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Instruction: Kindly read the questions and descriptions keenly. Each questions corresponds to 2-3 points. So
read, or else, .
Enumeration (1-10) 2 points each
1.-2. Elements of self- concept

3-5. Components of love

6-7. Ways aggression manifests.
8-10. Forms of prejudice excluding racism and sexism.
Identification (3 points each)
______1. The attachment style involving trust.
_______2. The attribution of internal causes.
_______3. The component of love that is essential for getting through difficult times in a relationship.
_______4. The expectation that people we helped will also help us.
_______5. The extent to which control is perceived.
_______6. The feeling of putting ourselves in another person’s shoes.
_______7. The kind of aggression that is a means to an end.
_______8. The kind of love that is both intimate as well as committed.
_______9. The overall sense of self- worth.
_______10. The phenomenon wherein beliefs sustain contrary evidence.
Fill in the blanks. (2 points each)
__________1. A type of structure where the mother is left a widow to fend for her children.
__________2. A theory that suggests that the family is an emotional unit.
__________3. A sort of diagram tracing the family tree.
__________4. The last stage of the family life cycle.
__________5. A complex family or joint family.
Multiple choice. (2 points)
1. If the grandparents join the household to take care of their grandchildren while the parents are away to
work, this type of family is called.
A. Nuclear family B. Single- parent family C. Grand-parent family D. Blended family
2. The family life cycle can be disrupted by
A. Finances B. Illness of one member C. All of these
3. One can build his or her skills given a
A. Good role model B. Positive relationship C. All of these
True or False (2 points)
1. The main purpose of parenting is to make their children independent.
2. One can still catch up with the family life cycle if he misses the challenge at one stage.
3. When the daughter gets married due to unexpected pregnancy, she messes up the family life cycle.
4. Parents can no longer shape their adolescents’ behavior.
5. Filipino families usually have an extended type of family structure.
Identification (3 points)
1. The basic unit of society.
2. The concept that shows the emotional and intellectual changes in individual’s life.
3. The first stage of family cycle.
4. The last stage of family cycle.
5. The stage in the family life cycle where individual starts having and raising children.
6. The type of family structure wherein a mother becomes a widow.
7. The type of family structure wherein aunts and uncles are included.

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