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Pharmacology of Drugs Acting on CVS
Practice Question Paper (Unit-01)
B.Pharmacy- 5th Semester (New PCI Syllabus)
Note- All these questions are made by “Solution-Pharmacy” which are based on
our video lecture. Our objective for making these practice questions is to prepare
students for their examination. Total marks is- 75
Section 01- Multiple choice questions. (Attempt any 20 questions) 01marks each

1. Which of the following is/are properties of heart

(A) Automaticity
(B) Conductivity
(C) Rhythmicity
(D) All of the above

2. In “Congestive heart failure” what are the main disability of heart

(A) Force of contraction
(B) Over filling of blood in chamber
(C) Increase in Blood pressure
(D) Both A and B

3. In case of diastolic dysfunction of heart (In CHF) the ventricular wall become-
(A) Thick
(B) Thin
(C) No change
(D) Dead

4. Digoxin is mainly used in the treatment of following

(A) Hypertension
(B) Angina
(C) Arrhythmia

5. What is the normal value of blood pressure (In mm/Hg)

(A) 120/80
(B) 80/120
(C) 120 Diastolic and 80 systolic
(D) 120 to 80

6. Which of the following disorder is generally considered as “Silent Killer”

(A) Hypertension
(B) Angina
(C) Arrhythmia
(D) All of the above

7. Which of the following is homoeostasis mechanism for hypertension

(A) Renin-Angiotensin- Aldosterone System
(B) Baroreceptor System
(C) Negative and Positive feedback mechanism
(D) All of the above

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8. Renin is secreted from

(A) Kidney
(B) Lungs
(C) Liver
(D) Stomach

9. Angiotensinogen is liberated from

(A) Lungs
(B) Kidney
(C) Stomach
(D) Pancreases

10. Nitric Oxide is

(A) Vasodilator
(B) Vasoconstrictor
(C) Both
(D) None

11. Angina is characterized by

(A) Left side chest pain
(B) Right Side chest pain
(C) Stomach pain
(D) All of the above

12. Which of the following is/are causes of angina

(A) Lack of oxygen supply
(B) Coronary artery spasm
(C) Both of the above
(D) Over production of oxygen

13. Angina pectoris is associated with

(A) Coronary artery
(B) Pulmonary artery
(C) Pulmonary Vein
(D) All of the above

14. Which of the following angina is also known as classical angina

(A) Effort induce
(B) Unstable
(C) Prinzmetal
(D) None of the above

15. For fast acting nitro-glycerine should be given by

(A) Oral
(B) Sublingual
(C) Buccal
(D) Intravenous

16. Which of the following is cause of arrhythmia

(A) Re-entry
(B) Unidirectional block
(C) Abnormal cardiac impulse generation
(D) All of the above
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17. Which of the following drug is an example of class IA antiarrhythmic drugs

(A) Quinidine
(B) Diclofenac
(C) Paracetamol
(D) Lidocaine

18. Which of the following is beneficial for CVS system

(D) None of the above

19. Which of the following is an example of direct renin inhibitor

(A) Aliskiren
(B) Captopril
(C) Enalapril
(D) Telmisartan

20. Re-Entry is a phenomenon of

(A) Arrhythmia
(B) Angina
(C) Hypertension
(D) Hyperlipidaemia

Extra Questions-

21. Which of the following is known as “Good- Cholesterol”

(D) Chylomicron

22. Which of the following has maximum risk for atherogenicity

(D) Chylomicron

23. HDL is responsible for

(A) Transport of lipid from liver to
peripheral tissue
(B) Transport of lipid from peripheral tissue to liver
(C) From intestine to liver
(D) From Liver to intestine

24. VLDL is synthesised in-

(A) Liver
(B) Intestine
(C) Stomach
(D) Pancreas

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25. Which of the following is causes of CHD

(A) Increase level of LDL and Triglyceride
(B) Increase level of HLD
(C) Decrease level of HDL
(D) Both A and C

Section- 02- Long Answer type questions. (Attempt any 02)- 20 Marks
1. Explain Hypertension. Classify the drugs used in the treatment of hypertension along
with the mechanism of action of ACE inhibitors in detail.
2. What do you understand by the angina? Give its type and drug used in treatment of
angina. Give complete pharmacology of nitro-glycerine.
3. Classify Antihyperlipidemic drugs. Explain the complete mechanism of action of HMG-
Co enzyme inhibitors

Section 03- Long answer type questions. (Attempt any 07)- 35 Marks
1. Explain electrophysiology of heart
2. Classify anti-Anginal drugs with suitable example
3. What is arrhythmia? Explain the re-entry phenomenon
4. Explain the mechanism of action of diuretic in the management of hypertension.
5. Explain the feedback mechanism in hypertension (RAS System)
6. Discuss the etiology of angina pectoris
7. Write the complete pharmacology of propranolol
8. Classify anti-arrhythmic drugs and explain MOA of Sodium channel blockers
9. Explain the formation of cholesterol formation.

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