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The above topic deals with the different success stories in which AI contributed in recent

AI-Powered Healthcare at Scale

A number of use cases of AI can be seen in the healthcare field. The following
examples depict AI’s flexibility across many problem domains:

 AI platform to fasten cancer research – To fight against cancer, the Cancer

Moonshot initiative combines the Department of Energy (DOE), the National
Cancer Institute (NCI) and other organizations with researchers at Oak Ridge,
Lawrence Livermore, Argonne, and Los Alamos National Laboratories. NVIDIA is
working with the labs to help push their AI framework CANDLE as a common
discovery platform, with the goal to achieve 10X annual increase in productivity
for cancer researchers. This framework will make it possible for scientists to use
deep learning and computational sciences to face the urgent challenges to fight
cancer. The new NVIDIA DGX SATURNV supercomputer is useful for this.

 AI for accelerating drug discoveries – New drugs take 12-14 years and $2.6
billion (Gutierrez, 2015) to bring to the market. Benevolent AI uses GPU to bring
new therapies to market quickly and more cost effectively. They have automated
the process to identify patterns, thus enabling scientists to form hypotheses and
draw inferences quickly than any human researcher could. For example, by using
the NVIDIA DGX-1 AI supercomputer, 2 drug targets for Alzheimer’s were
identified in less than 1 month.

 AI accelerates the fight against breast cancer – Breast cancer is the second
leading cause of death in women. Doctors prescribe appropriate treatment using
Genomics. But the testing is expensive and takes anything close to 2 weeks.
Case Western Reserve uses GPU to access cancer at one twentieth the cost of
current genomic tests.

 Prediction and prevention of disease using AI – GPU deep learning is helping

doctors by detecting high risk patients before diagnosing diseases. Icahn school
of Medicine, Mount Sinai built “Deep Patient” which can analyze a patient
medical history to predict 80 diseases up to 1 year before onset.

AI-Powered Weather Forecasting

Weather forecasting saves lives and property by deriving predictions which involve
processing vast amounts of data. “Colorful Clouds” uses AI to process and predict
weather conditions through a new reporting tool which provides real time high accurate

AI Accelerated Cyber Defense

Attacks on IT systems result in loss of information and money. Accenture uses NVIDIA
GPUs which process 200 – 300 million alerts daily which helps in timely action.

Defending the Planet with AI

The Asteroid Grand Challenge of the US government seeks to detect asteroid threats to
humanity. The challenge was picked up by NASA Frontier Development Labs by using
GPU powered AI to identify threats and their unique characteristics. 98% success rate
was achieved by the consequent “Deflector Selector” in determining the technology
producing the most successful deflection. (Gutierrez, 2015)
Pros and Cons of AI


 AI has nil chances of error and greater precision and accuracy is obtained.
 AI has a great scope in space exploration. Intelligent robots which can endure
hostile environment of the space can be used. They can be used in a way that
doesn’t affect their physical state and functionality.
 Intelligent robots can be used to reach Earth’s nadirs, dig for fuels, mining,
exploring oceanic depths. They can easily overcome human limitations.
 Intelligent machines can replace humans in laborious tasks, painstaking
activities. Owing to their intelligence these machines can handle greater
responsibilities and manage themselves.
 Smartphone greatly uses AI. It can be used to predict spelling mistakes and auto
correct them. Applications such as Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant, Maps and
GPS incorporate the application of AI.
 AI makes possible fraud detection in smart card based systems and is also
employed by financial institutions and banks to organize and manage records.
 To save human resources companies use avatars that act as digital assistants
that interact with the users.
 Artificial thinkers are not plagued by human emotions which enable them to take
logical decisions. Mood which involves irrationality is not the case with AI and
thus help taking practical decisions.
 Repetitive and time-consuming tasks efficiently performed using AI.

 Intelligent machines can be used to perform dangerous tasks as well which

involves tweaking time and speed which the humans are incapable of.
 AI also finds application in gaming in which the opponent against which we play
is the computer itself. Thus, it helps plans the situation in the game in response
to our inputs. Hence, Gaming is the most sought after area for AI.
 AI is useful in the medical field too. Algorithms can help the doctors assess
health risks of the patients and know the side effects that various medicines can
have. Medical professionals can be trained using surgery simulators which use
AI. AI simulates brain functioning which proves useful in the diagnosis and
treatment of neurological problems. Repetitive or time-consuming tasks can be
managed through the application of AI.

 Robotic pets can help patients with depression and also keep them active.
Robotic radio surgery helps obtain precision in the radiation given to
tumors, thus reducing the damage to surrounding tissues.

 The greatest advantage of AI is that it does not require sleep or breaks, and are
able to function without stopping. It can perform the same task without getting
bored or tired. When used to carry out dangerous tasks, the risk to human health
and safety is diminished.


 The cost incurred in the maintenance and repair is one of the main
disadvantages of artificial intelligence. Programs need to be tweaked to suit the
changing situations, and machines need to be made smarter. In case of a
breakdown, the cost of repair becomes very high. Procedures to restore lost data
are time-consuming and costly.
 An important concern regarding the application of artificial intelligence is about
ethics and moral values. Is it ethically correct to create replicas of human beings?
Do our moral values allow us to recreate intelligence? Intelligence is a gift of
nature. It may not be right to install it into a machine to make it work for our
 Machines are able to store huge amounts of data, but the storage, access, and
retrieval is not as effective as in case of the human brain. Although they are able
to perform repetitive tasks for long, but they do not get better with experience,
like we do. They are not able to act any different from what they are programmed
to do. Though this is mostly seen as an advantage, it may work the other way,
when a situation demands one to act in way different from the usual. Machines
may not be as efficient as humans in altering their responses depending on the
changing situations.
 The idea of machines replacing humans seems wonderful. But is it really so
exciting? Ideas like working whole heartedly, and with dedication have no
existence in the world of AI. Imagine robots working in healthcare. Do you
imagine them showcasing the care that humans would? Do you think online
assistants can provide the kind of service that a human would? Concepts such
as care, understanding cannot be understood by machines, which is why, how
much intelligent they get, they will always lack the human touch.

 Imagine AI employed in creative fields. Do you think robots can compete with the
human mind in creative thinking? Humans are emotional beings. This is not the
case with machines. The intuitive abilities that humans have, the way human’s
judge based on previous knowledge cannot be replicated by machines. Also,
machines lack common sense.

 If robots start to replace humans in every area, it will finally lead to

unemployment. People will be left with nothing to do. Thinking machines will
govern all the fields and populate the positions that humans occupy, leaving
thousands of people jobless.

 Also, due to the reduced need to use their intelligence, lateral thinking and
multitasking abilities of humans may diminish. With so much assistance from
machines, if humans do not need to use their thinking abilities, these abilities will
gradually decline. With the heavy application of artificial intelligence, humans
may become overly dependent on machines, losing their mental capacities.

 If the control of machines goes in the wrong hands, it may lead to destruction.
Machines don’t think before acting. Thus, they can be programmed to do the
wrong things.

 Apart from these cons of AI, there is a fear of robots excelling humans. Ideally,
human beings must continue to be the masters of machines. However, if things
don’t go the same way, the world will turn into chaos. Intelligent machines can
prove to be smarter than us; they might enslave us and start ruling the world.

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