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Diagnostic Test in English 7

General Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer

Avoid erasures.
Use black or blue pen only.
Direction: Supply the appropriate conjunction to complete the compound and complex sentences. Choose from the choices inside
the box.

unless and before so or

1. No man can be a good ruler ___________________ he has been ruled first.

2. Everyone was busy, ___________________ I went to the movie alone.
3. Should we start our class now, ___________________ should we wait for everyone to get here?
4. __________________ starting to eat, we should pray first to thank God for the blessings.
Direction: Tell whether the pattern of the sentence is S-IV, S-TV-DO, S-TV-IO-DO, S-TV-DO-OC. Write your answer on the
space provided before each number.
___________________5.The barber cuts his hair.
___________________6. The group of girls danced gracefully.
___________________7. I gave you a pencil.
Direction: Tell whether the pattern of the sentence is S-LV-PAorS-LV-PN. Write your answer on the space provided before each
___________________8. Miss Zulueta was a multi-awarded teacher.
___________________9. Her hair is very long.
___________________10. Diana’s group is the most energetic of all.
11.A representation of a person in a story is a ________________.
a. Setting
b. Climax
c. Character
d. Plot
12.This is the opposition between or among characters or forces in a story that shapes or motivates the action of the plot.
a. Exposition
b. Conflict
c. Resolution
d. Denouement
13.Literal meaning is defined as _______________.
a. Basic meaning
b. Functional meaning
c. Hidden meaning
d. Idiomatic meaning
14.The figure of speech that uses like or as in comparison is called a _________________.
a. Metaphor
b. Simile
c. Personification
d. Hyperbole

15.The place in school that you go to for research is the __________________.

a. Library
b. Office
c. Canteen
d. Classroom
16.There are three cards that you can find in the library, except for the ___________________.
a. Author card
b. Subject card
c. Identification card
d. Title card
17.It is a group of related words within a sentence and without both subject and verb.
a. Clause
b. Phrase
c. Question
d. Sentence
18.The shortening of a text using your own words is a ___________________.
a. Paraphrase
b. Precis
c. Summary
d. Title
19. In this sentence that has a metaphor, the unlike objects which are being compared are _______________. As the teacher
entered the room, he muttered under his breath, “This class is a three-ring circus!”
a. Room and class
b. Class and circus
c. Teacher and room
d. Circus and teacher
20.In this sentence, the italicized words makeup a phrase. It is a verb phrase which contains the helping/auxiliary verb
________________. “The student had just cleaned the classroom when the teacher knocked over the flower vase.”
a. Had
b. The
c. Just
d. Over
21.The following is an example of a _________________. “The librarian’s voice affected us like fingernails scraping across a
a. Simile
b. Metaphor
c. Hyperbole
d. Personification
22.The underlined part of a sentence is a/an _________________. “At the end of recess, the students ran into the classroom.”
a. Prepositional phrase
b. Noun phrase
c. Verb phrase
d. Adjective phrase
23-25. Direction: Locate the prepositional phrase and identify the preposition including its object.
The language book is on the shelf.

Phrase: _______________________________ (23)

Preposition: _______________________________ (24)
Object of the preposition: _______________________________ (25)

GRAMMAR (Past and Past Perfect Tense/ Direct and Reported Speech/Active and Passive Voice)
Direction: Encircle the correct verb tense for each sentence.
26. The Japanese ( bombed / had bombed ) some Philippine military installations in 1941.
27. The Japanese ( declared / had declared ) war during the Pearl Harbor incident.

28. The Filipinos and Americans ( failed / had failed ) to protect the country from the powerfully armed invaders.

29. The secretary ( called / had called ) the President before he talked to the soldiers.

30. General McArthur called President Quezon after he ( arrived / had arrived ) at the place.

31. He ( asked / had asked ) the President about his message before he delivered his speech.

32. When they held the conference, the Japanese ( attacked / had attacked ) the mainland.

Direction: Choose the letter of the sentence that shows the correct direct/reported speech version of the statements given.
33. “Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese,” Jeorge said.
a. Jorge bombed the Pearl Harbor said the Japanese.

b. The Japanese said that the Pearl Harbor bombed Jorge.

c. The Pearl Harbor said that Jorge bombed the Japanese.

d. Jorge said that the Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese.

34. The President mentioned that the surprise attack had a disastrous effect.

a. “The effect was surprised by the president,” the President mentioned.

b. “The surprise attack has a disastrous effect, “ the President mentioned.

c. “The President was surprised by the attack,” the President mentioned.

d. “The President has a disastrous effect to the attack,” the President mentioned.

35. “There are many wounded patients in the hospital,” the doctor said.

a. The doctor stated that there are patients in the wounded hospital.

b. The doctor stated that there are many wounded patients in the hospital.

c. The doctor stated that there are many doctors in the hospital as patients.

d. The doctor stated that there are many hospitals for the wounded patients.

Direction: Tell whether the sentence is in PASSIVE or ACTIVE voice. Write your answer on the space provided.
____________________36. The Japanese soldiers attacked the Philippines.
____________________37. The Filipinos were attacked by the soldiers.
____________________38. The Americans helped in this war.
____________________39. The wounded were healed by the Filipino doctors.
____________________40. President Quezon ensured an efficient and effective government.

41.You cannot ___________ the problem by hiding in your room.

a) Elude
b) Allude
42.Tell the ___________ truth and I will set you free.
a) Hole
b) Whole
43.The penthouse ___________ is the most expensive room in that building.
a) Suite
b) Sweet
44.I am not sure but ___________.
a) Maybe
b) May be
45.I don’t care ___________ he leaves or not.
a) Weather
b) Whether
46.There was a beautiful family portrait ____ the wall.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) To
47.The house is too quiet. Nobody seems____ home.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) To
48.I’ve known my best friend ____ about fifteen years.
a) For
b) With
c) At
d) After
49.My younger brother went away ____ Mama.
a) At
b) By
c) With
d) Beside
50.I’ve noticed a huge improvement ____ all my subjects.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) To

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