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Terakreditasi "C" (ISSN: 0854-8323)

Tahun 8, Nomor 1, Juni 1998

 Persepsi Terhadap Karakteristik Yang Membedakan Keefektivan SMU

Dengan Prestasi Akademik Tinggi Dan Rendah (Moedjiarto, Universitas
Negeri Malang)
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to answer the question: What kind of
characteristics possesed by some schools which lead their students to attain high or
low academic achievement, according to the perception of the students? The
number of respondents for the study was 126 students of A1, A2, and A3 programs.
The perception were collected by using questionaire, and the students' final
achievement from national tests (ebtanas) obtained from school records by using
documentation. A significant difference was found between the schools with high
academic achievement and the schools with low academic achievement, according
to the respondents' perception in the following characteristics: school climate,
expectation of students' academic achievement, opportunities for student
responsibility and participation, rewards and incentives, order and discipline in the
schools, and the implementation of curriculum. Schools with high academic
achievement have higher average score of perception on those characteristics than
schools with low academic achievement.
 Kondisi Pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di SLTP (Suparno, Universitas Negeri
Abstract: Kualitas pengajaran bahasa indonesia dapat dilihat dari kondisi-kondisi
guru, bahan ajar, aktualisasi pendekatan dan metode, fasilitas penunjang, dan
prestasi belajar. Berdasarkan hasil survei nasional tahun 1996 terungkap bahwa
kualifikasi sebagian guru belum memadai. Unjuk kerja profesional guru belum
baik. Pendekatan yang dipilih guru sudah betul, tetapi terdapat keterbatasan
kemampuan dan kendala teknis pengelolaan kelas. Fasilitas penunjang yang berupa
media belum memadai. Kemahiran berbahasa Indonesia berkualifikasi cukup dan
mengisyaratkan perlunya peningkatan mutu proses belajar-mengajar.
 Tokoh-Tokoh Ramayana Pada Relief Ramayana Di Candi Penataran Ditinjau
Dari Bahasa Rupa Dan Kependidikan (Triyono Widodo, Universitas Negeri
Abstract: Tujuan mengetahui adegan, isi wimba, cara wimba, tata ungkapan
dalam. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Lokasi di candi Penataran. Hasil isi wimba:
ada tokoh menyerupai punakawan; Cara wimba: corak dekoratif, atribut
menyerupai wayang purwa Jawa, wayang purwa Bali, pemahatan rendah; Tata
ungkapan dalam: Penggambaran ruang cara pendahulu, penggambaran derajat
melalui penyusunan: (1) tinggi-rendah; (2) besar-kecil, ukuran wanita kecil; dan
(3) arah, tokoh baik dihadapkan ke kanan, dan sebaliknya. Implikasi penelitian
terhadap kependidikan seni rupa dan budi pekerti.
 Pantauan Kualitas Air Sungai Cimahi di Kabupaten Bandung Berdasarkan
Keanekaragaman Hewan Makrobentos dan Manfaatnya dalam Pendidikan
Lingkungan (Fathurrachman, Universitas Negeri Malang)
Abstract: Penelitian tentang pantauan kualitas air berdasarkan keanekaragaman
hewan makrobentos telah dilakukan di lima stasiun pengamatan Sungai Cimahi
Kabupaten Bandung. Hasil analisis fisika-kimia air dan biologi menunjukkan
bahwa makin kearah hilir kualitas air Sungai Cimahi cenderung menurun,
disebabkan oleh pencemaran organik. Larva insekta mendominasi komunitas-
komunitas hewan makrobentos di stasiun I dan II, sedangkan di stasiun III, IV, dan
V didominasi oleh Hirudinea dan Oligachaeta. Terdapat kecenderungan dari hulu
ke arah hilir, jumlah taksa dan indeks keanekaragaman (H') menurun seiring
dengan menurunnya kualitas air. Sebaliknya kepadatan populasi cenderung
meningkat ke arah hilir sungai. Baetis sp., Ecdyonorus sp., Hydropsyche sp.,
Phylopothamus sp., dan Polycentropus sp., merupakan spesies indikator untuk
perairan belum atau sedikit tercemar. Chironomus sp., Glossiphonia sp.,
Branchiura sp., Tubifex sp., dan Limnodrillus hoffmeisteri merupakan spesies
indikator untuk perairan tercemar sedang sampai parah.
 Konsepsi Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan FPTK IKIP
MALANG Tentang Gaya Yang Bekerja Pada Benda Diam (Suwono, R.
Mahmud Sugandi, Priyanto Dwi Utomo, Universitas Negeri Malang)
Abstract: Konsepsi mahasiswa tentang gaya merupakan faktor utama untuk
membentuk pemahaman konsep baru, kreativitas untuk mengembangkan dan
menerapkan ilmu di bidang teknik bangunan dan teknik sipil. Konsep ini terbentuk
baik melalui pengalaman sehari-hari maupun pengajaran formal di kelas yang
dapat sesuai, berbeda, atau bahkan berlawanan dengan konsep saintifik. Penelitian
ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsepsi mahasiswa tentang gaya. Temuan
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa memahami konsep adanya gaya yang
bekerja pada benda diam, namun belum memahami konsep-konsep aksi dan reaksi,
kesetimbangan geser, dan kesetimbangan momen.
 Kontribusi Efek Sistem Terhadap Tingkat Internalisasi Konsep Gender Pada
Perilaku Berpikir Dan Bertindak Di Lingkungan Pondok Pesantren (Amat
Mukhadis, Universitas Negeri Malang)
Abstract: Masalah utama penelitian ini adalah seberapa besar kontribusi unsur-
unsur efek sistem terhadap tingkat internalisasi konsep gender pada perilaku
berpikir dan bertindak di pondok pesantren. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan
deskriptif-ekploratif. Empat pondok pesantren (2 di Kediri dan 2 di Malang) yang
masing-masing mewakili kategori modern dan konvensional dijadikan sampel.
Responden keseluruhan 80 orang yang terdiri atas Kyai, Ustadz, dan Santri. Data
dikumpulkan dengan angket, wawancara dan observasi serta dianalisis secara
deskriptif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kontribusi unsur efek
sistem (1) nilai agama yang diyakini;(2) norma agama yang dianut; (3) hubungan
hirarkhi kaya-miskin;dan (4) tingkat pemahaman konsep gender termasuk kategori
sedang, baik pada internalisasi berpikir dan bertindak. Sedangkan unsur (1)
hubungan hirarkhi atasan--bawahan; dan (2) insentif lingkungan termasuk kategori
sedang pada perilaku berpikir dan rendah pada perilaku bertindak.
Tahun 13, Nomor 1, Juni 2003
 Studi Komparasi Aplikasi teknologi Pertanian Di Desa Pesantren Dan Desa
Bukan Pesantren Di Karangploso Malang (Achmad Fatchan, Universitas
Negeri Malang)
Abstrak: The application of technology at nice field showed different changes in
the agriculture development program in villagers despite the same condition and
facilities. The difference in the application of technology causes different
productions and income result. In Islamic villages, a village which has pesantren
(Islamic boarding school) has faster and more accurate distribution and application
of agricultural technology than the one with no pesantren in it. This study tries to
describe the contribution of pesantren in the adoption of agriculturral technology
for the farmers in the village around it. The study is conducted in two different
villages, Tasikmadu - Karangploso as a village with pesantren and Ampeldento -
Karangploso as the control. The date were analyzed using non-pesantren statistic
and association analysis of Carmer (c). The Study found that the farming plant
varieties, the agricultural technology absorption, and rice field production level
significantly different between a village with a pesantren and the one without
pesantren in it.
 Resistensi Kesalahan Konsep Kimia Terhadap Pembelajaran Dan
Pembelajaran Remidi (Suhadi Ibnu, Universitas Negeri Malang)
Abstrak: The main questions to be answered in this study were developed around
the students’ mastery of basic concepts in chemistry, mainly the concepts included
in the lectures offered in first and second semesters, and in High School Chemistry
Curriculum. The study also focused further into the details and profiles of the
students’ mastery of the concepts and also the changes expected to take place along
the students’ study in the university. An ex-post-facto design was administered by
recruiting the 1998/1999 students of Chemistry Education program, Faculty of
Science and Mathematics (MIPA), the State University of Malang (UM) as the
subjects of the study. Data were collected using Entry Level Assessment
(Chemistry) Instrument, developed and validated in 1997-1998. The collected data
were analyzed using descriptive and in-depth response analysis methods. Results
of the study indicated that the students’ mastery of the basic concepts of Chemistry
were low and remained low after the students attended related lectures for one, two
and six semesters. The profiles of students' misconceptions tended to be
maintained by the students and were insensitive to the impacts of learning and
remedial teaching.
 Kontribusi Kecerdasan Emosional Dan Kecerdasan Spiritual Terhadap Sikap
Religiositas: Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Penyetaraan Depag Jurusan Pendidikan
Sejarah Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang Angkatan Tahun
2002/2003 (A.J. Purwanto, Universitas Negeri Malang)
Abstract: This study tries to see the relationship between Emotional Intelligence,
Spiritual Intelligence, and Religiosity among students of History Department, State
University of Malang. The method used in this study was a correlation description.
The result should that (1) Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence gives 21% and
16.1% contribution to religiousity, (2) Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence
combined gave 31% contribution to religiousity.
 Persepsi Dan Pengetahuan Guru Kelas-Kelas Awal Sekolah Dasar Di Jawa
Timur Terhadap Pembelajaran Terpadu Dalam Bidang MIPA (Srini M.
Iskandar dan Cholis Sa'dijah, Universitas Negeri Malang)
Abstrak: This study tries to describe perception and knowledge of primary school
teachers in integrated instruction of mathematics and science. The population of
this research is primary school teachers in first, second, and third grades in East
Java. The sampling technique of this research is multistage proportional area
cluster random sampling. The sample is 700 primary school teachers in Sampang,
Blitar, Probolinggo, Bojonegoro, Lamongan, and Malang. The research found that:
(1) the perception of the primary school teachers in integrated instruction of
mathematics and science is good (mean 76,201 of the score maximum 100); (2) the
knowledge of the primary school teachers in integrated instruction of mathematics
and science is not good (mean 10,071 of the score maximum 25).
 Penggunaan Asesmen Autentik Pada Pembelajaran Biologi SLTP Dengan
Strategi Kontekstual Di Enam Provinsi Indonesia Bagian Timur (Herawati
Susilo, Universitas Negeri Malang)
Abstrak: The study thies to describe the tiers of Authentic Assessment teacher
have used in calss, how they use it in determining students' success in learning, and
problem they want to discus in the training. The subjects were the Junior High
School Biology Techers who participated in Training for Trainers based on
Competance. The study showed that most of the teachers have used Athentic
Assesment through observation and questions, presentation and discussion, self-
evaluation, and home-work. The combined the result of the Athentic Assessment
with the scorer for traditional test. Problem they face are the size of the class, the
teacher work load, the lack and facilities and fund from their achool, and the
traditional teaching orientation toward national evaluation system.
 Partisipasi Siswa-Siswi SMU Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan: Survei Di Kota
Makassar (Wasir Thalib, Universitas Negeri Malang)
Abstrak: The study tries to get information about student participation in the
environmental management, the knowledge about environment, the attitude toward
the environment, the motivation to participate, and the relationship between the
knowledge about the environment, the attitude toward the environment as well as
the motivation to participating in managing the environment individually or in
group. The study used survey method involving all high school students who have
taken “Educational Environmental Course” (EEC). The sample is 154 people
chosen by Multi Stage Random sampling technique. The data was analyzed using
descriptive and inferential statistics. The result shows a positive relationship
between the knowledge about the environment, the attitude toward the
environment, the motivation to participate in managing the environment both
individually or in group. Based on the level of relation to each variable and by
controlling the free variable, it can be concluded that the first level is the
knowledge variable (r y1.23 = 0,52), the second level is the motivation to
participate (r y3.12 = 0,35), and the last level is the attitude variable toward the
environment (r y2.12 = 0,44).
 Eksplorasi Kesenjangan Gender Dalam Pendidikan Dasar Sampai Tinggi
(Nurul Ulfatin, Sri Umi Mintarti Wijaya, dan Pidekso Adi, Universitas Negeri
Abstrak: This study tries to describe gender problem in three educational aspects:
policy, curriculum, and human resources. This study was conducted in all levels of
school; primary school, secondary junior, secondary high school, and two state
universities in Malang. The method used was multi-case study involving
qualitative data, which was collected using in-depth interview, documentation,
observation, and questionnaire. The data was analyzed using textual, contextual,
cross-case, and gender analysis. The study found the gender gap treatment in the
aspects of curriculum and human resources.
 Latihan Dan Pendampingan Manajemen Usaha Pada UKM Dan Koperasi
Sebagai Wujud Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Publik (BUMN): Studi
Kasus Pada PT Angkasa Pura 1 Surabaya (Wahjoedi, Universitas Negeri
Abstrak: A public company is said to have good performance if it implements
stakeholder approach such as Corporate Social Responsibility. PT Angkasa Pura I
Surabaya has exhibited its stakeholder-approach performance by providing capital
and improving management quality of small-and-medium business and corporation
in East Java. Another performance is shows by involving University staff members
and other professionals in education and training for the management business.
This study shows the multipurpose significance on behalf of the corporation and
small-andmedium business management who have got capital help, education-
training, and advising in managing the business development. This finding
confirms the need of public policy implementation in developing corporation and
small-andmedium business by involving the corporation participation of
government business, universities, and the local government involving various
relevant professionals.

Tahun 13, Nomor 2, Desember 2003
 Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Kecakapan Hidup Di Sekolah Menengah
Kejuruan Rumpun Teknologi (Amat Mukhadis, Universitas Negeri Malang)
Abstrak: This study is aimed at describing instructional models based on life skill
at vocational high school of technology. This study is descriptive survey supported
with partisipatoric-emansipatoric technique. The sample concists of 100 decision
makers and stakeholders in high school in four sub-provinces (Malang,
Pamekasan, Bojonegoro, and Pacitan). Data were collected using questionaire,
documents, interview, and workshop and analyzed quantitatively using descriptive
statistics and qualitatively. The result of research indicates that instructional
models based on life skill most appropriate for high vocational school of
technology are (1) learning how to learn principles and learning how to unlearn;
(2) representing asset priority scale of learning resources into curriculum,
instruction, and evaluation; and (3) three kinds of instructional model, namely
combination (5 + 1), complementary (6 + 5), and integration (66).
 Silabus Mata Kuliah Durus Arabiyah Mukatsafah Dengan Pendekatan
Komunikatif (Achmad Tohe, Nurul Murtadho, dan Hanik Mahliatussikah,
Universitas Negeri Malang)
Abstrak: The research is developmental aiming at designing syllabus of Durus
Arabiyah Mukatsafah (DAM) with communicative approach. The subject of
research is students having taken and or are taking the subject by exploring their
prior competence of basic Arabic and their communication needs in Arabic. The
result of the research shows that students’ readiness to follow the lectures ranges
from good to very good. Meanwhile, most of them wish to gain advanced level in
four languange skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The themes or
topics chosen are: religion, family, social, education, academics, culture,
language/linguistics, politics, dan economics.
 Kemampuan Estimasi Berhitung Siswa Kelas 5 SD Negeri Lesanpuro 3 Kota
Malang (Goenawan Roebyanto dan Sri Harmini, Universitas Negeri Malang)
Abstract: This study tries to improve the estimating calculation ability of 5th
grade Primary School students. Collaborative Classroom Action Research design
was used with logical analysis technique. The study found that (1) in general, the
students didn't develop any certain estimating calculation pattern; (2) the students
found it very difficult to discharge their procedural knowledge before estimating
calculation as they were accustomed to precise calculation; (3) the success in
increasing the ability of the students in estimating calculation covers (a) guiding to
benchmark invention, ( b) guiding students to get better picture of the problems by
reading and comprehensing, and (c) changing the view that using permanent
procedure in calculating is not the only way, that estimating in a certain condition
is needed. It is suggested, therefore, that Primary School Math teachers include
estimating calculating skill in their instruction.
 Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Muatan Lokal Di
Sekolah Dasar (Kasihani K.E. Suyanto, Universitas Negeri Malang)
Abstrak: This study attempts to find accurate information on the teaching and
learning of English at the elementary schools, especially in Malang area. This
survey is a part of a developmental research using R & D design. The subjects of
this survey are English textbooks, 56 elementary schools, 56 headmasters, 56
teachers of English and elementary school students. The instruments used to
collect the data are questionnaires, interview guides and observation forms. Data
analysis was descriptively and qualitatively done. Some quantitative analysis was
also done using percentages. The findings show that there are 37 English books
published by 29 publishers in East Java. Almost all elementary schools include
English lesson as local content subject. In this case most students state they like
learning English. Most teachers teaching English in the elementary schools are
holding S-1 certificate and most of them are part-time teachers.
 Pembelajaran Berbasis Problem Solving yang Diintervensi Dengan Peta
Konsep Dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa Dalam Mata
Kuliah Perkembangan Hewan (Lufri, Universitas Negeri Malang)
Abstrak: Problem solving method which is intervened by concept mapping is one
of the meaningful learning activities in which students participate actively and
think critically. This research is intended to find out the effect of problem solving
and problem solving intervened by concept mapping on critical thinking. The
Experimental research design used Non-Randomized Control-Group Pretest-
Posttest with three treatments, namely: A, traditional method (control group); B,
problem solving method; and C, problem solving intervened by concept mapping.
The instruments used to collect data was critical thinking test. The data were
analyzed by using ANACOVA and LSD test. In addition, SPSS 10 for Windows
was used to analyze the data. The result of the research shows that there is
significant difference on students’ average score of critical thinking among three
treatment classes, and the LSD test revealed that the highest score of critical
thinking is C class, and followed by B and A class. It can be concluded that
problem solving basedinstruction on Animal Development intervened by concept
mapping is the best method to increase students’ critical thinking.
 Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Di SMU Kota Dan Kabupaten
Malang Berdasarkan Kurikulum SMU 1994 (Muhaiban, Universitas Negeri
Abstrak: This study is aimed at investigating the implemantation of Arabic
teaching and learning at some senior high schools in Malang city and regency.
Based on the 1994 Secondary Curriculum, the teachinglearning aspects being
studied include: textbooks used, teachers, teaching methods, teaching media, and
students’ interests. The subjects of the study are 84 students, 10 teachers, and 10
school masters of senior high schools teaching Arabic. The results of the study
indicate that they use the textbooks suggested by the 1994 Curriculum, the teachers
are qualified for teaching Arabic at senior haigh schools, and they apply eclectic
method of teaching. This study also found that the teachers are well equipped with
teaching media, but they haven’t used the media optimally. It is also found that the
students are highly interested in learning Arabic.

 Pengaruh Pembelajaran IPA-Biologi Dengan Menggunakan Metode

Diskoveri-Inkuiri Terhadap Kemampuan Analisis Dan Sintesis (Pratiwi
Pujiastuti, Universitas Negeri Malang)
Abstrak: This study tries to measure the effect of BIOLOGI instruction using
discovery-inquiry towards the analytic and synthetic skill. The subjeks are the
second year students of SLTPN 2 Pengasih Kulonprogo, consisting of three groups
of 38 students each. Group I was taught using guided discovery-inquiry model.
Group II was taught using exploratoric discovery-inquiry model. The control group
was taught using expository method. The analytic and synthetic skill was measured
with objective-type test. The data were analyzed using ANACOVA and followed-
up test using Least Significant Defference (LSD). The study found the significant
difference in the analytic and synthetic skill among the 3 groups; the group of
guided discovery-inquiry model being the highes (36.56), the group of exploratoric
discovery-inquiry model being next to the highes ( 34.56), and the control group of
expository model being the lowest ( 32.32).

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