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Not enough time!

I think we'll be hearing this refrain many times in the coming

months. There are a host of small events that are precipitating/merging into th
e final hurrah of the American Dream as we have known it.
Manufactured information or dis-information has been a standard for what has com
e out of Washington D.C. for many years and the only reason that many of us hea
r about the truth at all is the far-reaching power of the internet. For this re
ason, amid others, I find it difficult to place trust in anything that is said b
y the official news stooges.
Any government that would announce to the public that the "recession is over" in
June 2009, when you know and I know that the "recession" was just beginning and
is now (Nov 2010) a full-blown depression, has got to either think we are all s
tupid or think their power is totally unquestioned.
Take a quick look at the new regulations for traveling by air. FULL BODY SCANS.
Body searches that include groping and squeezing genitalia, strip searches in
front of the rest of the passengers, selective searches choosing attractive wome
n for no other reason but to see them unclothed.
How would you feel about your wife being pulled out of the boarding line and str
ip searched right then and there? How about the twisted morons that have been se
arching babies and young children? There are no terrorists in the boarding lin
e, but there are twisted, moronic, cruel, and sexually perverted people doing th
ese searches.
Ask anybody why these searches are necessary and you'll get a flimsy excuse abou
t the "war on terror". It has been documented that the government itself is usi
ng terrorist activities to further it's own agendas. So who is the terrorist?
The whole terrorist paradigm on American soil came into being after 09/11/01. T
his is when we allowed the government, in the name of security, to wiretap us, d
o otherwise illegal searches and seizures of property, and basically throw the B
ill Of Rights out the door.
If you bother to search and inquire about the events on 09/11/01, you'll find an
elaborate plan to take more control over the US population by providing a means
that would make it necessary in the public's mind to get the terrorists before
they get us.
It worked for awhile but with just moderate searching on the internet it is poss
ible to find proof that the whole deal was a fake, and in the interest of the go
vernment, not us. Go ahead, do some searching of your own, don't take my word f
or it.
Americans fell for that put-up job hook-line-and-sinker! With a little skillful
choreography and the new hologram technology we were convinced that a second ai
rplane flew into the second building. Just as we were convinced that the Pentag
on was attacked.
No airplane parts were found, go figure. Missile parts were, though. So was th
ermite, hmmmm.
CNN reports that our government is growing the opium in Afghanistan and other co
untries to "control the market"
Right now US "advisers" are launching rockets into Pakistan from India, killing
and maiming citizens, not soldiers.
The Federal Reserve is in the process of devaluing the dollar. Just what it need
s, huh? This is really pissing off the Chinese who hold trillions of our debt. P
retty soon it will only be billions, who's the joke on here?
The Chinese who are pissed off at us right now(more so than usual) launched an I
CBM from a nuclear submarine Monday,(11/15) I believe, in what has been reported
as a show of force. Clearly visible in LA with lots of eyewitnesses and yet our
government knew nothing about it.(?)
Never-the-less, it was immediately hushed up and eyewitnesses suddenly don't rem
ember seeing anything odd, just jet contrails. Right.
The government openly admits that they need another terrorist attack on the US w
ith at least 3,000 dead to cement Obama's relationship with the public.
It's been reported that Obama(which is an alias) has 5 social security numbers,
what is up with that? That can't be legal.
Funny that the number one leader of Al-Quaeda, Anwar al Alaki who was supposed
to be responsible for 9-11 was seen having lunch at the White House a couple of
months later.
Face it folks, the government is not on our side any longer. The government is
being controlled by the big banking interests that collectively run the Federal
Reserve. The Federal Reserve is bankrupting America and devaluing the dollar to
make an easier transition into a world economy, the New World Order.
The lackeys of the Federal Reserve, the puppets if you will, are the US governme
nt and assorted mega-corporations that have formed the Fascist backbone of the N
Don't take my word for any of this, folks. Google it! Search for yourself and
dig up what is really going on in America. Other countries now consider America
as the most rigidly controlled, monitored, and deceitful nation on earth!
They are looking from the outside in and can see these events happening. We, o
n the other hand, have had this slowly soaking into our psyche for years, and co
nsequently fail to notice when something atrocious happens to us. Can you say B
To contribute to the public's problems caused by the manipulation of our economy
, the government (those scamps!) with the help of various bio-engineering and Fr
ankenfood corporations is trying to out-law private farming and the heirloom see
d industry.
Apparently they want total control over what we eat, what's next?
By allowing our government to be controlled by the Federal Reserve we have ultim
ately put a noose around Freedom's neck. We have let not only the wolves in the
door, but begged them to rob us.
By not doing anything about this sad situation, we as Americans are saying to th
e rest of the world that we don't mind being poisoned by our government, we don'
t mind being irradiated to death by FULL BODY SCANS at the airport, judicial bui
ldings, DMV, the local mall and lately even middle schools in inner city distric
Middle Schools! High schools would make a little more sense, but middle schools
? Fry your kids, You are surplus population, face it!
On that same subject, how many vaccinations do your kids have to have to go to s
chool? Over 40? I think so. I had 6 when I went to school in 1960. And that c
ounted the boosters!
Had your flu shot yet? The biggest hoax and total fabrication is our need for a
flu shot every year. There are companies that require a flu shot to work for t
hem. Government agencies require flu shots. It is a documented, tested and eve
n admitted fact that the flu shots are worthless or even dangerous.
The government has admitted (their statistics) that the flu vaccine is only effe
ctive in one out of every 100 people inoculated. That makes me a little suspici
ous of why we need the shots in the first place, how about you?
The list of crimes against the populace of America is endless. Don't take my wo
rd for it, look it up for yourself! You won't get in trouble for asking questio
ns, yet. Wake up to the fact that your behavior has been modified to not questi
on authority, to let the current regime treat you like a slave and you don't eve
n know it!
Unfortunately, the same can be said for the "whistle-blowers" who have undertake
n the task of keeping an eye on the government's shenanigans and untruths. Thes
e "whistle-blowers" depend on sensationalism, blurry research and fuzzy facts.
Which is really all that the government gives them to work with.
With that said and leaving the rest to the reader's abilities to put two and two
together on their own, although seemingly unrelated but important events have
been happening lately, mostly in the last couple of years, but in the last coupl
e of weeks things are really getting out of hand. Some things that have been h
appening recently, as in weeks or days ago, could be part of this grand event th
at some feel will take place soon, as in tomorrow!
First) several, some say dozens, reports of "missing" nuclear devices. When the
US was routinely keeping our nuclear deterrent in the air for quickest applicat
ion during the Cold War years there were understandably many "accidents" with th
e delivery vehicles. Because of the international climate of detente and disarm
ament, nuclear devices were slowly withdrawn from combat-ready applications and
were ordered grounded completely in 1991.
On August 30(2007), nuclear warheads in combat position were carried by an Amer
ican bomber from a North Dakota Air Force base to a Louisiana Air Force base. Th
ere were either five or six of these devices loaded into cruise missiles. This b
roke many international treaty provisions.
Although six nuclear capable missiles were reported to have left North Dakota, o
nly five were reported to have arrived in Louisiana. Where is the sixth missile
? This was downplayed by the media and lost within days, no more information to
be had.
The patriot act:
"It empowers federal agents to cannibalize Americans’ e-mail with Carnivore wireta
ps, allows federal agents to commandeer library records, and requires banks to s
urrender personal account information. It also authorizes federal agents to conf
iscate bulk cash from travelers who fail to fill out Customs Service forms discl
osing how much money they are taking out of or into the U.S. and allows the atto
rney general to order long-term detentions if he has “reasonable grounds to believ
e that the alien is engaged in any activity that endangers the national security
of the United States.” Last year alone, Ashcroft personally issued 170 emergency
domestic spying warrants, permitting agents to carry out wiretaps and search hom
es and offices for up to 72 hours before requesting a search warrant from the Fo
reign Intelligence Surveillance Court. "
Freedom has apparently become so fragile that citizens can no longer be permitte
d to know how often their government invades their privacy.
The Patriot Act was rushed into law before any effort was made to understand why
the feds failed to stop the 9/11 attacks. The government could have done a bett
er job of tracking the terrorist suspects, but the feds had all the relevant inf
ormation to detect and block the conspiracy to hijack four airplanes. The Joint
House-Senate Intelligence Committee observed that the FBI’s negligence “contributed
to the United States becoming, in effect, a sanctuary for radical terrorists.” Its
investigation concluded, “It is at least a possibility that increased analysis, s
haring and focus would have drawn greater attention to the growing potential for
a major terrorist attack in the United States involving the aviation industry.”
But the administration rewarded failure by the FBI and intelligence agencies wit
h bigger budgets, more power, and presidential commendations. There is nothing i
n the Patriot Act that can solve the problem of FBI agents who do not understand
the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act or solve the shortage of CIA and Nati
onal Security Agency employees who can read intercepted messages in the language
s of prime terrorist threats. Neither does the legislation compensate for lackad
aisical federal agents who failed to add promptly the names of al-Qaeda members
to terrorism watch-lists or of analysts who ignored the cascading warnings of te
rrorists using stolen airplanes as flying bombs. The success of the 9/11 hijacke
rs was due far more to a lack of government competence than to a shortfall in go
vernment power. Yet the Bush administration has successfully suppressed investig
ations and revelations of federal failures, thereby permitting Ashcroft and othe
rs to portray new government powers as the key to national safety.
The Justice Department isn’t the only agency taking aim at American liberties. The
Department of Transportation has compiled secret “no fly” lists of passengers suspe
cted of terrorist ties—or at least those critical of the administration. In one in
stance, two dozen members of a peace group, students chaperoned by a priest and
nun, were detained en route to a teach-in thus missing their flight.The Departme
nt of Defense is piling on with its Total Information Awareness program. TIA’s goa
l is to stockpile as much information as possible about everyone on Earth—thereby
allowing government to protect everyone from everything. New York Times columnis
t William Safire warned, “Every purchase you make with a credit card, every magazi
ne subscription you buy and medical prescription you fill, every Web site you vi
sit and e-mail you send or receive, every academic grade you receive, every bank
deposit you make, every trip you book and every event you attend—all these transa
ctions and communications will go into what the Defense Department describes as ‘a
virtual, centralized grand database.’” Columnist Ted Rall noted that the feds will
even scan “veterinary records. The TIA believes that knowing if and when Fluffy go
t spayed —and whether your son stopped torturing Fluffy after you put him on Rital
in—will help the military stop terrorists before they strike.”
Congress passed a law seeking to rein in TIA. The Pentagon, however, is barging
forward, and the congressional provision specifies that if Bush formally certifi
es that TIA is necessary for national security, the law is null and void.
Coming Soon: Patriot II (Sorry folks this is a little out dated but very relevan
In February, the Center for Public Integrity obtained and released an 86-page dr
aft version of the Domestic Security Enhancement Act—quickly dubbed Patriot II. No
tations on the Justice Department document—stamped “Confidential—Not for Distribution” o
n every page—showed that it had already been sent to Vice President Cheney and Hou
se Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.). Justice Department spokesman Mark Corallo di
smisses DSEA as a benign sequel, “filling in the holes” in the Patriot Act.
Section 101 of the proposed bill, titled “Individual Terrorists as Foreign Powers,”
would revise the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to permit the U.S.
government to label individuals who are suspected terrorists—including American c
itizens—as “foreign powers” for the purpose of conducting total surveillance of their
activities. This alteration nullifies all Fourth Amendment rights of the target,
allowing the government to tap phones, search computers, and read e-mail—even whe
n there is no evidence that a citizen is violating any statute. If Section 101 b
ecomes law, the more people the feds wrongfully accuse of being terrorists, the
more power federal agents will receive.
Americans suspected of gathering information for a foreign power could be subjec
t to FISA surveillance even though they were violating no law and the informatio
n gathered did not pertain to national security. The administration’s confidential
explanation of proposed Section 102 notes, “Requiring the additional showing that
the intelligence gathering violates the laws of the United States is both unnec
essary and counterproductive, as such activities threaten the national security
regardless of whether they are illegal.” But, as the ACLU noted, “This amendment wou
ld permit electronic surveillance of a local activist who was preparing a report
on human rights for London-based Amnesty International, a ‘foreign political orga
nization,’ even if the activist was not engaged in any violation of law.”
While some parts of the new bill would overturn federal court decisions, Section
106 is more visionary, seeking to negate principles established in the Nurember
g trials: that following orders is no excuse for violating the law. As proposed,
it would permit federal agents illegally to wiretap and surveil and leak damagi
ng personal information on Americans—as long as they are following orders from the
president or the attorney general. The Senate COINTELPRO investigation revealed
how President Johnson and top Nixon aides personally ordered federal agents to
conduct illegal surveillance of political opponents and others, though neither t
he FBI nor LBJ was ever held accountable. This proposal is a further attempt to
make federal agents legally untouchable and could encourage law-breaking at ever
y level of the federal government.
Section 129, entitled “Strengthening Access to and Use of Information in National
Security Investigations,” would empower federal agents to issue “national security l
etters” that compel businesses and other institutions to surrender confidential or
proprietary information without a court order. Anyone hit with such a letter wi
ll be obliged to remain forever silent on the demand with disclosure punishable
by up to five years in prison. The ACLU noted that this provision would “reduce ju
dicial oversight of terrorism investigations by relegating the role of the judge
to considering challenges to orders already issued, rather than ensuring such o
rders are drawn with due regard for the privacy and other interests of the targe
t.” This turns the Fourth Amendment on its head by creating a presumption that the
government is entitled to personal or confidential information unless the citiz
en or business can prove to a federal judge that the “national security letter” shou
ld not be enforced against them. But few Americans can afford the cost of litiga
ting against the world’s largest law firm—the U.S. Justice Department —to preserve the
ir privacy.
Secret mass arrests could be the result of Section 201. The provision notes, “Alth
ough existing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemptions … permit the government
to protect information relating to detainees, defending this interpretation thr
ough litigation requires extensive Department of Justice resources, which would
be better spent detecting and incapacitate [sic] terrorists.” In the wake of 9/11,
the feds locked up over 1,200 “special interest” detainees and continually insisted
that none of their names or details of their cases could be disclosed without e
ndangering national survival, though federal courts denounced the secret arrests
as “odious to democracy” or “profoundly undemocratic.” To save the Justice Department t
he bother of having to defend secret round-ups, the Bush administration now seek
s to amend the federal statute book to imitate repressive dictatorships around t
he globe.
Section 312, “Appropriate Remedies with Respect to Law Enforcement Surveillance Ac
tivities,” would unleash local law enforcement to spy on Americans, nullifying alm
ost all federal, state, and local court “consent decrees” that restrict the power of
local and state police. The administration complains that such decrees result i
n police lacking “the ability to use the full range of investigative techniques th
at are lawful under the Constitution, and that are available to the FBI.” But, in
every case, consent decrees were imposed after gross abuses of citizens’ rights by
the police. The administration draft bill explanation declares, “All surviving de
crees would have to be necessary to correct a current and ongoing violation of a
Federal right, extend no further than necessary to correct the violation of the
Federal right, and be narrowly drawn and the least intrusive means to correct t
he violation.” Historically, the Supreme Court has required the federal government
to use the “least intrusive means” to achieve some policy in cases involving the Fi
rst Amendment, in order to prevent any unnecessary restriction of freedom of spe
ech. The administration now demands the “least intrusive” restrictions on government
Section 402 would permit U.S. attorneys to prosecute Americans for aiding terror
ist organizations even if they made donations to organizations that the U.S. gov
ernment did not publicly label as terrorist groups. Yale Law School professor Ja
ck Balkin said, “Give a few dollars to a Muslim charity Ashcroft thinks is a terro
rist organization and you could be on the next plane out of this country.” Robert
Higgs of the Independent Institution warns that the feds “can categorize the most
innocent action”—such as “signing a petition”—as an act of terrorism.
Users of Pretty Good Privacy and other common encryption software could face gre
ater perils from Section 404, which creates “a new, separate crime of using encryp
tion technology that could add five years or more to any sentence for crimes com
mitted with a computer,” the ACLU notes. Encryption software is routinely included
on new computers and is commonly used for business transactions. The Justice De
partment thus seeks to treat use of encryption software the same way that the fe
deral government treats gun possession—something sinister enough to justify routin
ely doubling or tripling prison sentences for people who violate other federal s
tatutes, regardless of whether the gun was actually used.
Critics label Section 501 of the bill the “citizenship death penalty.” Under existin
g law, an American must state his intent to relinquish his citizenship in order
to lose it. Under this provision, intent “need not be manifested in words but can
be inferred from conduct,” thus empowering the Justice Department to strip America
ns of their citizenship if the feds accuse them of supporting terrorism—either dom
estic or international. The American Immigration Lawyers Association cautions th
at, under this provision, “targeted [U.S. citizens] potentially could find themsel
ves consigned to indefinite detention as undocumented immigrants in their own co
Shortly after the text of Patriot II surfaced, the attorney general was asked at
a press conference about this expansion of federal power. He refused to confirm
plans formally to propose Patriot II but did declare, “Every day we are asking ea
ch other, what can we do to be more successful in securing the freedoms of Ameri
ca and sustaining the liberty, the tolerance, the human dignity that America rep
resents, and how can we do a better job in defeating the threat of terrorism.”
Despite Ashcroft’s reassurances, resistance is building. Eighty-nine cities have p
assed resolutions condemning the Patriot Act, and a coalition is stretching acro
ss ideological lines to oppose it. Recently the ACLU drafted a letter to Congres
s and found 67 organizations from the conservative Gun Owners of America to the
liberal La Raza eager to sign on. They accuse Patriot II of “new and sweeping law
enforcement and intelligence gathering powers, many of which are not related to
terrorism, that would severely dilute, if not undermine, basic constitutional ri
ghts.” Three months after 9/11, Ashcroft announced, “To those who scare peace-loving
people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this, your tactics only aid
terrorists for they erode our national unity and ... give ammunition to America
n’s enemies.” Ashcroft is wrong to portray any criticism of Bush administration civi
l liberties policies as aiding and abetting terrorism. America is overdue for a
searching examination of the powers the Bush administration has seized and the p
owers it is seeking.
James Bovard is the author of the forthcoming Terrorism & Tyranny: How Bush’s Crus
ade is Sabotaging Freedom, Justice, and Peace.
Well folks, those are just a few of the goodies that the Bush administration con
tributed to the decline of the American Dream. Just ask yourself, if you care,
is this America? It s not the America I grew up in and believed to be the great
est nation on earth.
Now we have a president/puppet who openly embraces the leveling of American stat
us in the world. He wants us to no longer be a world power, he wants us to be co
mpletely reliant on the government for food, news, medical, and a host of other
What happened to government serving the people? Look up the definition! We now
serve the government and are permitting the government to take away our rights
daily! Wake up America! Get your heads out of your asses and see what s being
done to us!

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