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12 Shocking Symptoms of Gluten Sensitivity 17/01/16, 3:25 AM

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12 Shocking Symptoms of Gluten Sensitivity

October 12, 2014 by Dana Trentini 84 Comments

It’s WAY More Than Tummy Troubles!

In an interview with Dr. Datis Kharrazian Gluten: Why hypothyroidism patients often fail to get better he
said, “There’s just no question that many people that have Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism have gluten
sensitivity. For some patients, it’s life-changing when they go gluten-free.”

Here’s the thing. I’ve heard from countless Hypothyroid Mom readers who have no idea gluten sensitivity
could be a factor in their hypothyroidism. What is particularly interesting about this list of gluten sensitivity
symptoms is that each and every one of them is also a potential symptom of hypothyroidism. Hmmm…

I wonder just how many hypothyroid people have gluten sensitivity. I suspect there are many more than we Page 1 of 32
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even imagine.

Written by Bethany Trainor and Jennifer Fugo of Gluten Free School

Have you ever felt like doctors don’t take you seriously? You know that something is wrong with your
health, but your practitioner is too quick to dismiss the concerns you experience. Through your own research
you stumble upon this concept called gluten intolerance and realize that all of the signs of gluten sensitivity
listed are identical to what you’re experiencing.

When the founder of Gluten Free School Jennifer Fugo was in college, she too chased after elusive answers
regarding her health while every doctor she saw felt her case wasn’t worth the time. A total of seven
different doctors over the course of two years attributed her undiagnosed gluten intolerance (at the
time) to other seemingly unrelated individual symptoms that got her nowhere.

All of her severe symptoms that were actually related to gluten were boiled down to “being a typical female
college student” (what does that even mean?!), chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), chronic migraines, and one doctor even said she was just being paranoid.

Their solution was to throw medication at the various problems which included sleeping pills, separate anti-
depressant and anti-anxiety medications, and muscle relaxants. Despite her persistent prodding for real
answers and diagnostic testing, these common “fixes” were equivalent to placing the tiniest band-aid
over a gaping wound—She was not being helped, healed, or listened to.

Can you relate to her experience? Sadly, We’ve found this rings true for many people out there who
remained undiagnosed with gluten sensitivity for years and were given false answers that led nowhere. If
you still don’t have all of your answers, know that you may exhibit one or several nagging and debilitating
symptoms that many medical practitioners don’t attribute to a very possible root cause of gluten intolerance
or sensitivity. What’s worse, you’re more likely to be left in the dark without answers if you aren’t
experiencing gastrointestinal related symptoms like diarrhea.

12 Shocking Symptoms of Gluten Sensitivity

Gluten sensitivity and intolerance can manifest as much more than just IBS-like symptoms and
stomach problems. That’s why doctors are more likely to dismiss the idea that you even have this because
if they don’t hear about digestive problems as your chief complaint, then it must be something else.

It can be an exclusively neurological disease for many. In 2013, an in-depth study by a team of researchers
including renowned Dr. Alessio Fasano stated that, “Both Celiac Disease and gluten sensitivity may present
with a variety of neurologic and psychiatric co-morbidities, however, extraintestinal symptoms (outside of
the digestive system) may be the prime presentation in those with gluten sensitivity. However, gluten
sensitivity remains under-treated and under-recognized as a contributing factor to psychiatric and neurologic
manifestations.” (source)

It’s very important to note that not all cases of neurological symptoms are caused by gluten. However,
issues like depression and anxiety which are not typically linked directly to gluten consumption CAN be
signs of gluten sensitivity for some. Too often, pain killers and prescriptions are thrown at patients when no
clear diagnosis is made, missing the real cause behind the symptoms bubbling up on the surface.

The bottom line is that gluten sensitivity can affect processes in the body beyond the digestive tract,
wreaking havoc on your skin (our largest organ!), joints, bones, mouth, endocrine system and more. Your
myriad of symptoms that don’t make sense to the doctor may mean that they’ve no clue that you’re
reporting back to them the signs of gluten sensitivity. The current model of medicine treats symptoms rather Page 2 of 32
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than looking for the underlying cause which further explains why doctors are quick to prescribe medication
that might ease only your momentary suffering. But it certainly doesn’t excuse the lack of education and
openmindedness that would serve patients better if they knew more about the interaction between food and
the body.

If you don’t feel listened to, then it may be time to find a new doctor. Jennifer eventually found a doctor
who listened and told her she needed to stop eating gluten—for good. In a mere two weeks off gluten, all
her plaguing symptoms began to cease and things she didn’t realize were actual problems with her body
started to clear up, including achy joints (at age 21 no less!), muscle spasms, strange tingling sensations, and
random dizziness.

And for all the doubters out there, gluten sensitivity is oh so very real.

Here’s a checklist of some of the surprising symptoms and signs that have been linked to gluten
sensitivity and make sure to work with a qualified health professional to get tested.

1. Depression and Anxiety

Depression is a serious health concern for many people. Symptoms of depression can include feelings of
hopelessness, lack of interest, low energy, appetite changes, sleep changes, anger, and more. Some patients
do require medication to correct persistent imbalances with depression. However, often underlying causes of
depression are not investigated. Research now confirms that Celiac disease and gluten intolerance are
linked to depression, anxiety and mood disorders. Once gluten is removed from the diet in the gluten
sensitive, depression and anxiety can actually be resolved.

Symptoms of anxiety often go hand in hand with depression which makes it very hard to relax and think
clearly. Some may experience sensations of panic, loss of control, heart racing, chest pains, trouble
breathing or feelings of passing out. Anxiety attacks can even mimic heart attacks so it’s important to be
aware of the distinction.


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder affects children and adults alike, but many don’t make the
connection of their symptoms to diet. Dr. Ron Hoggan, Ed.D, co-author of the best selling book, “Cereal
Killers,” wrote an article on citing several studies linking ADHD and gluten together. He states,
“The concept of drugging a child to facilitate learning is upsetting to me, especially when there is cause to
suspect that, on the gluten free diet, she may improve without intervention.” (source)

And by intervention, Dr. Hoggan is referring to medicinal intervention. Alternative approaches address food
sensitivities and intolerance as a root cause of behavioral disorders. This follows the line of research and
treatment that Dr. Charles Parker uses to treat patients in his psychiatric practice. He first looks at the gut
because neurotransmitters are produced directly by what’s broken down in the digestive system. Leaky gut
can facilitate a number of mental health issues because gluten and other food proteins are essentially
sneaking into the body where they don’t belong.

3. Brain Fog
Being unable to think clearly is just as stifling as it sounds. When you feel disconnected or just plain “out of
it”, it might not be all in your head.

Gluten can have the affect known as “foggy brain” in sensitive individuals. While it can be difficult to
quantify gluten induced “brain fog”, researchers in a 2002 study in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery
and Psychiatry found that there may be significant cross reactivity of IgG antibodies to gluten and other Page 3 of 32
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different antibodies that could result in mental fogginess. These antibodies can also cause inflammation
which can further exacerbate the condition.

4. Autoimmune Diseases
Gluten consumption has been linked to numerous autoimmune diseases. Sarah Ballantyne PhD, author
of The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body, says, “Every single
autoimmune disease in which gluten as a contributor has been investigated has shown that gluten sensitivity
is a contributor to that disease.” Scary right? But luckily, making the connection is the first step towards
better health.

It’s even possible to know if autoimmune issues are brewing years before they bubble up to the surface and
you end up with a diagnosis. This gives you time to make nutritional and lifestyle adjustments that can
impact whether you eventually develop a full-blown autoimmune disorder.

Just to be clear… here’s a list of some autoimmune diseases known to be related to gluten sensitivity —
Celiac Disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Graves’ Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Vitiligo, Sjogren’s,
Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, Dermatitis Herpetiformis, and Type 1 Diabetes.

5. Low Immunity
If you’re prone to frequently getting sick, you should consider gluten to potentially be an issue.

The first sign of Jennifer’s gluten intolerance was an extremely depressed IgA result in testing
she completed in early 2008 before she had any idea of what was wrong.

To break this down into simpler terms, IgA is a class of antibodies in your body that exist primarily in saliva,
tears and in the gastrointestinal tract (though some do exist in the blood). Think of them as your first line
of defense when a cold comes knocking at your door. When you’re sensitive to gluten or have celiac
disease, one sign is a depressed level of IgA antibodies meaning that you don’t have the proper defenses in
place to keep you well.

Believe it or not, IgA deficiency is “the most common immunodeficiency in Caucasians” occurring at a rate
of 1 in 600. It is seen in many autoimmune diseases including the thyroid condition known as Graves’
disease, Lupus, Type 1 diabetes, Celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis. (source)

6. Dental Issues
Cavities, canker sores (mouth ulcers) broken teeth, and tooth decay can plague those with undiagnosed
gluten sensitivity as well as Celiac disease. A 2009 study published in the journal BMC Gastroenterology
(source) found a positive link between gluten sensitivity and recurrent mouth ulcers, of which
Jennifer personally experienced growing up (Recurrent aphthous stomatitis, or RAS).

Calcium levels of gluten sensitive individuals can be staggeringly low due to malabsorption, which can
lead to weak bones and teeth. Dr. Kim Millman MD is a big supporter of requesting a DEXA scan, which
measures bone density. It’s a reliable way of determining your calcium levels and overall bone health, since
Dr. Millman also states that calcium levels in blood work aren’t at all reliable.

7. Unexplained Weight Loss or Weight Gain

Can’t keep your weight in check? A sudden or even gradual change in weight while eating habits remain
more or less unchanged can be an indicator of a bigger health problem. Page 4 of 32
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For some with malabsorption and gut permeability due to gluten intolerance or sensitivity, unwanted
weight loss despite regular calorie intake can have dangerous effects. On the other hand, gluten can trigger
systemic inflammation in the body that mimics stubborn weight gain. Removing gluten for good and
healing the gut with a healthy diet can restore weight to healthy normal levels.

Another point to consider is that the type of gut bacteria living in your digestive system can play a direct
role in your body’s ability to stay at a healthy weight. Brenda’s Watson, CNC shares that a even just a 7-day
round of antibiotics can negatively alter gut bacteria for up to two years. Keep in mind that chronic candida
(yeast) infections can also play a role in weight gain and loss.

8. Migraine Headaches
According to Mark Hyman MD, a leader in functional medicine and eight-time New York Times bestselling
author, over 10 million Americans suffer from migraines. Anyone who has ever experienced a migraine
knows how seriously painful they can be.

While not all cases of migraines are related to gluten, it’s been linked as a significant cause for some. In a
study that measured migraine headaches in gluten sensitive individuals, chronic headaches were reported in
56% percent of those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity, 30 percent of those with Celiac disease, and 23
percent of those with inflammatory bowel disease. Only 14 percent of those in a control group reported
headaches. (source)

Meanwhile Dr. Alessio Fasano, medical director of the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research,
states that a 100% gluten-free diet can relieve many cases of chronic migraines.

9. Skin Problems
From eczema and acne to psoriasis and dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), gluten can cause some extremely
uncomfortable skin issues. Basically inflammation under the top layers of skin can occur and cause
eruptions of rashes, itchiness, burning, redness, and even painful blisters.

The Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG) describes the severe rash of DH as “a chronic disease of the skin
marked by groups of watery, itchy blisters that may resemble pimples or blisters. The ingestion of gluten
(from wheat, rye, and barley) triggers an immune system response that deposits a substance, lgA
(Immunoglobulin A), under the top layer of skin. IgA is present in affected as well as unaffected skin…”
GIG goes on to state that, “If you have DH, you always have gluten intolerance.” (source)

10. Hormonal Imbalance and Adrenal Fatigue

Hormone imbalance can manifest itself as irregular menstrual cycles, weight gain or loss, hot flashes, low
energy levels, erratic sleep patterns and more. In discussing gluten sensitivity and female hormones, Dr.
Daniel Kalish D.C states that “a strong relationship has been established in medical literature between gluten
sensitivity and the hormones progesterone and estrogen. Additionally, most of my patients with gluten
sensitivity have an adrenal hormone imbalance, and this becomes exacerbated for patients during
menopause…” (source)

Dr. Kalish notes that he’s “…observed serious problems often begin to reveal themselves when women
with gluten sensitivity reach peri-menopause. As their ovarian output of sex hormones drops, the
resulting hormone imbalance is worsened by over consumption of gluten. The adrenal glands respond to the
stress of unstable blood sugar and gastrointestinal tract inflammation caused by gluten by increasing
cortisol. This causes increased body fat, fatigue and unstable moods.” Page 5 of 32
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11. Joint and Muscle Aches

Got joint and muscle aches? Gluten’s damaging inflammation in susceptible individuals can cause flares and
pain. WebMD states that, “Joint pain and inflammation are (also) common symptoms of gluten sensitivity.
And research does show links between the two diseases.” The Arthritis Foundation has also published
information regarding the link between gluten sensitivity, joint pain, and arthritis conditions.

12. Extreme Fatigue

Do you feel like you can never sleep enough? The reason Jennifer sought medical help initially was because
she could sleep up to 11 hours and still wake up exhausted and feeling like she was drugged. Though
she did have gastrointestinal issues, her extreme exhaustion seemed more pressing. Since removing gluten,
she can get up daily at 5:45 am without an alarm and no need for caffeine.

So even if you’re getting an adequate amount of sleep each night, waking up feeling exhausted means that
something’s up. Gluten can contribute to feelings of sluggishness and tiredness in several different ways.
When your body is in a state of inflammation and spending resources dealing with gluten proteins, it’s at the
expense of available energy stores and normal bodily processes.

About Gluten Free School

Jennifer Fugo is the founder of Gluten Free School, a website dedicated to teaching gluten-sensitive
individuals simple, savvy and empowering steps to get healthy. She’s a certified Health Coach named a
“Gluten Free Guru” by Philadelphia Magazine. Jennifer is a sought-after expert about healthy, gluten-free
living as well as a speaker who has been featured on Doctor Oz, Yahoo! News, eHow, CNN, and Huffington
Post. She is author of the book The Savvy Gluten-Free Shopper: How to Eat Healthy Without Breaking the

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Filed Under: Causes of Hypothyroidism Tagged With: Gluten, Hashimoto's

About Dana Trentini

Who knew that little butterfly-shaped thyroid gland at the base of my neck could affect my life so
completely? I founded Hypothyroid Mom in memory of the unborn baby I lost to hypothyroidism. Winner
of two 2014 WEGO Health Activist Awards: Health Activist Hero & Best In Show Twitter. *Hypothyroid
Mom includes Affiliate links. Connect with me on Google+ Page 6 of 32

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