qinghai-Tibet
Railway construction of "hardworking, will of iron, and higher pursuit", the Antarctic
constructive spirit of "wining glory for motherland", and the spirit of high-speed rail
construction of "courage to innovate and catch up".

公益捐助活动 参与深圳“12·20”山体滑坡灾害抢险救援 参与天津港“8·12”爆炸事故抢险救援

每年提供大量就业岗位 三江源头绿色行动

中国中铁充分履行企业社会责任。每年为社会提供 200 万就业岗位;建设资源节约型、

环境友好型和本质安全型企业;每年投入公益领域的物资款项和劳务价值超过 5 亿元;

CREC gives full play to its own corporate social responsibility. It provides two millions of
jobs every year; builds a resource-saving, environment-friendly and intrinsically-safe
enterprise; invests the annual materials and services worth more than 500 million Yuan in
the programs for public good; plays a vanguard role in all kinds of disaster reliefs, and acts
as the main force in Wenchuan, Yushu and Ya'an earthquake relief and reconstruction,
which has become an important expertise of rescue.

“奉献精品、改善民生”是中国中铁的企业使命,“勇于跨越、追求卓越” 是中国
中铁的企业精神。今天,中国中铁正秉承 120 多年的责任与担当,建设现代中国、

"Dedication to Excellent Products for People's Better Life" is the corporate mission
of CREC, while "Brave to Overcome Difficulties and Pursuit for Excellence" is the
entrepreneurial spirit of CREC.Today,we are positively upholding the responsibilities
and commitments of 120 years, to build modern China and serve global market,
continuing to make the new and greater contributions to the world's infrastructure!


Address: China Railway Group Limited Building, 69 中国中铁官方微信 中国中铁官方微博

Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing.
Postal code: 100039 股票代码:A股601390 H股0390
E-mail: Stock code:601390SH 0390HK

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