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Cancer patients in positive thinking trial

by CHRIS BROOKE, Daily Mail

Cancer patients are being given tips in positive thinking to see if it can help fight the disease.
Some experts believe brain power may not only ease mental trauma but also stop diseased cells

The theory will be tested on 180 bowel cancer sufferers.

'This is a very exciting and innovative piece of research,' said Professor Leslie Walker, who is
running the University of Hull project.

'In three years' time it will yield very important information about the relationship between the
mind and the body.'

In the trial, chemotherapy patients at two hospitals in Humberside will be offered the chance to
learn 'relaxation' and 'guided imagery' techniques.

As well as relaxing their muscles, they will be asked to visualise their white blood cells tackling
the cancer.

Professor Walker said: 'Some like to use the fighting metaphor. The white blood cells are like
soldiers with bayonets attacking the cancerous cells.

'Others prefer the healing metaphor. They visualise a white light which is penetrating the cancer
and therefore promoting health.'

Researchers will look for changes in the white blood cell count as well as in quality of life,
coping, mood and stress.

They have been given a £ 308,000 grant by Cancer Research UK and £95,000 by the NHS.
Research published last November, however, showed little-evidence of mind overcoming matter
in cancer patients.

Doctors reviewed 26 cases which investigated a possible link between cancer survival and
different psychological coping styles. These included fighting spirit, hopelessness, denial and

Dr Jill Graham, of the Cancer Research UK unit at St Thomas' Hospital, London, said: 'This
research says if you're feeling down and depressed you shouldn't panic. It won't affect your
recovery or cause a relapse.'

Professor Walker, however, believes, thinking in a particular way may influence the body's
disease-fighting systems.

'The brain can release a number of hormones and other substances, which in turn affect how
white blood cells work,' he said.

A study on breast cancer patients three years ago showed that patients who used their
imagination in this way produced 'significant differences' in their white blood cells, although it is
not known to what extent this affected the disease.

Terry Thornley, 62, has been using guided imagery to help fight bowel cancer for 15 months.

He has undergone chemotherapy, radiotherapy, three operations and is now recovering. Recent
tests showed no cancerous cells or tumours in his body.

The retired lecturer, from Leconfield near Hull, is convinced imagery has helped him tackle the

'It reduces your anxiety, your sense of helplessness and you regain control of events,' he said. 'It
also helps to improve your quality of life.'
Summary :
Professor Walker, however, believes, thinking in a particular way may influence the body's
disease-fighting systems because the brain can release a number of hormones and other substances,
which in turn affect how white blood cells work.

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