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THE NERVOUS SYSTEM controls all the bodily activities and behavioral responses. It is made up
namely of neuron nerve cells which numbered about one hundred billion.

2 Main Divisions of the Nervous System

1. Central nervous system consist of the brain and spinal cord

 Spinal cord – functions primarily as an information pathway. Concerned with the
transmission of messages toward the brain to the muscles and glands.
 Brain – integrates and controls most of the involuntary activities of the body. Such
involuntary activities are heart beat, breathing, temperature control, controls the muscle
of the eye.

2. Peripheral nervous system consists of neurons that are not in either the spinal cord or the brain.

Divided into two systems:

 Somatic nervous system includes all the neurons connected with muscles, sense organs, and skin.
When we decide to get up, to walk, to move any part of our body, the somatic nervous system
transmits the order from our brain.
 Autonomic nervous system (or involuntary nervous system) is concerned with the regulation of
involuntary activities like breathing, heart rate, salivary secretion, etc. is divided into the
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic involved in getting the body
ready for action. It activates various mechanisms, heightens arousal and generally speeds up
bodily processes. The parasympathetic, when this system is activated the body quiets down,
relaxes and generally becomes more at rest.

NEURON OR NERVE CELL is the basic unit of the nervous system.

Structure of a Typical Neuron

Axons carry signals or messages away from the cell body.

Dendrites carry signals or messages toward the cell body.
The cell body is the structure found at the nucleus of the neuron. In
which nucleus contains DNA or RNA and responsible for growth
and reproduction.
Nerve ending sense stimuli originating outside the body. What we
feel the world around us. Sensing what is going on around you.

THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM is another biological system controlling man’s behavior. This system is
made up of glands that produce and secrete hormones, chemical substance produced that regulate the
activity of cell or organs.

Hormones are chemical substances which are produced by the endocrine glands. These hormones regulate
the person’s metabolism or physiological functions.

Major Glands of Endocrine System

Endocrine Gland Location Hormone Function

Base of the brain, Growth hormone Causes the growth of many
attached to the tissues including bones and
Pituitary gland hypothalamus muscles.

Follicle Stimulating Initiate in forming the egg or

sperm of the ovaries and testes.
Causes the maturation of the
Luteinizing egg or sperm in males and
Antidiuretic Controls the water loss in the
Oxytocin Contracts the uterus during
Pineal gland (also Back of the brainstem Melatonin Regulates sleep-wake cycle
called as “third
Paratyhroid Gland Parathormone Controls the level of calcium in
the blood.
Thyroxine and Help maintains a normal blood
Thyroid gland Base of the throat Idiothyroxine pressure, heart rate, and
digestion and muscle tone.

Cortex secretes stress Regulates moods, energy level

Top of each kidney hormone (cortisol) and ability to cope with stress
Adrenal glands Outer layer – cortex Medulla secretes
Inner layer-medulla emergency hormone(

Testes for male Testosterone for male Responsible for the appearance
Ovaries for female of secondary characteristics of
Sex glands male such as growth of sexual
development, facial hair or
pubic hair.
Develop the appareance of
Estrogen secondary characteristics of
female such breast growth.
Involved in the reproductive
Progesterone functions such as menstruation
or pregnancy.

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