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Genetics: You Are Unique

This lesson developed by Reach Out!

Guiding Question

What are some of my inherited traits?




Genetics is the study of inherited traits.

Inherited refers to traits you get from your parents.

Traits are personal characteristics.


Every person has his or her own looks, traits, and characteristics. Every person is unique.

Some traits are inherited.


Traits and characteristics are often genetic, or passed on to you from your parents.

You may have some traits like your mother, some like your father and some like both your father and
your mother.

Observation skills

Documentation skills

Research skills

Oral presentation skills




Room Preparation

No special needs

Safety Precautions

No special needs

Procedures and Activity


Look around our group. Is anyone else here just like you? Every person you know, or ever will know, is
unique. No two people are just alike (even identical twins).

Many of our traits or characteristics are “inherited” or passed down to us from our parents.

Today, we are going to identify some of our genetic or inherited traits. Then you will go home and see
if your parents have the same traits. If you have a trait, then usually at least one of your parents will,

Give students hand-outs. Review traits we are looking for, how to decide if you have the trait and how
to document it on the hand-out.

Let students complete the activities on the hand-out.

Share findings with the group.

Have the students take the hand-out home so they can see and document their parents’ traits.

Closing - Original Question

Ask again, “What are some of my inherited traits?”


Let each student share which traits they have and which traits their parents have. Listen for evidence
that they understand the concepts of genetics and the inheritability of traits.

Extension Ideas

Ask students to expand their charts of inherited traits. Brainstorm traits they could research, such as
color-blindness, bloodtype, hair color, etc. After research and documentation, students can share their
finding either orally or in a written report.

Have students make thumb- and footprints. They can dip into a stamp pad or paint. Look at the design
of lines and rings. See if anyone else has the same print. Share why we can use these prints to track
people, identify thieves, and tell the difference between newborn babies in the hospital.

Careers Related to the Lesson Topic

Biomedical researcher

FBI investigator

Tour of Genetics Research Facility

Police officer

Career Presentation - James Standal

Prerequisite Vocabulary


Learning how you are related to or linked to your origin


Passed down from your parents


Personal Characteristics, things about you—such as eye color, skin color, and blood type—that are
specific to you


One of a kind

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Last amended 1 May 03

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