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7 Emission Sources and Use of Resources

7 Direct Emission
8 Energy and Water Consumption
9 Paper Consumption
9 Business Air Travels
9 Wastes
9 Hazardous Waste
10 Non-hazardous Waste
10 Packaging Materials


11 Employment and Labour Practices

11 Employment
14 Employee Health and Safety
15 Development and Training
16 Operating Practices
16 Supply Chain Management
16 Product Responsibility
18 Anti-corruption
18 Community Investment
Sino Vision Worldwide Holdings Limited (the “Company”, together 新維國際控股有限公司(「本公司」,連同其附屬公
with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) is pleased to present this 司 統 稱「本 集 團」)根 據 香 港 聯 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司
Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Report in GEM 證券上市規則附錄 20 所載的環境、社會及管
accordance with the Environmental, Social and Governance 治報告指引(「環境、社會及管治報告指引」)欣然呈
Reporting Guide (“ESG Guide”), as set out in Appendix 20 of 列本環境、社會及管治(「環境、社會及管治」)報告。
the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on GEM of the Stock 本報告旨在均衡闡述我們在四大範疇—僱傭及勞工
Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. This report aims to provide a 常規、營運常規、環境保護及社區參與的主要環境、
balanced representation of our major ESG policies, initiatives and 社會及管治政策、舉措及本集團表現。
performances of the Group in the four main areas – employment
and labour practices, operating practices, environmental
protection and community participation.

The Group was engaged in the business of e-commerce and 本集團從事電子商務及於 提供網上銷售平
provision of online sales platform on, money lending, 台、借貸及提供物業管理及物業代理服務業務。自
and provision of property management and property agency 二零一七年八月起,本集團亦從事經營知識產權(「知
services. Starting from August 2017, the Group was also 識產權」)授權及國際知識產權開發、媒體綜合營銷、
engaged in the business of operation of intellectual properties 分銷代理及買賣運動及相關用品業務。電子商務及
(“IP”) rights licensing and international IP development, media 知識產權授權及開發業務已成為本集團的主要業務
integrated marketing, distribution agency and trading of sports 營運,貢獻本集團收入 90% 以上,因此其業務營運
and related products business. The businesses of e-commerce 列入報告範圍。
and IP licensing and development has been the Group’s major
business operations and contributed to more than 90% of the
Group’s revenue, thus their business operations are included in
the reporting scope.

The scope of this report covers the Group’s overall environmental 除另有說明外,本報告的範圍涵蓋本集團在香港黃
and social performances of the business operations in the two 竹坑及觀塘的兩個辦公室及在中國深圳及上海的兩
offices in Wong Chuk Hang and Kwun Tong of Hong Kong, and 個辦公室的業務營運於自二零一八年七月一日起
the two offices in Shenzhen and Shanghai of the PRC, for the 至二零一九年六月三十日止報告期間(「報告期間」)
reporting period which commenced on 1 July 2018 and ended 的整體環境及社會表現。
on 30 June 2019 (the “Reporting Period”), unless otherwise

2 Sino Vision Worldwide Holdings Limited | Environmental, Social and Governance Report
The Group firmly believes in the need to prioritize environmental 本集團深信,我們需要將環境及社會責任排定優先
and social responsibilities and continues to seek ways to improve 次序,並持續尋求改善其環境管理體系的方法。
its environmental management system.

In addition to achieving our business objectives, we recognize 除達致業務目標之外,我們認識到我們有責任以更

our responsibility to operate in a more responsible and 負責及可持續的方式經營業務,將環境、社會及管
sustainable manner by integrating ESG considerations into our 治考慮因素融入我們的日常營運中。
day-to-day operations.

Based on our experience and communication we have with our 根據我們的經驗以及與客戶、外部組織和僱員之間

clients, external organisations and our employees, the Group 的溝通,本集團整合六個與我們業務相關的不同持
consolidated six different groups of stakeholders that are relevant 份者組別。該等組別包括我們的管理層、一般員工、
to our business. These include our management, general staff, 社區、客戶、投資者及股東、供應商及業務合作夥伴。
community, customers, investors and shareholders, suppliers and
business partners.

The Group tries its utmost best to communicate with its 本集團竭力透過各種溝通渠道與其主要內部和外部
key internal and external stakeholders through various 持份者溝通。持份者的參與使本集團能夠確保業務
communication channels. Stakeholder participation allows the 及可持續發展策略與持份者的觀點和期望保持一致。
Group to ensure our business and sustainability strategies align
with the stakeholders’ perspectives and expectations.

環境、社會及管治報告 | 新維國際控股有限公司 3
The following table illustrates our key internal and external 下表說明我們的主要內部及外部持份者,以及彼等
stakeholders with their expectations, communication channels 的期望、溝通渠道及我們為促進溝通而採取的措施。
and the measures we carry out to facilitate the communication.

Stakeholder Group Engaged Engagement Channels

所參與持份者組別 參與渠道

Internal stakeholders Management – Regular meetings

內部持份者 管理層 - 定期會議

General staff – Regular meetings

– Orientation activities
– Notice boards
– Annual appraisal meetings
– Employee engagement activities
一般員工 - 定期會議
- 迎新活動
- 告示板
- 年度評估會議
- 僱員參與活動

External stakeholders Community – Media conferences

外部持份者 社區 - 媒體會議

Customers – Website and social media

– Day-to-day communication with frontline staff
– Customer feedback mechanism
– Hotlines
客戶 - 網站及社交媒體
- 與前線員工的日常溝通
- 客戶反饋機制
- 熱線電話

Investors and shareholders – Investor Meetings

– General Meetings
– Annual and interim report
– Press releases and announcements
投資者及股東 - 投資者會議
- 股東大會
- 年度及中期報告
- 新聞稿及公告

Suppliers and business partners – On-site evaluation visits and meetings

– Owner’s Committee meetings
– Regular Meetings
供應商及業務合作夥伴 - 實地評估訪問及會議
- 業主委員會會議
- 定期會議

4 Sino Vision Worldwide Holdings Limited | Environmental, Social and Governance Report
Following the communication with our senior management 在與高級管理層和營運人員溝通後,考慮到與本集
and operational staff, we assessed ESG issues relevant to the 團有關的環境、社會及管治問題對持份者以及本集
Group by considering their importance to our stakeholders 團的重要性,我們已對其作出評估。於報告期間內,
as well as the Group. During the Reporting Period, external 外部持份者(包括客戶、供應商及業務合作夥伴)已
stakeholders (including clients, suppliers and business partners) 參與本集團就本環境、社會及管治報告而進行的重
had participated in the Group’s materiality assessment which 要性評估。本集團已於評估中確定五個重要方面(包
were conducted for the purpose of this ESG report. Five material 括供應鏈管理、知識產權、反貪污、客戶隱私及勞
aspects had been identified in the assessment, including Supply 工準則)。
chain management, IP, Anti-corruption, Customer privacy, and
Labour standards.

The Group’s Environment & Social Policy guides the Group’s 本集團的環境及社會政策為本集團的業務及營運決
business and operational decisions to take into account its 策提供指引,使本集團考慮於環境、社會及管治各
responsibility in the ESG dimensions. With the aim of contributing 方面須承擔的責任。我們致力於因時制宜,經營以
our effort to protecting the environment and supporting the 可持續發展為主的業務,務求保護環境及支持社會。
society, we are dedicated to leading a business driven primarily 我們認為在經營業務方面要為環境和社會負責任,
by sustainability through tides of change. We emphasise the 必須以可持續方式制定計劃,因此我們強調可持續
significance of sustainable development in our operational 發展在營運策略中的重要性。
strategies as we believe to act responsibly, we must plan


The Group welcomes stakeholders’ feedback on its ESG 本集團歡迎持份者就其環境、社會及管治方針及表
approach and performance. Please give your suggestions or 現提供反饋。 閣下可透過以下任何渠道向本集團
share your views with the Group through any channel below: 提出建議或分享意見:

Email: 電郵:

Website: 網站:

Address: Unit 9, 28/F, W50, 50 Wong Chuk Hang Road, 地址: 香港黃竹坑黃竹坑道 50 號 W50
Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong 28 樓 9 室

Phone: (852) 2197 8700 電話: (852) 2197 8700

The Group’s business operations were office-based, in 本集團的業務營運乃在辦公室進行,其中重大排放
which significant emissions were mainly related to electricity 主要與用電有關。其他排放源頭包括本集團自有車
consumption. Other emission sources included petrol 輛的汽油消耗、淡水處理、污水處理、垃圾堆填區
consumption for Group-owned vehicles, freshwater processing, 處置的廢紙及商務航空旅行。其辦公室產生的有害
sewage treatment, paper disposed at landfill and business air 廢棄物主要為清潔劑、電氣及電子廢棄物,而產生
travel. Hazardous wastes generated from its offices were mainly 的無害廢棄物主要為紙張。儘管本集團對環境所產
cleaning detergents, electrical and electronic wastes while 生的排放影響甚微,我們仍致力採納環保措施以及
non- hazardous wastes generated were mainly paper. Despite 可持續建築方式及物料,以提升香港建築環境的可
the insignificant emission impact the Group has made to the 持續性,並減少我們的辦公室所消耗的能源及資源。
environment, we strive to adopt environmental friendly measures 於報告期間內,本集團並不知悉任何有關大氣及溫
and sustainable construction approaches and materials to 室氣體排放(「溫室氣體排放」)、向水及土地排污以
enhance the sustainability of building environment in Hong Kong, 及產生有害及無害廢棄物的重大違規個案。
and to reduce energy and resource consumption in our office.
During the Reporting Period, the Group did not note any cases of
material non-compliance in relation to air and greenhouse gas
emissions (“GHG Emissions”), discharge into water and land, and
the generation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

環境、社會及管治報告 | 新維國際控股有限公司 5
2017/18 2018/19
二零一七╱一八年 二零一八╱一九年
Emission Total Emission Total
(in tCO2e) Emission (in tCO2e) Emission
排放量 (in %) 排放量 (in %) Percentage
Aspects (噸二氧化碳 總排放量 (噸二氧化碳 總排放量 Comparison
範疇 當量) (%) 當量) (%) 百分比比較

Scope 1
範圍 1
Direct GHG Emissions 1.78 1% 8.99 5% +405%

Scope 2
範圍 2
Indirect GHG Emissions 116.89 83% 133.44 82% +14%

Scope 3
範圍 3
Other Indirect GHG Emissions 21.94 16% 21.14 13% –4%
– Freshwater and sewage 1.24 1.47 +19%
– Paper waste disposal 0.05 0.1 +100%
– Business air travel 20.65 19.57 –5%

Total 140.61 100% 163.57 100% +16%


Notes: 附註:

• Reference was made to Appendix 20 to the GEM Listing Rules • 除另有說明外,排放系數乃參考香港聯合交易所

and the relevant guidance of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong 有限公司 GEM 上市規則附錄 20 及有關指引。
Limited for the emission factors, unless stated otherwise.

• tCO2e represents tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. • 噸二氧化碳當量指噸二氧化碳當量。

• Combined margin emission factor of 0.63 tCO2/MWh and 0.70 • 於中國廣東省及上海購買電力採用的合併邊際排

tCO2/MWh were used for purchased electricity in Guangdong 放系數分別為 0.63 噸二氧化碳╱兆瓦時及 0.70 噸
Province and Shanghai of the PRC respectively. 二氧化碳╱兆瓦時。

6 Sino Vision Worldwide Holdings Limited | Environmental, Social and Governance Report
During the Reporting Period, the Group produced a total of 於 報 告 期 間 內,本 集 團 於 整 個 集 團 範 圍 內 共 產 生
163.57 tonnes of carbon emissions (mainly carbon dioxide, 163.57 噸碳排放(主要為二氧化碳、甲烷及氧化亞
methane and nitrous oxide) across the Group. Through 氮)。透過不斷努力減少汽油消耗,本集團認為,
continuous efforts in reducing petrol consumption, the Group 此將導致溫室氣體排放水平下降,並在環境、社會
believes that it would lead to a dwindling level of greenhouse 及管治管理方面取得更好的進展。與此同時,範圍
gas emission and progress towards a better stewardship in 3 溫室氣體排放的減少主要是由於報告期間內業務
ESG management. Meanwhile, the reduction in Scope 3 GHG 活動減少導致商務旅行需求減少所致。
Emissions was mainly due to the decrease in business activities
during the Reporting Period which led to decrease in demand for
business travels.

Emission Sources and Use of Resources 排放源頭及資源利用

Direct Emission 直接排放
During the Reporting Period, the air pollutants of NO x and RSP 於報告期間內,大氣污染物 NOx 及 RSP 大幅增加,
increased in a large margin, whereas the air pollutants of SOx 而大氣污染物 SOx 保持不變。有關變動主要是由於
remain unchanged. The changes were mainly due to the 車輛使用較上一報告期間增加所致。本集團意識到
increased usage of vehicles comparing to last reporting period. 使用車輛所產生的大氣污染物,並會考慮於下一報
The Group is aware of the air pollutants generated from vehicles 告期間採用更環保的燃料類型(如電力或其他生物
usage and will consider to use a more environment-friendly 質資源)以減少碳足跡。
fuel type, such as electricity or other biomass sources, in the
upcoming reporting period to reduce carbon footprint.

Employees have been educated and encouraged to switch off 本集團教育並鼓勵僱員在不使用時關閉電子設備,

electronic equipment when not in use, and set printers to energy 將打印機設置閒置時為節能模式,並在辦公時間結
saving mode when idle. Air conditioning and lighting systems 束後關閉空調和照明系統。本集團亦採取措施減少
are switched off after office hours. Measures have also been in 無害廢棄物的數量。我們相信,透過本集團在減少
place to reduce the amount of non-hazardous waste. We believe 資源使用及產生無害廢棄物方面的持續努力,其將
through continuous effort of the Group in reducing resources 帶來更高的營運效率、更環保及無紙化的工作場所,
usage and generation of non-hazardous waste, it would bring 從而不斷減少紙張使用量,並進一步保護環境。
greater operational efficiency, eco-friendly and paperless
workplace, leading to continuous reduction of paper usage, and
further environmental impact protection.

Air Pollutant Emission (kg)

大氣污染物排放(千克) Percentage
Air emission 2017/18 2018/19 Comparison
大氣排放 二零一七╱一八年 二零一八╱一九年 百分比比較

Nitrogen oxides (NOx) 0.47 2.61 +455%

氮氧化物 (NOx)
Sulphur oxides (SOx) <0.01 0.07 +600%
硫氧化物 (SOx)
Respiratory suspended particles (RSP) 0.03 0.19 +533%
可吸入懸浮粒子 (RSP)

環境、社會及管治報告 | 新維國際控股有限公司 7
Energy and Water Consumption 能源消耗及用水
During the Reporting Period, the Group consumed 4,504 L of 於報告期間內,本集團自有車輛消耗 4,504 升汽油,
petrol for Group-owned vehicles, 211.81 MWh of electricity and 日常營運消耗 211.81 兆瓦時電力及 2,496 立方米水。
2,496 m3 of water for daily operations. The reduction of office 辦公室面積和員工人數分別減少 34% 及 58%,這是
area and staff numbers, decreased by 34% and 58% respectively, 導致能源消耗及用水密度出現百分比不尋常變動的
were the major cause that led to an unusual percentage 主要原因。本集團持續記錄資源用量,以發掘機會
change in intensity of energy and water consumption. The 保護自然資源。
Group keeps track of resources used to explore opportunities in
conserving natural resources.

消耗 Percentage
Aspects Unit 2017/18 2018/19 Comparison
範疇 單位 二零一七╱一八年 二零一八╱一九年 百分比比較

Petrol consumption and intensity MWh 5.85 38.6 +560%

汽油消耗及密度 兆瓦時
kWh/m2 1.77 18.4 +940%
kWh/staff 36.33 402.3 +1007%

Electricity consumption and intensity MWh 182.21 211.81 +16%

用電量及密度 兆瓦時
kWh/m2 55.10 101.03 +83%
kWh/staff 1,131.74 2,206.35 +95%

Water consumption and intensity m3 2,089.16 2,496.00 +19%

用水量及密度 立方米
m3/m2 0.63 1.19 +89%
m3/staff 12.98 26 +100%

Monitored by the administration department, the Group 在行政部門的監督下,本集團保持最佳環境常規以

maintains best environmental practices to use energy efficiently 有效利用能源,從而減少溫室氣體排放。該等措施
and hence mitigate GHG Emissions. These measures include: 包括:

a) keeping light fixtures and lamps clean to maximize a) 保持燈飾及燈具清潔,以最大限度地提高

efficiency, and turning off all lights and electronic 效率,並在不使用時關閉所有燈具及電器;
appliances when not in use;

b) setting the computers to automatic standby or sleeping b) 將電腦設置閒置時為自動待機或睡眠模式;

mode when idling;

c) turning off power of electronic appliances, lights and air c) 假期前關閉電器、燈具及空調的電源;及

conditioners before holidays; and

d) reviewing the Group’s internal policies and practices d) 定期檢討本集團的內部政策及常規,以尋

regularly so as to seek opportunities for integrating 求機會將環境考慮因素納入工作程序。
environmental considerations into working procedures.

8 Sino Vision Worldwide Holdings Limited | Environmental, Social and Governance Report
Water is not used in the provision of services with respect to 提供電子商務及知識產權授權及開發服務並不涉及
both e-commerce and IP licensing and development, but a little 用水,但員工的日常活動不可避免地少量用水。由
amount is unavoidably consumed for daily activities of staff. Only 於其他辦公室的消耗量由該辦公室的樓宇管理辦公
water consumption of the Group’s Shenzhen office was included 室管理,無法獲得用水數據,故僅本集團深圳辦公
in total water consumption of the Group as consumption of other 室的用水量計入本集團用水總量。本集團已實施若
offices were managed by the office’s building management 干措施以節約水資源,例如使用雙掣式沖廁馬桶、
office, thus water usage data are not available. The Group 為水龍頭安裝紅外線傳感器及使用帶有節水標籤的
has implemented a number of measures to conserve water 便池設備。本集團亦於廁內貼上節水提醒標籤,以
resources, such as using dual-flush toilets, installing infrared 提高員工的節水意識。於報告期間,本集團並不知
sensors for faucets and using urinal equipment with water 悉為其營運求取水源的問題。
efficient label. Water- saving reminder labels are also posted in
toilets to raise employees’ awareness of water saving. No issue in
sourcing water for the Group’s operation had been noted in the
Reporting Period.

Paper Consumption 用紙
A total of 20 kg of paper have been used and disposed of for 於 報 告 期 間 內,日 常 辦 公 業 務 已 使 用 及 處 置 合 共
daily office operations during the Reporting Period. The Group 20 千 克 紙 張。本 集 團 致 力 於 透 過 重 複 使 用 紙 張 以
strives to minimize paper waste by reusing paper. During the 減 少 紙 張 浪 費。於 報 告 期 間 內,已 重 複 使 用 25 千
Reporting Period, 25 kg of paper had been reused. Employees 克紙張。本集團時常提醒僱員重複使用單面廢紙並
are constantly reminded to reuse single-side used paper and 採用雙面打印。
adopt two-sided printing.

Business Air Travels 商務航空旅行

During the Reporting Period, employees travelled by air for 於報告期間內,僱員乘坐航班參加商務會議,產生
business meetings, resulting in 19.57 tCO2e emission. The Group 了 19.57 噸二氧化碳當量排放。本集團了解長途商
understands that long travelling for business trips will increase 務旅行會增加能源消耗,繼而增加溫室氣體排放,
energy consumption and lead to an increase in greenhouse gas 因此本集團積極減少商務差旅次數,改用其他有效
emissions. Consequently, the Group actively reduces the number 的溝通方式,透過電話會議或視頻會議取代長途旅
of business trips and alternatively uses other effective means 行參加的會議及培訓。
of communication by teleconference or video conference to
replace meetings and trainings which need long travelling.

Wastes 廢棄物
Hazardous Waste 有害廢棄物
During the Reporting Period, a total of 31 kg of hazardous wastes 於報告期間內,本集團共產生 31 千克有害廢棄物,
were generated by the Group, which included 16 kg of cleaning 其中包括 16 千克清潔劑及 15 千克電氣及電子廢棄
detergents and 15 kg of electrical and electronic wastes. The 物。本集團意識到有害廢棄物對健康及環境的影響,
Group is aware of the health and environmental impacts of 並力求盡可能減少有害廢棄物的產生。
hazardous wastes and strives to reduce generation of hazardous
waste whenever possible.

環境、社會及管治報告 | 新維國際控股有限公司 9
Non-hazardous Waste 無害廢棄物
During the Reporting Period, paper was the Group’s major 於報告期間內,紙張乃本集團無害廢棄物的主要源
source of non-hazardous wastes. A total of 8 kg of waste paper 頭。於報告期間內,共產生 8 千克廢紙。本集團提
have been generated during the Reporting Period. Employees 醒僱員盡可能減少廢棄物的產生、重複使用及回收
are reminded to reduce waste generation, reuse and recycle 利用資源。
resources whenever possible.

Waste Disposal (kg)

廢棄物處置(千克) Percentage
Waste disposal 2017/18 2018/19 Comparison
廢棄物處置 二零一七╱一八年 二零一八╱一九年 百分比比較

Hazardous wastes 24 31 +29%

– Cleaning detergents 14 16 +14%
– Electrical and electronic wastes 10 15 +50%
Non-hazardous wastes (paper waste) 10 8 –20%

Total 34 39 +15%

Packaging Materials 包裝物料

A total of 394 kg of packaging materials had been consumed in 於報告期間,包裝產品共消耗 394 千克包裝物料,
the Reporting Period for packaging of products which included 包括 150 千克紙管、40 千克氣泡膜及 204 千克紙箱。
150 kg of paper tubes, 40 kg of bubble wrap and 204 kg of paper 與二零一八年相比,在減少使用包裝物料的同時,
boxes. The Group shortened packaging waste sent to landfills by 本集團運至垃圾堆填區的包裝廢料減少了 65%。
65% comparing to 2018, while using less packaging materials.

10 Sino Vision Worldwide Holdings Limited | Environmental, Social and Governance Report
Employment and Labour Practices 僱傭及勞工常規
Employment 僱傭
The Group had a total number of 96 employees as at 30 June 於二零一九年六月三十日,本集團共有 96 名僱員。
2019. The composition of the employees by employment type, by 本集團按僱傭類別、性別、年齡段及地域劃分的僱
gender, by age group and by geographical region are shown as 員組成列示如下。

年度 Percentage
Total Workforce by Employment Type 2017/18 2018/19 Comparison
按僱傭類別劃分的員工總數 二零一七╱一八年 二零一八╱一九年 百分比比較

Full Time 182 94 –48%

Part Time 49 2 –96%

年度 Percentage
Total Workforce by Gender 2017/18 2018/19 Comparison
按性別劃分的員工總數 二零一七╱一八年 二零一八╱一九年 百分比比較

Male 120 48 –60%

Female 111 48 –57%

年度 Percentage
Total Workforce by Age Group 2017/18 2018/19 Comparison
按年齡段劃分的員工總數 二零一七╱一八年 二零一八╱一九年 百分比比較

18–25 65 19 –71%
18–25 歲
26–35 132 51 –61%
26–35 歲
36–45 23 18 –22%
36–45 歲
46–55 9 6 –33%
46–55 歲
56 above 2 2 –
56 歲及以上

年度 Percentage
Total Workforce by Geographical Region 2017/18 2018/19 Comparison
按地域劃分的員工總數 二零一七╱一八年 二零一八╱一九年 百分比比較

Mainland China 206 87 –58%

Other Country 2 – –100%
Hong Kong 23 9 –61%

環境、社會及管治報告 | 新維國際控股有限公司 11
Turnover Rates 流失率
A total of 46 employees left the Group during the Reporting 於 報 告 期 間 內,本 集 團 共 有 46 名 僱 員 離 職,整 體
Period, contributing to an overall turnover rate of 69%. Turnover 流失率為 69%。本集團按性別、年齡段及地域劃分
rates by gender, age group and geographical region are shown 的流失率列示如下。
as follows.

年度 Percentage
Turnover Rate by Gender 2017/18 2018/19 Comparison
按性別劃分的流失率 二零一七╱一八年 二零一八╱一九年 百分比比較

Male 42 71 +69%
Female 46 64 +39%

年度 Percentage
Turnover Rate by Age Group 2017/18 2018/19 Comparison
按年齡段劃分的流失率 二零一七╱一八年 二零一八╱一九年 百分比比較

18–25 22 20 –9%
18–25 歲
26–35 53 73 +38%
26–35 歲
36–45 7 33 +371%
36–45 歲
46–55 4 6 +50%
46–55 歲
56 above 1 3 +200%
56 歲及以上

年度 Percentage
Turnover Rate by Geographical Region 2017/18 2018/19 Comparison
按地域劃分的流失率 二零一七╱一八年 二零一八╱一九年 百分比比較

Mainland China 52 124 +138%

Other Country 1 – –100%
Hong Kong <1 11 +1000%

12 Sino Vision Worldwide Holdings Limited | Environmental, Social and Governance Report
Equal Opportunity and Labour Standard 平等機會及勞工準則
The Group strongly believes that employees are the most 本集團深信,僱員乃其可持續發展的最寶貴資產。
valuable asset for its sustainable development.

The Group strictly complies with the Hong Kong Employment 本集團嚴格遵守香港《僱傭條例》及其他法律僱傭
Ordinances and other legal employment requirements, 規定,避免任何童工、歧視、騷擾或違反香港法例
avoiding any child employment, discrimination, harassment or 的罪行。我們致力向僱員履行責任,尊重彼等的合
offenses against the laws of Hong Kong. We strive to fulfill our 法權利及利益,促進彼等的專業發展,改善工作環
responsibilities to employees, respects their legitimate rights and 境,並注重僱員的身體及精神健康,從而使本集團
interests, promote their professional development, improve our 及其僱員得以共同發展。
working environment and pay attention to the physical and
mental health of employees, in order to realise the common
development of the Group and its employees.

During the Reporting Period, the Group was not aware of any 於報告期間內,本集團並無知悉任何對本集團或其
litigation cases regarding labor and employment practices 僱員提起的有關勞工及僱傭常規的訴訟個案。
brought against the Group or its employees.

Competitive Compensation and Benefits Package 具競爭力的薪酬及福利待遇

The Group recruits through public platform, and regularly reviews 本集團透過公開平台招聘員工,定期審閱及更新有
and updates policies on remuneration and benefits, training, 關薪酬與福利、培訓及職業健康及安全的政策,確
and occupational health and safety, ensuring that all employees 保所有表現優秀的僱員獲得回報。我們提供具競爭
with excellent performances are rewarded. Competitive 力的薪酬待遇,每年參考相關市場趨勢及本公司薪
remuneration packages are offered to attract and retain high- 酬委員會的意見作出檢討,以吸引及挽留高質素人
calibre talents, which are reviewed annually with consideration 才。本集團提供年假、婚假、喪假、產假、哺乳休
of the relevant market trends and advice from the remuneration 息時間、社會保險及公積金,並與其僱員共同慶祝
committee of the Company. The Group offers annual leave, 生日、婚禮及不同節日等難忘時刻。
marriage leave, bereavement leave, maternity leave, lactation
breaks, social insurance and provident fund, and celebrates the
memorable moments with its employees during their birthdays,
weddings and different festivals.

環境、社會及管治報告 | 新維國際控股有限公司 13
With the aim to provide a fair work environment promoting a 為提供團結友愛的公平工作環境,本集團與其僱員
sense of camaraderie, the Group maintains close relationships 維持緊密關係。本集團已制定「員工手冊」及「薪酬
with its employees. The Group has formulated “Staff Handbook” 及 福 利 管 理 政 策」,為 僱 用、解 聘、業 務 操 守、社
and “Compensation and Benefits Management Policy” as 會保險金、報酬、僱員福利、離職福利、工時╱加
guidelines for employment, termination, business conduct, social 班及績效福利事宜提供指引,確保於報告期間內所
security funds, compensation, employee benefits, leave benefits, 有流程遵守香港及中國的適用僱傭及勞工相關的法
working hours/overtime and performance benefits, to ensure all 律及法規,包括:
the process complies with applicable employment and labour
related laws and regulations of Hong Kong and the PRC during
the Reporting Period, including:

• The Employment Ordinance (Chapter 57 of the Laws of • (香港法例第 57 章);

Hong Kong);

• The Minimum Wage Ordinance (Chapter 608 of the Laws • (香港法例第 608 章);
of Hong Kong);

• The Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Chapter 282 • (香港法例第 282 章);

of the Laws of Hong Kong);

• The Labour Law of the PRC; • 《中國勞動法》;

• The Labour Contract Law of the PRC; and • 《中國勞動合同法》;及

• The Social Insurance Law of the PRC. • 《中國社會保險法》。

No material non-compliance with laws and regulations regarding 於報告期間內,本集團並不知悉任何有關報酬及解

compensation and dismissal, recruitment and promotion, 僱、招聘及晉升、工時、休息時間及其他利益及福
working hours, rest periods and other benefits and welfare was 利的法律及法規的重大違規情況。
noted during the Reporting Period.

Employee Health and Safety 僱員健康及安全

The Group have developed a safety management and reporting 本集團已制定安全管理及匯報機制,以加強僱員的
mechanism to enhance the occupational health and safety 職業健康及安全意識以及體能,防止職業性危害。
awareness of our employees, their physical fitness and prevent 所有僱員須遵照安全指示,在嚴格規則下負有特定
occupational hazards. All employees are required to follow the 責任,並獲指示一旦發現安全危害須作出匯報,包
safety instruction and undertake specific responsibilities under 括不安全設備、常規或狀況。
strict rules, and are instructed to report safety hazards, including
unsafe equipment, practices or conditions when identified.

During the Reporting Period, body checks were provided to 於報告期間內,本集團向僱員提供身體檢查,提倡

employees to promote a healthy and balanced life style. 健康及平衡的生活方式。

The Group will continue to monitor the health of its employees 本集團將繼續監察其僱員的健康,並可能於僱員接
and may limit or alter the work of employees deemed to be 受醫療檢查或其他身體檢查後限制或變更被視為需
in need of special treatment after medical check-up or other 要作特別安排的僱員的工作。
physical examination.

During the Reporting Period, the Group did not find any cases of 於報告期間內,本集團並無發現任何有關僱員健康
non-compliance regarding employee health and safety, nor any 及安全的違規個案,亦無任何與工作有關的受傷或
work-related injury or fatalities. 致命事故。

14 Sino Vision Worldwide Holdings Limited | Environmental, Social and Governance Report
Development and Training 發展及培訓
The Group emphasizes the importance of employee training 本集團重視僱員培訓及發展的重要性,不單致力協
and development. It strives to assist employees not only in 助僱員汲取專業知識以履行職責,亦助其發展終身
acquiring professional knowledge to fulfil their duties, but also 事業。培訓包括內部及外部培訓、入職培訓、在職
in developing their lifelong career. Training includes internal, 培訓、能力及公司文化培訓。本集團全體董事均接
external, induction, on-the-job, capability and corporate culture 受全面、正式及度身訂造的入職培訓,以確保彼等
training. All directors of the Group receive comprehensive, formal 了解本集團的業務營運、上市規則項下的董事責任
and tailored induction training, to ensure that they understand 及義務以及其他監管要求。彼等亦定期接受最新相
business operations of the Group, directors’ responsibilities 關監管要求及市場變動的培訓,確保彼等對業界動
and obligations under the Listing Rules and other regulatory 向維持高度認知。本集團本年度義務向一般員工提
requirements. They are also trained regularly on the newest 供 219 小時的培訓課程。
relevant statutory requirements and market changes, to ensure
their high level of awareness on the industrial trends. Voluntary
training sessions are provided to general staff for 219 hours this

年度 Percentage
Training and Development Data 2017/18 2018/19 Comparison
培訓及發展數據 二零一七╱一八年 二零一八╱一九年 百分比比較

– Male 53% 58% +5%
– Female 49% 38% –11%

Percentage of Employees trained by

Employment Category
– Senior Management 53% 29% –24%
– Middle Management 79% 50% –29%
– Frontline and Other Employees 46% 49% +3%

Average Training Hours Completed per

Employee by Gender
– Male 1.47 4.18 +184%
– Female 5.71 5.67 –1%

Average Training Hours Completed per

Employee by Employment Category
– Senior Management 2.10 3 +43%
– Middle Management 2.77 14.67 +430%
– Frontline and Other Employees 3.94 2.49 –37%

環境、社會及管治報告 | 新維國際控股有限公司 15
Operating Practices 營運常規
Supply Chain Management 供應鏈管理
As a business involving the use of natural resources, the 本集團業務涉及使用自然資源,因而極其重視與供
Group pays greater attention to minimising the environmental 貨商及服務供應商聯手盡量減少業務對環境和社會
and social impacts of our business along with our suppliers 的影響。我們傾向選擇對環境有承擔的供貨商及服
and service vendors. We prefer selecting those who have 務供應商,並尋求諸如產品及服務質素、成本、交
environmental commitments and we look for indicators such as 付時間及穩定性、安全管理及相關資歷等指標。在
Quality of products and services, Cost, Delivery time and stability, 考核、甄選及評估供貨商及服務供應商的過程中,
Safety management, and Relevant qualifications. We also 我們亦會考慮多種因素,如遵守環境法律規定的情況。
consider factors such as compliance with environmental legal
requirements in our supplier and service vendor assessment,
selection and evaluation process.

The Group has taken measures to enhance the sourcing 本集團已採取措施加強採購流程,並提升員工意識,

workflow and raise our employees’ awareness by ensuring 在採購決策的過程中,確保環境及社會影響等因素
environmental and social impacts are also taken into account 已納入成本效益的評估之中。
when assessing the cost-effectiveness in our purchasing decision-
making process.

Only suppliers passing the Group’s supplier audit will be chosen. 供應商須通過本集團的供應商審核後方可獲選。本
Existing suppliers are also regularly monitored by the Group. 集團亦定期監察現有供應商。於報告期間內,本集
During the Reporting Period, the Group engaged with around 團與中國內地、香港及法國大約 245 名主要供應商
245 major suppliers from Mainland China, Hong Kong and 合作。

The Group communicates closely with its suppliers through 本集團透過電話、電郵及會議等渠道與其供應商緊

channels such as phone calls, emails and meetings, in order to 密溝通,與供應商維持穩固關係,並收集其反饋及
maintain solid relationships with suppliers and collect feedback 建議。
and recommendations from suppliers.

Product Responsibility 產品責任

We care deeply about our clients’ trust and satisfaction. With 我們甚為著重客戶的信任和滿意度。秉承此理念,
this in mind, the importance of confidentiality needs no further 對於資料的保密處理,其重要性毋庸置疑。我們一
emphasis given the nature of the information we handle. 直堅定不移,恪守最嚴謹的準則,嚴守保密。
We have always maintained a firm stance on protecting
confidentiality by adhering to the strictest standards.

Product responsibility is one of the Group’s priorities. The Group 產品責任乃本集團的重點之一。本集團致力通過嚴

strives to ensure quality of its products and services through 格內部監控,確保其產品及服務質素。新產品的政
stringent internal control. The policy for new products sets out 策訂明有關樣品簽收及檢驗、樣品退回及編製產品
procedures regarding receipt and inspection of samples, return 詳情的程序。產品在納入庫存前由品保部進行檢驗。
of samples and preparation of product details. Products are 於報告期間內,本集團並不知悉任何有關所提供產
inspected by the quality assurance department before placing 品及服務的相關法律及法規所要求的健康及安全、
in stock. During the Reporting Period, the Group did not note 廣告及標籤的重大違規個案。
any cases of material non-compliance regarding health and
safety, advertising and labelling related to products and services
provided as required by relevant laws and regulations.

16 Sino Vision Worldwide Holdings Limited | Environmental, Social and Governance Report
Intellectual Property Rights 知識產權
The Group collects data by means that are fair, legal and 本集團以公平、合法及透明的方式收集數據。所收
transparent. Collected data is stored in a manner that ensures 集的數據以與其敏感程度相應的方式存儲,確保安
security against unauthorized access, alteration or deletion at a 全,以防止未經授權的存取、更改或刪除;僅當數
level commensurate with its sensitivity; it is only used if the data 據與其所對應的特定用途具有明顯相關性時方會被
has demonstrable relevance to the particular use to which it 使用。為確保數據安全,防止員工及承包商的不當
is being put. To ensure security of data against inappropriate 行為,本集團亦:
behavior by staff and contractors, the Group also:

(i) Provides training for staff in relation to privacy; (i) 為員工提供有關隱私的培訓;

(ii) Limits data access to those staff and contractors who (ii) 限制有合理原因的員工及承包商才能存取
have legitimate reasons to access it; 數據;

(iii) Audits and trails of accesses including identities of staff (iii) 審查及追蹤數據存取紀錄,包括存取數據
and contractors accessing the data; 的員工及承包商的身份;

(iv) Reminds staff and contractors from time to time about (iv) 不時提醒員工及承包商關於數據隱私的重
the importance of data privacy, and the consequence of 要性以及不當行為的後果;
inappropriate behaviour;

(v) Declares appropriately strong sanctions to be applied in (v) 宣佈在發生不當行為情況下將會實施的適

the event of inappropriate behaviour; 當的嚴厲處罰;

(vi) Communicates policies and sanctions clearly; and (vi) 明確傳達政策及處罰;及

(vii) Formulates processes to audit, investigate and impose (vii) 制定審計、調查及實施處罰的程序。


Collected data is retained only when it is consistent with its 所收集資料僅於與其用途一致時保存,並將於完成

purpose and will be destroyed when its purpose has expired. No 用途後銷毀。於報告期間內,概無重大違反相關法
material non-compliance regarding data protection and privacy 律及法規所要求的資料保護及隱私的事件發生。
as required by related laws and regulations had been noted
during the Reporting Period.

Handling of Complaints 處理投訴

The Group has established policies and procedures for the 本集團已就處理投訴制定政策及程序。本集團的客
handling complaints. The Group’s Customer Service Department 戶服務部負責審閱所有投訴、收集證據並就一般投
is responsible for reviewing all complaints, collecting evidence 訴提供建議及意見。
and providing advice and comments on general complaints.

Specific or complex complaints will the forwarded to the 特定或複雜的投訴將轉交相關部門負責人作具體處

responsible person of the relevant department for special 理。收到投訴後,本集團將給予客戶初步回覆,並
treatment. The Group provides an initial response upon the 相應跟進處理。
receipt of all complaints and the follow up accordingly.

During the Reporting Period, the Group has not been notified of 於報告期間內,本集團並無獲悉自身曾有違反有關
any violation of law regarding product or services responsibility. 產品或服務責任的法律。

環境、社會及管治報告 | 新維國際控股有限公司 17
Customer Communication 客戶溝通
The Group undertakes to: 本集團承諾:

a) Provide one or more channels for communications, which a) 向用戶提供一項或以上便捷的溝通渠道;

are convenient to users;

b) Promptly provide acknowledgement of receipt of b) 適時提供確認收到通訊的函件,包括提供

communications, including the provision of a copy of the 通訊的副本、其記錄日期及時間以及通訊
communication, the date and time it was registered, and 的參考編號;及
reference code for the communication; and

c) Promptly provide a response to the communication, in an c) 對通訊作出迅速妥善務實的回應。

appropriate and meaningful manger.

Anti-corruption 反貪污
The Group strictly complies with all applicable laws and 本集團嚴格遵守所有與防止賄賂及貪污相關的適
regulations in relation to prevention of bribery and corruption, (香港法例第 201
such as the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance, Chapter 201 of the 章)),並致力禁止任何形式的非法活動。於報告期
Laws of Hong Kong, and is committed to restricting any type of 間內,並無針對本集團或其僱員提起的已審結貪污
illegal activities. There was no concluded legal case regarding 行為相關法律案件。
corrupt practices brought against the Group or its employees
during the Reporting Period.

Community Investment 社區投資

During the Reporting Period, the Group has not participated in 於報告期間內,本集團並無參與任何社區投資活動。
any community investment activities. The Group is aware of the 本集團意識到回饋社區的重要性,將於下一報告期
importance of giving back to the community and will consider 間考慮參與社區投資活動。
participating in community investment activities in the next
reporting period.

18 Sino Vision Worldwide Holdings Limited | Environmental, Social and Governance Report

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