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Harmer also adds the criteria of a good textbook as follow:

1. How expensive is the textbook? Can the students afford it? Will they
have to buy an accompanying work book? Can they afford both? What about
the teacher can he or she pay for the teachers book and tapes.
2. If the course available? Are all components (students’ book,
teachers’ book, workbook etc.) in the shops now? What about the next
level (for the next term/semester)? Has it been published) is it
available? What about tapes, videos and etc?
3. Is the book attractive? Does the teacher feel comfortable with it? Do
the student like it? How user friendly is the design? Does it yet in the
way of what the book is trying to do or does it enhance it?
4. What kind of teaching and learning does the book promote? Can teachers
and students build appropriate ESA sequences from it? Is there a good
balance between study and activation?
5. Does the book cover the four skills reading, writing, speaking,
listening adequately? Is there a decent balance between the skill? Are
there opportunities for both study and activation in the skill work? Is
the language of the reading and listening text appropriate? Are the
speaking and writing tasks likely to engage the students interest?
6. Is the syllabus of the book appropriate for your students? Does is cover
the language points you would expect? Are they in the right order? Do
the reading and listening texts increase difficulty as the book
7. Does the book contain a variety of topics? Are they likely to engaged
the students’ interest? Does the teacher respond to them well? Are
they culturally appropriate for the students? Are they too adult or too
8. Does the book represent people and situation in a fair and equal way?
Are various categories of people treated equally? Is There streotyping
of certain nationalities? Does the book display conscious or unconscious
or sexism?
9. Is there a good teachers’ guide? Is it easy to use? Does it have all
the answers the teacher might need? Does it offer alternatives to lesson
procedures? Does it contain a statement of intention which the teacher
and students feel happy with?

Greene and Petty in Arba’ati propose the criteria of a good

textbook, according to them good textbook have certain qualities, they are:
1. The textbook must be interesting and attractive toward the learners.
So, they will be interested in using textbook
2. The textbook must be able to motivate the learners
3. The content of textbook must be illustrative
4. The textbook should consider the linguistic aspect. So, it will be
suitable with the learner’ ability
5. The content of the textbook must be related to the other branch of
6. The textbook must stimulate the personal activity of the learners
7. The contents of the textbook must be clear in written to avoid the
children to be confused in using textbook
8. The textbook must have the clear point of view because it will be the
learner’s point of view
9. The textbook must be able to give the balance and emphasis on the
value of the learners
10. The textbook must be able to respect to the differences of the

BSNP divided the instrument in evaluating textbook into two stages,

as follow:
a. Instrumen penilaian tahap I
1. Komponen kelayakan isi
a) Standar kompetensi (SK) tercantum secara implisit
b) Kompetensi dasar (KD) tercantum secara implisit
c) Kesesuaian isi buku dengan Standar kompetensi (SK) dan Kompetensi dasar (KD).

2. Komponen penyajian
a) Daftar isi
b) Tujuan setiap bab
c) Peta konsep atau ringkasan
d) Kata kunci (key-words)
e) Pertanyaan/soal latihan pada setiap bab
f) Daftar pustaka.

3. Komponen kegrafikan
a) Kulit buku
b) Isi buku
c) Keterbacaan (kesesuaian dalam pemilihan huruf, ilustrasi dan format)
d) Kualitas cetakan (kejelasan, kerataan, dan warna cetakan)
e) Kekuatan fisik buku (kertas isi, bahan kulit, dan sistem

b. Instrumen penilaian tahap II (Sub Komponen)

1. Komponen kelayakan isi

a) cakupan materi
b) akurasi materi
c) kemutakhiran
d) mengandung wawasan produktivitas
e) merangsang keingintahuan (curiosity)
f) mengembangkan kecakapan hidup (life skills)
g) mengembangkan wawasan kebinekaan (sense of diversity)
h) mengandung wawasan kontekstual.

2. Komponen kebahasaan
a) sesuai dengan tingkat perkembangan peserta didik
b) komunikatif
c) dialogis dan interaktif
d) lugas
e) koherensi dan keruntutan alur pikir
g) penggunaan istilah dan simbol/lambang.

3. Komponen penyajian
a) teknik penyajian
b) pendukung penyajian materi
c) penyajian pembelajaran.

4. Komponen kegrafikan
a) ukuran buku
b) bagian kulit buku
c) bagian isi buku

1. Readibility

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