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Submitted to – Mr. SOHAN DAMODAR

Submitted by – PREETI PARMAR

SESSION : 2019-20
This is to certify that PREETI PARMAR of
class 12th B biology has successfully
completed her PHYSICS project . She has
taken proper care and shown utmost
sincerity in completion of this project.


………………………. …………………………

ExTERNAL’S sign school stamp

I hereby declare that this project , with
the exceptional guidance and
suggestions from my physics
teacher, Mr. SOHAN DAMODAR , is
an unaided work of mine , it was carried
work of
mine and also carried out in the physics
in the academic
Session 2019-20

12TH B
I would like to convey my heartfelt
thanks to our school principal
MR. P.K. TIWARI who gave us this
opportunity , my PHYSICS teacher
who always gave valuable suggestions
and guidance of completion
Of my project. He has been a source of
inspiration during the completion of my
project work . He help me to understand
and remember important details of the

A.C. Generator is a device

which is used to convert the
mechanical energy in to
electrical energy is called
electric generator.
Principle of A.C.

It is based on the principle of

electro magnetic induction.
When a coil rotated about on
axis perpendicular to the
direction of uniform magnetic
field, an induced e.m.f is
produced across it.
The A.C. Generator is consist of four main parts :


A rectangular coil ABCD consist of a large
number of turns of copper bound over a
soft iron core is called armature. The soft
iron core is used to increase the magnetic


It is usually a permanent sponge magnet
having concave poles. The armature is
rotated of a magnet so that axis of the
armature is perpendicular to magnetic field
Slip rings are the magnetic rings which are
connected in the terminal of the armature.
These rings are rotated with the coil and
these are use to draw the current from the

The brushes B1 & B2 are just touch the slip
rings. They are not rotating with the coil
and these brushes leads to the output of
load resistance.
Working of AC generator:

The coil is rotated in anti-clock wide

direction. In the first half rotation the arm
AB is moving outward and CD is moving
inward. So the e.m.f. is induced in the arm
AB from A to B. And in the arm CD from C to
D. After half rotation (in the second half).
The arm CD is moving outward and AB is
moving inward. In this time current is
induced in arm CD from D to C. And in arm
AB from B to A. In the second half rotation
the current direction is changing so in this
generator AC is produced.
Expression for Instantaneous e.m.f. Produced :

Let position of the coil at any time t. It's make angleϴ an

angle with vertical. If ω is uniform angular speed of the

Then ϴ = ωt

B be the strength of magnetic field n

be the number of turns in the coil and A area of the
coil then magnetic flux with the coil in this position
is given by :
φ = nBA Cosϴ= nBA Cosϴt.
differentiate w.r.t. time.
= d φ/dt nBA (-Sin ωt) ω
= dφ/dt -nBA ω Sin ωt
ϵ = -dφ/dt = -(-nBA ω Sin ωt)
maximum value of e.m.f. say ϵ0

ϵ = ϵ Sinωt.

Expression for Instantaneous e.m.f. Produced :

Let position of the coil at any time t. It's make angle
q an angle with vertical. If w is uniform angular
speed of the coil.
Then q = wt
B be the strength of magnetic field n
be the number of turns in the coil and A area of the
coil then magnetic flux with the coil in this position
is given by :
f = nBA Cos q = nBA Cos wt
differentiate w.r.t. time
= nBA (-Sin wt) w
= -nBA w Sin wt
e = = -(-nBA w Sin wt)
maximum value of e.m.f. says e0
e = e0 Sin wt.

Advantages of AC Generator
1.The design is simple.
2.Less maintenance.
3.Losses are less
4.Less size.

1.These are used in power plants for

generation and also during transmission,
and distribution.

2.Aircraft auxiliary power generation,

wind generators, high speed gas turbine

3.Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) drive

systems , automotive starter generators.
4.An AC generator is used to produce ac
voltages for transmission via the grid
system or locally as portable generators

5.All of our household appliances runs

on ac refrigerators, washing
machine, lights, fans etc.
6. The main advantage ac is ease of
power distribution. It is more efficient to
use high voltage to distribute power, but
it is not safe to have high voltage at
home. It is easy to step up &down AC
voltage using a transformer.

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