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7 P’s of marketing

1. Product Marketing Mix Types of salesperson

-product here exemplifies to - combination of factors that can be
controlled by a company to influence  Order getters
the goods and services a
consumers to purchase its product.  Order takers
business sells to its potential
 Support personnel
Steps in the selling process
2. Price 4 M’s of operations
-chunk of money that a  Prospecting & Qualifying
supplier sets for his product  Pre approach  Method
is labeled as price. Setting  Approach  Materials
the price needs keen thought  Presentation &  Machine
and analysis demonstration  Manpower
3. Place  Handling Objection Product development
-. Analyzing the geographical  Closing - overall process of strategy,
areas where buyers look for  Follow up organization, concept generation,
the product and service
Marketing Concept product and marketing plan, creation
4. Promotion
and evaluation, and
-comprises the advertising
 Production concept commercialization of a new product.
and events to support the
-consumers prefer products
certain service and product Seven steps of effective product
that are widely available and
5. Packaging development
-the way your product or
 Product concept 1. Solicit feedback. Now.
service looks from the outer
-consumers favor products 2. Refine your design with
that offer the most quality, simplicity in mind
6. Process
performance, or innovative 3. Do not skimp on materials or
-exposure. From the prime
features. manufacturing
segment of contact,
 Selling concept 4. Place it right
generally the network or
-consumers will buy products 5. Do not overstock
website, to distribution of
only if the company 6. Protect your ideas
the good or service.
aggressively promotes or 7. Consider retailers and
Nonetheless, the process
sells these product. communicate wisely.
doesn’t block there, because
 Marketing concept
there’s the post sales service,
-focuses on needs/wants of Key competencies of entrepreneur
and creating decent relations
target market & delivering
with customers even after  Personal
value better than
the purchasing process
competitors do.  Interpersonal
7. People
 Societal marketing concept  Business competencies
-the experience of ultimate
-to preserves the consumer Three pieces of entrepreneur
and society’s well-being.
8. Position 1. Opportunity recognition
9. People Types of promotion 2. Opportunity assessment
3. Opportunity realization
 Personal selling
 General Factors on how to recognize a
asvertising/advertising potential market
 Direct marketing
 Sales promotion  Ability to compete
 Public relation  Duration of the opportunity
 Digital promotion  Growth potential
 Sponsorship  Risk and reward
 Social media marketing

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