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The method of convenience sampling was used to develop the sample of the

research under discussion. The researcher uses the subjects that are nearest and available

to participate in the research study. In this study, the accessible population comprised all

the vendors and consumers in the Dumaguete City Public Market for they are in the best

position to furnish the researchers with the information needed to answer the research

questions of this study. The participants selected had sufficient and relevant work

experience in the field of business, a buyer of products in the market and a resident of

Dumaguete City for 3 years. Participants will be limited to a number of 10 vendors and

10 consumers/customers only. The conducting of research requires not only expertise

and diligence, but also honesty and integrity. This is done to recognize and protect the

rights of human subjects. To render the study ethical, the rights to self-determination,

anonymity, confidentiality and informed consent were observed provided that they will

accept the invitation voluntarily. In this study anonymity was ensured by not disclosing

the participants name on the questionnaire. Confidentiality was maintained by keeping

the collected data confidential and not revealing the subjects’ identities when reporting

or publishing the study. No identifying information was entered onto the questionnaires,

and questionnaires were only numbered after data was collected


The researchers will start of by giving a formal letter of consent to the head of the

Dumaguete Fish Terminal for the facility to be used when conducting the survey

questionnaires. A pretest will be conducted to trial the research instrument and to

identify flaws. When a questionnaire is used as a data gathering instrument, it is

necessary to determine whether questions and directions are clear to subjects and

whether they understand what is required from them. This is referred to as the pretesting

of a questionnaire. The researcher pretested the questionnaire on five (5) respondents at

Dumaguete City Public Market.

The data collection will start by randomly choosing ten (10) vendors and ten (10)

consumers in the Dumaguete City Public Market area where all participants reported

their written acceptance regarding their participation in the research, through a signed

consent. The study will be conducted in two (2) days at the Dumaguete City Fish

Terminal, where the respondents will be answering the survey comfortably. The survey

questionnaires will be given personally to the participants and will be given the

instructions. The researchers believes that the survey assesses the public opinion,

knowledge and individual practices on Solid Waste Management by the use of

questionnaires. The subjects were informed of their rights to voluntarily consent or

decline to participate, and to withdraw participation at any time without penalty.

Participants were informed about the purpose of the study, the procedures that would
be used to collect the data, and assured that there were no potential risks or costs involved

Respondents will be given 5-10 minutes in answering the questions.


The researchers will formulate a ten-item questionnaire, containing close-ended

questions which serves as the research instrument. Questions relating to Solid Waste

Management, practices and their perception towards it is the main focus of the survey


After the data collection the researchers will proceed in analyzing and interpreting

of the data. In the analysis of data, the researchers will be using crosstabs, which are

frequency tables that show data for multiple variables. The percentage of the data

gathered will determine the level of the participants practices, knowledge and

perceptions towards Solid Waste Management. Data from frequency distributions can

also be shown in a visual way, in a graph. Distributions are compared by looking at

four features of the data: center, spread, shape, and irregularities. Center refers to the

point at which half of the data falls on either side of a central point. Spread refers to the

variability of the data, with a widespread indicating greater variability than a narrow

spread. Shape refers to the symmetry, skewness, or peaks and valleys of the distribution.

Irregularities refer to gaps or outliers in the data pattern. Interpretations and conclusions

of the researchers will then follow.

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