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The message that I want to send is simple:

We are that in which we consistently do.

We must become the monster and go the places we don’t want to go, to find that in which we are
looking for.

Don’t focus on the push up, focus on putting on the clothes to go to the gym. The entry point is the
hardest part, once you master it, the habit will follow naturally.

Make the thing you want to do easier and make the thing you don’t want to do harder.

Reward yourself properly for that dopamine after you’ve done what you wanted to do.

Join a community, societal pressure influences behavior.

Treat yourself like you would your favorite puppy or something you have to take care of.

The more you hear something, the more you believe it. The more you think something, the more you
will manifest it.

Notice your thoughts, rebut the bad one’s by asking what evidence or what are they based on.

Constantly make your own thoughts, positive one’s because happiness is created not owned.

You are your own worst enemy, and the only solution. Look at your enemy and predict their next move.

Set easily obtainable goals.

Find the things you can change about yourself, and fix them.

You are enough, you are loved.

With your presence, with your body, and with your mind set the environment of what you want the
world to see.

Be appreciative of what you have, look on that and you will find what you are looking for, train your
brain to look for the good in life, praise yourself when you do something right.

Rejection/failure is not an assessment of yourself, but a step on the path to where you want to go.

Reach out to people, we are social creatures and we want to be help and be loved.

Do something that allows you to be creative (create more than you consume).

Believe in yourself, that no matter what happens, you will land on your feet.

Practice makes perfect.

Be comfortable being the worst person in the room.

Anything worth doing is worth doing badly.

You are the captain of your ship.

To drown yourself with someone else, doesn’t make you nice, just unwise. Do not confuse being nice
with giving into people’s wills.

Have a routine, set order. Anxiety comes from not knowing and chaos. Learn and order.

See something new.

See a thought, acknowledge it and let it pass.

Monitor what you put into your mind, whether it be music or television, be mindful.

Slowing down is sometimes the faster way to get to where you need to go.

The more you judge someone, the less time you have to love them. To observe without judgement. To
have power without control.

Everyone knows something that you don’t.

Understand tragedy versus hell. Tragedy is that in which you can’t control, and hell is that in which you
can but aren’t.

The world is battlefield. To not fight, is not an option. You are already at war, pick up your weapon and
fight to survive.

All of man’s problems stem from not being able to be alone in a room with themselves.

You can’t get the gold without slaying the dragon.

You must believe that the path you on will lead you to where you want to go, so when it doesn’t yield
results, you won’t yield.

When you engage with someone, be present, learn with them and grow.

Have people in your life that you can invite them anywhere without reprehension.

The most important thing is consistency.

Courage comes from knowing everything will be okay.

Know whether your depression/stress/sadness comes from within, from outside, or from things in which
you can’t control. Don’t let it control your decisions.

It hurts more to not do the thing you are supposed to be doing versus otherwise.

Find your motives.

Tie yourself to a rock and deep dive.

Show appreciation and find something that you actually want.

Stop hiding, stop pretending to be something you are not, you are a dragon, so be a dragon. It doesn’t
make you a bad person for being yourself, it means you are focused, consistent, and honest.

You must stand.

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