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A teacher is a person who helps and guides others to acquire knowledge,

competencies and values. Informally, the role of ateacher may be taken by anyone and

could vary from culture to culture. Teachers may provide instruction

in literacy and numeracy, craftsmanship or vocational training, the arts, religion, civics,

community roles, or life skills.Formal teaching tasks include preparing lessons

according to agreed curricular, giving lessons, and assessing pupil progress.

A teacher's professional duties may extend beyond formal teaching. Outside of

the classroom, teachers may accompany students on field trips, supervise study halls,

help with the organization of school functions, and serve as supervisors

for extracurricular activities. In some education systems, teachers may have

responsibility for student discipline.

There are a variety of bodies designed to instill, preserve and update the

knowledge and professional standing of teachers. Around the world many teachers'

colleges exist; they may be controlled by government or by the teaching profession


Background of the study

Teachers are the focal point of students when it comes to learning. Teachers use

different teaching strategies to teach and demonstrate the knowledge and

competencies students need to acquire. The different teaching styles are Authority or

Lecture style, Demonstrator or Coach Style, Facilitator or Activity style, Delegator or

Group style, and Hybrid or Blended style. The study is all about the different teaching

styles that are used by teachers, the study focuses on identfying the preferred teaching

styles of students, that may raise the awareness of teachers on what styles are the

“best” for their students` learning.

Theoretical Framework

Bean (2001) suggests a number of simple in -class writing strategies. These

include asking students for a written response to a question at the beginning of a class,

based on the readings or anticipating a significant idea in the forthcoming class.

Similarly, Bean (2001) and Angelo and Cross (1993) suggest inviting students to ask

questions about something that they have found confusing or difficult to grasp mid -

class. Bean (2001) also suggests asking students to write something down when

discussion palls or when things become overheated. Additionally, Angelo and Cross

(1993) and Bean (2001) recommend that students can summarise their understanding

of something in writing at the end of a class. All of these strategies help students to

deepen their intellectual grasp of a subject and develop the capacity to manage

complex ideas in writing. They also offer the additional bonus of helping to make the

students‘ learning visible to the lecturer, and prompt an appropriate response.

Students are often baffled by task instructions. Discussion of typical assessment

instructions can be easily built into a lecture, tutorial or on -line teaching component:

A theme for a lecture or set of lectures can be readily framed as a typical essay

question, such as inviting students to apply a theory to a practical context, or compare

and contrast perspectives. The question can be asked at the start of the lecture(s) and
returned to at different points in the discussion. Students can also be invited to talk

briefly in pairs at a number of junctures in the lectures to share ideas on how they would

respond to the question as the lecture unfolds. This simple process can help students to

get insights into task instructions and deepen their engagement with content by

sharpening the focus and forcing the students to take more of an active questioning

stance. In small group work, give all students some content such as a section of a

reading, a set of data, a scenario or a case study. Get the students to work in smaller

groups - each group has the same content but a different set of instructions. The

students can then share the outcomes of their discussions. This exercise can help

students to get inside commonly used instruction terms such as analyse, apply, critique

and evaluate. One of the most effective ways of helping students to understand the

requirements of an assessment task is to spend time with the class on task criteria. A

helpful strategy is to provide students with a range of past examples of the task and ask

them to evaluate the examples in groups according to the given criteria. Each group

needs to explain their decisions to the class and discuss how they applied the criteria.

The exercise helps students to engage more deeply with task criteria and requirements

and may also enable the lecturer to recognise criteria that are not transparent or are

ambiguous. This exercise can be a process of learning for both students and lecturer.
Conceptual Framework

Input Input Process

Process OutputOutput
Profile of
of -- Questionnaire
Distribution The effect of of
respondents - Tallying
and retrieval teacher’s teaching
preferred teaching
-- Inpterpretation
Tallying style toofmotivation
styles students
-- Name
Name -- Analization
Interpretation of the students
-- Age
Age - Analization
- Gender
- Survey



Figure 1

Shows that the research paradigm of the study. The input of the study is the

profile of the respondents and the process are the following: Questionnaire, Tallying,

Interpretation and analysis. The output of study is improvement of the Teacher’s

teaching style to motivation of the students.

Statement of the problem

The teaching strategies used by teachers may not be suitable for their students.

The incompatibility of the teachers` strategies and the students` way of absorbing

knowledge may cause, anxiety and low self-esteem among students as they repeatedly

fail in their attempts to learn.

In response to this problem, our study proposes to conduct an investigation

which will lead us to learning about the strategies used by teachers here in Malanday

National High School and the students` perception towards them. Learning the

perceptions of students about their strategies, teachers could change their style into

something more student-friendly, easier to understand and not so terrorizing. In that

way, students can learn faster, and absorb more knowledge.

This study intends to provide answers to these questions:

1.) What are the preferred teaching styles of students?

2.) What is the implication of this study?


The study hypothesize that the teachers` various teaching styles have effects

towards the students` learning

Significance of the study

The primary purpose of this study is to determine preferred teaching style of

students of Malanday National High School. The study also plans:

1. For the administration to evaluate the teachers` selected metho and tools

2. To develop a model to guide selection of appropriate teaching-learning


.3. To develop a guide for future researchers to help them in their study

Scope and Delimitation

The manner in which teachers introduce information and go about the lesson is

an important area of inquiry which could lead to the improvement of education. A study

about the use of educational principles and procedures in teaching is needed to

understand current practice. The effectiveness of teaching methods and tools represents

an area of importance in secondary education.

Therefore this study will be concerned with an examination of students`

perceptions of selected teaching-learning principles, teaching methods and tools that

are used and their effectiveness in order to draw conclusions regarding the teaching-

learning process and selecting appropriate teaching strategies, and learning with

regards to the teaching styles used by their educators.

Definition of terms

Extracurricular. It is done or happening outside the normal curriculum of a

school, college, or university

Incompatibility. The condition of two things being as different in nature as to be

incapable of coexisting.

Teaching strategy. It is a complex educational behavior of a teacher in using

methods, techniques, tools, discipline and communications in order to achieve goals

and /or objectives.

Motivation. The act of giving somebody a reason or incentive to do something

Various. Different kind of sorts

G factor. A variable that summarizes positive correlations among different

cognitive tasks.

Cognitive. Mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through


 (
 Learning and teaching in secondary school (second edition)
 An introduction to the foundations of education (third edition)-Ornstein/Levine



A Research proposal to be submitted to the faculty of the senior high school


In partial fulfillment to the requirements in Practical Research 2


Heniel Salazar

Jethro Calumpiano

Rnazy Luciano

January 2019
Table of Contents



Background of Study………………………………………………………………….1

Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………………….2

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………….4

Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………………….5


Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………….6

Scope and Delimitation……………………………………………………………….6

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………….7

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