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Part I Directions​: When reading the two online articles, 'The Slaves Dread New Year's Day the

Worst': The Grim History of January 1’ and “The Slaves’ New Year’s Day,” from Incidents in the
Life of A Slave Girl”, think about how the author’s perspectives and messages are similar and/or
different. While you read, apply a structured annotation strategy to help monitor your
understanding of the texts. For example, in your Reader’s Notebook, you might take important
notes using CCVSRQ (​C​larify, ​C​onnect,​ V​isualize, ​S​ummarize, ​R​espond, ​Q​uestion) or SNOTS
(jotting, listing, or bulleting facts) to highlight important information presented.

Part II Directions
Unit 4 Launch: Choice Board
● In your Reader’s Notebook, create a ● In your Reader’s Notebook, create a
Double-Bubble Thinking Map Triple- Entry Journal for both articles
with ​3​ columns
● Self-select ​3​ of the below author’s craft ● Label the columns as:
features presented in both articles to ○ Text (sentence/line)
compare and contrast in your ○ Signp0st: Contradiction (what
Double-Bubble: expectation (rationale) does
the text (sentence/line)
○ Key ideas (facts, main contradict (based off of my
ideas/points) background knowledge)?
○ Author’s purpose
○ Point of View Example Sentence Stems using Academic
○ Summary (20-word GIST, Language Scripts​:
○ Text structure I think the text suggests…
○ Author’s messages/theme In my opinion, this contradicts the
expectation that ...

○ Inference
Why does this matter or how
does this change my
interpretation of the text?

Student Learning Targets/Success Criteria:

-I can establish purpose for reading assigned and self-selected texts 8.5(A)
-I can make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts and society 8.5(E)
-I can synthesize information to create new understanding 8.5(H)
-I can make inferences and use evidence to support understanding 8.5(F)
-I can monitor comprehension and make adjustments such as re-reading, using background knowledge,
asking questions, and annotating when understanding breaks down 8.5(I)
-I can evaluate details read to determine key ideas 8.5(G)

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