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SOLAR CALCULATIONS - K. E. Holbert 2007 - Dr. Ing. Cristian Iosifescu

procedure Ziuadin,an (l, zl : nz) (1)

zil,0..12 = [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] (2)

i = 0; nz = 0; (3)

repeat (4)

nz = nz + zil,i ; (5)

i = i + 1; (6)

until (i ≥ l) (7)

nz = nz + zl; (8)

end (9)

Marimi de intrare:

nr zi din an

luna = 7; ziua = 21; (10)

Local standard time

LST = 8 [hour] ; (11)

Localitate$ = ‘Galati’ ; Lat = (45 + 26/60 + 22/3600) [deg] ; Long = (28 + 2/60 + 4/3600) [deg] ; (12)


α2 = 0 [deg] ; β2 = 0 [deg] ; inclinare fata de oriz (13)

Relatii de calcul:

$IfNot ParametricTable=’N’

call Ziuadin,an (luna, ziua : N ); (14)

h i
I0 = 1353 W/m2 · (1 + 0.033 · Cos(N/365 · 360 [deg])) ; (1) (15)

unghiul de declinatie - declination angle

N + 284
δ = 23.45 [deg] · sin · 360 [deg] ; (2) (16)

longitudinea locala a meridianului de timp standard - local longitude of standard time meridian
LST M = 15 [deg] · Round ; (4) (17)
15 [deg]

ecuatia timpului - equation of time

N − 81
D = 360 [deg] · ; (18)

ET = (9.87 · sin (2 · D) − 7.53 · Cos(D) − 1.5 · sin (D)) · 1 [min] ; (5) (19)

timpul solar aparent - apparent solar time

dif = (4 [min/deg] · (LST M − Long) + ET ) ; (20)

AST = LST + (4 [min/deg] · (LST M − Long) + ET ) · 0.016666667 ; (3) (21)


unghiul orar - hour angle

AST · 60 − 720 [min]


H= ; (6) (22)
4 [min/deg]

Hro = 15 [deg/hour] · (LST − 12hour ) ; (23)

unghi altitudine/elevatie/inaltime - altitude angle

β1 = max 1 × 10−5 , arcsin (Cos(Lat) · Cos(δ) · Cos(H) + sin (Lat) · sin (δ)) ; (7) (24)

unghiul zenital - zenith angle

θz = 90 [deg] − β1 ; (25)

unghi de azimut solar - solar azimuth

sin (β1 ) · sin (Lat) − sin (δ)
α1 = 180 [deg] + arccos · Sign(H); (9) (26)
cos (β1 ) · cos (Lat)

unghi de incidenta - collector angle (θ) between the sun and normal to the surface

θ = arccos (sin (β1 ) · cos (β2 ) + cos (β1 ) · sin (β2 ) · cos (α1 − α2 )); (11) (27)

The sunrise and sunset hours on the collector (12)-(13)

Radiatia solara aparenta - Apparent solar irradiation (A)
A = Interpolate ‘ABC’ , ‘A’ , ‘Day of Year’ , Day of,Y ear = N ; IP (28)

Atmospheric extinction coefficient (B)

B = Interpolate ‘ABC’ , ‘B’ , ‘Day of Year’ , Day of,Y ear = N ; (29)

Ratio of diffuse radiation on a horizontal surface to the direct normal irradiation (C)
C = Interpolate ‘ABC’ , ‘C’ , ‘Day of Year’ , Day of,Y ear = N ; (30)

Radiatian normala directa - direct normal irradiance
IDN = A · exp −.96 · ; (14) (31)
sin (β1 )

Radiatia directa - direct radiation flux onto the collector

Idir = IDN · Cos(θ); (17) (32)

Radiatia difuza - diffuse-scattered radiation flux onto the collector

1 + Cos(β2 )
Idif = C · IDN · ; (18) (33)
Data$ = Date$; (34)

$TabStops 1 4 6 8 10 cm

Variables in Main program
A = 109.2 [W/m2] α1 = 96.59 [deg] α2 = 0 [deg] AST = 8.03 [h]
B = 0.207 β1 = 35.60 [deg] β2 = 0 [deg] C = 0.136
D = 119.3 [deg] Data$ = ‘2017-02-27’ δ = 20.44 [deg] dif = 1.812 [min]
ET = −6.05 [min] H = −59.55 [deg] Hro = −60 [deg] I0 = 1311 [W/m2]
Idif = 10.55 [W/m2] Idir = 45.16 [W/m2] IDN = 77.58 [W/m2] Lat = 45.44 [deg]
Localitate$ = ‘Galati’ Long = 28.03 [deg] LST = 8 [hour] LST M = 30 [deg]
luna = 7 N = 202 θ = 54.4 [deg] θz = 54.4 [deg]
ziua = 21


Row Date Day of,Y ear A B C AIP

[W/m2] [Btu/hr-ft2]
1 21-Jan 21 123.7 0.142 0.058 390
2 21-Feb 52 122.2 0.144 0.06 385
3 21-Mar 80 119.3 0.156 0.071 376
4 21-Apr 111 114.2 0.18 0.097 360
5 21-May 141 111.1 0.196 0.121 350
6 21-Jun 172 109.5 0.205 0.134 345
7 21-Jul 202 109.2 0.207 0.136 344
8 21-Aug 233 111.4 0.201 0.122 351
9 21-Sep 264 115.8 0.177 0.092 365
10 21-Oct 294 119.9 0.16 0.073 378
11 21-Nov 325 122.8 0.149 0.063 387

12 21-Dec 355 124.1 0.142 0.057 391

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