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Ethics. What is it? And what does it means to me?

To say it simply,

ethics is a logical understanding of what is right and wrong based on what

should be the action of a certain individual whether it is based on fairness,

virtue, obligation, or law.

Ethics should be considered a major and continuous effort in our own

moral beliefs, to make us a better person. However, I wonder, what does it

mean to others? If asked to a highly scholastic person that has encountered

the many pillars of ethics, the answer will eventually be in-depth where ethics

will be divided among many schools and every action is scrutinized to fit in

one’s description. From relativism to utilitarianism to Universalist where ethics

is defined in many forms like moral values being discovered instead of

created. Where the acts should be considered moral when only it produces

greater good for the greatest number of people or instead of feeling nor

reason ethics should come from a very special connection we call intuition. Or

maybe ethics that is morality coming not from universal principle but the very

basic unit of society which is the family we call home. How about people

being naturally evil and the only reason to become moral is to rise above? Or
to say it at the very least, ethics can be found on the golden rule which says

do unto others as you would like done to you. Or it was Kant? The same Kant

who believed that truth should be discovered through reason. How about

Hume who somehow opposes Kant by saying that reason cannot give us

ethical truths, but the feeling and passion?

Anyway, more often than not, as I believe in all these things, I always

feel that my morality is based on my religious foundation. Using the

commandments of the bible and the learning from the stories like Cain and

Abel, and Adam and Eve form part of my ethical beliefs just like treat others

as you would like to be treated. To quote W.D. Ross, one should not get

tangled up in ethical theory and confused by moral speculation. So basically

we know what is right and what is wrong. We need not make our efforts futile

by being wrapped up in all these learnings and forget to apply with our daily


And now we ask. What does it mean to those who live simply and

cannot go to school and eventually learn ethics like us? How do they live and

make themselves a better person every day?

I live in a gloomy town where everyone minds their own business.

Living their life the same way every day, like a cycle, were breaking free

means no meal for a day. It’s far beyond the normal life of a normal individual

but to them grinding is surviving.

So going back? What is ethics to them? No one could truly define the

said word in exact meaning the way it requires, but the common answer

always comes close. If not, ethics or morality is doing your best every day so

long as you do not step on others. So simple yet so meaningful.

That is why, whether ethics is taught in school or by experience. We

should always aspire to be better than what we are yesterday. Strive hard to

do more good than harm. And for us law students; strive to become an

alternative lawyer. Think of a bigger reason to become one because when

your reason becomes bigger than yourself. Law school might just get easier

and the struggles will become less of a worry. And one day the world might

just be a better place.

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