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Campaign Creation

1. Creating a New Fields

Steps: - 1. Start Configuration Manager => Give the Username and Password.

After login this screen will open.

2. In Resources, Go To Fields=>Fields => Right Click=> New=>Field.

3. New Field Wizard will open.

4. In New Field Wizard
Name: - Give the Name of theField. Example:-record_id.
Data Type: - Select Data Type such as varchar.
Description: -Description Keep it Blank.
Length: -Give the length to the field. Example:-100.
Field Type: - Select the Field Type. Such asUser-Defined Field.
Default: - Check the Checkbox as Nullable.
5. Click On Apply& Ok.
6. Field is created.

2. Creating a New Format

Steps: - The Steps Are: - 1. In Resources, Go To Formats => Right Click=>New=>Format.

2. New Format Wizard will open.

3. In New Format Wizard:

Name: - Give the Name of the Format. Example:-Welcome Call.

4. Click on Ok.
5. After Creating a Format, Click on that Format Example:-Welcome Call
6. Right Click => New => Shortcut to Field.

7. In that Browser, select all the Fields which aremandatory. But don’t select the following
contact_info and contact_info_type.
8. Click On Apply and Ok.
9. Formats will be created.
Remember Note:-Select the newly created field in the format.
3. Creating a Table Access
Steps: - 1. In Resources, Go To Table Access.In Table Access=> Right Click=>

New=>Table Access.

2. New Table Access wizard will open.

3. In New Table Access Wizard:

Name: - Give the Table Name Example: Voicemail Callback.

Table Type: - In Table Type Select Calling List option.

Description: - Give the Description.

DB Access Point: -Click on browse icon and Select DAP (Database Access Point).

Example- For Outbound- OCS_DAP

Format: -In Format, Click on browse icon and select format that has beencreated.

Example: -Welcome Call.

Database Table: - Give the table name.

Remember Note: Name and Database Table Name should be same.(To avoid the

4. Click On Apply and Ok.

4. Creating a Calling List

Steps: - 1.In Resources, Go to Calling List => Right Click=>New=>Calling List.

2. In Calling List wizard:

Name: -Give the name of the calling list. For Example:-Email

Description: - Give the Description.

Table Access: - Click onbrowse icon and select created table access.

3. Click on Apply &Ok.

5. Creating a Campaign

Steps: - 1.In Resources, Go To Campaign=> Right Click=>New=>Campaign.

2. In Campaign wizard:

Name: -Give the name of thecampaign. For Example: - Wellcome Call.


Description: -Keep It Blank.

Calling List TAB: - Click on calling list tab. Then click on Add Button.
3. In this wizard, Click on browse icon.

4. Select created Calling List.

6. Click on Ok.

7. New Campaign will be created.

Remember Note: - Select Agent Group for created Campaigns.

Go to Campaigns => Click on Created campaigns =>For Example:-Welcome Calling.

Click on campaign groups.

Click On this icon.

In this wizard => Click on Browse icon.

In Object Name, Select Agent Groups for created campaigns => Click on Ok.
In Advance tab,

- Browse for ‘Voice Transfer Destination’ – select SIP_Switch – Select DNs – Select
OBRPs. Create a new DN with type ‘Routing Point’
- Select ‘Dialing Mode’
Under Connection Tab,

- Add SIP Server and STAT Server connection

- Click OK and the campaign group is created
After Campaign is created open Interaction Routing Designer,

- Create a cop of an existing campaign strategy and give it a name.

Then Double click on Selection Block, under Target Selection tab select the agent group created
for the new campaign.
Save the Strategy. On the left pane, select Monitoring and then click on Loading,

Browse through the Routing Points and right-click on the RP created for the new campaign.
Select Load Strategy and select the newly created Strategy from the list.
Go to Genesys Administrator and Browse to Calling List under Operation tab.

Select a calling list from the search box and then select the newly created calling list from the

You will be prompted with a dialog box which will ask to create a table. Click on Yes.

Campaign is created and now you can upload data and test the same.

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