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3. What is the etiology and the risk factor base on the scenario?

The etiology of the lesion

 Trauma (physical, chemical and electrical)

 Can occur due to gunshot wounds, stab wounds, machine accidents, animal attacks, and
 Connective tissue damage
 Heat and burning both physically and chemically
 Animal or insect bites
 Vascular, arterial, venous or combined arterial and venous disorders
 Immunodeficiency
 Nutritional deficiency
 Effects of drugs
 Microorganism invasion

Infectious organisms, or pathogens, use the means owned by the host to reproduce themselves, which
ultimately harms the host. Pathogens interfere with the normal functioning of the host and can result in
chronic injury, gangrene, loss of body organs and even death. Host response to infection is called
inflammation. In general, pathogens are generally categorized as microscopic organisms, although in fact
the definition is broader, including bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses.

The Risk Factors for Patients with Gender Disease

 Changing partners
 Unprotected sex
 Although condoms are not one hundred percent protective, they are still the best way to avoid
infection. The use of condoms can protect you and reduce the rate of transmission of STDs.
 Women and homosexuals who suffer from STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) generally do not
experience asymptomatic symptoms so they are not aware that they are infecting their healthy
partners. Symptoms usually occur at an advanced / late stage.
 Ignorance factor
 Low education can also trigger venereal disease.
 Excessive use of cigarettes and alcohol and illegal drugs
 As we know, alcohol and cigarettes can calm the mind but also eliminate consciousness. This can
make someone feel confused and not clear mind when taking actions / decisions. Similarly,
drugs, where one's mind becomes uncontrolled and he can do things that are possible if he is in
a conscious state, he will not do.
 Living in an environment with a high prevalence of PMS
 When someone lives in a community with a high prevalence, when having sex with people in
that community, he will be more vulnerable to infection with STDs.
Referensi : Djuanda, Adhi, dkk. 2007. Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin Ed.5. Jakarta: Fakultas
Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. 369-380

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