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Seven Keys To Relapse Prevention

in Schizophrenia

Relapse prevention is a primary goal in the treat- AN OVERVIEW OF RELAPSE IN

ment of schizophrenia. Relapse can cause signifi- SCHIZOPHRENIA
cant personal distress, interfere with rehabilitation
efforts, and result in psychiatric hospitalization. Although operational definitions exist,4 relapse in schizo-
The emergence of psychotic symptoms and disrup- phrenia may be clinically defined as the emergence of
tive behaviors can also lead to arrest and incarcer- psychotic symptoms to the point that crisis intervention
ation, particularly among patients who are not or hospitalization is required. Understanding the relaps-
engaged in treatment. This article focuses on the ing and remitting course of schizophrenia is central to
process of relapse in schizophrenia and theoretical relapse prevention. Figure 1 illustrates the longitudinal
foundations of relapse prevention. The Program for course of illness and how the pattern of relapse can vary
Relapse Prevention is presented, along with the significantly between groups of patients.5 It is notewor-
results of a recently completed controlled prospec- thy that DSM-IV has introduced a useful classification of
tive evaluation. Based upon this study and the cur- the course of schizophrenia, including categories of single
rent literature, the author presents a series of seven episode, episodic with interepisode symptoms, episodic
clinical strategies for optimal relapse prevention. without interepisode symptoms, and continuous.6
(Journal of Psychiatric Practice 2001;7: XXX–XXX) Relapse in schizophrenia should not be viewed as
occurring “spontaneously.” According to the vulnerability-
KEY WORDS: schizophrenia, relapse prevention, prodro-
stress model, individuals with schizophrenia have a bio-
mal symptoms, early intervention, nonadherence.
logically mediated vulnerability to stressful events that
can result in acute psychosis.7, 8 Whether a full-blown
chizophrenia is usually a relapsing and remitting relapse occurs depends upon a complex interaction

S disorder, with periods of acute psychosis alternat-

ing with periods of relative stability. Unfortunately,
psychotic relapse is common, with up to 40% of all
patients suffering a relapse within a year of being hospi-
talized.1, 2 With the total cost of hospital care for patients
between an individual’s degree of vulnerability, the
nature of the stressful event, and the presence or absence
of protective factors.9 Protective factors include an indi-
vidual’s coping skills, family and social supports, and
therapeutic interventions. The role of protective factors
with schizophrenia exceeding two billion dollars annually,3 was emphasized in the development of the Program for
relapse represents a significant public health problem. The Relapse Prevention described in the next section.10
personal costs associated with relapse—including
impaired role functioning, disrupted interpersonal rela- A PROGRAM FOR RELAPSE PREVENTION
tionships, and demoralization—are also considerable. This IN SCHIZOPHRENIA
article begins with a brief review of what is known about The Program for Relapse Prevention (PRP) was devel-
relapse in schizophrenia. The results of a study comparing oped as a state-of-the-art approach incorporating a num-
a specific relapse prevention program with treatment as ber of interventions shown to be effective in preventing
usual are then presented. The article concludes with a relapse in schizophrenia.10, 11 In addition to maintenance
presentation of key strategies that appear to be effective in pharmacotherapy, PRP includes four primary compo-
preventing relapse in schizophrenia. nents:
1. Monitoring for prodromal symptoms of relapse by
treatment providers, patients, family members, and
others in frequent contact with the patient
LAMBERTI: University of Rochester Medical Center. 2. Prompt clinical intervention whenever prodromal
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Inc. symptoms of relapse are detected
Please send correspondence and reprint requests to: J. Steven Lamberti, MD, 3. Weekly supportive group therapy meetings, with indi-
Director, Strong Ties Community Support Program, 1650 Elmwood Avenue, vidual sessions as needed
Rochester, NY 14620. 4. Multifamily psychoeducation group meetings, bi-week-
The author thanks Marvin I. Herz, MD, for his input and guidance. ly for 6 months and monthly thereafter.

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for several reasons, including the possibility of receiving

multiple calls after hours, the experience of the PRP team
Group 1 suggests that such calls are infrequent, especially with
ongoing instruction and practice. While an answering
service or other system of reaching treatment providers
after hours may be adequate, arrangements that require
Group 2
patients to work with unfamiliar clinicians are not opti-
Whenever possible, patients with schizophrenia who
may be relapsing should be evaluated within 24 to 48
Group 3
hours. Many relapses have resulted from the common
practice of assigning such patients the “next available
appointment”—even when the appointment is several
days or weeks away. Clinicians can achieve flexibility in
Group 4
their daily work schedules by maintaining regular time
slots for crisis appointments or by overbooking crisis
Figure 1. Variations in longitudinal course of appointments when needed.
schizophrenia. Along with personal qualities such as warmth and gen-
Reprinted with permission from Shepard et al. 19895 uineness, availability and flexibility can promote a strong
therapeutic alliance. Since a positive therapeutic rela-
tionship is associated with improved adherence to treat-
To assess the effectiveness of the program, it was com- ment,12 it is likely that being available and flexible will
pared to treatment as usual (TAU) consisting of biweekly have therapeutic benefits that extend beyond enabling
individual supportive therapy and family contact on an prompt clinical intervention.
“as needed” basis.10 Eighty-two outpatients with schizo-
phrenia or schizoaffective disorder were randomly
assigned to receive PRP or TAU, and were followed in an
18-month prospective study. Subjects in both groups Availability and flexibility are the corner-
received standard doses of antipsychotic medications.
Over 18 months, 17% of patients relapsed and 22% were stones of relapse prevention and can
hospitalized in the PRP group compared to 34% of
patients relapsing and 39% being hospitalized in the TAU
group (P = 0.01 and 0.03, respectively). A preliminary
promote a strong therapeutic alliance.
analysis of total direct costs of care showed that PRP
actually cost less than TAU, although the difference was
not statistically significant. Based on experience with the Strategy 2: Watch for Prodromal Symptoms
PRP model and a review of the current literature on Prodromal symptoms—often called early warning signs—
relapse prevention, a list of seven strategies for relapse are the earliest noticeable signs of relapse. The regular
prevention has been developed. Although they were occurrence of prodromal symptoms before relapse in
derived from intensive treatment programs including schizophrenia has been established by several investiga-
PRP and assertive community treatment (ACT), these tors.13–18 Common examples of prodromal symptoms are
strategies can be used successfully in a variety of treat- insomnia, tension and nervousness, eating less, difficulty
ment settings. concentrating, social withdrawal, auditory hallucina-
tions, depressed mood, loss of interest, decreased person-
RELAPSE PREVENTION STRATEGIES al hygiene, and irritability.13 Prodromal symptoms vary
considerably among patients, but tend to remain rela-
Strategy 1: Be Available and Flexible
tively consistent within a given individual from relapse to
Availability and flexibility are the cornerstones of relapse relapse.
prevention. Patients and their support persons should be Effective monitoring for prodromal symptoms requires
able to reach clinicians easily, particularly during frequent contact and careful evaluation. Open-ended
evenings and weekends. Patients and family members in questions such as “How are things going?” or “Are there
the PRP study group were given a pager number for their any problems?” are not adequate for detecting prodromal
treatment team, with instructions to call whenever they symptoms. A shortened version of the Early Signs
were concerned about the possibility of relapse. Although Questionnaire11, 13 (see Appendix) was administered to
clinicians may be reluctant to provide this level of access patients in the PRP study at the start of each weekly

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Symptoms and Role Impairment


Psychotic Exacerbation

Prodromal Phase




Crisis Intervention


Figure 2. Process of relapse in schizophrenia and opportunities for intervention.

Reprinted from Herz and Lamberti 19959

group therapy meeting. This tool can be administered to tinued until the precipitating factors have been
patients in any treatment setting where regular contact addressed and the prodromal symptoms have fully
is maintained. It is important to note that patients may resolved. Adjunctive benzodiazepines may also be consid-
report various symptoms on the questionnaire even dur- ered for the treatment of prodromal symptoms.22
ing a stable phase of illness. Since many patients experi-
ence interepisode symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, Strategy 4: Work Closely With Families and Other
and auditory hallucinations, a thorough knowledge of Supports
each patient is necessary to distinguish these “baseline” Some patients are unable to detect or report the onset of
symptoms from prodromal symptoms. relapse, despite education about prodromal symptoms
and considerable personal experience. For such individu-
Strategy 3: Intervene Early als, it is critical to enlist the help of family members and
The process of relapse in schizophrenia is usually a grad- supportive others, including friends, employers, group
ual one that presents a window of opportunity for early home counselors, and day treatment program staff. These
intervention (Figure 2). Although prodromal symptoms individuals, who have frequent contact with the patient,
typically precede full relapse by at least a week,9 inter- can become the “eyes and ears” of the treatment team in
vention often does not occur until late in the course of detecting the onset of relapse. They can also have a pro-
relapse when an emergency room visit or hospitalization tective effect by helping patients manage stressful situa-
is necessary. In the PRP study, 40% of patients in the tions and by supporting adherence to treatment.23
TAU group required hospitalization by the time that the In recent years, family psychoeducational approaches
treatment providers became aware that the patients were have been developed to assist families and others in pro-
relapsing. viding support for persons with schizophrenia.24 As a
The relapse process in schizophrenia is reversible if group, these approaches emphasize providing education
intervention occurs early enough in its course.4, 10, 19–21 about schizophrenia, teaching problem solving and com-
When prodromal symptoms are detected, intervention munication skills, and developing social networks.
should consist of supportive therapy visits, increased Several research studies have demonstrated the effec-
medication as needed, and crisis problem solving. The tiveness of family psychoeducation in reducing relapse
likely precipitating cause of the prodromal episode rates in schizophrenia.25 The strength of the evidence for
should be identified and addressed through appropriate the effectiveness of family psychoeducation in preventing
measures. For instance, a patient who begins to relapse relapse is perhaps second only to that for antipsychotic
due to anxiety about moving into a group home could be medications. Despite the evidence, the Patient Outcomes
given transitional visits in order to get acquainted with Research Team (PORT) study26 and a recent review of the
the facility. Pharmacological intervention usually con- literature27 have suggested that family psychoeducation
sists of increasing a patient’s standing dose of antipsy- interventions are highly underutilized.
chotic medication or of adding an extra dose on an The multifamily group format was chosen for the PRP
as-needed basis. The additional medication should be con- intervention because it lends itself to teaching about

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relapse prevention, it promotes formation of family net- determination theory of human motivation32 suggests
works, and it may be more cost effective than single fam- that medication adherence is most likely to occur and
ily models. Although only 29% of PRP patients’ families persist if the patient experiences the behavior as
participated in the multifamily groups, only one patient autonomous—as emanating from within him- or herself.
from these families relapsed and was hospitalized during Recent studies of adherence to weight loss regimens,33
the study period. Interested clinicians are referred to the diabetes diets,34 and medications in outpatient medical
excellent practical overview of multifamily group psy- settings35 have highlighted the impact of clinicians’
choeducation by McFarlane and Cunningham.28 behaviors on patient motivation. The following clinical
strategies, which are based on the self-determination
model, should be considered for patients who are nonad-
herent with antipsychotic medications:
Family members and supportive others can 1. Listen: elicit the patient’s experiences and concerns.
2. Empathize: acknowledge the patient’s perspective.
become the “eyes and ears” of the treat- 3. Educate: provide a clear rationale for the recommend-
ed treatment.
ment team in detecting the onset of relapse. 4. Provide choices: promote choice whenever possible.
5. Minimize control: minimize controlling behaviors.
They can also have a protective effect by Despite this approach, some patients with schizophre-
nia will continue to refuse medications. These patients
are at risk for entering a “revolving door” cycle of repeat-
helping patients manage stressful situations ed relapse and hospitalization.36 For patients whose
refusal of medication consistently results in behaviors
and by supporting adherence to treatment. that pose a risk of harm to themselves or others, involun-
tary outpatient commitment should be considered.37, 38
Outpatient commitment has been shown to reduce hospi-
tal readmission rates and medication nonadherence
Strategy 5: Use Assertive Outreach When among patients with psychotic disorders, although its
Necessary effectiveness may depend upon the ability of outpatient
When they are relapsing, patients often withdraw from programs to engage such individuals.38
their usual activities, including attending outpatient Patients with schizophrenia who are not engaged by
appointments. Assertive outreach to such patients, car- existing treatment programs present difficult challenges
ried out in a positive, confident, and persistent way, can for relapse prevention. These patients often have co-
promote engagement in treatment. Forms of outreach occurring substance use disorders, and many experience
may include letters, phone calls, and home visits. In the homelessness, arrest, and incarceration.39, 40 New models
PRP study, all patients in the experimental group who of outpatient service delivery are being developed to pre-
missed an appointment received a follow-up phone call, vent relapse and recidivism among such individuals. An
and home visits were conducted if clinically indicated. example is Project Link, an integrated approach that
The assertive community treatment (ACT) model has spans healthcare, social service, and criminal justice sys-
been developed for patients who consistently require out- tems.41 The program incorporates elements of the ACT
reach in order to engage in treatment.29 It consists of model and features a mobile treatment team with a
mobile multidisciplinary treatment teams with a high forensic psychiatrist, a dual diagnosis residence, and cul-
staff-to-patient ratio and around the clock availability. turally diverse staff. It also involves active collaboration
ACT places a strong emphasis on delivering comprehen- between treatment team members and criminal justice
sive services in community settings, outside the walls of system representatives, including jail staff, judges, and
outpatient clinics. probation and parole officers. While preliminary program
evaluations have suggested that this model may be effec-
Strategy 6: Address Nonadherence tive, controlled studies are needed to further examine the
It has been estimated that nonadherence to treatment impact of this approach on relapse and recidivism.41, 42
with antipsychotic medications accounts for approxi-
mately 40% of all relapses in schizophrenia.30, 31 Strategy 7: Optimize Pharmacotherapy
Medication nonadherence was also the single strongest Pharmacotherapy can be optimized by simplifying drug
predictor of relapse in the PRP study. Causes of medica- regimens, by considering the use of atypical and
tion nonadherence include denial of illness, perceived decanoate antipsychotic medications, and by minimizing
lack of benefit from treatment, financial and environ- drug side effects.30, 31 Although side effects are a major
mental obstacles, and motivational factors. The self- cause of medication nonadherence among patients with

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schizophrenia, patients may not report side effects unless upon existing approaches and can be flexibly applied in
asked about them directly. Clinicians should therefore outpatient treatment settings. A consideration of these
carefully assess all patients for side effects on a regular principles calls to mind the expression “simple but not
basis. While most medication side effects have the poten- easy”—the principles are simple to understand, but their
tial to affect adherence, extrapyramidal side effects (EPS) application requires persistence and practice for optimal
such as akathisia and akinesia may be especially prob- effectiveness. However, these efforts are worthwhile
lematic.43 Since novel “atypical” antipsychotic medica- investments, because effective relapse prevention can
tions produce noticeably fewer EPS than standard provide a foundation for rehabilitation and recovery
antipsychotic medications, they have the potential to among those who suffer from schizophrenia.
improve adherence and help prevent relapse.
Recent studies have suggested that atypical antipsy-
chotic medications are superior to standard medications
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Appendix. Early Signs Questionnaire, Short Form

NAME___________________________________________ DATE___________________

Compared to last week, has there been an increase in any of the following symptoms?
1. Problems with sleep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ ________
2. Problems with appetite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ ________
3. Depression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ ________
4. Problems with concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ ________
5. Restlessness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ ________
6. Tension or nervousness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ ________
7. Use of alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ ________
8. Use of street drugs (includes marijuana) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ ________
9. Hearing voices or seeing things that others can’t hear or see . . . . . . . . ________ ________
10. Less pleasure gained from things you usually enjoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ ________
11. Feeling people were watching you, were against you,
or were talking about you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ ________
12. Preference for being alone and/or been spending less time
with other people . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ ________
13. Arguments with others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ ________
14. Inability to get your mind off of one or two things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ ________

Have any other symptoms appeared or increased? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ ________

If so, what were they?__________________________________________________


Did anything specific happen last week which upset you? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ ________
If so, what was it?_____________________________________________________


Have you been taking your medication as it is prescribed for you? . . . . . . . ________ ________

Reprinted with permission from Marvin Herz, MD. Clinicians may reproduce this scale for use in their clinical practice. Researchers
who wish to use the Early Signs Questionnaire in multi-patient studies should contact Dr. Herz at University of Rochester Medical
Center, Strong Ties Community Support Program, 1650 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620, (716)275-0300, x2337,

Journal of Psychiatric Practice July 2001 7

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